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Science and Technology

The relationship of science and technology that I understand is they cannot be
separated and they have a mutual relationship.The Science needs technology to do the
task and solve the problems and to create a new technology also apply what science
study or think. And also technology needs science to think of other technologies to
help improve the science and also to upgrade the technology for better use. So both
science and technology need each other, they cannot function if anyone is missing. An
example of this is science or research about the living things and organisms also
viruses. Science needs technology to identify the organism,viruses to know how
control and prevent it and the technology needs science to improve more the
technology in better use.

Science and society

The society is the one who benefited more from science but science came from
individuals or groups in a society. The Society thinks, applies, and solves the Problems
By using science. So therefore they also have a big relationship and cannot be
separated. The example of this is the scientist which came from society in which they
do the science to improve the life of societies.

Technology and Society

Technology and society also have a mutual relationship because society is the
one using it, making technology function and controlling and creating. While
technology helps the society in many aspects like making it easier to do the task or
works and makes the life of society easier and comfortable. For example, the Generator
that makes electricity which helps society improve the life of everyone.

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