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tl)i 8l~ ruu~JtH ~~ljl ri ~U~u~ltllLUttn rum G)t9~ 9J WLft

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~~ firnntllWRGltBH'1 Rlrutrun~ ml)~runruft::nnHfWl

~ ~

ml) t ~utatllH~ml)Ltl~fl d~LftUl~l)lH nUf?1iI5 L9~\j1l) m~

o OJ 0 cJ
Ltl~fldti ~tl)it rugrg e1~ tHi '1

From the west of Battambang provincial

town about 12 kilometers, there are a
chain of hills such as Phnom Sompov,
Phnom Trung Mom, Trung Tea, and
Phnom Neang Rom Saysak and so
~"" ,~_r"T"""," on. At that time, it was said that
there was a king who had a son,
Reachkol, and settled his royal
palace along Dang Reak
m~1)111f1fttny1: IfIaUUI 1)1~tjMijl1HHlt,trut~ruH~
Qf Qf C>' IV

NU!Jt9Jtu, gt3ffi1N lhllUHHurn~~

Qf " , 0. C. OQ.o.

Z1~tmrnCYHf1!1UfllN{1J1rnmrnu~ ~~ 3u'1lH
cJ Qf , 0 Qfc)

tfiiflU'n ntm~l:HJln~ruu'1
d N
o 01 • V , 1

jun~UNmJt:m.mN wru\flNtlmmny1:U1 ,

There was a young lady,

whose name was Sovann
Maksa who found an egg by
chance, which was not known
what kind of animal species.
When It was due time, that egg
hatched and came out a little
crocodile. Seeing it was lovely,
loved that baby crocodile
raised it till it grew up. It
a big, smart crocodile ,
was named Athun.
1P~Uli16Juf?ru L~tiijl~hlDU1~flcJU1y~ru~t! mb~$~DfOJ
OJ C:l' cJ Q. 01

u ~ g-
U n u.
, 0. ~ 0.. u'0 OIcJ
mhlmt! m~HU1~r~~t!~tRnmhl tlWlhl~Lmml:1ruITlU1l~
m~Lijlg1nwhlt It ~J ncrt! <-J
Preah Bath Reachkol was fascinated
by the beauty of Sovann Maksa, who
was a perfectly beautiful daughter of a
poor family. And her crocodile was not
only extremely powerful, but
also brave and clever.
'01 0 '0 01 Cl ,
U~lUnUl~H~m13 9131 fi913tl Wltjru131tmmu fiL9tlm13Ln~

9ru~hJi'Ytmim tmruL9~m13Ln~m~rurlhllimm H13HlG

t UUHftt WfiWltjru131tlljl13 t 9Jru tLm~131tl Wlfj 13 DL~ Wlt:HU
.J "
'" 1!IJl

After having close relation-

ship with her, the prince
turned out to be unsatisfied
because he thought that he
could not marry her as she
was only the daughter of the
ordinary family.
Then, they h_1ftl
there was a
Chan Borey district WNol,1
had a daughter, whose
name was Neang Rom
Saysak. She had magic
hair, which she could do
what as her wishes.
When she stroked her
hair, it caused the land
to flood with water or the
'" l>
Ul~iHflm-Umt~ fP~mljiluqm Ut]ltWm~l

~~~~~ '1 Ul~ndW1Hm~lUt~(jm~lU~~1 tC1HJ~tH~~

~~~m~~'I Lo:nw\lLftli1IJLutOIlJl1
01 l> 01

The parents of Preah Bath Reachkol ordered the

royal serva to take a royal message to the king
of Krong Chan Borey in order to
ask his daughter to marry their
son according to the tradition.
t~um~u§t11 mruljU3 9ffruen1i~t1):nnw
~, ~ ~

RwruUm tU1WtfJWnUtp:ncJhllH:fR
1mm "tUL9tiwDU1: ncJU1 Y9'wuu
01 0

UUn 9ruUrr:Uti WHurr:H~

01 ..

tillRUO..rmnmRu: '1 1\11 I

After reading the message, king

of Krong Chan Borey consented
to their request and replied in a
massage which read, "If you are
satisfied with my daughter,
please your majesty bring the
engagement gifts to my kingdom."
, QI ~ v
fp~mfjnfi6g; ij1~ nHunUt:1m~tU1ru ntfl~urr~~rut nntm hl~
a; , " u'" a
1'nflrurr~ tfln t ~UUqp ~ rrrut hl~l t UudtL~J tlUCl£ll mrun}
H8untl a~i11nu
1 ;.J'
nn tl nhm t frHf;.J taurr~fld
~ ~ '"
dt oil Hc;mt
, OJ


When Prince Reachkol

heard that reply, he was
very satisfied and then
ordered his royal servants to
prepare all kinds of pr.".,~'nt.,·....
to put into a junk and left for
Krong Chan Sorey.
dt(Vm rqa~fjlDl 1m trlruLW1undo1i~H1l~tulUJ Rtfl1l
G~tJtUitQiumntU t~UtU5 f,ff,,)mus ~tmmtHHlhJmi
t1)l~ ~rumn1ltU11u11l1nJH~ntU tLm~1l1tiH1lutl~Ul~H~
tmtuuHfithlnW1tJtUU1~mtit1l1~t~JtU'1 dt(Vm Lffd)mus
t,m~ tnmrnhU5~t~~ tijl~UtUqti 9Rt ruJ1l ~uliJmwtefit m
mwtrli fP~6f1Uf?1il5 '1
'\ When Sovann Maksa got that news, she was
(f frustrated so she called Athun to block and
.... '-~
destroy the junk because she did not wish the
Neang Rom Saysak.
, OJ ~ t (j

fP~mi1fJU~Qj L~~U)H1JntWm LfjU,miS nt:fll5Ul~

ul5ru81~'m "tl5! miS Hrnw w~fhffHtaWmW8qhll~"
'il '" "" n n1 U'" '"

LfjdSmiS ~runurmm "~ljlUJ{;!nnmUJn

mhllHntl51~ '1

"Hey! Athun, it's me," said Phreah Bath

Reachkol, when he saw Athun, "Don't do
anything crazy!" "I serve anyone who
gives me food," replied Athun.
01 010001" (lv v
m1HW~ltlliQ)U'HmHumUtm~U3~ fH'mHLWRWlt~jl
mQ)WtrTi rJ~tijl~U)~Jlmcw rJ~tijl~m~Ul~ m~m mi~Lmo
r\t t erUJry~tlURI1lR~trulHUwLn~H~'1
Seeing this giant crocodile, the royal servants screamed with fear
all over the junk. Some threw winter melons and pumpkins to
Athun for eating; and some others tossed the cages of chickens
and ducks to stop it from disturbing the prince's voyage
In:~l§lanwn~rudruit1t~:HrI Ilb;lfIlUMri tptJ'1
tmUJtJ1:~t1nmthgtJtJJfiln:ti'HJ tbinNtfU'8:1t1 nUri
mBtmn9it1Hnh f1"PAlI8 nmtiqtlf}JnlNmq~
'0." 0 c»'"
Then the Indra jnfnrt""oA
Saysak about the
~~WttL~nlliHJ1fftmfHmUJ j,"~UHJan,~m UnJlflru
tW1)l(Jrn1)mnhmf1lilHnhgemJ1Hmm~milu~t1'r tBHJ
tuuHihWnrJ1tjUJ L"~S1birulWMri'1 U1t121)LntorhRfirJ1
o cJ 'a " 0 V cJ
gtjUJwruwDtgtmunm gUHfl '1 m~ilt~ruLnmHn~(1)U5
01" W C:J

O! 01 Cf 01 01 C:I ~ 01

1)ilLfiilLutt~Lnm nmmJ1Uilmnnim Uil(1)U5Lmfl 1)il


01 01" 0 0: 01~ 0 0

UilLutt~lJltfl '1 wWWimnfirJ1gtjUJ m1)JUnil~uWtmnr~

Wlt:H1)l~m[l~m "drJtnf'1
When the sea became dry, Preah Bath Reachkol ordered his
servants to take all the gifts towards Chan Borey City to marry
Princess Rom Saysak. The place at the trunk of the crocodile
became a hill which is nowadays called, "Phnom Krorpeu"
(crocodile hill), and the place where its tail flicked and the place
at its nose created two lakes called Boeng Kontuy Krorper (lake
of crocodile tail) and Boeng Chrormos Krorper (lake of crocodile
nose) respectively. And the place the junk also created a hill ,
which exactly looks like a junk been called Phnom Sompov
Uunk hill).
c:; U '" ig~uH,fJufj05
j; ,
o OJ 0 cJ ,
~lLn~t:HU1hl LmHf1tlnruthl~ltU1U1HlU1tlUH1JUHnLn~nel
fitl1rn'1 t~itnruRqtltg~trulmne1rumRnrlRlrugr L9~9n
01 OO! o:J,~ v

tUJrnQmtlHhlm~Ln~9lU§1ru~tl ~$~ijMl ChHt~n tLm~

rn ~l tl G~ H1 Ln R~l ~ ellr~l hl H~ n lU

After the marriage, Preah Bath Reachkol

and his wife, accompanied by his
servants, rode an elephant back to his
palace. While traveling on half way,
he saw such those hills that he
became so furious with Neang
Sovann Maksa. Thanks to
her wickedness, everything
was destroyed.
W1WWlrtn to$05Ifj~ W~tnm1l~~tru fp~mi1fJuf)Qj
IAn I r; I

Ul~H~RUrrPt 0illunn~t frlmU1l1tit ~ijJRlrlt mWLUUll rffrn

L~~t9tihtit1l~ tLm~H1lu~tWm1lltiU~Uf!Tlmfrlt~Jn~ Ln~
, ~OI 0 "0 "CJ ~

nJl[1HUW1llti lltnnt:JlgtjWtunm gWtinJlru tt1ruwDtg

DlWt:Jl "~WtinJl1l" t~m~
Since Sovann Maksa was always malicious to him, Preah Bath
Reachkol ordered hangmen to arrest her in order to be sen-
tenced to death, avoiding that she might make more troubles.
And the place which her head had fallen became a hill called
Phnom Song Kbal, but it is now called Phnom Song Kban
instead .

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