Doncaster Decoy South TMP

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

Track Monitoring Plan

Project Title: Doncaster Decoy South

Principal Contractor: Network Rail

Location: Doncaster

Route: East Coast

Prepared by: Approved by: Accepted by:

Abi Theaker
Position: Position: [e.g. CRE] Position: [e.g. DPE / APE]

Signed: Signed: Signed:

Date: 18/07/22 Date: Date:

This document has been produced in accordance with NR/L2/CIV/177: Monitoring of the track over
or adjacent to Construction Works.


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

1. Project Details

Project Name and location Doncaster Decoy South

NR Project Contact Ant Armstrong – Project Manager

Start date of works 23/07/22

(affecting NR Assets)
End date of works 21/08/22
(affecting NR Assets)
Description of the work 3 track 18 way UTX
being undertaken

Where works are to be Works to be completed from Wk17 to Wk22

completed in stages,
provide details here
Will work be completed Possession
during a possession, line
blockage or with the line
open to traffic?

2. Site Details
Track ID
1100, 2100, 3905
Start (miles & yards)
End (miles & yards)
Line speed (mph)
50 – 1100,2100. 25 - 3905
Track Category


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

Details can be found in the sectional appendix or for track category from the local Track
Maintenance Engineer (TME).

3. Responsibility for Day to Day Management of the

Primary Contact

Principal Contractor Network Rail

Name of Representative Mark Knowles
Position Project Engineer
Contact Number 07850327209
Contact email

Secondary Contact

Principal Contractor Network Rail

Name of Deputy Representative Richard Jones
Position Supervisor
Contact Number 07779122017
Contact email

4. Responsibility for carrying out monitoring activities

The individual/company referenced below is responsible for monitoring activities for the
duration of the works.

Company Network Rail

Name Richard Jones
Position Supervisor
Contact Number 07779122017
Contact email

5. Responsibility for the Rectification of Track Faults

Company Network Rail
Name Mark Knowles
Position Project Engineer
Contact Number 07850327209
Contact email

Both of the above responsibilities apply for the duration of the monitoring works


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

6. Baseline Readings
Changes in the gauge, geometry and position of the track need to be determined in accordance with

Pre and post readings will be taken using a cross level to measure cant and twist. 5 point and offset
ruler to measure vertical alignment. Tape to measure horizontal alignment.

The difference in these values will be compared to the baseline values recorded prior to works
commencing. These are recorded in the table below.

7. Affected Network Rail Assets

The following Network Rail assets will be affected by the works being undertaken.

Note: Where specific monitoring is required for the identified assets additional sections should be
added to this TMP and they should be referenced in the table below accordingly.

Affected Asset Location (Miles & Yards) Monitoring Relevant

Required Section of
this TMP
1100 Start: 117.0 If rail temp. 8
End:117.4 exceeds or is
2100 Start: 117.0 close to CRT (W) 8
End: 117.4 a watchman and
3905 Start: 117.0 ESR will be 8
End:117.4 deployed.
Monitoring of
CRT will be done
every day from


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

8. Monitoring Frequency
Following a review of site conditions and the type of works, it is expected that the measurements of
the track and the analysis of the readings will be completed at the following frequency.

Note: NR/L2/CIV/177 identifies the minimum required frequency while works are being carried out.

Stage of Project Frequency NR Week(s) Planned date (dd/mm/yyyy)

From To
Baseline N/A 17 23/07/22 23/07/22

During Works 17-21 23/07/22 21/08/22


Week 1 Daily - Managed 21/22 22/08/22 28/08/22

(following work) through CRT
Management, If
CRT exceeds the
CRT a watchman
and ESR will be
Week 2 Twice a Week – 22/23 29/08/22 04/09/22
(following work) Managed
through CRT
Management (If
CRT still exceeds
past the CRT(W)
monitoring will
still continue)

*Note 8.1 – This frequency is minimum of 4 hours for High Risk sites and every 12 hours for Medium
Risk sites in accordance with NR/L2/CIV/177.

Readings will start from the date at which works with the potential to affect NR assets commence
and, depending on the agreed monitoring requirements for the site, will be carried out during and
continue following completion of works in accordance with NR/L2/CIV/177 (Table 4).

If movement is apparent, any required immediate actions in line with Table 5 will be taken to
maintain the safety of the line'

Where the project is not running to planned dates, monitoring will be carried out at the frequency
appropriate for the stage of the project.


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

9. Fault Level and Mandatory Actions

Minimum fault levels and actions are referenced in NR/L2/CIV/177.

Following a review of the works being undertaken and predicted ground movements the following
trigger levels and mandatory actions have been determined for the duration of the works.

The actions in the table below need to be followed upon reaching the predetermined trigger level.

Note 9.1: Consideration can be given to producing additional trigger levels on top of those detailed in
the table below if they are required for the specific project.


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

Vertical Alignment
Fault Fault
Action (3m)
(Top) (Line) Action Required
Limit Limiting
limiting Limiting
Values** values**
Within allowable

 No mandated Action
 Inform & review with CRE*** should rapid or

<12mm <23mm < 21mm

unexpected movement occur.
 Determine rate of any ongoing movement.

 Inform & review with CRE***

 Determine rate of any ongoing movement & review
23mm 21mm monitoring regime.
(1 in 250)  CRE*** (in liaison with the TME) to dispatch
Fault Team to site within 36-hrs and rectify fault
within 7-days

 Report to TME that ‘TRK/001 Mod 11 Intervention

15mm limit’ is being rectified.
26mm 27mm  CRE*** (in liaison with the TME) to dispatch
(1 in 200)
Fault Team to site within 12hrs and rectify fault
within 36 hours

 Report to TME that ‘TRK/001 Mod 11 Immediate

action limit’ is being rectified.

24mm  Suspend all Site Works & Make Safe

38mm 50mm  CRE*** (in liaison with the TME) to dispatch
(1 in 200)
Fault Team to site immediately to rectify fault.
 CRE*** to review monitoring/ work progress and
Trigger Levels with Site Manager and TME

 Report to TME that ‘TRK/001 Mod 11 Block the


Line Fault’ is being rectified.

 CRE*** will inform the Signaller to "block the line"
33mm Not Not to trains.
(1/90) applicable applicable  Suspend all Site Works and Make Safe.
 CRE*** (in liaison with the TME) to dispatch
Fault Team to site immediately to rectify fault
 'Block the Line' fault being rectified to be reported
to TME


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

10. Critical Rail Temperature

The works being undertaken will affect the track support zone; therefore Critical Rail Temperature
will need to be monitored in accordance with NR/L2/TRK/001/mod14: Managing track in hot

Details of CRT Monitoring Requirements:

Up Main (1100)

SFT: 27°c

CRT(W): 42°c
CRT(30/60): 45 °c
CRT(20): 47°c

Manage CRT as per NR/L2/TRK/001/MOD14.

Dn Main (2100)

SFT: 27°c

CRT(W): 42°c
CRT(30/60): 45 °c
CRT(20): 47°c

Manage CRT as per NR/L2/TRK/001/MOD14.

Reception Sidings No.5 (3905)

SFT: 24°c

CRT(W): 39°c
CRT(30/60): 42 °c
CRT(20): 44°c

Manage CRT as per NR/L2/TRK/001/MOD14.


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/TMP
Issue: 2
Date: 06 March 2021

11. Useful Contact Details

Role Name/Location Phone Number
Route Control East Coast 01904 718 031
Route Asset Manager (Track) Mark O’Halloran 07739 475 672
Track Maintenance Engineer Simon Hunt 07736 626308
NR Project Manager Ant Armstrong 07715 952286
NR Construction Manager Richard Jones 07779122017
NR Project Engineer Mark Knowles 07850327209
Contractor CRE Ant Armstrong 07715 952286

12. Other Monitoring Requirements

NOTE: Where other NR Assets are to be monitored as part of the works incorporate additional
sections to this TMP to cover the monitoring regime associated with those assets.

Example assets may include:

 Structures (Platforms/ foot bridges etc.)


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