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Quarter 2, Week 3

(Computer Programming Java)
Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 – LO 3

Produce Output/Data Using

Computer System


J/SHS Computer Programming Java Grade 12
Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE/TVL Activity Sheet

Writer: Jonh Rey S. Necesito

Reviewer/Editor: Edward E. Baña

Layout Artist:

Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:

Schubert Anthony C. Sialongo
Edward E. Baña
Allan B. Montenegto
Michelle P. Jordan
Ma. Fathie B. Bangcaya
Division of Antique Management Team:
Felisa B. Beriong, CESO VI
Corazon C. Tingson
Gaudencio C. Riego, PhD
Schubert Anthony C. Sialongo
Edward E. Baña
Regional Management Team
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma,
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana,
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga,
Mr. Donald T. Genine,
(Learning Area EPS)
Introductory Message
Welcome to Computer Programming Java Grade 12

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Antique and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Computer Programming Java Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the
leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will
be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent

For the learner:

The Computer Programming Java Activity Sheet is developed to help you

continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you
with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
(For Computer Programming Java)

Name of Learner:_________________________ Grade &Section:______________

Date: ______________


Produce Output/Data Using Computer System

I. Learning Competency with Code

Produce output/data using computer system

a. Transfer files and data between compatible systems using computer software
and hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating

II. Background Information for Learners

Memory is required in computers to store data and instructions. Memory is physically

organized as a large number of cells that are capable of storing one bit each. Logically they
are organized as groups of bits called words that are assigned an address. Data and
instructions are accessed through these memory address. The speed with which these
memory addresses can be accessed determines the cost of the memory. The faster the
memory speed, the higher the price.
You know that processor memory, also known as primary memory, is expensive as
well as limited. The faster primary memory are also volatile. If we need to store large
amount of data or programs permanently, we need a cheaper and permanent memory.
Such memory is called secondary memory.
Transferring files made easy using computer or smartphone. In this lesson, you will
know the steps on how to transfer files from one device to another.

Read information about storage devices and basic categories of memory.

Computer Memory refers to storage area where data is stored. It is of two types:

 Primary Memory
 Secondary Memory

Primary Memory
Primary memory is the main memory of computer present in motherboard. Primary memory
is of two types as shown in the image below.

Random Access Memory

RAM is referred as temporary memory, in which, information stored is lost once computer is
turned off. It is a volatile memory. Instructions written in this memory can be modified;
hence it is also known as programmable memory. The two types of RAM are Static
RAM (faster and costlier) and Dynamic RAM.
Functions of RAM
 It stores data till it gets processed.
 It stores instructions for data processing.
 It acts as a working space where data processing takes place and intermediate
results are stored.
 It stores processed data/results before it is sent to output devices.

Read Only Memory

ROM is referred as permanent memory, in which information stored is available even if
computer is turned off. Instructions stored in this memory can only be read and cannot be
modified. Mostly ROM has a start-up instruction which is executed every time when
computer is switched on. Types of ROM are PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory),
EPROM (Erasable PROM), EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM) and flash memory.

Major Differences between RAM and ROM


1 It is volatile memory. It is non-volatile memory.

2 The contents are temporary; data is The contents are permanent; data is not lost
lost when electricity supply is lost. even when power is switched off.

3 Available in small storage capacity. Available in high storage capacity.

4 Processing speed is high. Processing speed is low.

5 User-defined programs can be stored. Generally, operating system supporting
programs can be stored.

6 Cost is very high. Cost effective.

7 It is of two types, SRAM and DRAM. It comes in different types such as PROM,
EPROM, EEPROM and flash memory.

Secondary Memory
Sometimes when data to be processed is large, it cannot fit in primary memory as it
is limited, in such cases, we use supplement memory or secondary memory. Secondary
memory helps to store information permanently and is non-volatile. Examples of secondary
storage memory are compact disk, floppy disk, pen drive, external hard drive, etc.

Computer Storage Structure

Computer Storage contains many computer components that are used to store data. It is
traditionally divided into primary storage, secondary storage and tertiary storage.

Primary Storage
Primary storage is also known as the main memory and is the memory directly accessible by
the CPU. Some primary storage devices are −

 ROM. ROM is Read Only Memory. This memory cannot be changed, it can only be
read as required. Since ROM is unchangeable memory, it is used by data and
programs that are frequently required and seldom changed, like the system boot

 RAM. RAM is random access memory. It is volatile i.e. the data in RAM is lost when
the power is switched off. RAM is the major form of primary memory as it is quite
fast. However, it is also quite expensive.

 Cache Memory. Cache is used to store data and instructions that are frequently
required by the CPU so it doesn't have to search them in the main memory. This is a
small memory that is also very fast.

Secondary Storage
Secondary or external storage is not directly accessible by the CPU. The data from
secondary storage needs to be brought into the primary storage before the CPU can use it.
Secondary storage contains a large amount of data permanently. The different types of
secondary storage devices are:

 Hard Disk
Hard disks are the most widely used secondary storage devices. They are round,
flat pieces of metal covered with magnetic oxide. They are available in many sizes
ranging from 1 to 14-inch diameter. It also comes with the external type which can
be connected to the computer through USB cable.
 Floppy Disk
They are flexible plastic discs which can bend, coated with magnetic oxide and are
covered with a plastic cover to provide protection. Floppy disks are also known as
floppies and diskettes. This storage device is already phase out.
 Memory Card
This has similar functionality to a flash drive but is in a card shape. It can easily plug
into a port and removed after its work is done. A memory card is available in various
sizes such as 8MB, 16MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, and at present it can reach up to
64 GB or more.

 Flash Drive
This is also known as a pen drive. It helps in easy transportation of data from one
system to another. A pen drive is quite compact and comes with various features
and designs. It is widely used because it is easy to carry.
 CD Drive
CD stands for Compact Disk. CDs are circular disks that use optical rays, usually
lasers, to read and write data. They are very cheap as you can get 700 MB of
storage space. CDs are inserted in CD drives built into system unit. They are
portable as you can eject the drive, remove the CD and carry it with you. There are
three types of CDs:
o CD-ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory) − The data on these CDs
are recorded by the manufacturer. Proprietary Software, audio or video are
released on CD-ROMs.
o CD-R (Compact Disk – Recordable) − Data can be written by the user
once on the CD-R. It cannot be deleted or modified later.
o CD-RW (Compact Disk – Rewritable) − Data can be written and deleted on
these optical disks again and again.

 DVD Drive
DVD stands for Digital Video Display. DVD are optical devices that can store 15
times the data held by CDs. They are usually used to store rich multimedia files that
need high storage capacity. DVDs also come in three varieties – read only,
recordable and rewritable.

 Blu Ray Disk

Blu Ray Disk (BD) is an optical storage media used to store high definition (HD)
video and other multimedia filed. BD uses shorter wavelength laser as compared to
CD/DVD. This enables writing arm to focus more tightly on the disk and hence pack
in more data. BDs can store up to 128 GB data.

Tertiary Storage
This provides a third level of storage. Most of the rarely used data is archived in tertiary
storage as it is even slower than primary storage. Tertiary storage stores a large amount of
data that is handled and retrieved by machines, not humans. The different tertiary storage
devices are:

 Tape Libraries
These may contain one or more tape drives, a barcode reader for the tapes and a
robot to load the tapes. The capacity of these tape libraries is more than a thousand
times that of hard drives and so they are useful for storing large amounts of data.
 Optical Jukeboxes
These are storage devices that can handle optical disks and provide tertiary storage
ranging from terabytes to petabytes. They can also be called optical disk libraries,
robotic drives etc.

Computer Storage Notations

There are several storage notations. These are given in detail as follows:

 Bit
A bit is the smallest unit of memory storage. It can contain either 0 or 1. The value of
a bit is usually displayed by a low and high in electrical discharge for 0 and 1

 Nibble
The nibble contains 4 bits. It can also be represented as half a byte.
1 Nibble = 4 Bits

 Byte (B)
A byte is formed of 8 bits. It is used to store the value of characters, special symbols
1 Byte = 8 Bits

 Kilobyte (KB)
A kilobyte is approximately 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes to be more precise. (2 to the
10th power)
1 KB = 1024 Bytes

 Megabyte (MB)
A Megabyte is 1024 Kilobytes or 10,48,576 Bytes.
1 MB = 1024 KB

 Gigabyte (GB)
A Gigabyte is roughly a billion bytes or 1024 MB.
1 GB = 1024 MB

 Terabyte (TB)
A Terabyte is 1024 Gigabytes.
1 TB = 1024 GB

How to Transfer Files in Computer to Peripherals like Flash Drive, External Hard Disk,
Memory Card

Step 1
Insert your flash drive, external hard disk or memory card to USB port of your computer.
Step 2
Go to the location of the file you want to copy or transfer. Right click the file and choose
Copy or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C.

Step 3:
Locate your flash drive, external hard disk or memory card and open it. Right click to the
folders or anywhere you want to save the file and choose Paste or you can use the keyboard
shortcut CTRL + V.

How to Burn and Edit Files on a CD/DVD using Windows 10

Step 1
Insert a blank DVD-R or CD-R disc into your CD
Drive or External CD/DVD Writer. A burn disc
wizard will appear on the screen, after which give
the disc a title, then choose the option Like a USB
flash drive. This option is the best choice since it
will have better compatibility with older versions of

Step 2. Click Next button then wait while the disc is preparing for use.

Step 3. Browse your files that you would like to add to the disc, then click Start > File
Explorer > This PC and open the drive containing your DVD-R or CD-R. Then drag and drop
any files you want to write to the disc.
Step 4. When complete, click the Manage tab and then Eject. Now you can manipulate and
edit your files like you would on a standard USB drive.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites (With Possible

Materials for experiments/activities)

Computer Storage Structure (n.d.). Retrieved from
Basics of Computer – Primary Memory (n.d.). Retrieved from

Basics of Computer – Secondary Memory (n.d.). Retrieved from

IV. Activity Proper

1. Exercises / Activities
A. Multiple Choice. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A memory that stores data or information permanently.
a. Cache Memory b. RAM C. Secondary d. ROM
2. A type of memory that stores data or information but get lost when the computer is
turned off.
a. Cache Memory b. RAM C. Secondary d. ROM
3. This storage device is light, portable and easy to carry.
a. CD b. DVD c. Hard Disk d. Pen Drive
4. If you want to store high definition video, what storage device are you going to use?
a. CD b. DVD c. Blu Ray d. Pen Drive
5. This storage device can store up to 700 MB only.
a. CD b. DVD c. Blu Ray d. Pen Drive
6. This is used to store data and instructions frequently required by CPU.
a. RAM b. ROM c. Cache d. Secondary
7. An optical storage media used to store HD videos.
a. CD b. Blu-ray c. DVD d. Hard Disk
8. A storage for rarely used and large amount of data and serves as archiving library.
a. Primary Storage b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Memory
9. How many bits are there in 1 byte?
a. 4 bits b. 8 bits c. 12 bits d. 16 bits
10. One gigabyte is equivalent to how many MB?
a. 1000MB b. 1024 MB c. 1204MB d. 1500MB

B. Identification. Identify the following statements either RAM or ROM.

11. The contents are permanent.
12. Cost is very high.
13. It is volatile memory.
14. Available in small storage capacity.
15. Cost effective.

C. Activity
Option 1: “Playlist ng Buhay Ko”
For those with laptop or desktop, create a playlist of your favorite songs and burn it in
CD or DVD. After which, enumerate the steps that you have performed in burning files
to your CD/DVD.

Option 2: “Collage Ko, Share Ko”

For those with smartphone, create a collage of your best pictures available and send it
to your teacher. Enumerate steps on how you share files like picture from your device
to other.

Option 3: “Poster Show”

For those with no available devices, create a poster about how files are being
transferred from one device to the other.

D. Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Excellent Very Good Fair
10-9 Satisfactory 6-5 4-1
Final Output The output is The output is The output is The output
unique, very good, quite good, needs
demonstrates shows creativity less organized improvement
creativity, well- and organized but quite
organized, and irrelevant
Steps The steps Presented steps Presented Not clear steps
Performed presented are in general way steps but
detailed and needs
correct improvement

E. Guide Questions
1. Enumerate the importance of storage devices
2. Refer to your output. What option did you perform? Why did you chose that activity or
V. Reflection (Provide reflection guide question)
1. What insights have you gained from your activity/output?
2. What significant values have you developed while doing your activity/output?

3. What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

VI. Answer Key

Multiple Choice Identification

1. d 11. ROM
2. b 12. RAM
3. d 13. RAM
4. c 14. ROM
5. a 15. ROM
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. b

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