HRM Assignment

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Submitted by: Ms.

Aye Thant Thant Linn

EDBAM Batch -24

Human Resource Management Assignment

1. I understand that Human Resource Management is a process of developing and

maintaining the performance level of the employees to achieve the organizational goals in
an efficient and effective manner. It helps bridge the gap between employees and
companies. So that the objective of the each are achieved. It is a very important function
in every company. Without HRM, companies would not be able to effectively improve
and enhance. So, it helps improve the effectiveness of an organization. From improving
company morale and developing methods to ensure high performance standards to
employees and ensuring a company stays within its budget.

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Human Resource Management ..................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction to Sephora ........................................................................................................ 3

3. Business Strategy of Sephora................................................................................................ 4

4. Human Resource Management of Sephora ......................................................................... 4

4.1. Recruitment .................................................................................................................... 4

4.2. Compensation ................................................................................................................. 5

4.2.1. Wages ........................................................................................................................... 5

4.2.2. Annual Leaves ............................................................................................................. 5

4.3. Human Resource Development ..................................................................................... 5

5. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 6

6. References ............................................................................................................................... 7

1. Introduction
1.1. Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the management of human resources. We call it as
Human Resource Management because “Human” refers to the skilled workforce in an
organization, “Resource” refers to limited availability or scarce and “Management” refers how to
optimize and make best use of such limited or scarce resource to meet the organization goals and
objectives (What is Human Resource Management?, n.d.). Therefore, HRM is the process of
managing an organization’s workforce, including tasks such as recruitment, training,
compensation, performance management and employee relations, safety and health. It is the
practice of organizing and managing the people who work for a company or an organization. As
the modern business faces pressure of competition and globalization, the roles responsibilities of
Human Resources managers have transformed completely (Storey, 1999). Now each and every
organization, in order to succeed in the market is in great need to place more emphasis on human
resource managers. This is because of the fact that they are playing a strategic role in this
business world. Here in this research, provide the strategic of Human Resource Management of a
successful cosmetics sales company, Sephora.

2. Introduction to Sephora
The Sephora is the French company which was firstly launched in Paris on August 14, 1969. In
1993, Dominique Manndonnaud tookover the company and merged the product with his own
perfume chain under the Sephora brand. The Manndonnaud provided the self-service in which
the customers can try the product before buying the product. Sephora is a leading company in the
world of beauty which includes global prestige retail, guiding and inspiring clients. The Sephora
follows the retail concept which not only covers the beauty products and perfumes but also
includes the prestigious products in every category, expert service which is unbiased, respective
shopping environment and innovations (Fast Company, 2018).

Sephora is a chain of beauty stores and personal care. The company caters cosmetics, fragrance,
makeup, skincare, bath and body, lip care, hair care products for men and women. The company
deals with the customers through retail stores and the internet (Sephora, 2018).

3. Business Strategy of Sephora
Sephora has their self-owned stores that are very innovatively designed. Their products can be
founded in supermarket in any kind of arrangement. The Sephora Company also has already
present in around 600 locations around USA. Sephora Company also have their own website
where their products can be reviewed and bought by their customers from their online shopping
website. Sephora also has presented their cosmetics products across the major countries of world
including USA, Australia, Malaysia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic and other countries
(Sephora, 2018).

Since Sephora had a variety of product lines that they sell, with 300 sub brands, present, Sephora
offers a range in price for their customers, which includes both for mass collection as well as
some unique high-end products that comfortable with customers’ needs.

Sephora provides brand cosmetics like lipstick, eyeliners, fragrances, make up kits, skincare
products, hair care products. For tangible products, Sephora offer some services which are free to
use Beauty insider that is a membership that allows the members to access the products at a
discounted range and also helps the brand create awareness.

4. Human Resource Management of Sephora

4.1. Recruitment
Recruitment indicated that to be a high performing organization, human resource management
must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job (Mullins, 2016).
For Sephora, their sales associates in their stores are, they look for passion, flexibility, a great
attitude, and a strong inclination toward customer service. Prior experience is helpful, but not
necessary. For management roles, such as their store directors, leadership, great business
acumen, and experience in developing teams is extremely important to them (Sephora Carrers,
n.d.). They have a standard hiring process that may be tweaked according to the roles of
requirements. The process involved resume screening and interview. If hiring manager, they may
choose to add or to remove stages depending on the role they are hiring for. For example, they

use a selection method of assessment centres, group interview, competency or knowledge or
other selection tests of their product and company. They also have an interview feedback where
hiring manager should inform the candidates that they decided to reject them. Also the company
encourage hiring managers to send interview feedback to candidates.

4.2. Compensation
Compensation provides employees with adequate and equitable rewards for their contributions to
meet organizational goals (MESI). The objective of the company compensation is to improve the
performance of employees and convey a message that the company is loyal to employees. There
are several types of compensation that Sephora gives such as:

a. Good salary or wages

b. Annual leaves

4.2.1. Wages
Research shows that monetary factors is the biggest factor that leads to motivate employees. As
like the other companies, Sephora paid their employees based on the employees’ position in the

4.2.2. Annual Leaves

Sephora offers 6 paid Holidays per year which is during New Year's Day, Easter Day, Memorial
Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Holiday pay is subject to
employee being at work for their full shift the days prior and following the holiday. For
employees that did not want to take day off, Sephora allows their employees to work during
holidays and pay them extra income.

4.3. Human Resource Development

The HR Development refers to the organization’s plan to help employees develop their abilities,
skills and knowledge. This process enhances the organization’s efficiency (What is Human
Resource Development(HRD)?, 2023).

In store, Sephora trains on three categories - Perfumes, Skincare, Make-up - to become a beauty
& sales expert. They also give additional training on the "Sephora Attitude", their unique

approach to sales and customer relations. As a department or store manager, an employee will
benefit from a 360° training programme focused on their omni & unique approach to retailing.

In their head offices, an employee will receive support from colleagues, managers and HR teams.
An onboarding seminar will allow to familiarize with their culture, functions and management

Sephora is unifying its global human resources practices in response to the brand’s strong
international growth during the last decade (Your Experience at Sephora, n.d.).

5. Conclusion
The Sephora is the big brand of cosmetic and body care in the world of beauty. In the recent
decades, Sephora created a great impact on the environment and society. Company has taken
steps to reduce the negative impact on the society and environment.

From the above discussion, it is concluded that the managing human resource, the business
strategy and products of the companies are consistent, with the content of marketing and practice
of sustainability. The sustainable managing human resource covers both the aspect of
environmental and social dimensions for the operations of companies. The activities of managing
human resource are not limited in every company, it also covers the degree of sustainability that
integrated into the day to day activities. Every company has a target or goal to satisfy their
customer through the activities, therefore sustainable human resources is the effective tool to
satisfy the customer in the best possible way.

6. References

Fast Company. (2018). Retrieved from


MESI. (n.d.). In EDBAM.

Mullins, L. J. (2016). Management & Organisational Behaviour. England: Pearson.

Sephora. (2018). Retrieved from


Sephora Carrers. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Storey, J. (1999). The Model of HRM.

What is Human Resource Development(HRD)? (2023). Retrieved from

What is Human Resource Management? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Your Experience at Sephora. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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