New Words Lis 1

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1. Ordinary: common, regular

2. Opportunity: a chance to do something
3. Experiences: things to do or that happen to you
4. Skills: things you are able to do
5. Dangerous: likely to cause or injury
6. Creative: having imagination and artistic ability in ability
7. Adventure: to go to different places and learn about things
8. Explore: an exciting time or event
9. Communicate: to share Information with others
10. Favorite: preferred, most liked
11. Organized: able to plan your work, life, etc. well and in an efficient way
12. In charge of: responsible for something or someone
13. Effect: a change that somebody/something causes in somebody/something else; a
14. Physical: connected with a person’s body rather than their mind
15. Although: used to mean ‘but’ or ‘however’ when you are commenting on a statement
16. Initiative: a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a
particular purpose
17. Pollution: the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty
18. Search: an attempt to find somebody/something, especially by looking carefully for
19. Presentation: the act of showing something or of giving something to somebody
20. Manager: a person who is in charge of running a business, a shop or a similar
organization or part of one
1. Amusing: causing laughter or pleasure
2. Comedy: a funny movie, play, show, or story
3. Sound: a noise, something that can be heard
4. Researcher: a person who studies or investigates something scientifically
5. Happiness: great pleasure
6. Led: directed, showed the way
7. Joke: a thing that someone says to make people laugh
8. Recorded: made an audio or written copy of something
9. Laughter: the sound of happiness or amusement
10. Situations: how things are at certain times and places
11. Free time: a period when you are not working
12. Benefits: advantages, good results of dong something
13. Enjoy: to get pleasure or satisfaction from something
14. Outdoor: in the open air, outside of building
15. Healthy: strong and well, not sick
16. Common: usual, happening often
17. Crime: an action that is against the law
18. Exercise: physical activity that keeps you fit
19. Relax: to spend time doing something calm and peaceful
20. Disadvantage: a negative point, something that can create a problem
1. Encourage: to give support to or help to develop
2. Quality: something that is typical of someone or something’s character or personality
3. Customers: people or business that buy from other people or business
4. Product: anything that is produced or made with materials and labor
5. Aim: to direct something at someone
6. Character: animals or people used in advertising or in a book or movie
7. Section: a piece or part of
8. Popular: well-liked
9. Advertise: to promote, or make a product or service known
10. Recognize: to remember someone or something when you see it
11. Stand out: to be easily or noticed
12. Achieve: to reach a goal
13. Energy: the power to do work, a quality of being active
14. Figure out: to solve, discover
15. Result: an effect or out come
16. Design: the art of deciding how something will look or work using a plan, model,
17. Complicated: difficult to understand or explain
18. Join: to associate with, become a part of a group
19. Attract: to draw in, interested
20. Visual: a picture or image used to explain something
1. Rainfall: the total amount of rain that falls in a particular area in a particular
amount of time; an occasion when rain falls
2. Amount: a quantity of something
3. Storm: very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and
often thunder and lightning
4. Flooding: large amounts of water covering an area that is usually dry; the fact of this
5. Drought: a long period of time when there is little or no rain
6. Destroy: to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.
7. Temperature: the measurement in degrees of how hot or cold a thing or place is
8. Predict: to say that something will happen in the future
9. Measure: to find the size, quantity, etc. of something in standard units
10. Forecast: a statement about what will happen in the future, based on information that
is available now
11. Coast: land near the ocean
12. Melting: changing from ice to water
13. Average: mathematically normal
14. Slightly: a little
15. Rise: to go up, become higher
16. Pattern: repeated way in which some thing happens
17. Heat: a high temperature
18. Grow: to develop, become larger
19. Instead: in place of
20. Exist: to be present
1. Brain: body part inside the head that lets you think and feel
2. Taste: a flavor, the sense for which the mouth is used
3. Nervous: feeling worried or frightened
4. Waste: to use carelessly, throw away
5. Memory: the ability to remember things, something you remember
6. Senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste
7. Expect: to believe that something will happen
8. Nutrition: the process of getting the food necessary for health and growth
9. Texture: the way something feels when you touch it
10. Smell: a scent or odor, the sense for which the nose is used
11. Area: part of a place, town, etc., or a region of a country or the world
12. Crop: a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food
13. Environment: the natural world in which people, animals and plants live
14. Feed: to give food to a person or an animal
15. Land: an area of ground, especially of a particular type or used for a particular
16. Large-scale: involving many people or things, or happening over a large area
17. Percent: by, in or for every hundred
18. Significant: having a particular meaning
19. Solution: a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
20. Survival: the state of continuing to live or exist, often despite difficulty or danger
1. Architect: a person whose job is designing buildings
2. Comfortable: feeling physically relaxed in a pleasant way; warm enough, without pain,
3. Deal with: to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
4. Impact: the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something
5. Mainly: more than anything else; also used to talk about the most important reason for
6. Obvious: easy to see or understand
7. Remove: to take somebody/something away from a place
8. Resident: a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there
9. Technology: scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry, for example in
designing new machines
10. Zone: an area or a region with a particular feature or use
11. Build: to make or construct
12. Especially: being more true for one thing than other things
13. Tourist: people who visit a place on vacation
14. Desert: a place that gets little rainfall, a very dry area of land
15. Property: a building and/or the land it is on
16. Location: the place where things are or where things happen
17. Population: all the people who live in a country or area
18. Damage: harm that happens to an object or place
19. Rapid: fast, happening very quickly
20. Belong to: to be owned by someone
1. Issue: a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about
2. Stressful: causing worry
3. Definitely: without doubt
4. Method: a way of doing something
5. Period: a length of time
6. Fortunately: luckily
7. Conditions: external factors
8. Challenges: difficult things
9. Adapt: to change or adjust
10. Exposed: unprotected, uncovered
11. Necessary: needed in order for something else to happen
12. Among: part of a group
13. Invented: thought of and made something new
14. Observe: to watch carefully in order to learn something
15. Completely: as much as possible, one hundred percent
16. Discovered: learned about or became aware of something
17. Reach: to arrive at a place, a level, or an amount
18. Reflect: to send back from a surface
19. View: to look at or see something
20. Size: how large or small something is
1. Sculpture: work of art made by shaping stone, wood, or other materials
2. Public: for everyone use, not private
3. Temporary: lasting only a short time
4. Display: to show, put something in a place where people can see it
5. Repeat: to do something again, happen again
6. Solid: hard or firm
7. Forever: for all time
8. Copy: thing made to look exactly like the original
9. Conscious of: noticing or realizing that something is happening
10. Constantly: happening over a period of time without stopping
11. Afford: to have enough money to be able to buy or do something
12. Lively: full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic
13. Simple: not complicated; easy to understand or do
14. Typical: having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or
15. Perform: to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc.
16. Original: existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity
17. Appeal: to attract or interest somebody
18. Interpret: to explain the meaning of something
19. Award: a prize such as money, etc. for something that somebody has done
20. Traditional: being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of
people, that have not changed for a long time
1. Ahead: further forward in space or time; in front/earlier
2. Depend: according to
3. Hunt: to go after wild animals in order to catch or kill them for food, sport or to make
4. Raise: to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
5. Relationship: the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each
other or deal with each other
6. Respect: a strong feeling of approval of somebody/something because of their good
qualities or achievements
7. Responsibility: a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something, so that you
may be blamed if something goes wrong
8. Share: to have, use or experience something at the same time as somebody else
9. Value: the quality of being useful or important
10. Within: before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of
11. Avoid: to keep away from somebody/something; to try not to do something
12. Attack: an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill somebody
13. Conflict: a situation in which people, groups or countries disagree strongly or are
involved in a serious argument
14. Limited: not very great in amount or extent
15. Require: to make somebody do or have something, especially because it is necessary
according to a particular law or set of rules
16. Save: to keep somebody/something safe from death, harm, loss, etc.
17. Scenery: the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and
forests, when you are thinking about them being attractive to look at
18. Similar: like somebody/something but not exactly the same
19. Wildlife: animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment
20. Be worth: to be important or interesting enough to receive a particular action
1. Involve: to include, make part of
2. Speed: how fast something moves or happens
3. Connect: to join or form a relationship with something or someone
4. Represent: to stand for or mean another thing
5. Wide: including many people or things, measuring a lot from side to side
6. Inform: to tell about something, often in an official way
7. Basic: simple or important
8. Contact: to communicate with someone by phone, message, or letter
9. Access: to get into or use something
10. According to: as started or reported by
11. Expert: people with deep knowledge of a subject
12. Sign: an action or other nonspoken way of communicating
13. Express: to convey a thought or feeling, communicate
14. Importance: the significance or value of something
15. Support: to encourage and assist
16. Point: to identify something by holding your finger in its direction
17. Recent: past, but not long ago
18. Speech: the expression of thoughts with spoken words
19. Pay attention to: to observe and listen closely
20. In addition to: along with or together with (another person, thing, etc…)

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