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ITH1H ~ tH giwm tfI ~ tHumUHW mRn

tJtfI ~ g1 IT::')
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mg!j~ I LmUt~~ntJH~tUmU\f1~ tLm~n~

• 0 0/ II 0/ cJ
rUhltlO~hlnOl1ml tl:P~ttnm LmUtO~tn
~HU1~' eH~lmttni~tt:lHn9mhlt~1~~~ I
In the ancient time, there was a pigeon that was profoundly sad. She
could not lay an egg, for it was bigger than the normal egg. As a
result, the pigeon had always been cooing for help.
lmulli~HmtJt1)~ tg~tgllieHlinJU~tg
u u
0/ ClI 0/

HfltHllitl1jlmUi tun~tU1~t1)~tU1W ijl1)m

o 00' , 'i>

lmuwgH~~' mUIUJnHn~llinJDtgt1)~i
Her coo surprised many other birds to come and cure her illness
crowdedly. Accordingly, the pigeons have always since then.
nil UrUll Hn t e1 ill Hn ti UJ t ~1 ~ m~ tu ft 3 ~
~ 6"\ ~ U <JW

Rti'UJmJlJl ill tftm~ tuft 3 ~t ~l~ ft tUrtilHn

U f-i <J W
"c-.. ,
Utrnl~Ut~J1nU~ ~~luil qJtHLrnUt~l~~lU
HiUffi, tUl~t~~tulUJtjl~mm~tutLHntu~
cJ 0/ ,

W ~

Among the coming birds, some came to show

sympathy; while others came to hurt her feelings,
wishing her to pass away. Therefore, there were
various sounds of different species of birds,
speaking their language respectively.
v v , , ,
i!JniUunm ~U119Jf! ~U119Jf!1 lj~m~
u v u

tLnJnm UU, UU, I tfI~~llim ~ttUnuU

, a ,
UUftlnUtglulmUI tlm~lmUt~~f1~~~u
~ v v ,
119Jfttnllil mtlnJnUt~\:HntHlmllitfl~m
" ~, ~

mu, mu, I tlm~m tUlmUf}jlUttnlli

The crow cawed "Ngorb Eilov, Ngorb Eilov" (die now), while
little chicken clucked "Chorb, Chorb (hoe!hoe!)" It meant that they
needed hoes to bury the pigeon's corpse because she was going to
die. Ducks quacked after the little chickens, "Kab!kab, Kab!kab"
(dig), that was if the pigeon had died, the chicken told others to dig
a hole and bury the pigeon's dead body right away.
tl nI ff hl ~ t eHli ~ ~1 ~ l mUflJl ti tl3i tfU3 hl ~
t eHlitlUJhltL~l~lmUmtlOl3 t gJ ni tl3itoru
tl31~ hl~ruruntlhlnm lnl~! lnl~!i
tulUJhln~ e1tgtglnRfj~
u cnm Unftn
I~ u

u U U A

tHlJllUmu~lrl i .
Besides the birds cursing the pigeon to death, there were many other
birds coming for help. Meanwhile, the dove shouted, "Rork Krou!
Rork Krou!"(Find the midwife), and other birds discussed that they
hade to find a witch to save the pigeon's life immediately.
But the witch was far away, and it was also the raining session with
flooding. In order to go, they needed a boat and an oar. Thus the
saviors rashly shouted in the loud voice to find "this" to find "that".
oJ '00 oJ
m~ gntUhlnUl
U3fl ! Lufl!i LUrn ~~ t~m ~lWljlu~n
0/ " 0/ ~
""" u J-u
3n'! 3n'! i WjutlJ1lli t~n
<J <J
o oJ Q/

tum ~n~l tHLmut eirumantJ~t~l~ tW~t gi

nh ~itHJHmJUtHHfi i
Aout (a kind of bird) shouted, "Touk! Touk! " (boat), while
moorhen clucked, "Chrova! Chrova!"(oar), and the teal and darter
threw the water from the boat sounding, " Kwouk! Kwouk!"(The
sound of water throwing). Then, they put sickened pigeon on the
boat to leave for the residence of wood owl that served as a witch.
nruunruut ~UnfH At me1ru
• 0/


U u
0/ 0/ 0 .e.
N~ 9~ rut 9t:Jl fl! NLmu ~ U51 ru OJ tl t ru1tf
H~ rlUttftfft, U~lN~ e1t9t9Jnte1rum~
u ~ ftUUdmtt1mrtitft~HUni
I~ U <1 fII

tfrurti t fftfiUml~
W w rUttftfrit~l~, Nn ntf
t3. U <1f11
0/ e. oJ 0/ 0/0/'

tg~r NlrmtnrtgL9 'Y1tOntg~ U1tN~

t1ruLmu ~~ nt~UmuntLOJtl,
They reacne:u
the wood
house in the evening.
Then, the owl acted as the
concubine to plea the wood owl
for help. Other animals whose
sounds were different come together to
play an orchestra to feast the witch wood
owl. The watercock served as a drum
player, myna as the tro player, magpie as
piper, wood peeker as the Krap player
and drongo as singer.
o OJ , , OJ

~~~1 ~l1t gunUU~t!) tl(jl~i3lliuUtU1lli

I ~
"w j,J
0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/

nl)tllii:ldlt~? ~~lliHlfinli:l! n~tllii:ldlt~?1


After imitating a song, the owl served as the concubine started to

ask, "Tituy Pertpemg! Koun Yoeung Chea Te! Tituy Pertpemg!
Koun Yoeung Chea Te!" (The wood owl, our child is better!)
nm~WmHtnn~ 1£1 I 6'\ <l
cJ OIcJ 0 01 cJ cJ
tntUntnnG' I ru~~H;tlltmtnWHHtali'tnn
~ I I W

~ w
U tnJltl!
U ne1tu~
UHUtlLj:itrultlRtLWnU;jtlm mRtruJtl H~m
rhruJtl! mrhruJtl H~mrhruJtl,
The wood owl didn't say anything and only tried to open her eyes
wider and wider. Because of questioning again and again from the
owl, the wood owl answered only two words "Lieng! Lieng! ".
Hearing like that, Kroling Kroloung (kind of bird) shouted "Chea
kor Lieng! Min chea Kor Lieng! (Recovery is to feast, or not
recovery is also to feast) "
,c:,.Ol , , 01 0
rUtHtHHmUJ hJnurnUn
I y. U .;j

ql~mhJ~thJJUJt9J~1m' lm~ tntHlrnu

co O'v c:,. 00'"
lU~U~ u nlhJlUtntuffiLltl e1GijUJUJltlmu
nnhJ, hJnmtlHhltlnnHrmg1~ ft~l[11ru
Hnmri fiLlti e1 t ~HJu1itltHlrnulnrutiHn
ww -..)
U 1-..)
nU~ ntmi rnen tUn ~ m~ HnnIll UJ n9ntmH
w V 0

n ~ ~ U I
v , v v 01 01 01

tru~ lhJlUtnm~hJnijUJtlhJnt~UJLltlnUJ
01 0 ,

r:1n' ~n' I tmUJtr:1~r:1HnnHun~
U U ~ '-6
, 'il
hJnt~l~m hJftr:1nrmftHne1ruhJLltUI
.;j v .;j U U .;j
When the traditional witch feast was ended, the pigeon was getting
recovered and she only made a little effort; a big egg quickly came
out. All the animals were happily indeed. They went back to the
port and took the pigeon back to her nest. When they reached the
port, they didn 't see the boat. They called for one to another to find
out if anyone rowed the boat. Suddenly, an animal from the other
side made sound "Kouk! Kouk! ". Then, it was named "Kouk"
from that time up to now.
ocJ cJ
n cJ
UHlfl fHu ~ t n teHu tJHu ~ ~ ~1 U~ qJ Unu

f}J1U tntUrmH~f}JlU'mU31~ tLm~ljl~gqru

t~H tin crlijngrurunrilnnlfllu tDnfiLum~
, 0 ~ 0

H c:l
-v c:l

mrunm ntntitnUJnt~mUnt~H ~qru tin

H1)~t~antlt9jrui ott
As for the crow who wished the pigeon to die, but she didn't be-
cause of the assistance from owl, wood owl, and . That was
why the crow hated those animals. Whenever
crows see those animals, they always chase to
peck them away. The End

Help each otherAb)"'l

in poor time!

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