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Q; i! te flj~ 9 fi~ Q;
Horseshoe Crab
~ ., d ~ ,-, d.QJ

filAfQJ1Uli$iif\yRfgttmjlilfilRf $liaiilBff~WB$m:mg1!ffftl$li
nrMRfg$B: ii~il~$tff\y$AWAfSM$Bitllir$m~ilWtl1fU1ir '1
Q.J " , " d Q. .::t.' ~
9$!:$GtrmB$liiSfB!I$Afili$m:ifqRfJLtfRfj(jAf!AfSffRf $il1iif
.. ~ ,," ~., 4' .Q.

SRf$tniifRnSLiml ~$!9iRfgLtrGjlilfilRf" '1 $li$LiBBtmii1Ul

., ~ t~ 4' ~ .Qp t

RfgLtrGjlilfilRf$AWAf $tr!1ffg$Af~il\y ilBilf21tr'1

As long as horseshoe crabs are found, an inquiry is raised of why the

male horseshoe crab always stays on the back of female horseshoe
crab. It is, therefore, joked for the lazy man with a saying that, "Don't
be like a horseshoe crab" . This means that when the male horseshoe
crab falls from female horseshoe crab, he will die.



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nH1HHUli:l~lW tfl~ nJU)taWH~U

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ut~U~i:l ntfl~Uum Wl~'1 WB'Wun~Hi:l ntUlittmd~fB'n):l~):l d

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t gtihi:l run ~ ijl~Ln~ mJtJU)taWH~ '1

Long time ago, there was a king who lived with a beautiful queen but
the royal couple did not have any child. One day, the king called a
royal fortunetelier to help them how to have a child.
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mtum~HlUnn ntfl13hJnU~~tHUnnilU1mU1HWilrnHlU11~
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WD9W9 nHneHU89J113t131~HHUtfl13H~WJtmHnmWllli
--. " Cl'


Unfortunately, there was a garuda flying to find food over the jungle
where the queen, prince and other servants were playing happily.
B (j " OJ

HHU031~ hlnUA
<1 1
~ mutln G
~tH1mUlJfW1U ujj')un~ n wntfl
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n~lruG t OJlltm~ hlj~l tlHhl tuH1Jtull~ttfl H Gmt ~i '1

, ~ , <:oJ" 0 Q)

U1~tltflml~tlln~nU)jm§ n flJ nln~~UHmtliltl t r1lru~ n

c. '
~ruln~nw~lnu~ruG~'1 u

Then the evil garuda took the prince from the crowd of people and
flew away. The queen was shocked and saddens by the act of the
garuda taking her beloved prince.
The queen and servants sadly observed the way that garuda was taking
the prince and flying further and further over the sea.
nr ~H nh wu ~ W~tHullli Ul ~ ~l ~ tm ~UHfjth~n fl t:J fi ~ ~l
nfitfl~lih~tLnJHU~t~~tm~lliLn~~H'1 Ln~H~1n~tLntru~
wnw Rmfi~tUllflHn~~~H1ntm~tlw~mWLn~flt:JrytflJ'1

Hopelessly, the queen and servant came back and informed the king
of this sad news. The king was horrendously sadder and called the
royal fortune of the prince.
Lmt~1~aU3H~ WjnnlY1RtJll~ m~12~ gli.HiHlHl WlUl~H~t ff
~Hffi' Hflfie1rumriwH
tff '1 mrn
!v oao cJ ,
t~l~LWltHn S1bnsnLfj~ wrn~Wt~imm~~wtfLffHnUjlne1
o 00/ 01 0

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ijn1m~fflrutnijl~'1 w

At the time, no one was courageous to do such task and the

announcers went on walking and reached the seaside. Fortunately,
there was a lady named NAMKROEU living along
the coast guaranteed that she could go and bring
back the prince.
mt:HltJth1R~1 ~rul~H~~tmgltuUl~nm Ul~H~L~~tgti
o , 0 O~ V c:..,
Hruufl~tonutrn~ mbnsnL6~ wrum~u~HtiHlu!JlUll~'1
~ cr
Lfl~H~Gl~W~JlWltatu~ltiUl ~titLGlwLfl~ntJm~L~flJeim~
Od '0 001 ,

nt ruWl iyl~ ut rn~Ht fl 'Y ruw ~lti t~it flrurunljl~Lfl~ntJ

The king was informed of this piece of good news. The king was
thankful to NAMKROEU for her bravery. The king promised that he
would give her valuable properties as
the reward for her good deed when
she brought the prince back.
u OJ c.J, c;,

tj ru mUill nUll ~ II wfmu 1
nt ~i tj ru tITl ~HW ill
ljl~gu~~~urullJ~tljlnuRrtRt1h~21~ tg~t\5~L~~r~nLq~
OIU " OJ , v
Lll~llwrytmm tj~nt ~t rutijr8JlG'1 U1Lll~llwrytn H~itn~
, cJ "
Lm~ mt\5 ~ Uljl n~ HH mp O£ll~ '1
01 OJ<:)"

Lll~ w§ t~i t~Jill

For the garuda, while it was flying over an island , it was blown by a
storm; and as a result, dropped the prince on a beach. The prince
was just unconscious.
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tu'm1JllL~ tft n i\Jt l)JHH WHIJ: t mU\fllilliU Lll~ fl drym rnml)

w t.J......., WnU~~Bl)HWGnte1ruUd~mUmme1
1 d n 1
cJ OJu C:g 0 . ' H e) cJ ,
mtU11 t~ ruLnftjtit m~tl)l~Hl)rnJUi t.! t~ m[)ll'YmWLll~ fl d
0. , OJ C:J

ryml WDL~ml)l~Hl)mmnLfttitWmt ftjllii

Sleeping on the beach with

dew for a night, the prince
was awake. The garuda was
sorry for its food and flew
over the island several time
to seek the prince but it
failed to find him.
Ou 0 .e." CJ ' e:. u
uHUln SlbnsnLfj~ tU'lltuO~Umm~muWm~wwmm~
m rlltiijrlU~tiUJH ~Jtu'1

, CJ'

rlltiLmm mtim

tm~trll~ LWlUmLm~JmwmLO~f1wrytflHrlimH~tJtinrtQlm
For NAMKROEU , after being informed of the direction where the
garuda flew, she immediately went to island and saw the prince
Sli51ilS11L6 ~ lUffilUlum1 ruQ rut 9i~llilru~ ClHnH ewllr
~Ul~i1tJrym rruru '1 U~lUHnR~Ul~i1tJrym n miHH ~HJ
tU1 ruhl~ hltfl9U19jth 9iU1~~ m1m '1

NAMKROEU reached the prince and told the story. The prince
understood and then put his arms around her neck crossing the sea
with an aim to go to the royal palace.
, , ~!cJ C:g ,

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Wli:l 21i:l tgqJ n~ tunJl'l mhJl'lli:l r~nmm'1 LAll'l tnl'lli:li:lln

U u
LhJtlmun~tunJl'l Lfl~n(Jrytrlrnnyn9mUJnCjrurutuLfl~(J§
, 0.. ' ' CQ ,


In the middle of the way to royal palace on the water, her skirt was
flown by a strong wave. While she turned to catch hold of her skirt,
the prince got drowns to death.
O~ C. cJ 0

5lb OSIltp ~ (HU'HU Wl21 tI 0Sl121 GUl ~ 11 Wl WfH ~ h5 0Sll

(t 'OJ ,

~ wUl ~ 11 dry mH3 tI ~1 tI fHHHH ~ tH1J1U QtI to ru d1lJ WW

cJ 0 , 1

t rJ ruUl~11 drym m~tlt mtl n~lt1 WlU<-J

NAMKROEU was both very frightened of the punishment and felt pity
for the prince, she thus stopped her breath and eventually died while
the prince arms hugged around her neck.
tnrut ~l~ij n~1 \1 ff rfi oltUt:Jl hl~Lu ~fi \1 mhlt:Jl tU\1 rUJ n
OJ 0

nHri'1 tU1~~tQ~tU1tU lil~mhl~Lu~Jl\1mhlmwrut:fl~2~

u O\1UlilUhltUthilHmmmtUhllrmWln
~........., U. -.JU

Hneiruhlntdt~~'1 ~~
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tnrutlnnftfrunll1QnUJI ihuno1rutn9Jthtmw1mutJw
Both the Prince and NAMKOEU were born as male and female
horseshoe crabs. That is why the male horseshoe crab is smaller in
size than the female horseshoe one and lives on the back of female
horseshoe crab, depending on the female horseshoe crab for his
survival up to now. • ~rru@]

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