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WAT cians @ subjec- Remofe Sensis aud ‘Geos j TuGrmelion sysfen- information Systema - Re Ed 7 Rerrveofa Serssing Ig dle process ae Mqurininng Abe WAformeten abouk cy cbject ov neq PY meacuviey fis veflectecl aud ercitted veclietler, Fro a Alstarcce wifloocf being ty coufeeed OE Ae Object. Rewmetely sensed imeser ara coptured by dhe Special camara from whe veseavcher will finel the IMBytrction about jie Earth. x pefiniHon ard scope of Renohe Sens in4i- Rencobe pert) ts Abe Science of oalaman|: Pree ssing , etolyning are aprlying TWhoy meters abot Har Earth, surface witboet actactly bets ih counters Wits tt. Tas ts doug by Farsi ond weenaling reflected ov eruitted energy. - Retrrofe sensing Gels tbs apple trot. IM Vemouce Cart yelotet Usciplines cach as Jeefeoy forverjeg Wy dveloy 1 wetrology OCearogvayliy ete . ; TT dawn" vermrote sereging” Ves « wide yenge meaviaye Rr differenf Reaple, neeging fron pretoarzply fo mre sive sete life pletOrus, Every day, gory eyes wecetug 0 156 ube, Fvomes Yer fre seestus dota 1 OWL we ebiliee to otete ysusd AOS Seid F t abjects. ~ TRese Sterrevits provide 24 4 Source (ho rmetion about Hers from olleb we can weke jodgneeds ants size, conditton ond cleuge. Toe use + yerrofe Sees above cotsrvas offxres| au answey ea que shou dex} groored fovuey od prof Wur beets able hy aryguer. Ty verry Wad We bout te veplel progress fresard cory Caner urderdfox ty 1 yer fe segiey eae) mere + seishry aul Developmeiey of fermats, Sting Technlegy- - we couteph t protege iy wars developed} ry Qverk Wredhenretician AWsfolle by asin a prboale cove mM a at and of cotuvies. — prrokegyapy wes omyirelly vetted fa Fue zavly 4800s, — The world’s fest chenicat protograph tacts POEL, sv W26 “4 Toseplr Niever ( esi A prowss frown aj bebio yg: = “The wore * phabspegh was coined ivr 1839 by Siv John Aes cliel and is based on fee Greek menting “gracing, vomiting’, Apelor — “Ayadinyg OW, dig" e - wwe firg ft Leek aro Df. aerrel phofegreph wey fekan Ir Ae yeay 1960 by Totes wWellace alee Black Bow Be eta q ries feat ih Bost b ticleg bof av polloon and daving A yaw age) cileuy plofegrerrl> vere deka boy Jaret clerk morwell. — Fa 47, phe Nove] became dre fir homey being in He oavd to succeed in @plarivy an acvicl Proln wll dou bLelp t a yecke poured colnaya, — Qu 855 GeSpayel Toavrnclo Aah ay oblique protege a sural Village VeAy Povic fonra balla. ® WML Ae plehine The ever 7 ear] obrereefian anal yerrofe seregirg eel clavfed, = Puving je period Iso0 Wg Comlinuc development wl Vespee} 0 Fil moeting bere f comes, yt from earth curfitce eles deol place ty fue feted | ot aaa] plrofogqyecply Gy toypruvies | ‘i : aul he jeune see y) i quality F pesteparh = IShO'S evperinertal Earl sbhSrvehou sotellites Plaskara-g~ ard gleufervea-r which were Lanetrest In jetqg aus) S4M resverkuely qudiea beqery w ot an ndigensas aoe ane oe eaite Pryregrcinnre. ~ Teda adey ths diffivert earth ebsevrtou Wn sie on Pregvetumes hey Jeuches| vanietizs + setellther whide Lact bea, pyouned tbe 2 Jadispers colle Jeo) for vetrvod vesource, marplong . nasudtoyins | ent ars glattu' imeliihing ervrnncited assessmend at globe : veyron] auc loced levels. H THe Sauces. 9 Misshus and developrmrento4 Peps Wes bear besed on je Juslicious scleephe approach of selecting walt space pleHarha, mult yeoLetou oral symople viewing copabilinies with Mas ty waded, Tudia begat, aaveloping sefeltte Jauncl, velvicler Ww dhe ery lates, ty oddiHon, fo productey safellites. ~ Tulia wood Pelesses jue capable Jaanrch sysheeus, Ma PCL C polay sotellide Lacuch veldele) aril fle GSLV ( Globed Space Lamuch velsiele) , et de’ juvty of dhe qwady. fort century C Creasy rehrevous retellyc Letuel vebtele) seurclogs petec poy oruo| Cecoreli errenoy yellected oy omitted be At ey suyerce mederend tr ~ Retwofe Serestesy isa wutidtcciplineny science Jee conrbtres A variety 4 atirciplives cael, oF oplice , speck vecere pholeyrceplsy , contpater , eledrades etre! felecommartcteetia,y BS well at sotelile Iowcliteg. A thee fedeuofogier are cohebivrce fe Grrr Ae Penrode seugivng sytlens =Tavget] == Processing Slaton Process F Pemste Serytng. me Comperer-lf Seugiy - @ 14) Souvce * Wendie fon i- THe fovenvosf vequbvencent of any vemote Setsciing process ts fo have au encore Souvte wdlich Munirecter oy provides slechonaguah crengy Eee terget t imterves}: : 2) faMeation anol He fdnrasphere :- IE AK cree] rrepasetes From ty Source fo ug Fgeb ik htevenths Wb dee atrrosplore os | Peuses byeugl. els iMevecpot may dake place a cecoud Hime a fie exergy Avacely Pron Vee darge} aus hack de de Sehvoy, ® ® Aterretlos with see lenge ts sce fe Bert make 5 Anse} Abverigty jee odmosplenes tf Wevects witl tte terget depercliiy ov die ? chavscterisher ¢ bolt tbe target aul fle recite, @ fasoraliing of ceergy by Abe sensors Afdey Ate energy] har been Scattered! ey Enrittes| from Ibe darvget a senso is vegentverl fo collect ancl Pecevel te alechomasueHe yecdlahon. . @® wParsuission Ceckphiors ancl preeess ig” é Bartmission Cece Tox energy yecorded by din sensor hes da be prengudtted , often iu elechoute form po yecuivivg aud PCeSSive stoWou where the doa ave pre cies ithe ay tage ® Tecterpreetes Hote ano) cthnalys(c- TER prwesses| seine is iuterpreter|, uisuctly ov Heteley oy clesproen tte ay exact jrforrcetten ebvof dic dargef wlleb wey ileretertes| + @-Evd users aud appliedtion:- Tr Jak clemert of Jae Remote Sunping neces If achieved when M4 usefil neformetion i axhectes| Fons dhe hnnergeny vevead Some mid MAMMA OY assiet in selivey Pee ne, its Way fo Her Senoy Bs Seupv * Oey @ A sid Seyi’ a Elechromaguehe adiation Ceme)i- : ay men Oscillaken of Hie eleche magnetic fietd over SPALE oy Matter, electromaguehe redi@hoer ad, ® OS A carviey t lech orsne nee engy, qe mony well equections ave uscsl to colertorbe tee Prethewstion 5 clechrmcumetic mx olias Hon, motto, are Lodt magnetic Yacllehiu, Ware polio and particle Present i elect mR SS + process of EMR a # cls nes F wave Wohin. - Elechemasrepic radiation carn be cusideved ao hersarese ware with an elechte Feld ard a wegnetic Field + ame two fields are Jocoted at nytt ales fo eacl Oley HeneR He vavel Frequency and fe velectt Warr He Glloosieg, vilehee , 2 J CrAN. a “ = Tg ee Unvelere ahem) 2 Ane fee depend Aa) sauef c= Abe speed| 4 Bight C 3X Is Fw.) (WW DPR pragetioe Maswelic f ated oscille. Ban @ eme) x _cleshemeaguetic Sp of yueyy v \eclyous aurchle speepytery CEM) Arla ices mA all Wper p ¢ aM NGPeS 7 Yomragrefte yaliehorr. Reecllohor ir cle(Pncel ag eter gy trot] frovele cons) spreads oof ov Th doer so. Hy cxample , uUleible Litt frowns o. , Fade ho yoy heme acct vachle waver fam a recta Stator arc holly eyeoreylc 4 checfre ncagteatic nedloHe,, clestromes ue ic speci fie enue hptnpanes F elechre regret vacllehou accarcling fo frequenre oy wrclenyth, Auibayls a clechorragete ua e Havel a} he spees| a get iM A Vacuum, Aber clo So eb a de, vange $ Frequencier weveleroH, wed phodou energies, Te eclechomegnetHe spectrin comprises Abe Speier of on eleshorragnehe wedlioion, ass outst Sebveryes, Grnouly veFered fo oF portion, Lach es Watle Kyt ov wlbreioled radi hor. tee Use specbtuin iucheder dhe Lad thet © Dey te aud vetrohe sevory car, Artech Tuy conerarison te dee yermaluder f dee Spectr, Aue visible pevfiou is qe Srol). Tere tr a Def— % rediaWou armene) us sre} soy eyes cant See ba Wel sev ditarf surging techrealesier cary delech, the Visible wareleugtts covey A rege t cppremme tly 4-07 AIH. The fern eth Bally Wwavelecy ic ved ar} dee ghevfey. i Wolet ® —— . Teeveasteg Evergy — AANIMIODS D\ SY TX UO Se suerte wevelein yt 1G 06 wr oe 5 —————— Cum) , vi rn) = i ‘ wl i 1 ii PT oo ee r A if ia wT | fs. 2 eel ey, FC ye em _ Be ei ee ‘ i a Fleehomaguetic spectrum, Se = he commer, wavelengil Spectre tte homey Bern Cain Perceive a3 porticulor coleuvt from Visible peyton $ We spectvum is given belew:- Sy-No. | colouy wavelets ts spe chyetm 45 Volek | ay —o.ay (um) oh4G— O-F00H™ + 2. | Blue ar Greet o-5o0 — OSTE AM | | yelled | ovsag- 059210 overage | o-sg2- 02626 dim, ‘6 Rea 0.620 — oF 4m = Some Cleetvo mre wehic vediahou passes Aboougl, BR cfrcosplert corttr WIL ues do wah. Treutmfecies yeferd fo dee ebidity 4, foe cmasplene oto ell vecieby to bevel dhrough H, and tt vavier depencling ovr die wavelenath / tyre q radiation. Te gases tnetp courtefete buy atmesphent absorb Some wavelets v vadieben Olle aAloolng ophess voavelensHie fo pass Ainresyh, — Absorphen bards are due parts f dhe cleohrmeguelic Sfechtuis Mat Ave alesoy Leol bY aime cplevi ¢ your Such Wahey Veray, cartoon Mexldc are} ozo, , Absoyphou =P arc thou iu jee Figen hy a Jou Arete velye fhed corresponds fo a cevferita warrelengit yotge. inieroudauk ao Aetna extphesric Arautmissian Weve CNat Jo scefe) Hig. SHOOs -Mesplond wirelows— wanelerafte af oie elecprovesquchic veclicHon wil) pereheete tie Earply ahaypiede. cherucad ustepon Ceo ,03) Pad tombe dX Gas Vesporgibla ov lelock sy saubight af a Particultoy wavelensft, By conprerf fo He ebsorphow baud , Hark ary Nord q the elechomasuche speatreem where ne atmacphere tr trertparert fo specie wmuelenes MeO yacdliah It. Becoxse rey eo ty travel excl Mere vemobe Ses devices’ oy avo} oy, space. Posed pleetfoymy operate I ort ey Mure these Wivlours by making dhely dimengtouys WU detecteare Avned fe Speaipte frequencies C Wavelen yo) Heap ass dineat Me atraiphere. : J @ _ ate yecNant evrers] ic cahleeted aus} eoredee] wher @ venrofe setasitey sergoy bear a Ane 1 sligly Wil, / any object they in ve Phe efieny Seurrbigd} oy Ye leachre, heat. + Oe MwE reImofe Sebsieg SYGens ceplere ve f\echec} vadloWou, sme FeLCOrs | particalarty tle fe ew Wwepretogd ca) sofelifer, meacure al LorPHovy phehoncr, Suck ag flere velebed| wi} carbola oxide Cees) aud oftiey gases divectly, - Thane me foruy wields fin dae eefimacplrerte wirdeds, yer windows are Premeh M 4K there) DE G04 and nc one winded Te pyerat I visible aud yofleded vege efweet, o.2tu. Dur do He extyeme molstare j5 Fhe afmaiphere , S}vo9 lasoypHow bands cay be alefecke| ap dougey Waveleng |e — Tee plata is dhe velicle dha drevrtportt dee justrumert Coy s2sey)s P vermobe sent ploHavm 1S Cveated) With a certetvr seb of goals im wind. Whar developing a Yernroke Seusing techne'0oy, mety eracio} decisions mash be made. Defiawy fir ype Y Klose and is cay alt Lifies is mecessary, - ee pletiym ov which fle senpyr vill be nrourded wud be defevminedl, ar muy jie metiro Ie for mo drotswdttiug and preassing rratwoehy rer dala here Hard cHers Jo dic eel] wer. Tes meted creetes” a te feet te specifically dacigne fo pewferm a fait ey & st Pyeladed achous flat will Clee beffey weederefeuch Feo Mocs beles ckrdicel . ® Hoted pele wme Geld lodvanceds cats be belo} dargetecl of dhe cltsivee] devgel . thy her heel ancl @® choy picker = plfrry sinclar do fre ore Used by eleclriclaus fo Service fawplig+5 anc| ofher electvice} eqecipmret}. wif howd belel egtelprmet tic possible Jo View a broder avect. ® Bellow: sys wsucelly fethevest ar Saspended suera, tare} aves, end ihe Good fv tebing veprcted @ measovementt t? small avert using a hewel- hel4 device ey ah reagiicy fusyomerf- Uke cy creer, - @® Radio evhe| medels:- pemrote sexasing equipment boot been carried! by fixed ancl velenry ling veuchio —couy mickeed. modelos THUS chyle t ple} Brn, has reat acqetved apperd ccmeera Filmnvtas Qo Waut 4o yeerecte Hg Forel Aged scorers» © Lowe wiBhade fivlvabh?- wip Ligue Poy leads, cHy@ pigs co ba used up fo S000 feef, Ts cee be axferded fo aod 191000 FAH With eonvertione} plarer Mi aH adcs ave possible foy jes ated adirey pressurized alvevalt, © High Aititade pivcrath- Special planes, sachs ar fie Ur esplonage plat, ca Raia PLY ofte golem a} heights 4 20 Phndeel. THe aeroplane Ie veletvety Stable ak jhis heighten geomebic dirbyttons many pe veduces. . D alstGrms ave prnactly classi Me Ae ound based plat faynt. R Aerial plepovrnt » S satellite plo}aytrc. tile iver e ss Chor aun, lace el plehivnu: ® g Ground - basee! plans are vetoft setegiing pleHertat lca} place fhe Server Or PL Carle SaVFACE. The GLUsey Te feese systems ave Pred werd ly Commer ¢ culpnne { e ae do detect envirorymetfoe) Fredove Sach ac aly derpersfuve droa}_chrovercle vishee, owtey Caled dy ; owl cartlquerke Styetegtly , atcel Alor ave fastenes| a dee earl. = Gare Lasee| Selisoys Carr be placeeb bu ded] Shader cach ap fowarsy building fo le mate for ple}avm. — Greund - vases| serrsors ave less expensive -to e@ operate ac} meiefatlr dhe airborne oy torellit-c SAUSVS, tu} phen low howe fle Sone acne} Yehoje, = Gensovc ou He goo ae voutivety ase do pbhlaim acavte savface iWbymetion ,dlich te fer, omyparerl be deja collected ky averetit ov soheblite sersond. @ facial plathornsti- eens yer} Sensors ave \ess AKPELASIUC fo opoodR ad meatal Han aly bour or sotellite cosy, bu flac te euiy Ware Jee sence erie] rege. ~ SOE gtr fhe greene ane sore eaagivvely uses] fo obfaly aceavade gurferce terrae hou. whielr re dten tomy ree) to lof cellec}cof by ely crm} oy Cohel te tetcgorg, pestal deuces if dlc cetsoy obtee Fhe eafh's eo face de tnoveare Hearne] torevage. wey alto eireble yereaveleng fo exarie voed avers Fle Sovferce eee woulel be Impossible SY herragen sey -fo tnvechgote orl grouse Leres| Sartor s 6 satelite phim - — seatelliter are ased fo cudec yenrote seLssitg ih Spaces coke Wher ove Jouuckes) fay a vartely t yeasers, indadivg vernote suring pC CeoG aud Jelemeby, Becca we t Aely~ tuterelee ote, satellites ear provide continuo coverage | toe eayi ¢ surface. e = Researchos begets stacking SESOVT Ol1 Catellypes placed tudo ovbid over dhe plate Te foe, earty \46o0> . - cekelter cm be @rfrolled fom qe greens, bet dak fom Sahel\¥ee compre hat be cen} to tte Sun face. = Evviyouneade cokel We have nad Sgt plea} eidyibaherys fo our undersbeudiig of fre ershy euiyonnety oud ave sill enidely oR\ised) yerof\ sereing guadhiss Wheder satelhfe aechveleyy, Which WsG bstardiolly erlerrces| uy arelertfardieg b of he cave whefoes by preuidieg a Jovqe. tal pergpe BUC of oy Westley eytderer Jer} oo prevignt fraede SHE, Woe ate of fle ay hte gf pone fen} apy hrestin af sofellde yerwofe fengteg, prioy ts tedelliter, all Wofovren fly aia foese Ghenacs cany (0 gurl level mea suvemordt tac dtd use} proudc ercougly I Orverehion fe Folly Covypye Lats Neb, sotellife coriballou bo ouy awareness of severe Weaftey cver}t pas savee| coumbfess nurnbew h Aves Stace AOU a \1oos. ¢ x glomentt of Remabe sensing for Wewal Jerpretetion, “he WderFieafion 4 various Jorgeds ft @ verante Setsieg mage ty o pour g dew odnodyg "y pron. K Terns can be elasified cecenalieg de heed Nee velleef oy ath yeclla lyn fr Sensory Meaney aud records jlic yasliahou, which ts deta displayec| or an Nrweege predact sacl as an oY proto ov a Sodellite tnnage. Tenge ievpretedwia:- wee 4vo tmpojach techwiquesr of anal tiie he cee) fe galen VeGorte-velahed lUfoviebioly guy tle own ov (4 Omblushon wilt ofrev ded anes 4+ Visual Slevpreleetiour Xe Digite Incase Pocessiig — Visuee) vlevprefehion cledad te a draditisucd versed ee MaKe fey colbetig jufermediotr based] on Sord\i4e Wageries, of lunes ifeyprefe/ Meyer Olyede [plerometen , spare Vaud spec] pation ond attrer defer ung yayousr dec } veceguslti = dusege tepveteddany alg ap examaiaieg ex Tmagevier foy iderep fying Vayour object aud Achomrneys He significance, - Tee yerrotehy cerses| deca are sucied| bv ferry yee Luperbencee g pyle ef olyectr deciv pedfenne auel Spey vdoSeships wolf couttcleviveg ower precesses TO teclucles ® > [enon y —— Frange Pufeqrelerion proces. a Treg Mherprepepor Leg complex pheiremera , physical ao) prysioegice) aehrinter occuy i as prowess Tee process Sfarfs crit clebechiou, abd dehfieation a tmeger and ede oxhe mealayeienp 7 lerager. — The elemets t Vice) toterprefeHoy are used Youkuely foy acviel photography anol oualy ri og sotellibe Treeigevies. — Tex elemerfe sve bag: Aacaon size, shape, Steer done [coltur, feyleve Peer, beigty/ opty amd ake] dtaahors facsecicebin,. @ 1) x Ele cuds t Visual Gu leapvelaltery. & Locahior .@ see @ shape @.thades © Tore © texkive @ Potten, © Nelgltforpiy @ sik |siterior/ AGciohot + Oeye. aloe IT vefers fo the brightness of cbjedt my ety frsage ane is veleted fo fardancedel eleteot de classity di fev feclaves t ebjects th on Wrage, objec “clope , texlare ancl peter con alse be detected Pin rily Abrewyhy Variohovs M-bne. Clourg cou be dcseibec! ag cach dighher Veriehou ot at, inane Axetesl ly a Vaviety fp thodes veluc and chunma conebleieuy, Furehre one le alse tevred ag veleker Byightresr ey shou Foes fer gee Treg aes: Tee Fhe sbject ov de coling paee objec ave attected by many Leh which ave reared 04 phstegvepic sivclsicus, te Were, ifevpretey cow fell Ha difference bebween ern te shades ¢ grey, bub con dishugaich many mere chuye. @ size [7 te Size of shelf ore Iepafead By du guistias sbjects aud features, Reledie aud absolute izes q ehjects are impotaat wt dhe sice elemeet ts used. @ shepe:- Garemelty shape vefire fo Ae externa Rom, eettens ,geomebic figure ev curling F the obfect. when Tb ames h iMeyprelehon, shape ira powevfod ted. Straigth edges iudieck urban land oy feldc, ulercas. fee edges are Ivegudaw in tape. Peads are Irdi cated by wat} ateenles vlentays, ploygrews | f, peel fie shapes, Levaye becitel ong pparks Ofc have spec fc | @® te ~ hee poser are] (y equency of fore| Weyy tee speaipic avers J any Invege are ye 40 OS Pure Vata, Veyou Wrses hou, Wher fe comes do picture Teter pre fees 04 NGL viswa| Solace t Smeotvess ov yuoyhi ness F Ww aved ah be que usefite Spotted ieatey vg texlore, herve 3 ee 1H Grell AWEAS. Smarty thre has les ® true] Vvavieiou . UUIArny cue} eel surfaces veselfH IU Shuvty Jag fune cool as Felds, grass lauds an asphalh, Rousls surface ated Wreqale chuckire eoubp in yrugh tartare incl fcofes) Ly fret canopy. © Letter see spel} ovenstvent a oblecty fr yefewes| fe as a fatten. Tey are UHey manmade oy nehiral. qe ow Awratag tment dbyecke ou ju landecape cau ne fo Lasch@) foodver, . ® — UF is simyla to Flee i feb coche, orcas ¢ arvreagnn dt ty dre Hrape wads. Beolarty Jee wef ov gid peers Ma sevbdivriou gy wrehyo po dita vegion an help Mee ancl alee pba cach ar a dys poor preids, Te geaheyice) ey geemcertlalegiod MUEAYeN paltern at be git) essupial. - Pretuage palgerns coon reve} a bef abou ar, area Lijhofegy ote shuctiyel characterishie doa Competent abtevvey. Foe jue Sud, level che ting GS Sp TA Gav help wll feeyvprelefion, vy giiess a Serie 4 dee prelile anf velour he re o “evge4 oy Jargefs, & iatifleeton. llarevey, becouse dengeds oils stadetos ave Cubtpeos Holly less Aistivsgerl deable har dticl cary help whe Heiy sovoundtags, shadecss cata Undwipr ov i reas ifr o e a fe Meoyprefetat, ie feeiv weglou 4 tutlacuce fhaderd ar alse be wed fobighhight relishinguish povetu. G@ tiesociation:- p courides toe cervelsBors lelelecn, que forget \uteref anal oftrev veesgitzed objeckr Jac avert, Tderhijpicoiou of frahyey oy fecfuves th Freeh word axpechee} fo be associated) Witt, sheer feeteres may prove lefrrretou qaaf aids jay pieovol . / - = Some abject re © closely yeleted fucrh vecogut 249 pus Asal indiceber oy ConPivnss HOR presehcn y- Fe ofrers Jeups Kare smoke slacks, Hep — Coa} barney pores’ PI peildivgs cooley pds, dvarifovimey yard, coo} giles, aul yorifroad dvetks. ~ que dessert Wes aviedl popegrapy , a beedly beter. poceytony, & Wotly velleching surface , dud LHC vogefefiou, waley vad gurvertuclee| 4 self pets| cd colime pafeles is equal fo self preduchion, wnths. x -pyrlicsfious 4 female se turing. fn civil cuginteriing / [oor pleceesteyy pe Mo ctl] eeegheeeriug velofe SOL liig fe eLircte adi Lave econ hod Cepery gortele ard poefolly uve ny tocbwiqac By SolUtig ebolleryer, Porrofe ser gt dof Ve reed tea flare decéplline etuce Wr a sarectl corralaler qeogrepla deta willy Jueiw properties. Rerwofe weesclery Cay lee user} fw exbrea of it Avannes geodooy deorveey ppreinage L nydvollogy. vaclurg MAtLeceer t- s| : q. Oafice} ehashackire protection a Sthe analyse - 4. Reduces ease F meets wre» / ; 5. pysudec ebjadled seoqraplte fefoviner Hou + toc plauttee : Phan deuete pw | : ¢, watery Kesourte Expirering oe q. Lear co Highwoy aligned Woe fwvolu mapping auc auealggr D. Lend Aide eouchyrchel clement + Be Proidiog eouc}yuchiory ae 1a. Regione plating, . te. Deafr Handbag.

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