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wi Wstast S i et oye IEA he tea so Yous2id the VKC was expensive 1920 computer We sll see per The Helis £400 and = ins $00 a the Re, Meteo Thanks. think the VAC teen parative adlectives pond ‘colder than yesterday, "but tae the Het re ing comparing places # England ta magazine n English or ora iva ie ‘emparin sty ols in vepaa san ede nhs atic wer ae sa tow in Yorkshire. Cirle the conect comparnioe ag aan 2 Beverley, orwomnti parative adjectives. : ruse nero MGT Ge an ert aha lanosrnae meus muchos BE wd raped nm recs mca erence a Sect mcnentcayapercer ean es te | [Simerintwenchmoneponean tte penta week in Beverley at a smaler/more small” language school, Beverey is beautiuler/more beautiful* than “iverpool, and the people were more friendliertiendlier *to me. t's a richer/more rich and cleanericleanner "” i ee ee ee replaces ‘nuch bigger pases sensesneseaeaaase ae | people Comparing people : Danis having breakfast with his 10 year-old daughter Amy and his 4 year-old son, Josh, Use the words in brackets to make phrases with comparative adjectives. Use short forms of the verb be. sie f DAN You're earlier for breakfast *(You/be/eany/or breakfast) today, ‘Amy. Is ita normal dey for you? {AMY No. Mr Brown is teaching us today and tomorow. + (Hesber bad/than) Mr Samson. 2 (Herbe fat, too. WA DAN Fim sure Mr Brown isn't fat, Amy. 7] [ay 2 (Mr Samson/be/nice and funny, and ‘ he/be/inteligent DAN Allyourteachers are intelligent Amy. im sure tsa very aifcultob for Mr Brown, - with a class of 10 year-old kids. Osi + (Be/iudificul/than) your job, Daddy? DAN {don't know. «(think/belucky), because I can work at home. amy Daddy, > (be//pretty/than) the git on Top TV? J0sH + (You/be/sily/than) her! AN Youre both pretty, Amy. Are you ready for schoo!? 05H Yes, But want some more toast, please. oF * (Yourbe/hungry/than) usual this morning, Amy. * t/be/old) today. Dad, do you think Mr Brown AMY Because / eats a lot because he's cold? Adjectives and adverbs | 103

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