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WKD 9Y0 002 20 220 Dealer Information

PCM 5.0
Dealer Information
On the following pages you will find topics listed in
alphabetical order.

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

A Dealer Information PCM 5.0

B Detailed country-specific information can be found
in the standard vehicle literature.
Description Explanation Action required
E 99460 Car Connect

F Text message with activation code for The customer has not received the Procedure for Car Connect: Inform the customer about the pro-
G Car Connect not received. text message with the activation code e Registration with Vodafone cedure in detail and ensure that they
for Car Connect. e Appointment with technical cus- assent to it. If they do not assent, they
H tomer centre must carry out registration independ-
I e Installation of the Car Connect ently on their own PC.
J e Automatic text message with ac-
K tivation code as soon as service
package is successfully activated.
M Logon to MyPorsche not possible. Car-Connect account was set up by There is a difference between Con-
the dealer for the customer. Despite nect and Car Connect. Configuration
N this, logon to MyPorsche fails. of Porsche Connect can only be car-
O ried out by the customer in person,
whereas configuration of Car Con-
P nect takes place via the dealer.
Remote access authorisation is The remote access authorisation tile Not being able to grant remote ac- Please make sure that:
R greyed out in PCM. in PCM is greyed out and cannot be cess authorisation may be due to lack e The vehicle is in an area with suf-
S activated. of an Internet connection or GPS ficient GPS and mobile reception.
signal. e Gateway Connect component
T protection is not activated.
U e Gateway Connect airplane mode
is deactivated.
V e There is no theft warning
W message.
e Privacy mode is not activated in
9941F Connected POI

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

Description Explanation Action required A

Discontinuation of Google POI Voice The Google POI Voice service will be The affected languages include:
discontinued by Google in 2020. This e PCM 5.0: Dutch, Swedish, Polish, C
function will be used for secondary Czech, Turkish, Portuguese, Rus- D
languages in the PCM 4.0/4.1 and sian (EU only, currently no Google
PCM 5.0 to find POIs in Google via search for ERA), Japanese, Japa- E
voice control. This interface is not nese English, Taiwanese, Taiwa- F
currently used for main languages, we nese English, Korean English,
use Nuance as a workaround here. French Canadian, Latin American G
Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
e The Chinese secondary languages
are not affected as Google is not I
available there.
Missing phone numbers for some Detailed information is not fully dis- The information sources change de- e Modified PCM software from K
POIs. played for some POIs. The phone pending on the operating paths used software status 9906/9907.
number is missing. to retrieve the detailed information. L
9941A Real-time Traffic Information
Discontinuation of VZO in ECE except VZO will remain permanently re- Owing to server load issues, both P
BeNeLux stricted to D/A/CH and BeNeLux for services had to be restricted to D/A/
the entire duration of the PCM 5.0 CH and BeNeLux for the short term in Q
project as insufficient server capacity Q3 2018. Once server capacity has
could be made available. been increased, it may be possible to
go live again in the entire ECE. S
Real-time Traffic Information is not Real-time Traffic Information is not If the time is set locally in the PCM e Modified instrument cluster soft-
available. available. 5.0, no Real-time Traffic Information ware from software status 0709. U
can be displayed. e Workaround: Activation of auto-
matic time synchronization via
SET e System settings e Date W
and time can solve this problem.
Missing green lines in real-time traffic Real-time Traffic Information does not The Real-time Traffic Information e Modified PCM software from Y
information. display any green lines within Naviga- does not display any green lines even software status 2474/2478/
2483. Z
tion Plus in the PCM 5.0. An icon for though the traffic flow is OK. The

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

A Description Explanation Action required

confirmation of Real-Time Traffic In- Real-time Traffic Information is oper-
C formation is also absent. ating correctly, but the display has
changed compared to PCM 4.0 and
9941D E-charging station
G The PCM and Google search cannot Neither the global PCM search (on- In the PCM search function only the e Modified PCM software from
find any E-charging stations in line/offline) nor the Google search term "Charging stations" produces a software status 9906/9907.
H Germany. (online) can find an E-charging station hit, while terms such as "E-charging
I when the term "E-charging" is stations" or "E-charging" do not.
K 9947A eSIM

L No popup when data volume of a data If a data package is purchased and the If the customer has not purchased a e Workaround: The used data vol-
package is consumed. data volume is then used up, a popup data package from the Porsche Con- ume can be displayed via the
does not appear to inform the nect Store, the message "No data APPS e Data packages menu.
N customer. package" appears every time the
PCM 5.0 starts. This message can be
suppressed by selecting "Don't show
P again". If a data package is then pur-
chased and consumed, the customer
no longer receives related messages.
99470 connectivity
T iPhone has no Internet connection If no data package has been booked in The PCM hotspot prevents the e Modified PCM software from
when connected to the vehicle. the Porsche Connect Store and the iPhone from connecting to the Inter- software status 9906/9907.
U Porsche Connect App is connected to net. The iPhone is unaware of the e Workaround: Until 30/6/2018,
V the vehicle via the PCM hotspot, the absence of the PCM hotspot Internet customers (except in the German
iPhone loses its Internet connection. connection. and Italian markets) can purchase
W a data package in the Porsche
Services such as Napster, Amazon
X Music, or Calendar cannot Connect Store free-of-charge.
be used in the vehicle.
Z 9942D Music services

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

Description Explanation Action required A

Amazon Music tile is not always In combination with an iPhone, the This behaviour can be observed if e Modified PCM software from
displayed. Amazon Music tile is not always dis- Napster and Amazon are both in- software status 2474/2478/ C
played under Media e List in the PCM stalled on the smartphone. Currently, 2483.
5.0. this behaviour is only prevalent
among iPhones. E
Amazon Music app cannot be oper- If the multi-function button on the e Modified PCM software from
ated fully via the steering wheel. steering wheel (hash button) is pro- software status 2474/2478/ G
grammed to "Next track", it does not 2483.
influence the Amazon Music app. It is
therefore not possible to control the I
app. J
Song covers are not displayed by Some radio stations do not display the The song cover can only be identified K
some radio stations. song covers. with radio stations that use Radiotext L
+. Not all radio stations offer this.
99710 MyPorsche
Multiple profiles in MyPorsche. Why can customers have several pro- If a customer has purchased several O
files in My Porsche? vehicles from different Porsche part-
ners, their profile data is administered
separately by each of the Porsche Q
partners. This concept ensures that
no customer data is shared between R
the various (independent) Porsche S
Porsche ID for customers with a ve- Porsche ID for customers with a ve- Within markets with My Porsche a U
hicle without Connect. hicle without Connect functionalities. Porsche ID is also available for cus-
tomers who own a vehicle without
Connect functionality. Here, the invi- W
tation is also made via a Porsche
partner and depending on the coun-
try-specific availability of self- Y

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

A Description Explanation Action required

9942H News / Feeds
Read out messages function starts The Read out messages function from The text is uploaded to the backend e Modified PCM software from
D software status 2474/2478/
slowly. the News service in the PCM 5.0 al- and saved in a file that can be read
E ways starts very slowly. out. The file is then read out by the 2483.
text-to-speech engine. Text read-out
is delayed, especially if the sections
G of text are longer.
9945B Breakdown call
Breakdown call via Bluetooth not OK. If the breakdown call is initiated dur- e Modified PCM software from
J ing an ongoing Bluetooth phone call, software status 2474/2478/
K the customer must decide between 2483.
the breakdown call and the ongoing
L phone call. The corresponding PCM
M dialogue that appears has no effect.
Customers are therefore unable to
N select which phone call (breakdown
O call or mobile phone) they would like
to continue or cancel.
Q Error message on pressing the break- On pressing the breakdown call tile in This is not a correct error message. To activate a breakdown call, remote
down call tile. PCM an error message appears, stat- This does not mean an expired li- access authorisation must be
R ing that the service licence has cence, but rather that there is no re- granted. This can be carried out by
S expired. mote access authorisation. entering the pairing code in the PCM
settings under
T e Porsche Connect e Remote ac-
U cess authorisation e Grant re-
mote access authorisation by
V entering the pairing code.
Russian market: Breakdown Call tile In the Russian market, the Breakdown In the Russian market, breakdown
X is incorrectly displayed. Call tile is incorrectly displayed in the calls can only be made via the Por-
Y PCM. sche Connect App. The Breakdown
tile, however, is still displayed in the

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

Description Explanation Action required A

9948D Parking Plus
Completion of an open parking proce- Open parking procedure in conjunc- If the multi-storey car park is very e Note down the details of the cus-
dure in the German market. tion with the Parking Plus service in busy, the barriers are opened fre- tomer's parking procedure and
the German market. quently and the antenna conse- forward to Connect Support by E
quently fails to detect the Parking phone or email. -> Connect Sup-
port will send the data regarding
Plus card when exiting the facility.
The open parking procedure must be the open parking procedure to our G
changed manually by the multi-stor- partner evopark by email.
e Assure the customer that the
ey car park operator.
amount will not be invoiced and I
that correction of the transaction
in the login area may take up to 3 J
working days. K
9941B Parking space information L
Inconsistent distance information re- The distance calculation for multi- The distances in the overview of
lating to multi-storey car parks in storey car parks within the "At another search results are calculated from the N
Parking Plus. location" search for Parking Plus is in- town centre of "Another location". O
consistent: The distance displayed in The distance in the detailed view is
the overview of search results is dif- calculated from the location of the P
ferent to the one displayed in the de- vehicle. Q
tailed view of a result.
99400 Porsche Connect
WiFi hotspot In the Italian market, the WiFi hotspot For this purpose, technical prepara- e Clarification of effects due to data T
is soon to become available. This will tions are necessary in the Italian input.
affect the PCM 4.0/4.1 and PCM 5.0. market with regard to data input, e Clarification of changes in the web U
changes in the web shop etc. shop. V

Compensation for diagnosis costs for Compensation for diagnosis costs in- The error cause for the malfunction W
Porsche Connect to the dealership. curred to the dealer for Porsche determines whether settlement is X
Connect. made via the guarantee or compen-
sation process. In compliance with Y
the requirements, you will receive Z

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

A Description Explanation Action required

compensation for the diagnosis costs
C incurred within the scope of a fixed
compensation rate for the following
error causes:
E e Porsche Connect software
e Malfunction of service-relevant IT
G infrastructure for Porsche
In these cases, settlement is made
I via the compensation process. Mal-
J functions of the vehicle hardware will
be settled via the regular guarantee
K process as previously.
Change of customer data at third- Change of customer data for third- As a rule, Porsche partners and Por- e Where applicable, note down the
M party providers. party provider services (e.g. evopark sche Connect Support are unable to customer's wishes and forward
for Parking Plus or Ionity for the make changes to customer data with these to the third-party provider,
charging service). regard to services offered by third- or refer the customer directly to
O party providers. the third-party provider.
Activation codes for Porsche Connect Differentiation between codes for There is a difference between Con-
Q and Porsche Car Connect. Porsche Connect and Porsche Car nect and Car Connect. The activation
R Connect. code for Connect is displayed in My-
Porsche and must be entered in the
S PCM. The activation code for Car
T Connect must be entered on the
V 9942A Porsche Connect App

W Porsche Connect App (RPC) In the context of Macan PA handover, Backend notification error → silent
X it was pointed out that the Porsche push was implemented instead of
Connect app [RPC] does not receive a load push.
Y loud push notification when the

Dealer Information PCM 5.0

Description Explanation Action required A

instantaneous preheat/cool is ready.
E3 vehicles are affected by this issue. C

The reason for the high data usage is e Please update your Porsche Con- D
Use of the Porsche Connect App re- Use of the Porsche Connect App with
sults in very high data usage. Android and iOS results in high data that detailed map information is dis- nect App. E
usage of approx. 750 MB in one day. played when background data is e Android workaround: Background
data must be deactivated in the F
Android settings for the Connect G
The PCM Connect App services dis- Services such as Napster, Amazon By deactivating the Share data e Workaround: The Share data I
appear as soon as an iPhone is con- Music, or Calendar are not connection setting, the iPhone Inter- connection setting can be deacti-
nected to the vehicle WiFi. available in the PCM 5.0 when an net connection via mobile data re- vated again in the PCM settings J
iPhone is connected to the PCM WiFi. mains established so that the PCM under Device manager e Mobile
Connect App services do not disap- data e Share data connection.
pear. In rare cases, the Share data Afterwards, the services appear L
connection setting is activated again again.
automatically after the vehicle is
restarted. N
Car Control is not available The Porsche Connect App displays an Memory behaviour of fault states. As e Log out in the Connect app
error message that Car Control is not a result, the Porsche Connect app e Close the app completely (empty P
available. always displays the same error even the cache, end processes)
though the cause does not actively e Start the app again
exist. e Log in again R
It should now be possible to use Car S
Control in the usual way.
9971B registration U
Services disappear following During purchase, all the services for a The customer has used a dealer li- e Check whether the customer has V
purchase. customer vehicle are active. After a cence and has not registered for My a Porsche ID in C@P.
few weeks, no services are displayed Porsche and activated the services. e Support them in activating the
in the PCM. services. X


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