05 Abbreviations

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: All India Reporter

All : Allahabad
: Article
Bom. :Bomby
COFEPOSA : Conservation of Foreign Excbange and Prevention of
CrPC : Criminal Procedure Code
Ed. : Edi0on
Eg. : Exempli Gatia (for example)
Govi. : Government
HC : High Court
HP : Himachal Pradesh
i.e. : Id Est (that is )
Ibid : Ibidem, (in the same place)
Ibid : Ibidem
IBR : Indian Bar Review
IU : Indian Law Institute
IU : Indian Law Institute
ILO : International Labour Organisation
IPC : Indian Penal Code
J.T. : Judgment Todsy
Justice : Justice Bhagwati
LASs : Legal Aid Schemes
Mad. : Madras
MISA : Mainteiunce of Internal Security Act
MP : Madhya Pradesh
NGO : Non Governmental Organisation
NO : Number

P : Page
PIL : Public Interest Litigation
SC : Supreme Court
SCC Supreme Court Cases
SCJ . Supreme Court Journal
SCR : Supreme Court Report
sub-sec : Sub-Section
u/Art. : under Anicle
u/sec : under section
UNO : United Nations Organisation
UP : Utter Pradesh
US : United States
V versus
Vol. : Volume
Vs. : versus
W/P : writ petition

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