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Labor simply means physical toil, especially if done in ➢ Management

exchange for wages. Labor may refer to a social class ➢ Employee

comprising those who do manual work for wages. also, labor Termination of Employment by the Company
is one of the four factors of production. ➢ ACTUAL (Termination)
Labor Relations laws, on the other hand, are the laws, rules, ➢ CONSTRUCTIVE (Constructive Dismissal)
and regulations which govern the relationship between Ang “Constructive Dismissal”
employees and their employers, promote the right of the ➢ Ilegal na paraan ng pagtatanggal na kung saan
employees to self-organization and collective bargaining, ginagawang imposible ng Employer ang patuloy na
penalize unfair labor practice, and provide modes for the pamamasukan ng empleyado.
settlement of labor disputes such as conciliation, mediation, ➢ Pagbibigay ng trabaho na wala sa kapasidad ng
grievance machinery, voluntary arbitration, and compulsory empleyado.
arbitration. ➢ Pagbawas ng suweldo, ranggo o benepisyo.
Labor relations can refer. broadly to any dealings between Termination of employment by employee
management and workers about employment conditions. But 1. Resignation
these days, this has become a burning issue consisting of the ➢ Karaniwang nakasulat ngunit walang nakatakdang
relationship between workers, employers, and social porma.
environment of the organization. ➢ Puwedeng bawiin habang hindi pa tinatanggap ng
A CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY BASES OF LABOR ➢ Dapat malinaw ang patunay na ang empleyado ay wala nang
RELATIONS balak bumalik sa trabaho.
Competing Interest
Under the 1967 Philippine Constitution, the provisions for 1. Security of Tenure
labor, particularly the protection far the working clon, ore ➢ Guaranteed by the constitution and Law (Labore Code)
numerous and explicit ➢ Employee can only be dismissed for cause.
1. The Constitution provides that the State shall afford full 2. Management Prerogative
protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and ➢ To hire and fire
unorganized, and promote full employment and equality of ➢ Must be reasonable
employment opportunities for all ➢ Must be exercised in good faith
2. It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self- Sources of Grounds for Employee Discipline and Termination
organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and 1. Law (Arts. 282, 283 and 284 of the Labor Code)
peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in 2. Contract
accordance with law. a. CBA
3. They shall be entitled to security of tenure, humane b. Employment Contract
conditions of work, and a living wage. 3. Company Rules and Regulations
4. They shall also participate in policy and decision-making Company Rules and Regulations
processes affecting their rights and benefits as may be ➢ Employee has duty to obey
provided by law ➢ Disobedience/violation of rules gives right to employer to
5. The State shall promote the principle of shared discipline the employee.
compatibility between workers and employers and the ➢ Must be reasonable
preferential use of voluntary modes in settling disputes, ➢ Employee must be notified
including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual When an Employee is Illegally Terminated, He has the Right
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace to:
6. The State shall regulate the relations between workers and ➢ Reinstatement
employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in ➢ Back wages
the fruits of production and the right of enterprises to ➢ Damages
reasonable returns to investments, and to expansion and ➢ Attorney’s Fee
The Authority to hire and to fire or dismiss employees is part ➢ Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duty
of the management prerogatives that the employers have ➢ Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust; Loss of Confidence
under the laws and jurisprudence. ➢ Commission of a Crime or Offense by Employee
Hiring an employee the employer has a wide latitude and ➢ Other Analogous Cases
elbow room to set criteria for choosing who to hire. However, 1. SERIOUS MISCONDUCT
in hiring an employee, the employer does not and cannot ➢ Must be of grave and aggravated character
enjoy the same prerogatives because the employees has the ➢ Must be in connection with the employee’s work
right to be protected and there are laws that the employer ➢ Must show that the employee has become unfit to
should comply with. continue working.
DUE PROCESS and EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE Example of serious misconduct
DUE PROCESS ➢ Pambabastos sa Employer
➢ Substantive Due Process - cause ➢ Pang-aaway sa kapwa empleyado o sa loob ng
➢ Procedural Due Process – Opportunity to be heard pinagtatrabahuhan
Who can terminate?
➢ Paninira ng gamit ng kumpanya
➢ Mga gawaing imoral o “scandalous” sa loob ng Termination of Employment Process
pinagtatrabahuhan. Knowledge of Cause -> “Show Cause” Memo -> Employee’s
2. Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duty Reply -> Formal Investigation -> Decision
➢ Negligence: “want of care” 30 days minimum
➢ Under this provision, the neglect must be both GROSS Attach:
and HABITUAL. :Statements
3. Fraud or Willful Breach of Trust :Other evidence
➢ FRAUD – act, omission or concealment which involves a Attachment:
breach of duty, trust or confidence and which causes Statements
injury to another. :Other evidence
➢ Committed against the employer if requested
➢ Work-related Preventive Suspension is imposed on the employee pending
Examples: formal investigation of a reported violence.
➢ Loss of confidence CONSIDERATIONS:
➢ Conflict of interest Have you conducted an initial fact finding that can be the
➢ Falsification offenses basis for determining the need for preventive suspension?
4. Commission of Crime by the Employee Against: 2. Does the continued presence of the employee being
➢ the person of his employer investigated cause a threat to the
➢ an immediate member of employer’s family ➢ Life or property of the employer?
➢ Employer’s duly authorized representative (e.g. Manager ➢ Life or property of a co-employer
or supervisor) 3. Remember:
5. “ Other Analogous Causes” ➢ Preventive suspension cannot exceed 30 days
➢ A “catch –all” provision for Just Cause ➢ Must be accompanied by written notice
➢ Must have an element similar to those found in the MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVE
specific just causes enumerated The right of an employer to regulate all aspects of
➢ Must show fault or culpability on the part of the employment, aptly called “management prerogative”, gives
employee. employers the freedom the freedom to regulate, according
Authorized Causes for Termination to their discretion and best judgement, all aspects of
➢ Redundancy employee’s position are “Superfluous” employment, including work assignment, working methods,
because their work is duplicated or unnecessary (e.g. processes to followed, working regulations, transfer of
Installation of labor saving devices, merger of two employees, work supervisions, layoff of workers and
companies, streamlining of operations.) discipline, dismissal, and recall of workers. Among the
➢ Retrenchment Serious and imminent losses force the employers management prerogatives is the right to
employer to let some employees go. prescribe reasoinable rules and regulattions necessary for
➢ Closure/Cessation of Business the employer stops doing the business. disobidence of these rules may result to
business. diciplinary actions or dismissal of the employees.
Kung ang dahilan ng termination ay authorized cause: TWO ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVES
➢ Dapat magbayad ng separation pay ang Employer (year 1. Operational aspect which means the freedom of the
of service x either or month (if redundancy) or ½ month employer to direct the operations of its business as it sees
pay. fit. 2. Personnel Aspect which means the freedom to
➢ Dapat magbigay ng kasulatang paunawa ang Employer prescribe policies and rules regarding personnel actions,
1 buwan bago gawing epektibo ang mga termination. discipline and organization, including the right to HIRE and
Principles of Administrative Due Process FIRE.
1. The right to hearing, which included the right to present OPERARTIONAL ASPECTS
one’s cause and submit evidence in support thereof 1. Impose reasonable conditions for hiring
2. The tribunal must consider the evidence presentation. 2. Determine the size of the workforce.
3. The decision must have something to support itself.
3. Reasonable returns of investment and to expansion and
4. The evidence must be substantial
5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented
at the hearing, or at least contained in the record and 4. Contract out the performance of some of its jobs or
disclosed to the parties affected.
6. The tribunal or body or any of its judges must act on its 5. Reduce his personnel or close his establishment in the
or his own Independent consideration of the law and facts of following cases:
the controversy and not imply accept the view of a Introduction of labor-saving devices results in redundancy:
subordinate in arriving at a decision. Retrenchment is necessary to prevent losses or cessation of
7. The board or body should in all controversial questions, operation of the establishment; and Total closure is justified
render its decision in such a manner that the parties to the due to substantial losses in business operations. Suspend
business operations in case of natural calamities that hit the
proceeding can know the various.
area of operations.
Termination of Employment Process
Punishable Act Or Omission (Charge or Not to Charge or PERSONNEL ASPECT
Preventive Suspension) -> Initial Fact Finding -> ➢ Hire
Formal Investigation -> Decision and Penalty ➢ Fire
➢ Transfer Probationary Hired on a trial period during which the
➢ Promote employer determines his fitness to qualify for regular
➢ Lay-off employment, based on reasonable standards made known to
➢ Lay down policies him at the time of engagement Conditions:
➢ Discipline 1. Probationary Arrangement known by employee at the time
➢ Determine work assignment of engagement:
➢ Determine working structures
2. Reasonable Standards to qualify as regular employee
➢ Determine time, place, manner of work
made known to employee at the time of engagement:
➢ Supervise workers
➢ Regulate Work 3. Period: As stipulated, if justified by the nature of work to
➢ Undertake other mgt actions be performed: 6 mos.(180 days)* if no stipulation.
THE EXERCISE OF MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVES MUST BE: Casual Employee is engaged to perform a job, work or
1. Without abuse of discretion; service, which is merely incidental to the business of the
2. Tempered with compassion and understanding:
Project "Project" refers to a particular job or undertaking that
3. Exercised humanely;
is within the regular or usual business of the employer, but
4. If a penalty, it must be just and commensurate with the which is distinct and separate and identifiable from the
offense committed by the employee undertakings of the company. Such job or undertaking
NATURE OF MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVES begins and ends at determined or determinable times.
Except as limited by special laws, an employer is free to (Tomas Lao Construction v. NLRC) Refers to an employee
regulate, according to his own discretion and judgment, all hired for: Specific project or undertaking, the termination or
aspects of employment, The exercise of management completion determined at the time of engagement. Test a.
prerogatives is discretionary. With in the regular business of employer, should be distinct
and identifiable as such, from the other undertakings of the
company, and begins and ends at determined or
1. The policies should not be contrary to law, public order determinable time, or
and public policies and are not enforced with grave abuse of
Seasonal Work or services are seasonal in nature and the
employment is for the duration of the season. Fixed Term-
2. Pay workers according to the minimum wage law or Hired for a fixed term, and not necessarily in relation to a
contract. In case of contract, it should not be below the specific project or undertaking ex. sales during christmas.
minimum set by law. Sub Contractor/Agency as employee of a subcontractor
3. Observe labor standards laws & social legislations. PROBATIONARY PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT
4. Provide workers with just and humane (safe and healthful) Article 296 of the labor code pravides that probationary
conditions of work. employment shall not exceed 6 months from the date of
RIGHTS are those which an individual has a rightful claim as LONGER PERIOD OF PROBATION by voluntarily agreeing to
a person in relation to his workplace by law. the longer period of probation this can be done how?
PRIVILEGES are those benefits given by the company to a SECURITY OF TENURE
worker which may be taken away by the company at any The right to security of tenure means that a regular
time. employee shall remain employed unless his/her services is
However, it should be emphasized that once these privileges terminated for just or authorized cause and after observance
are incorporated in the CBA, or have been given/practiced of due process of law.
for a long period of time, they automatically become rights Regular: Just or authorized cause+ due process.
of the worker. Probationary: Just/authorized cause+due process; failure to
EMPLOYEE-EMPLOYER RELATIONSHIP in order to establish hurdle reasonable standards; expiration of probationary
employee-employer relationship, the law satisfaction of period
some test. requires the Casual: Just/authorized cause+due process; expiration of
1. Economic Dependency Test the contract; expiration of the service contract or phase
ECONOMIC DEPENDENCY TEST As ruled by the SC, the thereof
determination of the relationship between employer and Project: Just/authorized cause+due process; completion of
employee depends upon the circumstances of the whole the project
economic activity such as the following: Seasonal Fixed Term: Just/authorized cause+due process;
2.THE FOUR FOLD TEST end of season
1. the selection and engagement of the employee. Contractual: No reason required Just/authorized cause+due
2. the payment of wages. process; expiration of the term.

3. the power of dismissal

4. the power of control
Regular engaged to perform activities usually necessary or
desirable in the usual trade or business of employer,
employed for an indefinite term and cannot be dismissed
except for cause & with due process.

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