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Navigating Team Dynamics

Professor Lisa Stefanac

Connecting in / Getting settled
§ Turn off notifications during this learning hour together
§ Be open and ready to dig in
§ Consider having nearby a place to take notes to capture what you are learning

Quick Review

Five Drivers of Team Effectiveness

Key Factors Team Assembly

Team Alignment Meeting Processes

Team Dynamics
Roles are the four basic parts that
people play in conversation.

Systems are different ways of governing Languages are different ways of

the speakers in a conversation. focusing the content in a conversation.

Least visible



Most visible


System System System
Defining the Systems
Closed systems provide structure and predictable order. One
important aspect of structure is clear hierarchy and authority.
Closed systems expect adherence to regulations and policy.
Systems are sets of Decisions are typically made by the people with authority using a
principles or rules that well-defined, set process.
provide a type of order or
structure in teams or
Open systems operate through participative processes that involve
cultures that we can
all stakeholders. The group decides together how to govern itself.
perceive, respond to, and Decisions are typically made by consensus after all voices are
choose to operate in. The heard.
three Systems are Closed,
Open, and Emergent.
Emergent systems support autonomy and provide flexible
structures. Emergent systems provide agility and are adaptive
when experiencing fast changing environments. Decisions are
typically made by the person in the system with the most relevant
expertise or experience.
Defining the Systems
q Structured
q Procedural
q Hierarchical
When systems interact:
l Similar goals tend to
produce harmony Open
q Participative
l Complementary goals keep
q Consensual
a system balanced and
flexible q Cooperative
l Differing goals may produce
clashes Emergent
q Creative
q Improvisational
q Autonomous
Closed System: Words and Associations

Planning – schedule driven Predictable

Efficiency First Structure

Team first over individual Hierarchy

Who’s in and who is out? Clearly defined roles

Value tradition
Closed System: Examples in the World
Open System: Words and Associations
Important to explore other’s needs pa amw
r t ic o
ip a r k a
t io n d
e n
r iv
Individual Team

s -d
s u
n se
Co How do I feel? What do WE
Adapting to
Collective each other

What do I What do WE
need? need?
Seek others’ input Inclusive
Open System: Examples in the World
Emergent System: Words and Associations
Fluid processes Individualistic n ic
lit y
In n o v Agi
a t io n
e n t
Infinite e nd
possibilities n d ep

p t iv e
A d a Freedom
n -s
tru Creativity
c tu
re d

Improvise Explore
Emergent System: Examples in the World
Let’s talk about biases…

System System System
Assessing in Action: The Systems

• Reflect on which Systems you believe you use the most? The least?
• Rank in order on a piece of paper (or in your mind) the three Systems in
sequence from your “most used” to “least used”.
• Share your self-assessment in chat (e.g. Emergent, Open, Closed)
• Think to yourself about examples from both your work and life

Language and System Combos Create Culture
Open Closed Emergent

Emotions are appropriate in place and

Freely express emotions. All emotions are Feelings are in the moment; intimacy is right
intensity; no need to repeat expressed
important; it’s important everyone describe when it’s right; fun and hilarity; emotions can
Care their feelings.
emotions; consistency in emotional
help drive the creative process.
expression; self-control.

Do what works for the situation; consistency

Clear direction and goals to be followed; is hobgoblin of innovation; do your own
Getting things done through others. Teams hierarchy illustrates the distribution of thing; agreements are often not kept
are the functional unit. Decisions are best by influence; chain of command; command and because lose interest; tangents are good
Action consensus. control; measurements of performance with and can inform; working as team slows
feedback. individuals down; lack of predictability in
methods; empowerment

Values of competence such as:

Values of inclusion such as: Democracy,
Results-orientation; effectiveness and
community, people are our most important
efficiency; personal accountability; respect; Values of individual creativity such as:
Meaning asset, focusing on the process reaps
tradition; vision; honoring history; clear roles innovation; freedom; cutting edge; do the
rewards – it is getting things done; Bill of
and responsibilities; continuous quality right thing; perceived as philosophy du jour
Rights; services, responsiveness to market;
improvement; professionalism; no loose
ends; coherence and consistency.

Next Steps for Next Week
§ Notice your System tendencies this week
(see if you can actively choose to shift to
another System that might be equally or
even more productive)
§ Complete Assignment #4 in Canvas
§ Introduce SYSTEMS to at least one
§ Practice ”coding” conversations using the
TeamDOT tool, if available for you


Thank You – see you next week
Lisa Stefanac
• Clinical Associate Professor of Leadership

• Boothie Alum, 2007-2009

• Teaching Interpersonal Dynamics

• 20 years experience in leadership and team

effectiveness consulting, advising and coaching

• Working with VC-backed start-ups and Fortune

50 companies across myriad industries

• Expert in Team Dynamics


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