Total Chlorine Buffer

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ilk [3170 Mote Parkway Flyers, FL 23916 USA Telephone: 886-203-7248 Material Safety Data Sheet {PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Total CHorine Butfer catalog Number HF scent vee PRODUCT USE: Anayteal/Latoraloy Reagent NFPARATINGS: HEALTH:2 FLAMMABILITY. REACTIVITY: 0 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ‘TARGET ORGANS: Eyes Sk, Respeatoy Test [ACUTE TONIGITY- Hay Cais Eye, Sk of Resp Tet Wiaton GrRGNIE TORY: Nove Listed MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Pro-xeing Eye, Ske, or Fesprtoy Disorders 3. COMPOSITION / NFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS: cent Component Trisovm Citrate Slt CASNo 654082 <5 ‘ComponctPoussium foie CASNo 7681-110 <10 ‘Component Ettylenediaminctetaacetic Acid (EDTA) CASNO 6381-926 1 ‘Component Deionized Water CASNo. | THR-8S os 4. FIRST AID MEASURES [EYE CONTACT: Flush Eee with Plenty of Water for at Least 6 Mines. Get Mess we. ‘SRIN CONTACT: Fh Skin wh Water for at Leas 16 Mntes While Rernovng Contamina Coming ena Sreee INHALATION: Remove tam Exposure and Move lo Frech Ar inmociiy. No Breslin, Gve Arial Resprabon.fBresthng 's Det, Gv Oxygen Ge Meical [Af Gough or Other Syrpems Appear INGESTION: Never Give Arthng 9 Mu oan Uncaseious Person. Get Medica Zid. Do NOT induce Vera, Coneious ad Man ines Mosh ane Ge Mik or Wate. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH PONT: NA. AUTOGNITION POINT: NA, FLAVMABLITY LIMITS: UBPER: NA LOWER: NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Wate Sry, Diy Crerical, Carton Desi, or Foam 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Clsan Up Sle immeiatey Wearing Appropriate Persanal Protective Eqiprart ted Inseesen 8 Take uniqudthsbostoon marl an lace mares conta ft ‘sposal Prove Veriton, 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Wash Thorough tor Hending. Remove Contaminated Cobing a ‘Wash afore Reve Us Adequate Vertion Avid Cota! wth Eyes, Ser ard Clotins Keep Conaines Thy Coeed Oo natnges. 18. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE CONTROLS ‘Use Adequate Version to Keep Altre Concentatons Low EDIANene Log (OSHA PELE THaodum Gta Salt None Lied EDTANone Usted MOSH Taisdium Cate Sat None ited EDTANere tes PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Salty Gases, Latex or Ntne Gloves, Lat (Cea Dust Mak 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE Ligws APPEARANCE: Clear oR: Grose peer 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stati at Room Torperature in Closed Conners Under Neal Storage and Haring Conese, 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Rout of Expose: Eyes, Skin, halon, ngstion ‘Tetegen Stat Non Ltee \Mutagn Sats Potaas um lide Listes ns Natagene er Mammalian Somatic Cels| RegreduciveTaxcly: Ptassum lodge Castes ReprocutiveSyseroxrienle (Caregen Stats: Noe Uistes 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No evegea Data Avaliable 413, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose fine manra consistent wih Federal State and Loca Reglaons |. TRANSPORT INFORMATION US COT (unged States Deparment of Transpetation! Not Regulated IATA ineratorl Ar Transpo Assoceony Not Regulated IO tieratonel Martine Ogeicaon Not Regulated 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION EUROPEAN INFORUATION: FISK PHRASES: 98/8 lntatng to Eyes and Skin SAFETY PHRASES. 26 n Case of Contact wen Eyes, ac Inecltly wth Pony of Waterara Seek Mecca haves. 93730 Wear Sutadle Gores ana Eyerrace Mtcon US CANADA INFORMATION: SARA IL None istes (Cat Propeiton 65 None Usted US TSCA iventony Uses 16. OTHER INFORMATION ‘THE ABOVE INFORMATION |S BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE AND REPRESENTS ‘THE BEST INFORMATION CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO US. ALL PRODUCTS ARE (OFFERED IN ACCORDANCE WiT# THE MANUFACTURER'S CURRENT [PROOUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ANO ARE INTENDED SOLELY FOR USE IN ANALYTICAL TESTING. THE MANUFACTURER SHALLIN NO EVENT BE LABLE For Any NJURY. LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE HANDLING, USE OR MMSLSE OF THESE PRODUCTS #0601 Rev. November 21,2011

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