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Throughout billions of years, human existence has gone through a

remarkable change. As per se, evolution does not only change an individual or a
set of species; it changes an inherited growth that affects a population (Potts,
2022). When urbanization takes place, and there is an unending draw on natural
resources, there is a need to acknowledge the occurrence of environmental
issues. For every small action, for the way every person lives, a simple grasp of
air and the production of waste always have a greater consequence, highlighting
the complex relationship between humans and nature.

In the aspect of education, it is not merely the changes of the

establishments and expansions of the institution that can be observed but also
the undeniable heat and the changes of climate that affect the school setting. In
the school year 2022-2023, traditional face-to-face classes were implemented. As
the school continues to adjust from its two-year long of the said new normal, another
dilemma has yet to occur. From the usual practice of flag raising, it was abruptly
changed to once a week to avoid the undeniable heat given that it is still early in the
morning. In April and May, it can be recalled that there has been an implementation of
alternative learning to fully ensure the safety and well-being of the students given the
occurrence of heat waves as summer started. Students were given homework and
proceeded to modular learning. These observations alone, urge the need to conduct a
study of quantifying the carbon footprint in the school premise, given that the institution
itself utilizes and uses resources from the environment which highlights the fact that as
humans, they contribute to the current state of global warming.

Carbon footprints have received attention in an era of growing concern over

climate change and sustainability since they are the root cause of these problems. The
entire amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane) that are produced as
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a result of our actions is referred to as “carbon footprint” (The Nature Conservancy,

2023). It is the total quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by an
Individual or other entity (such as a country, organization, or structure). In addition to
indirect emissions from the burning of fossil fuels in manufacturing, heating, and
transportation, it consists of direct emissions from the generation of energy required to
power the consumption of goods and services (Selin, 2023). Human activities are the
major contributor to carbon footprint.

Dimiao National High School, a public school with over 700 students, is an
example of a community that can significantly contribute to the carbon footprint. The
significance of the carbon footprint in Dimiao National High School is relevant due to
various factors such as the energy consumption of the school. Identifying the extent of
this consumption means acknowledging the source of such an amount of carbon
footprint in its energy consumption aspect. Energy consumption is directly proportional to
its population. As the population of the school increases, so does its carbon footprint.
Making Dimiao National High School a valuable locale as a stepping stone in filling the
gap between the existing studies of Quantifying the Carbon footprint in a certain locale
and the province of Bohol.

Quantifying the carbon footprint of Dimiao National High School is an important

and long-overdue step. Understanding and assessing the environmental impact of our
school’s activities is critical in an era when environmental consciousness is paramount.
By pursuing this goal, researchers can identify areas for improvement and implement
sustainable measures to lower the carbon footprint. It not only corresponds with
worldwide efforts to address climate change, but it also acts as a learning opportunity for
students, instilling a feeling of duty and stewardship for the environment. Taking this
phase now is a crucial step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious
future for the educational community.
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Theoretical Background

The study is anchored on three theories namely: Theory of Ecological

Footprint Analysis by Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees (1996), The
Environmental Kuznets Curve by Kuznet et. al (1950), and the Diffusion of
Innovations Theory by E.M. Rogers (1962).

The Theory of Ecological Footprint Analysis by Mathis Wackernagel and

William Rees (1996) is an approach developed to assess the impact of human
activities on the environment, primarily measuring the amount of biologically
productive land and water required as sustenance for a specific community.
Factors that are taken into account are energy consumption, waste generation,
food production, and transportation. Through these factors, the demand of the
population in a specific community is being measured, which in the end is
essential for both the people and the environment by their means of
sustainability. The theory provides a comprehensive picture of an ecological
footprint, which is crucial in understanding the level of sustainability of the
lifestyles of people and enables policymakers to make informed decisions for
resource management and consumption. Quantifying the demands that take
place in a specific area, can work towards reducing the ecological footprint and
promoting sustainable practices for the benefit of present and future generations.

The ecological footprint theory serves as a valuable framework for

identifying the connection between the factors involved in production and the
level of carbon footprint at Dimiao National High School. As the ecological theory
suggests, by knowing and acknowledging the factors that make up the carbon
footprint, it will be much easier to know at what level the carbon footprint of
Dimiao National High School is producing. This helps the researchers know
whenever the demand of the school as it functions can be looked at further to
reduce the carbon footprint of the school for an eco-friendlier campus.

The second theory used in this study is the Environmental Kuznets Curve
(EKC) Theory by Simon Kuznets (1950). As viewed by scholars, this theory
posits a relationship between economic development and environmental
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degradation. Initially put forth by economists in the 1990s, this theory suggests
that as countries experience economic growth, their carbon footprint and
environmental pollution increase. However, as per the EKC hypothesis, there
comes a turning point where environmental quality begins to improve as income
rises further. This shift is a result of increased environmental awareness, as well
as the adoption of cleaner technologies and policies. Ultimately, the EKC theory
offers insight into the potential for economic progress to coexist with
environmental sustainability, highlighting the possibility for a reverse relationship
between economic growth and carbon footprints.

Furthermore, in the context of our study on quantifying carbon footprints at

Dimiao National High School in terms of energy consumption, the Environmental
Kuznets Curve theory provides a valuable framework, given that new buildings
have been constructed, new equipment and electronic devices have been
purchased, and the population of students has increased, it is expected that
carbon footprints has increased. The researchers will investigate whether the
Dimiao National High School is following an expected path set by EKC theory, in
which first growth leads to increased carbon emissions before a turning point
occurs and then decreases. By linking the study to the EKC theory, the
researchers can gain insights into the potential for sustainable development in
the school, identify strategies for reducing the carbon footprint, and contribute to
a broader understanding of the EKC phenomenon.

Lastly, is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) by E.M Rogers. In 1962,

the Diffusion of Innovation theory describes how new ideas, products, or
technologies spread and are adopted by individuals or groups in society over
time. It explains the adoption process based on factors such as innovativeness,
communication channels, and social influence. People embrace a new concept,
habit, or product as a result of this spread when they are members of a social
system. Adoption depends on the person thinking the concept, action, or product
is novel or inventive. The theory describes how various individuals who
participate in or start adopting a new idea progress through distinct stages of
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adoption. The theory identifies five categories of adopters based on their timing
and willingness to embrace innovation: innovators, early adopters, early majority,
late majority, and laggards. Each group possesses distinct characteristics,
influencing the rate and extent of adoption.

In this study, the diffusion of innovation theory serves as a valuable

framework for identifying the connection between people adapting to new and
more innovative technology and the increased carbon footprint at Dimaio
National High School. By utilizing this theory, the researchers can analyze how
the adoption of new technologies impacts the carbon emissions of the school,
providing valuable insights for potential mitigation strategies. As the diffusion of
innovation theory suggests, it describes how new ideas, products, or
technologies spread and are adopted by individuals or groups in society over
time. Researchers can then interpret that environmental degradation is inversely
proportional to development or innovation in technology. The theory also
suggests that, despite the disadvantages of technological advancement, it can
help resolve environmental issues. This allows the researchers to discover ways
to reduce the carbon footprint in Dimiao National through technological
advancement and innovation.

In conclusion, the Theory of Ecological Footprint Analysis, the

Environmental Kuznets Curve, and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory serve as
the foundation for conducting this research study. These theories are linked to
the production of carbon footprints in local, national, and international areas.
Furthermore, these help to determine the relationship between economic growth
in schools and the production of carbon footprints.
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Theoretical Framework

Theory of Ecological Diffusion of Innovation Environmental Kuznets

Footprint Analysis Theory Theory
By Mathis Wackernagel and By E.M Rogers By Simon Kuznets et al.
William Rees ____ ____

“The ecological footprint is a “New ideas or technologies "Linking economic growth

crucial component for and environmental
spread and are adopted in
understanding the level of sustainability.”
assessing the environment.”

Carbon Footprint in Dimiao National High School



Action Plan

Fig.1 Theoretical Framework

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Statement of the Problem

This descriptive research aims to identify and describe the carbon footprint of
Dimiao National High School, School Year 2023-2024.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the current level of awareness regarding carbon footprint among the
school's population?
2. What is the carbon footprint of Dimiao National High School?
3. Based on the study results, what action plan can be made to reduce the
carbon footprint of Dimiao National High School?

Scope and Delimitation

The objective of this study is to identify, describe, and quantify the carbon
footprints at Dimiao National High School.
The study only focuses on quantifying carbon footprints on energy
consumption, referring to the usage of mobile devices and electricity. Identifying
the level of awareness of the people, including teaching and non-teaching
personnel, as well as students, to understand the potential for behavioral change
and sustainability initiatives within the school community. This excludes
additional variables that contribute to the measurement of carbon footprints in the
school, including transportation, water use, combustion of fossil fuels, clothes,
and the construction of the educational institution.

Significance of the Study

In this study, the researchers believed that it would be beneficial to the
Students. The students can gain knowledge about their carbon emissions,
fostering awareness and informed choices to reduce their environmental impact,
ultimately contributing to a healthier, more sustainable environment for future
Teachers and Staff. For the teachers and staff to develop environmental
awareness, encourage sustainable conduct, and provide a learning platform for
students. It encourages curriculum integration that is in line with the urgency of
addressing climate change and allows educators to set an example by adopting
eco-friendly activities.
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Administrators. The study offers insights for administrators to develop policies

and initiatives reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainability and
environmental stewardship, and demonstrating climate change commitment.
Locals. The people of Dimiao would be aware of their contribution to the
environment, and acknowledge that every small action could result in a greater
consequence. They would also be able to help mitigate the emissions of carbons
that contribute to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As well as encourage
other institutions and schools to be aware and participate in making the
environment better.
Future Researchers. This study will allow future researchers to offer valuable
insights for future research in carbon footprint analysis and sustainability, laying
the groundwork for similar studies across various educational institutions. They
can use the findings as a basis for conducting studies, thus expanding their
understanding of quantifying carbon footprints.

Definition of Terms
To have a better understanding and shared interpretations of the study,
the following terms are operationally and conceptually defined:
Carbon Footprint. It refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases, primarily
carbon dioxide, emitted directly or indirectly by human activities such as
transportation, energy production, and industrial processes.
It is quantified as the volume of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) emitted over
a specified period, typically measured in metric tons.
Energy Consumption. Energy consumption encompasses all forms of energy
used to perform tasks, produce goods, or sustain activities, including electricity,
natural gas, and other fuels.
It is measured by calculating the total energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or
other appropriate units within a specific timeframe, considering both direct and
indirect energy requirements.
Mobile Phones. Mobile phones are handheld electronic devices capable of
communication, computation, and accessing the internet, typically powered by
rechargeable batteries.
This category includes devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and
similar portable electronic gadgets commonly used for educational or personal
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Electricity. A form of energy resulting from the flow of electric charge, typically
generated from various sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric, or
renewable sources.
It refers to the electrical power consumed within the school premises for
operating devices and appliances, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or similar
Population Density. Indicates the concentration of individuals within a defined
geographical area, often expressed as the number of people per square
kilometer or square mile.
It is calculated by dividing the total population of a specific area (such as a
neighborhood or city) by its land area, yielding a numerical value representing
the density of inhabitants.
Quantification. Involves the process of assigning numerical values to abstract
concepts or physical phenomena, enabling precise measurement and analysis.
It involves the usage of statistical methods, mathematical calculations, or other
quantitative techniques to assess and express the magnitude or extent of a
particular phenomenon, enhancing the validity and reliability of the measured
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Related Literature
Quantifying Carbon Footprints in various schools has been studied and
assessed by professionals and researchers around the world. Thus, many
literatures and studies that are related to the topic are published. In the pursuit of
knowledge, understanding the existing body of literature is important. The
foundation upon which new ideas are built, the related literature and study serves
as a way of gaining insights, theories, and evidences that can further strengthen
our research study. The knowledge and findings from these existing literatures
and studies highlight the importance of the study as well as their significant

According to Öz-aydin (2016), educating students about carbon footprint

(CF) is essential for addressing current environmental challenges. The study
aimed to assess high school students' awareness of CF, particularly in their 9th
grade curriculum, and how it impacts their learning. Results revealed that
students were more aware of CF issues related to household and transportation
compared to lifestyle choices. However, they lacked a comprehensive
understanding of CF's connection to global climate change, indicating that the
curriculum didn't effectively convey these concepts. The study suggests a need
to revise the curriculum and enhance teaching methods to better educate
students about CF.

Moreover, schools have the power to have the ambition of attaining

sustainability and delivering environmental improvements (Robinson et al.,
2015). School buildings in hot climate areas are usually lacking good thermal
insulation and energy efficiency measures, resulting in schools opting to use
cooling appliances such as electric fans and air conditioning devices. They used
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a set of 10 questionnaires to analyze the carbon management plans for their

environmental credentials as a methodology. Robinson observed that some
institutions lack ambition, which supports the findings that high awareness of the
impacts of energy usage promotes a cultural shift towards becoming more
energy efficient to reduce emissions. Thus, he suggested that schools could
reduce environmental impacts through the application of renewable energy
sources. Furthermore, this implies that the more we are aware of the energy
usage and the importance of reducing emissions to mitigate environmental
damage, particularly in the context of school buildings and its carbon footprint,
the more we look for solutions and actions to reduce our carbon footprint.

Similarly, Okeke et al. (2020) highlighted the significant contribution of

carbon footprints to adverse climate change, also referred to as global warming.
They emphasized the importance of providing individuals with the necessary
tools, such as technological demonstrations and sensitization, to calculate their
carbon footprints and develop sustainable environmental strategies. Their study,
which examined both rural and urban environments, underscored the positive
impact of technology on reducing carbon footprints, particularly among younger
age groups. The researchers found that urban areas exhibited higher usage of
mobile phones and computer devices, with school authorities actively promoting
carbon footprint reduction. In contrast, rural areas lagged behind in technological
adoption and carbon footprint reduction efforts. Thus, they recommended that:
(1) Carbon Footprint (CF) reduction awareness sessions, initiatives, and
programs be included in the curriculum of secondary schools. (2) The
government needs to fund rural secondary schools and raise public secondary
schools' standards to avoid unnecessary students' deprivation of educational
values. (3) More relevant ICT facilities should be provided and maintained
regularly, while already-related existing ones should be utilized by employing
ICT-savvy teachers in secondary schools that will teach the students effectively.

Furthermore, Ridhosari et al. (2020) discovered that the primary source of

carbon emissions is power, with transportation and garbage generation coming in
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second and third. The study aimed to assess Universitas Pertamina's carbon
emissions across waste production, electricity usage, and transportation. Data on
transportation were gathered via a survey distributed to university personnel,
encompassing lecturers, students, administrators, and support staff. The focus
on evaluating carbon footprint serves as a foundation for efforts to reduce CO2
emissions and foster a more environmentally friendly campus. Results
highlighted electricity as the primary contributor to carbon footprint.
Understanding and addressing carbon footprint, whether at an institutional or
individual level, are crucial steps towards promoting sustainability and creating
eco-friendly environments.

In line with this, Gamarra et al. (2018), in their literature on energy and
water consumption and the carbon footprint of school buildings in hot climate
conditions, state that energy-efficient methods and sufficient thermal insulation
are typically absent from school buildings located in areas with hot temperatures.
This implies that the hotter the weather, the more energy is needed to cool the
building, leading to higher energy consumption and an increased carbon
footprint. The methodology used was the multi-criteria and holistic approach
offered by life cycle assessment (LCA), following the guidelines of ISO 14040.
With this, they found that schools could reduce the fossil energy demand of the
building in the operating and maintenance phase per student. As a conclusion,
through life cycle assessment in a hot weather situation, impacts are presented
per student and per built gross area in order to compare the impact in both

Additionally, electricity usage is a leading cause of emissions and is

increasing Wang et al. (2020). They introduce factors such as financial
development, human capital, renewable energy consumption, and gross
domestic product as determinants of carbon dioxide emissions. However, they
observed that carbon management plans are often unrealistic and difficult to
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The study found a positive relationship between financial development,

gross domestic product, and carbon emissions, suggesting that increased
purchasing power correlates with higher emissions. This principle can be applied
to schools: greater resources lead to more appliance purchases and a higher
carbon footprint. Additionally, the research revealed a negative correlation
between carbon emissions and renewable energy consumption, as well as
technological innovation, indicating that investing in these areas can aid
sustainability efforts.

This is similar to what Naderipour (2021) evaluated in relation to the

carbon footprint associated with trash production, transportation, electricity, and
water use in relation to the use of renewable energy sources. Human activity
produces greenhouse gases on a daily basis. The study's findings showed that
the use of airplanes by college students and staff, as well as the consumption of
power, both contributed to carbon emissions. The university's carbon footprint
data can serve as a foundation for tracking, assessing, and regulating
greenhouse gas emissions in Malaysia. In order to attain an annual decrease in
the overall CO2 emissions intensity, the institution also built and maintains a
smart house, a sizable solar parking lot, employs solar and wind-powered
lighting, and promotes the usage of electric scooters and bicycles. According to
the study's findings, a project to reduce carbon emissions might raise awareness
of environmental issues among students and the general public while also
enabling other universities to establish themselves as centers of excellence for
running green campuses in urban areas.

On the other hand, Vasan et al., (2014) state that changes in climatic
conditions have increased concern about global warming among government
associations. This implies that as the weather changes, the circumstances of
global warming are anticipated to increase. Organizations use carbon
footprint(CF) analysis methods to identify and quantify the greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions associated with the life cycle stages of their products or
services. Furthermore, they recommended that to address these challenges, they
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present a comprehensive approach to the carbon footprinting of electronic

products that involve the use of product-group-acquainted norms, cold-blooded
life cycle assessment ways, and the integration of CF into products’ force chains.
These approaches can enhance result reliability, potentially overcoming current
challenges in carbon footprint practices at Dimiao National High School.

Finally, Clabeaux et al. (2020) aimed to analyze Clemson University's

carbon footprint through a simplified life cycle assessment approach. It examined
various sources of greenhouse gas emissions on campus, such as steam
production, energy usage, transportation, and paper consumption. The paper
details the methodology for measuring emissions from each source, including
data assumptions and life cycle stages covered. It found that steam production,
transportation via cars, and electricity generation were the primary contributors to
emissions. Additionally, the study highlights the significant impact of the
electricity supplier's resource mix on the overall carbon footprint.
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Review of Related Studies

In recent years, there has been an increasing concern about the

environmental impact of human activities, notably carbon emissions. Carbon
footprint studies have evolved as an important topic of study, to measure and
assess the entire quantity of greenhouse gas emissions produced directly or
indirectly by people, industries, or governments. Researchers hope to acquire a
better grasp of the specific environmental repercussions of the energy
consumption sector. These studies are critical in developing effective climate
change mitigation methods, as well as informing policy decisions to encourage
sustainable practices and minimize carbon emissions. As humanity seeks a more
sustainable and environmentally conscious future, these studies are critical in
giving vital insights and contributing to promoting the development of a more
sustainable and environmentally conscious society.

Dash et al. (2020) conducted a study titled "Awareness and Practices of

Carbon Footprint Reduction: A Survey among Postgraduate Students" to learn
about the awareness and practices of postgraduate students studying in various
streams of education at the University of Balasore, Odisha, India in terms of
reducing their carbon footprint. Data for the study were obtained using a Carbon
footprint awareness test and a Carbon footprint practices scale developed by the
researchers themselves. The findings revealed that more than half of the
students had a low level of carbon footprint awareness; there was no significant
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difference in carbon footprint awareness between female and male students;

however, students who took different academic courses had varying degrees of
awareness of their carbon footprint. The data also revealed that half of the
students engaged in low-level carbon footprint practices, and there was a
statistically significant variation in the mean carbon footprint practice scores of
postgraduate students from various educational streams. Postgraduate students
see a link between carbon footprint awareness and carbon footprint activities.
Thus, as postgraduate students' awareness of their carbon footprint grows, so
does their application of carbon-reducing actions. Changes to educational
curricula should highlight environmental education and empower individuals and
communities to actively participate in environmental problem resolution.

A recent study by Budihardjo et al., (2020) entitled "Quantifying Carbon

Footprint of Diponegoro University: Non-Academic Sector" to which the carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide emissions are calculated and represented in
TonCO2-eq. Three processes were required to estimate the carbon footprint of
non-academic activities: setting operating limits, collecting data, and calculating
emissions using emission factors. All data was gathered through interviews,
observations, and the university record. It was found in the study that the total
carbon footprint (CFP) of this campus's operations is 13,945.55 TonCO 2eq/year.
This overall carbon footprint is divided into three categories: one, two, and three,
with respective percentages of 0.21%, 99.37%, and 0.41%. The most carbon
footprint (CFP) is produced by power usage (13,857.798 TonCO 2eq/year), while
the water supply produces the least (30.079 TonCO 2eq/year). Carbon footprint
contribution from waste and wastewater treatment is estimated at 57.673
TonCO2eq/year. Given that electric power is the primary source of carbon
footprint, the researchers suggested energy conservation as a way to lower the
carbon footprint. Examples include implementing an electricity-saving culture and
optimizing the campus as an open, green place.

To combat climate change, Filippone et al., (2020) carried out a research

project named "Determining the 2019 Carbon Footprint of a School of Design,
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Innovation, and Technology". Based on the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 14069 standards, an international standard for quantifying
and reporting greenhouse gas emissions, the CarbonFeel approach has been
used to assess ESNE's 2018–19 carbon footprint. According to the data,
electrical energy use is the primary source of emissions, accounting for 72,471
kg CO2-e (Scope 2). For heating purposes, Diesel C stationary combustion
(Scope 1) produces 31,548 kg, which is the second most important emission.
Another significant source is the 18,802 kg CO2-e WTT transmission and
distribution losses (Scope 3). Since this supply depends on the electrical system,
it is unmanageable. The contribution of electricity to emissions is notable, as it is
the largest negative factor and coincides with the findings of other studies
evaluated. This source represents a tough optimization; currently, education is
directly tied to technological progress and the use of tools that necessitate
significant electrical consumption, and electrical gadgets (PCs, lighting, and air
conditioning) are already at their peak efficiency. The step to be taken is to
rehabilitate existing buildings to increase energy efficiency. In addition, university
education should incorporate sustainability and sustainable development into
training activities.

The study by Li and Chen (2022) titled "The Impacts of Carbon Emissions
and Energy Consumption on Life Satisfaction: Evidence From China" examines
how Chinese households' life satisfaction during the period 2010 to 2018 was
affected by carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption. Using China
Family Panel Studies (CFPS) data from 25 Chinese provinces from 2010 to
2018, the researchers find that increasing provincial carbon emissions over time
predicts increased household life satisfaction; however, when energy
consumption-related factors are included in the model, the effect of carbon
emissions becomes less significant. Increased home energy consumption can
lead to a proportional improvement in life satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings
show that energy usage is influenced by positional concerns, implying that
having higher electricity and fuel expenditures than their reference group reduces
people's life satisfaction. Thus, the positive association between people's self-
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reported life happiness and carbon emissions could be attributed in part to the
desire for more energy use. Higher energy consumption leads to a higher-carbon
lifestyle because some direct and indirect energy consumption, such as lighting,
heating, cooling, and so on, are major sources of carbon emissions, while these
behaviors facilitate people's daily lives and allow them to achieve greater life

In the year 2023, Uludağ and Taşeli conducted research entitled

"Perspective chapter: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of a High School: A Three
Part Study", the study involved pre-training, awareness questionnaires, and face-
to-face measurements with 295 students to assess their knowledge of climate
change, and global warming and to determine their annual emitted average
quantity of CO2. According to the survey results, it was determined that the
majority of the students only knew about climate change and global warming,
and whether they had read articles in publications such as newspapers and
magazines, and the majority of the answers were no, and it was determined that
they obtained this information only from media and television. The findings found
that students released an average of 7.43 tons of CO2e per year, with home
variables accounting for the majority of emissions (3 tons CO 2e/year) it can be
concluded that fuel and energy usage within the family is the most significant
source while lifestyle habits accounts 2.135 tons CO 2e/year. As a result, the high
school's overall institutional carbon footprint was projected to be 121k tons of
CO2e/year. Increasing the number of studies on calculating and reducing carbon
footprints in schools is crucial to raising awareness about this issue as well as
developing projects that address this topic.

Cordella et al. (2021) did a study titled "Reducing the carbon footprint of
ICT products through material efficiency strategies: A life cycle analysis of
smartphones". This study uses a life cycle assessment model to estimate the
carbon footprint (CF) of cellphones as well as the life cycle costs (LCC) for
consumers in scenarios where various material efficiency measures are applied
in Europe. Smartphones are replaced every two years, with a reference period of
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4.5 years, resulting in the production and use of 2.25 device units. Old devices
are left idle at home, and communication services are not considered. A Carbon
Footprint of 77.2 kilogram CO2, eq over 4.5 years (equal to 17.2 kg CO 2, eq each
year) was calculated. The carbon footprint is broken down by the life cycle stage:
raw materials and parts contribute the most (62%), followed by device assembly
(16%), distribution (11%), and use. Assembly (+2.7 kg CO 2, eq/year), distribution
(+1.9 kg CO2, eq/year), and device recharging (+1.9 kg CO 2, eq/year) all
contribute to the carbon footprint, but end-of-life recycling reduces it (-0.8 kg CO 2,
eq/year). Measures for adopting such material efficiency strategies are offered,
and the results can help decision-makers understand how to lessen the impact of

A recent study titled “Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint

Accounting of Urban and Rural Residents in Beijing Through Consumer Lifestyle
Approach” by Chen et al., (2019) mentioned that it is becoming more widely
acknowledged that household carbon emissions play a significant role in global
emissions. The findings demonstrate that, for Beijing residents, the proportion of
total household energy consumption compared to the city rises from 22.7% to
59.2% when direct and indirect energy consumption as well as CO 2 emissions
are taken into consideration. Similarly, the proportion of total household CO 2
emissions increases from 32.2% to 68.8% during the research period. Beijing's
urban population consumes substantially more energy overall and emits carbon
emissions than its rural counterparts as a result of urbanization. Nonetheless,
there wouldn't be much of a difference in per-capita energy consumption or per-
capita carbon footprint between urban and rural Beijing if a resident of the former
were to move to the latter. The findings of this study could contribute to the
promotion of alternative home consumption strategies, such as more equitable
resource allocation and efficient mitigation of environmental impacts from both
urban and rural areas.

According to the study by Ruiz et al., (2021) titled “Life Cycle Inventory
and Carbon Footprint Assessment of Wireless ICT Networks For Six
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Demographic Areas” it is stated that, over the past few decades, the percentage
of people using the Internet has increased rapidly. This study investigates the
carbon footprint of six fictitious networks supplying internet connectivity to
different regions. This investigation utilized a Life Assessment Cycle. The results
showed carbon footprints between 81 and 103 kg CO 2 eq./subscription/year,
equivalent to 1.35 – 1.73 kg CO 2 eq./Gb. Most of this (between 68 and 86%)
corresponds to end-user devices, primarily in the form of embodied emissions.
Operational emissions account for about one-third of the total and derive
primarily from the electricity consumed by end-user devices, and to a lesser
extent by access networks and data centers. To combat this issue, lowering the
embodied carbon footprint of user devices (mobile phones and smartphones)
should be the main goal of a strategy to increase the environmental sustainability
of newly developed ICT networks. This can be accomplished by increasing the
gadgets’ usable life and lowering their carbon footprint.

The study of Herth and Blok (2022) entitled "Quantifying Universities’

Direct and Indirect Carbon Emissions: The Case of Delft University of
Technology". The Delft University of Technology aims to achieve CO 2 neutrality
by 2030 by investigating and quantifying their direct and indirect carbon
emissions, including those from procurement and related factors. This will
provide a comprehensive picture of the university's carbon footprint and help
identify areas for reduction. The carbon footprint was determined using physical
and monetary activity data, along with a process and economic input-output
analysis. Divided into the scopes of the Greenhouse Gases protocol, data show
that scopes 1 and 2 together account for 17% of emissions, while scope 3
(indirect emissions) accounts for 83% of the university's emissions. The "big five"
emission sources are real estate and construction (18%), followed by natural gas
(17%), equipment (13%), ICT (8%), and facility services (8%). TU Delft's overall
calculated consumption-based carbon footprint in 2018 is 106,000 tCO 2
equivalent. These findings highlight the importance of lowering supply chain
emissions at universities; thus, effective carbon emission-reduction programs
might focus on these hotspots.
Descriptive Study | 21

Lastly, in the study of Garcia et al., (2022) "Awareness of Students'

Carbon Footprint Mitigation at Home" which intended to determine the students'
level of A closed-ended questionnaire was used to assess awareness of carbon
footprint mitigation and the differences across students' places of origin. The
questionnaire included demographic and Likert-scale items as well as an
awareness answer set. Based on the data gathered carbon footprint mitigation
was deemed effective in the waste, appliances, and power categories, whereas
food consumption had the lowest weighted mean. Nonetheless, senior high
school students understand the need to reduce their carbon footprint through
household practices. There is no significant differences in students' levels of
awareness of carbon footprint minimization based on their location of origin. The
findings offered a foundation for recommendations on a possible intervention for
reducing their carbon footprint in terms of food intake. At the same time, future
researchers can expand their knowledge of carbon footprint, namely in
transportation, and focus on adult responses.

In summary, a thorough grasp of how human activity affects the

environment is revealed by the review of relevant studies on carbon footprint.
These assessments offer a crucial starting point for comprehending the effects of
human activity on the environment and figuring out practical solutions to lessen
those effects. We can discover patterns, trends, and knowledge gaps by
reviewing the scope of research that has already been done. This will help us
make well-informed judgments and create focused plans for lowering carbon
emissions. Furthermore, these studies act as a catalyst for additional
investigation, promoting continuous learning and creativity in the field of
sustainability. In the end, a thorough analysis of relevant research opens the
door for evidence-based policy, knowledgeable consumer decisions, and group
initiatives in the direction of a future that is more environmentally conscious and
Descriptive Study | 22



This chapter presents the research methods to be used by the

researchers in conducting the study, such as the research design, research
locale, population and sampling, research respondents, research instruments,
validation of the research instruments, data gathering procedures, and statistical
data analysis.

Research Design

The researcher utilized descriptive quantitative research design in data

collection and analysis to obtain answers to the problem above and to justify their
findings. Using this method, researchers could get reliable and objective results
that could apply to larger populations. As per Sreekumar (2023), a quantitative
research design involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to characterize,
forecast, or control variables of interest. This type of research design often
involves using surveys, experiments, or statistical analysis to draw conclusions
and make predictions. Meanwhile, descriptive quantitative research design is a
type of quantitative research design that aims to answer questions such as who,
Descriptive Study | 23

what, where, when, and how much. This design is most suitable when the
primary objective of the study is to observe and report a specific phenomenon as
it occurs. Given that this study mainly describes and documents the school's
carbon footprint, a descriptive research design is the most suitable.

Research Locale

The researchers conducted this study at Dimiao National High School in

Puangyuta, Dimiao, Bohol. This public secondary school consists of 468 senior
high school students, 258 junior high school students, a total of 726 students, 35
teachers, four non-teaching staff, and one school administrator. This institution
has 29 rooms, including a faculty room, LRC (Learning Resource Center), dance
studio (Talento), two electrical installation maintenance and services rooms (for
Junior High School and Senior High School), a school canteen, a science
laboratory, a computer laboratory, a tailoring room, and two food laboratories (for
Junior High School and Senior High School).

Population And Sampling

The study's respondents included students, teachers, and non-teaching

staff from Dimiao National High School. Dimiao National High School had a total
population of 726, including students, teachers, and non-teaching staff.

The students, teachers, and non-teaching staff at Dimiao National High

School participated in a quantitative research study. The methodology involved
stratification, a sampling technique that divides the population into smaller
subgroups, or strata, from which samples are selected rather than being drawn
straight from the entire population. The Cochran formula was utilized to
determine the suitable sample size. The respondents were given a survey
questionnaire to assess Low-Carbon Behavior and Awareness to gauge their
understanding of carbon footprints. In the subsequent stage, the researchers
employed the sampling technique and Cochran formula results from the initial
process, and the respondents were then administered a Mobile Device Usage
Descriptive Study | 24

Research Respondents

The research respondents of this descriptive quantitative research are the

stratified randomly selected students, teaching staff, and non-teaching staff of
Dimiao National High School. With a total of 726 population, the sample size of
258 was determined using Cochran's Formula. Below are the data of the exact
sample size per strata:

Validation of the Research Instrument

In this study stage, the researchers conducted a pilot test with 36
randomly chosen students and four teachers, a total population of 40. This was
performed to examine the validity and reliability of each question, adapted from
the studies of Liu, Y., et al. (2021b), titled "Low-carbon Awareness and
Behaviors: Effects of Exposure to Climate Change Impact Photographs." This
questionnaire contains 20 questions that help the researchers determine the
level of awareness and their behavior towards low-carbon emissions in response
to exposure to climate change impact photographs. After completing the pilot
testing, the results showed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.8, indicating a high level of
internal consistency among the questionnaire items. Therefore, the questionnaire
is acceptable and can be used for data collection for the study.

Research Instrument
In gathering the necessary data, a 20-question awareness and behavior
questionnaire was given to assess the respondents' understanding of carbon
footprints. This instrument is adapted from the study of Liu, Y. (2021). The
aim of the questions is to assess the level of knowledge of the respondents on
how they are concern and how they behave in terms of Low-Carbon. Each
respondent was given a copy of the questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale,
with 4 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. It is arranged from strongly agree to
strongly disagree, respectively. The researchers also conduct a survey
researcher-made questionnaire to collect information on respondents' viewpoints
on carbon footprints in terms of the hours they spend towrds mobile phone use.
Descriptive Study | 25

The respondents are motivated to submit accurate answers for researchers to

achieve a reliable interpretation of the results.
These two questionnaires will help the researchers gather the necessary
data and assess the data to better know their level of Awareness and the level of
Carbon Footprint in Dimiao National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the standardized questionnaire had been adapted, the researchers
asked the school principal of Dimiao National High School for permission to
survey the school premises.

The researchers conducted a pilot test with 36 randomly selected students

and four teachers, with a total population of 40. The questionnaire was adapted
from the study of Liu, Y., et al. (2021), titled "Low-Carbon Awareness and
Behaviors: Effects of Exposure to Climate Change Impact Photographs." After
the questionnaire was examined for its validity and reliability, the researchers
then conducted a survey using the survey questionnaire with the 258 selected
students, teachers, and non-teaching staff using the stratified random sampling
technique. Carbon emissions are quantified by converting the obtained data on
the number of hours of mobile phone use to equivalent carbon footprints through
the use of conversion factor as derived from Berners-Lee's (2010) book: a minute
of mobile use emits approximately 57 g CO₂e. After the computation, the results
were analyzed.

Statistical Data Analysis

The foundational approach adopted for this study is rooted in the

quantitative research design, embodying a tripartite structure. The first part
begins by distributing a 20-item standardized questionnaire to the respondents,
adapted from the study of Liu Y. et al. (2021) titled "Low-carbon Awareness and
Behaviors: Effects of Exposure to Climate Change Impact Photographs."
Secondly, it meticulously enumerates the carbon footprint emissions of the
Descriptive Study | 26

respondents derived from mobile device usage, and finally, it precisely calculates
the school's carbon footprint emissions in terms of electricity usage annually. The
data gathered from the respondents in this stage is tabulated, classified, and
assessed accordingly. To have a precise, reliable, and valid representation of the
data collected, the following statistical procedures were used

A. Frequency Count: This serves as a useful tool for tabulating the

demographic profile of the respondents, which includes their category, name,
age, gender profile, and also their responses in the 20-item Low Carbon
Awareness Questionnaire. By systematically tallying their responses, this method
facilitates a comprehensive understanding of their responses as well as their
consistency in answering every item.
B. Weighted Mean: This will be used to calculate the average value of the
data from the 20-item Low Carbon Awareness Questionnaire answered by the
respondents, and by doing so, interpretations can be derived and generalizations
can be drawn.
C. Percentage: This will be used to determine the percentage of
respondents whose low-carbon awareness falls under the given set of
interpretations based on the weighted mean of their responses.
D. Berner Lee's Carbon Footprint Conversion Method: To get the
equivalent carbon footprint emission from mobile device usage in school. This
method involves converting the duration of device usage from hours to minutes
and then calculating the carbon footprint using a conversion factor of 57 grams of
CO2 per minute of use.
E. Emission Calculations for Electricity: This carbon footprint calculator
from the study of Taseli et al. (2018), "Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of a High
School," derived from the DEFRA (Department of Environment, Food, and Rural
Affairs), will be used to convert the annual electricity usage of the school in watts
(kWh). The calculator takes into account the emissions associated with the
generation of electricity in the school, providing a comprehensive analysis of the
carbon footprint. This tool allows for accurate measurement and monitoring of
carbon footprint emissions from electricity consumption.
Descriptive Study | 27


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Descriptive Study | 31

March 8, 2024



To whom it may concern,


We hope this letter finds you well. We are students from Grade XII Honesty
taking up General Academic Strand - Science Technology Engineering
Mathematics (GAS-STEM). As a subject requirement for completion, we are
tasked to research quantifying the Carbon Footprint in Dimiao National High
School. This study aims to identify the level of carbon footprint in our school.

For us to achieve and obtain the goal of our research, we are asking for your
permission as the School Principal to let us conduct our study in the school. This
will be beneficial for both students, teachers, and the institution for it will raise
awareness and help the school to have a vision in maintaining sustainability.

We are hoping for your support and kind consideration. Thank You and God
Bless! Have a good day!

Sincerely Yours, Grade XII- Honesty (GAS-STEM)

Noted By:

Mr. Charlito C. Japos

Practical Research II Teacher

Approved By:

Mrs. Ester C. Mingoc

School Principal


Puangyuta, Dimiao, Bohol
Descriptive Study | 32

To the Respondents,

We, the students of grade 12- Honesty, from the GAS-STEM, are
SCHOOL’’. This aims to identify the level of awareness of the respondents,
which involves their knowledge about the current state of the environment as well
as their set of values. This will be beneficial for formulating interventions to
reduce the emissions of carbon footprint in the school. We are glad to inform you
that you have been chosen as one of the respondents. Rest assured that the
data gathered from you will be treated and capped with the utmost confidentiality.
Your help as our research respondent means a lot to the researchers. Thank you
and God bless!



Section l (Demographic Profile)

Name: _______________________________________________________
Gender: Male [ ] Female [ ] Age: ___ Category: [ ] Student [ ] Teacher [ ]
Non-Teaching Staff


DIRECTION: This questionnaire asks you to provide feedback on your attitude
toward the Low-Carbon behavior indicated and awareness on the label below.
Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements by putting a
check mark (/) on the appropriate box for each question. Please think about how
well you know and relate to each statement.
Scale Description Interpretation
Strongly Highly aware of environmental issues and actively engage in
Agree actions to reduce carbon footprint.
Aware of environmental issues and engage in some actions
3 Agree
to reduce carbon footprints.
Have limited awareness of environmental issues and may
2 Disagree
not prioritize actions to reduce carbon footprints.
Strongly Not aware of the environmental issues and have made no
Disagree efforts to reduce carbon footprint.

4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I am concerned about low-carbon issues, mainly to
Descriptive Study | 33

ensure the well-being of myself and my family.

2. I am concerned about low-carbon issues, mainly to
promote social development or human survival.
3. I am concerned about low-carbon issues, mainly to
protect the natural environment and ecosystems.
4. Humans have the right to adapt to the natural
environment according to their needs.
5. Humanity’s massive emissions of greenhouse gases will
have disastrous consequences.
6. Human wisdom can solve the greenhouse effect.
7. The problem of excessive greenhouse gas emissions is
already very serious.
8. As long as we learn to develop, the Earth has enough
resources to use.
9. Although humans have special abilities, they are still
bound by the laws of nature.
10. If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at our current
rate, humans will soon experience an ecological
11. Environmentally friendly (green) products are too
12. I am concerned about carbon emissions and actively
learn relevant information.
13. Carbon emission issues reported by the media often
make me very angry.
14. Most people don’t care about low-carbon issues and
don’t understand my low-carbon behavior.
15. I can’t find a suitable channel through which to
participate in low-carbon activities.
16. I adopt low-carbon behavior because people around me
are doing the same.
17. I am willing to recycle plastic bottles, waste paper, etc.
because I can receive an income from doing so
18. Low-carbon behaviors (e.g., saving electricity and gas)
can reduce living expenses.
19. I would be more willing to engage in low-carbon
behavior if there were a reward policy.
20. I am obliged to adopt low-carbon behavior because of
environmental protection laws and regulations.


Descriptive Study | 34

DIRECTION: This questionnaire asks you to provide the number of hours you
spend on any mobile devices you bring to school. This includes cellphones,
tablets, laptops, earphones, headphones, and other mobile devices not
mentioned. Your input will help us assess the carbon footprint associated with
mobile device usage at school. This is for a research purpose and it will be highly
appreciated if you respond to each item with utmost sincerity. Read each
statement carefully. Please specify the number of mobile devices you bring and
use during school hours, as well as the average time spent using them.

Questions Answer
1. How many mobile devices do you usually bring to school?
2. How many hours do you use the following devices at school? (If Available)
a. Cellphone
b. Tablet
c. Laptop
d. Earphones
e. Bluetooth Speaker


Liu, Y., Jin, L., & Su, Y. (2021b). Low-Carbon Awareness and Behaviors: Effects of exposure to climate change
impact photographs. SAGE Open, 11(3), 215824402110314.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

-The Researchers

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