RSGIS Unit 2 Notes-1-13

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Remote sens felliter aud _sensox Cherveceristics Tidveduction.s- \ . . Tee sofellife Hlboured PeYb fs cotter! obif, sopellite obs are desig ceoel te Meeh dhe eopabifity aud abjeehver 9 jhe seus arbor el. orbits cen differ ) faves % altitude ar wellas onietfeehau, ud ylation Yelafive fo Jue Earl. — Gee stecHouer vy orbits ave used fey cat, “ ; elites pooch dravel af very tg attibides and) ahioy © see foe game, vtaty of He Gers surface, - MF el lader ft approxiinataly 3¢,cr Hlomefers, Te geartehoueny soteliifes revel oF Speed¢ Heed medels Jee voleHou pies eo , nate fon aypeary Stafiorary velecHue fo die Eq 5 surtace. Tyfer F Persate sensing sajellitecc, AS PS fear ovbipee] Haig Frova dhe Cart - ® High Garp ovbiti- C7= 257180 1 Fram dhe GAL, Sofa Tao reeny weedber fetelliber ariel fore emule, cofelliter have a Wigt Earth ovbit. Median Earth orkid. (2000 he 35720 FR fren te Ear(h @ mein erat se Jo Ass group 4 satellites wks Sr rodsetiey, auc\ syecto| parpece aur\ deslgues| 10 Mouthy a perfil, reyhelr @® Law Earl orbit C9480 + 2oo9 Fg fay Jae Amv suvbe), ——— : ' Mert selembfte extelliges are te Aer jreey, NASAS Gast olerviig Syifena 16a sxainle fT Reser te earth ave Jie Jao Ear tafellfess reas ip Sreaglberss AGE Pall § PAelhy, poole uly fot groreph sotellifer meover fastev, The NAGA AGU tofellite, fey exaneple dekee appr oxtintelyy 9g wefioafes fa overt He calls aloe} 7G Hlbomelore above dhe Errfh 6) fhe per rele be paahber aul eybla} imclimed tera © Geesyrieyousel sofelhfe s Jee satellite vevoloes tra civtalew cy clUlplice] Orbit, psticl tr Ssyncloewired OMG TL se}etened peried tie earth With zerr or close do esr Frclluehisty fc Er0wu tai, ASA gerspachye yoouy ~ ehen ie (5 reonreg ata due civewlav abit ot zevo vo 4 and Syuskvrontzed My Ae enrdhe vefehoy AR Sefellife OV aypeay stefovary fi yaspeert § fee AvtDS Sorface Ie Pret. as a Se sfehovcry satellite. — Geostehonary ovbis ave Located) a} a Wig abhiade qf 26009tm: tee sotellite fo stony MAD fhe Sarre ard Javge aven ou fle early, @® Seto -syrchvonous Sfeblite THe Satellite gevelyes hy a Avtaloy ov ellip Hee} Play oy peay Poay ordi erleich ; is Syhebrord2ed with Ae ansfart leca| tne ge - IM each aved OM dre earth Ic Ero ofa sane yuu setfollite. Oi) pre soleflifer fy 2od atca mcdlens arty ore ave iM dis goer, Env} olesevueHol speller sact asa Land « Sor, FES ave treet Sun-syuicbyo vos sorallife- synebr < @ Basest ov Ihe sorb qr oud pod [etsy prodarce , Gatley syspern ave colegorired| Ar Imoging ey wou a tmragtug tenor, Frragig Sensors neotatloy ake terdly & Eme emtitenl/ yeFleeded| ancl preduee ary Image ¢ dbe grrmeel as tin ott poy. Coy. photo gre plc Camere) Neue imaging sess motttoy yeehlafier fofergity buy do wef prod ce. images, aud dhe observehoug ave th the Brin gs eereerica) deta. C04: Graviveter), * SUssovt Bases| on aye 2 ere Ay Medkicpeche} Simegiiny Senor Be are Trreegiiag SAUseve - Co Mla ware maging : — phobogrecptc er scaring, fy8ters ave omens Ae multicpertre] juragliny cur. Camueras ave, uses} Ty phttogreptde SySes, Whereas Scanvrers and Filtos By valeur waveleng fh etvert ave Used) 1h scamulee SYSTHOMS. Pu Sone civeamsdarrcey | A Comblushon ¥ 7 pletepreply er scarnt ny surfers ie aes) — Tee elect - ope sconni sypren ticle thermal Scadug, The Herne} iubvares| par qo Eme te felt by Tee Scebvert. Tere carters ds ust vecorel poe aepred Melon] femparedere pte obsete, = icy wvetreofe FHM Ye doe abi Ly t now waver fo Perreprete Jre crvtroumed th steeckts SitueHlelrs tu, as doud (ver, Sued anc] Sreoke. Tey coy alto sense af at fee oF dew wn tget . & gered on plumber 4 Bowde aves! A) Parehvomehic serg ort BY Molt tpechre] Iaeghny coger ©) Myrey Spectra] trvaginy perfor, — Patclowmafe serKove clafeeds phe vedlehoy Covert Mee eeefive Vielble Syeofeu ~ MN spe ety me] iineoplery §eLr6ort defecks She rad iefiory Wy1 hi leven Yeointes dee Emme Sach as optice} , Meret] oy ley medenry veya Wa veleth'vely bro ae} wave leno}, ih meltiple bauele. ~ Ayrer Speer Wreiging Susors collect redlle Hoc, as te opplecs| reste thy olonorrs oy hrcbvec), ‘ CstHyeorry aud wowed frervels q ee gpechttn, # orblte| ams senfoy devacterisHes of mapy Gardin ~ Wee a soblilte if cout tute spae , it fllears a well ~AFiver) course aroutecl Jue Earph teoder ay HA sakdlbels ovklt. The Earle poiieteve} pull auo| Ye sefellife’s velocity ave joe pre mei elemerfe fled Keep sofellites in fleiy ovbilt. — THe setellifes Spoyie] on feumpere] coverage, if deterniued by is eybits Tere gre }ivee tyres at Orbit fled cive comnmeudy use). Ke Geo -synchvorwurs obi. 8. prlay oy neaw pilav ordeity, “. SUN savehvmeus ovbibs . x chavecte tsfice of Remote serstliny satellifas:- @) Feofave s inntat : reste Spor hes aa Isette = eR suv) sun sun soy sayy [rtd le rcravonens | synetmmnes | sytclonvoas syucboovenss laynclivennas i___ee a. Aiklade to 45 16 RIL Jou | 4. poy | | ele 1 oviitet ] feplede 23 | 9 lo] Bet | Lenintce) | ok nie Tucliasfey alee indegrees | 39 gg.2 | IB] 93 | «498-64 seysve fesolechour Is days | \< days | 26 days | 22 dey | ay deus Fevakeou | 25) 233 364 30y- aug. [Guepvial | - | onesting el F30am | Wrdam | lered cum | 1830 am usr, [CBS Ir | SHSove | EBV Mss | mes, TM | HR Ae, a PAN, | us WIS. q am Tyres of Sensoyc:- = plrofersneeytetc CAmevat, which vecore| ifort fam Vise oy neay- WHared wavelengths of dhe electyo nehe specrwr pare TEE ho varie type of vemode. Gearrgd oe SUGoYs = fh Sersov tga denice qrof defects clechomaguelic yadiaHonr veftected ov emtites| ab a Specifte wavelngth fem ai object Energy veflectes| ov padiated Fons the earfint snrdace t¢ alllectedd Cleen2er memdoch Crour be), oy NGL Caceoe bm) alfitodg, depending err Ae satellifete PMended parpese - * . Aah parva ® Apogee ancl petgce - tee pep fe foe ovbr wher Jee satellite te Fotverp for dee ead ts caller] @P09%C, peaigce Ys fee polet (Heer cofellite's obit here re opt ta dee eaydb. tty closer 42 4 ene If \e— ovbit- ' © Smell nection :- Tarclineetion if tre onrgle measures cleckiote Hom dhe equecfoy” 5 He ovbrtad plone. vere, Sercing Satelittels ovbifa) fucheiou fe revin 89 degrees. ov Jug equeboria} plone ary setelltter tachvohie, Wo ebeat ig¢6 dlegrees. @ raaiv, grind trmucaid versity: Ready ts be palsh On He Eaviihs surface where fie radio] fine coltecHing Abr earths centye and fue cotelitte intertenks. Tee vtest Aipfance befeee, te Stellite ad dor ears Surface fr ot Jlic localfon. = Bey point jost opposite do dhe nadir, above dtc bakéMite fs called cent ; = ae gpowsed crack tr the dwele ovr foe earth'c_surface defined) by dee vediy pot o3 due cotellife rofaper, @ seat) tte wlAll FALL aver on Ae Captis Surtoce : fnrcrged By HO SetSoy daring a Susie POY le referred} do as tbe SeroHh a scotelUfe. GG Side top one) Overlap: TH comme, avea gi cosecotut [wanes alors die lott petty te eal cuertor. Ae weberring portion t irayer ae & Feo MEAGLO HIE Liver aye treo og ele orp. Chayecetertspies 4. Gtsoy} @® db a} 1 Cfobe Ulery: electro “he bated widltty¢ oF dre maguehe rmeliabec, pice Chatiuele Used ts Fetes the Speebee] refolettols oq vereate sergiic fustrenrenf-¢ SeS¥) . WNL, speedy on] vewoferWoy fp Aho actives! hy ay VOCS feted anit, , Which Collec Five ty ne Lely ls prouide a wore Aceavete Speya| Siguetire By Anevete objet Hoar Lrpac] berdeielit,, @ Kadlonmetyre Pecbutiongs Fr refer $e dog surelllee} feqeuitty charge prot dre Sensing Sysheny cary detect Toe htptietc. vecllomebte veoheevou, ya Setetiog sycteny ic deperninesl by Abe dlapecbxe ayic| 15 - welte yoo. Te rvecllometvic yesalerKou, ta Aijita| inrage ic Minctfos| by dow murcber g diccrebe qeartizettour levele Used to UEHZE Ae eoubiuces t wderetiy volue. @ Spetiod vewleous- g4 vefers do que Ace, J He Sualler} object tet cain be vesolved aunt be Recs flat gre tae ple]. cee panei Yesolotion Goin Imeginy Sytfern ie malay bases on dee Trov fit) Sok F HK eee YA ca to @& measure $ HR greed Avec yiewdesl Tu a ge bk by a oe hgk detector lemert, @ Tempore) ceclabious- HAs veletes| fo die repetiftee Covercege Fp Aee grourel by doe verre consi ney Suge. The doruporer} YF oferto, cs Lated ee} us fs stxheer dawe. * Indices fermate erectus Sofellite Preqveht:- : space mieploug ard queiy plecwlug ac bet, Port a Space fregverame fy Space nieHol, toa : renner] oy Ohrrarned yebicle Cspaceereeft|setelltte) Jlal devels Hhvetints speice fo juvectigote jue Solar Syskerw otre| collect scierHpre clerfer. “Fra, plentaieg , desky and excecefion 5 A Specific Space rulgitour are all part G & PACE wurtiols pregyemmnnc. “ey Co be dani Fieel tefo dure Fllowlag elgoncr depending ou due sbicctiver pace grace milePlotr. ® Applicapour @ pechnodogy experimen d- © science ane} exelereHors, Various Space Agence are shou ie de fable beled s - Now |_ _ Buyeowr canbe otk weltife. . A |terhedien pace Receavel, Teetete CASAL) AoyeLia | 2. | Belglan Tetley space Belpiam Wer acye Kone . bi Aewnony C BISA) cee 3. | Brazilian Space Pyeng Brazel Ww. clerdetupe-by C AEB) A. | cldica Nofened spec ) Fevoahyayrerey Adiwietebre Hour Centca) Cdua AeJUeCh. 6. | cla Neteued space elaine Wd CULAegUaCh. pdotudspefion CENsA) b+ Eave peat SPa ce Pgeney Europe, Worse 2A» 14, CESA) Fo | French Space Hpereq(enes) France [wonenes.ty 8 Germany ferespack certoy Germany wu dly-de. c BLA) a Renzecc poh ft Orgatsinatfon Creo) STM space genes | Teal wor (svo-0V9. : a ae aie “space. yore] Jen ude faefr CTSA) 7 We | Sralian sence agerty CAL) Holy crs ase _ peor PxajP Agewey (AXA) Fapair -Aeraspace ExploreHolr | yee pent) Nalioylands stele Lov « pretteylaudle 3 De rely} Eeien as Psat) wero Deinen| 14.| Rassiona Fede} space Ay: Nowe. felreliyece, CeKA) 22 ve ‘ — as AS | Kove Pevogeace Research Digitek Soph fovea) WOW karte ky ckAet) : [ 16 | ceetitee Hacions| dC Facing, WUD ties ‘feaespacie) CENTA) ae \F swedich Nabgucd space Bore] [eweder wowed Seb se c sng) 18 | Nofenol space Ag Ubelue) YRvalue — faowenkaue joe CNSAU) wt aa + \4. Najoued fleronautics oud Bods MATT Nav. UK space Agere CuKsA) space put theHous (NASA) [stokes Pagdemt Wigoviek. ee *& Frade 1 Space pregyee! bess ste Tuller sptee progveerime begets tA FQ Iq205, Loker d&e feverficf Meerrce] SE Mier To yoltoda, tracted a sorts” f experimrerds To Socure} +U¢ efrrayreve aney ground - bases} sadlo deckwiquer, Te Gaverrwesef | quella C Got) begat inverse J JL Lpace SCH CE prsgredame£ fy 1480+ unde poe Jeadadldy” v Visionary pre Wfge Sayebhaj, Ie Govertmenp GF feelia exfablished Aue Srlion Nakee} commitec fer space pesesiveh CIM cospae) In 62 dw develop and frrvulete J lan _space pepe met. py Vien gaye bla} ty colelely vegareledl ac FO fajrey Sudiale Space pregame ; dectdec| im 1963 egfatlich toe ae) FS Equeloriod Peckel- Lauieldag gepou CT Trenba- > - \ yes] itl: the wdtale Space [YO nom Wat Plow yt nn vee dachwe fos4 fev Neto developre THe progres i aqpleoton ave pH a SHO erplarsts 04 col fe veliance policy. ex primary goo] ET Gudlon Space pry rebee te do erfablich self su Fbicienf opera fore] space sevvtees IM Tee Hore SFOS satellite Gorm anahiy tp coteblijebater| vesoure Survey /manegencoug- anc] rcheoro logic] apy |'coffours. ee Tudtian Gace fe Yes ycly Ovgqe4s'2e4504 CER. ) : ! dee ele confrolles| rede} vey ej u yeseaychs DF IC ore m ; yegearc apenas world’ lending space Y space. — JF woy established tu fe Wwadestn forms it 1464 wit, @ Hee good 4 deve laaliog Space fee bnefeoy aud apelyieg Pe fo varices napoueed faske LRG meaceget Medion, SPACE pregjretures fr Calleeboveials wdttlr forry guanpa tact fusftelouts- Me Netiorea] terme} EK genus copre CNEIC) cattert-orcffoter— tole fore ye in dyWabed, che gpbeygica Research Lebovetory (rev) tu Momedaleel Mee Nepoue- Ph rresplevic kecearcl Laborefory (NAL) Th Thee fy ond tue Nerd, - Easterts Geace fpplicstery centre (NE-AC) Ny Ura , meg rlaya. ¥ — Re danch 6 SITE (satellite suhactionel THevidleow Cxpernert) 20 expevimretfo sabellir. Camere Commeudcapon Project t fudley awnelrer| yatety ed Mare avd Ero thy WIG Was anotirey malo breaktive tga Te te Prado. SRK POgreton The project prided tye cia] Dutfrachiptac) i Edncerhonad Teheuieteu Progremmu, qudta. STEPC soteltip wt fe vue] ms = Xe Tele.Co wretch us CKXperiner]j Pvject) Wa. a , J LA pele cormnnyuse'ceh! CX carrie} Bei, 149} et hous Renta Gro . “7 Toe to 47 es Ti tect 114, 500 Jarueled Hoe palcivgj ane ces-1) vsieg MT OW Lawtel pene pede, ied Toda dee sererft, Dadur world be te be alle fe faureh a safellite, cu Raq ace] 196) ie FA ian tafelOfe Lacucls welricle CsLvr2) bere to facet, fre Poldid satellite C ES-L)£ (eco)

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