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K-1/2110 7380/N


Paper-AP 2.1.2


Time Allowed 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt any four questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Attempt all parts.

i) Describe Delta Dirac representation for a dipole.
ii) Write Poisson’s and Laplace equations.
iii) What do you mean by inconsistency of Ampere’s law?
iv) What is depth of penetration? Write its expression?
v) Differentiate between current element and dipole antenna.
vi) Write expressions for the radiation resistance for dipole antenna and monopole
vii) Write the expression for centrifugal and coriolis force in cylindrical coordinates for
charged particle motion.
viii) Write types of polarizations in a dielectric material.
ix) What is permittivity and permeability concept? Write in brief.
x) Write the expression for attenuation coefficient and Q value of a wave guides.

2. (a) State and prove Divergence theorem.

(b) Derive an expression for the energy stored in electric field.

3. Attempt any two of the following:

(a) Ampere’s force law.
(b) Physical significance of Maxwell’s equations.
(c) Detailed description of boundary conditions at the and across the boundary surface.

4. Derive an expression for reflection and transmission coefficients for a perfect dielectric
in oblique incidence.

5. Derive expressions for electric field and current flow within a conductor.

6. Describe electric and magnetic field equations in TE waves in rectangular wave guide
and also sketch them.

7. What are Plasma oscillations and describe the characteristics of wave propagation in

8. Drive an expression for the electromagnetic field close to an antenna.

9. Attempt any two of the following:

(a) Reciprocity Theorem
(b) Antenna gain
(c) Directional properties of dipole antenna.

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