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To be honest, not a lot of things make me happy.

A significant percentage of people sometimes get

confused about why something, which makes them happy doesn’t really matters for the other one or
vice versa. Happiness itself is a subjective concept, which is(mostly) individual for each person and you
shouldn’t judge others for their values nor anything else.

One of the few things, that makes me happy is freedom. People sometimes forget about how free they
are in comparison to our ancestors. With a free will you are able to do literally anything what you
desire(within reason). Although, you are free to do everything, you should keep in mind that as much as
freedom matters to you, it matters to others as well. So, never even dare to bound others.

Another one is achieving your own goals. By having a purpose, you are challenging yourself, your will
and patience. Practice shows that such experience not only develop your ability to go against
temptation it also makes you stronger person. Also achieving whatever you desire is one of the greatest
feelings a human being can experience and obviously it makes you happy.

I would like to talk about money too. Of course, it does make you happy! What is better than being able
to buy whatever you want. But it doesn’t mean that money is the only solution for happiness as many
other things individually. There is such an upper limit on the quantity of money, after you cross that line,
get to a point when everything you could possibly buy for yourself doesn’t make you happy anymore,
and there are a lot of things which you can’t buy.

In the end, I’d like to say that happiness and satisfaction are limitless. You should always satisfy your
greedy self.

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