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Contents Page ‘Acknowledgements 2 ‘About this manual 2 Use of English 4 Introduction to the Porsche 911 5 Buying spare perts end vehicle identification numbers 8 Routine maintenence ° Jacking and towing " Recommended lubricants 2 Chapter 1 Engine 13 CChopter 2 Fuel and exhaust eystems 49 Chapter 3 Ignition system 80 CChepter 4 Clutch 88 Chapter 5 Port 1 Manual transmission os Chapter 6 Part 2 Sportomatic transmission 126 Chapter 6 Roar suspension and driveshafts 148 Chapter 7 Front suspension and steering 156 Chapter 8 Braking eystem, wheels and tyres ve CChopter 9 Electrical system 192 CChepter 10 Bodywork and fitings 234 Cheptar 11 Supploment: Revisions and information en later modela 249 Conversion factors 338 Sofay ist 339 Index 340

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