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General biology quiz

Test Questionnaire: General Biology

Section 1: Cell Biology

What is the basic structural and functional unit of life?

a) Atom

b) Cell

c) Tissue

d) Organ

Which organelle is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in a cell?

a) Mitochondria

b) Golgi apparatus

c) Ribosome

d) Endoplasmic reticulum

What is the powerhouse of the cell?

a) Golgi apparatus

b) Nucleus

c) Mitochondria

d) Lysosome

Section 2: Genetics

What is the molecule that carries genetic information in cells?

a) DNA
b) RNA

c) ATP

d) Protein

How many chromosomes do humans typically have?

a) 23 pairs

b) 46 pairs

c) 20 pairs

d) 12 pairs

What is the process by which genetic information is transferred from DNA to RNA?

a) Transcription

b) Translation

c) Replication

d) Mutation

Section 3: Evolution

Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

a) Charles Darwin

b) Gregor Mendel

c) Louis Pasteur

d) Alfred Wallace

What is the process by which species evolve over time to become better adapted to their environment?

a) Speciation

b) Mutation

c) Natural selection

d) Genetic drift
Which scientist developed the theory of inheritance through pea plant experiments?

a) Charles Darwin

b) Gregor Mendel

c) Alfred Wallace

d) Thomas Hunt Morgan

Section 4: Ecology

What is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment?

a) Genetics

b) Ecology

c) Microbiology

d) Physiology

What is a community of organisms and their physical environment called?

a) Ecosystem

b) Population

c) Biome

d) Biosphere

Which level of ecological organization includes all living organisms in an area along with their physical

a) Community

b) Population

c) Ecosystem

d) Biome

b) Cell

c) Ribosome

c) Mitochondria

a) DNA

b) 46 pairs

a) Transcription

a) Charles Darwin

c) Natural selection

b) Gregor Mendel

b) Ecology

a) Ecosystem

c) Ecosystem

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