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Project Information

Given the necessary materials, supplies and information the candidate is expected to perform the
following projects.

Total Time:4 hrs


XYZ College needs to store information of its student, having (stud ID, FirstName, LastName,
Age, Sex) taking a course (CourseCode, CourseName, Credit hrs) in different Department with
(DepartmentID, DeptName, Location).

Case1: Many students can take many courses and many courses can be taken by many students.

Case2: A student can enrolled at one department at a time and a department can have many

Case3: Course is given by a single department while a department can have many courses.

Project 1:

Title: Data Conversion and Normalization and implementation

Time:2 hrs.

Instruction:-Suppose you are a database administrator in an XYZ college and assigned to create a
database that manages students, courses and departments information. You are expected to
perform the following tasks based on the above scenario.

Task 1: Design a plan of each activity needed on GantChart.

Task 2: Identify all entities, Attributes and Relationship to design the database.

Task 3: Normalize the tables to its suitable form and Draw ER Diagram on Visio by Crows foot
model then save each by name you like.

Task 4: Create a database on access by using tables as it is indicated below and save it by the
name Student Record. (Note: Show the relationship correctly).

Time: 45 min

Student Table:

StudID FirstName LastName Sex Age

St1 Abebe Lema M 20
St2 Bedasa Tola M 22
St3 Chaltu Kena F 18
St4 Tola Noru M 20

Course Table:

CourseCode CourseNAme Credit hrs

Acc1 Accounting 60
ICT23 Database 40
MGT34 FM 48

Department Table:

DeptID DeptName Dept Location

Dp1 ICT Line1
Dp2 Management Line2
Dp3 Accounting Line3

Task 5: Import the above table which is created in Access to a SQL 2008 database and save it as

Project 2:

Title: Generating a report from a database

Time: 1:15 hrs

The main Tasks of the project:

 Using Object-Oriented Design to design interface with VB.

 Write a SQL statement, run and save it.

Instruction:-Using the database you have created in project1, you are expected to perform the
following tasks.

Task 1: By using Visual Basic, Design an interface to insert data to Department Table and
Delete using DeptID.
Note that: - (Use the following data to insert records).

DeptID DeptName DeptLocation

Dp4 Biology Line5
Dp5 Chemistry Line6

Task 2: Write the following query on the imported database.

a. Write a query that displays the average student age, the youngest and the oldest at
the same time with the name AvgAge, YoungestAge, and OldestAge Respectively.
b. Write a query that displays a student first and last name with the course name and
credit hours of the last two records for those only takes FM course.
c. Write a query that adds 10 to Credit hrs. if it is less than 60.

Project 3:

Tile: Applying Security on SQL 2008

Time: 45 min

The main tasks of the project:

 Changing the authentication mode of the server.

 Creating a login and database user account.
 Creating a role.
 Giving a privilege to a role.
 Backup and Recovery.

Instruction: - On the database you have created in project 1, you are expected to perform
the following tasks.

Task 1: Perform the following administrative tasks on the SQL using

a) Configure the authentication method of the server to be mixed Mode (SQL server and
b) Create SQL login account by name Ambo and Password 1223.
c) Create a role called DBA4 and add the user Ambo in this role.
d) Deny SELECT permission for the role DBA4 on the course table.

Task 2: Perform Backup and Recovery

Time: 20 min

a) Write a query that take full database back and save it on my document by your name and
b) Delete the original Database named by StudentRecord.
c) Write a query that recovers the deleted database and check whether your database
recovered correctly.

Project 1:

Task 1:

Note: The candidate should have to list SDLC in his his/her plan such as:



Implementation …have to show the design on Visio by using GantChart.


Task 2:

The candidate should have to identify Student, Course, and Department and have to change the
many to many relationships between student and course in to one to many appropriately and
draw using.

Task 3:

The candidate should have to normalize the table to its best normal form and have to sketch the
ER- Diagram on Visio using Crow’s foot model as follows:

Student stud_couse ouse

PK StudID PK Studcourse PK CourseCode

FirstName studID Coursename
LastName Coursecode CreditHrs


PK DeptpID

Task 4: The candidate is expected to create the database , tables and should have to create a
relationship then insert the given data on MS Access.



Task 5: The candidate is expected to import database created by access to SQL server as it is on
MS Access with all credentials.
Project 2:

Task 1: The candidate should have to create an interface with VB to insert data to department
and have to delete a record by using deptid.

a) Write a query that displays the average student age, the youngest and the oldest at the same
time with title name Average_age, YoungestAge and OldestAge Respectively.

Select AVERAGE (Age) as Average_age, MIN (Age) as Youngest, Max(Age) as Oldest

From Student

b) Write a query that displays a student first and last name with the course name and credit
hours of the last two records for those only takes FM courses.

Hint: use select top 2 ………

c) Write a query that adds 10 to credit hours if it is less than 60.

Update course

Set credithrs=credithrs+10

Where credithrs<60

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