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1 Training and Certification Regulations

* The MS (Training and Certification) Regulations 1997 (SI 1997/348) -
- are the principal regulations relating to training and certification in accordance with STCW 95 criteria
- give effect in the UK to some of the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping 1978 as amended in 1995 (STCW 95) and its associated STCW Code.
- set out a certification structure for UK merchant ship personnel reflecting the requirements of STCW 95.
- specify the conditions to be satisfied for the issue of certificates of competency and endorsements to those
certificates, for service in UK ships.
- revoke (by regulation 1(2)) the MS (Tankers - Officers and Ratings) Regulations 1984 (SI 1984/94); the MS
(Engine Room Watch Ratings) Regulations 1984 (SI 1984/95); the MS (Navigation Watch Ratings)
Regulations 1984 (SI 1984/96); the MS (Certificates of Proficiency in Survival Craft) Regulations 1984 (SI
1984/97); the MS (Certification of Deck Officers) Regulations 1985 (SI 1985/1306); the MS (Certification of
Marine Engineer Officers and Licensing of Marine Engine Operators) Regulations 1986 (SI 1986/1935); the
MS (Certification of Deck and Marine Engineer Officers and Licensing of Marine Engine Operators)
(Amendment) Regulations 1987 (SI 1987/884); the MS (Certification of Deck Officers and Marine Engineer
Officers) (Amendment) Regulations 1991 (SI 1991/1819); and the MS (Certification of Deck and Marine
Engineer Officers) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/1429).
- are in three parts: Part I: Preliminary (regulations 1 and 2); Part II: Ships (regulations 3 to 21) and Part III:
Hovercraft (regulations 22 to 24). The notes in this section concern only Parts I and II.
- provide for the recognition by the MCA of certificates of other countries which are parties to STCW 95
(regulation 5).
- provide that persons wishing to hold certificates issued under the Regulations must satisfy the appropriate
training and competency requirements specified in Part A of the STCW Code annexed to STCW 95, and that
they must also satisfy any other requirements specified by the MCA (regulations 7, 8 and 9).
- provide for minimum training and qualification requirements for seamen working on tankers (regulation 10)
and ro-ro passenger ships (regulation 11).
- provide for minimum training and qualification requirements for personnel serving on passenger ships other
than ro-ro passenger ships and high speed craft, where such ships are engaged on international voyages
(regulation 11A).
- provide for minimum requirements for the training of personnel on high speed craft constructed after 1
January 1996 which are “ships” (regulation 12).
- are explained in detail in a series of Training and Certification Marine Guidance Notes issued by the MCA (see
* Notwithstanding the revocations made by regulation 1(2) (as detailed above), certificates and licences granted,
endorsements made and standards of competency already met, pursuant to the revoked regulations, and as specified
in MSN 1692, were treated as equivalent to certificates and licences granted, endorsements made and standards of
competency referred to in the new regulations, as provided in MSN 1692, as amended, and accordingly remained of
full validity (subject to revalidation requirements) until 1 February 2002 (regulation 1(3)).
* Interpretations of terms used in the Regulations are in regulation 2.
* For notes on the Training and Certification Regulations, see E02b.1. For notes on Training and Certification
Guidance, see E02c.
Part Subject Current MGN Issue date SBC reference
1 Certificates of competency – General requirements for certification and
medical fitness
MGN 91 Apr 2000 E02c.1
2 Certificates of competency – Deck department MGN 92 Apr 2000 E02c.2
3 Certificates of competency – Engine department MGN 93 Apr 2000 E02c.3
4 Certificates of competency – Radio personnel MGN 214 May 2002 E02c.4
5 Special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ship MGN 95 Apr 2000 E02c.5
6 Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and survival functions MGN 96 Apr 2000 E02c.6
7 Alternative certification – dual certification MGN 7 Apr 2000 E02c.7
8 Education and training schemes MGN 8 Apr 2000 E02c.8
9 Procedure for the issue and revalidation of certificates of competency,
marine engine operator licences and tanker endorsements
MGN 9 Apr 2000 E02c.9
10 Ratings MGN 97 Apr 2000 E02c.10
11 Conduct of MCA oral examinations MGN 69 Apr 2000 E02c.11
12 Safety training for concessionaires working on passenger ships MGN 120 Apr 2000 E02c.12
13 Use of fishing vessel certificates of competency in standby, seismic survey
and oceanographic research vessels – revised arrangements
MGN 121 Apr 2000 E02c.13
14 STCW 95 application to certificates of service MGN 116 Apr 2000 E02c.14
15 Certification of inshore tug personnel MGN 209 Apr 2002 E02c.15
16 Certification of personnel serving on inshore craft (other than tankers of
500gt or over, all tugs and all passenger ships)
MIN 123 Nov 2000 E02c.16
17 Certificates of competency or marine engine operator licences for service as
an engineer officer on commercially and privately operated yachts and sail
training vessels.
MGN 156 Feb 2001 E02c.17
18 STCW 95 certificates of competency – conversion of tonnage limitations -
GRT to gt
MGN 164 Jan 2001 E02c.18
19 Certificates of Equivalent Competency MGN 221 Mar 2003 E02c.19
20 Certificates of Equivalent Competency for fishing vessels MGN 220 Mar 2003 -
21 Deck officer certificates of competency for service on commercially and
privately operated yachts and sail training vessels
MGN 195 Feb 2002 E02c.20

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