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Make sentences with phrasal verbs. You might need to change the tense.

If it’s possible, put

the object in the middle.
1. She spent the day ..... (wasting time doing things that aren’t important) and didn’t do any
2. The exam board have ...... (made something simpler / the test).
3. He ....... (made something simpler / the report) for a TV audience.
4. She ....... (took someone apart from a group to talk privately / the children) to ask them
what happened.
5. They ...... (made something simpler / the documentary).
6. It doesn’t take him long to ...... (calm down after being angry). He gets angry quickly and
calms down quickly.
7. The boss ....... (took someone apart from a group to talk privately / Luke).
8. I want to go to the office and ....... (try to understand a situation or person / it).
9. We walked around and ....... (tried to understand a situation or person / the staff).
10. He’s so productive – he hardly ever ....... (wastes time doing things that aren’t important).
11. After I ....... (calmed down after being angry), I saw that she was right.
12. She ...... (tried to understand a situation or person / the situation) very quickly and knew
how to behave.
13. I feel like I spend a lot of time ...... (wasting time doing things that aren’t important) on
the internet.
14. It took me a long time to ....... (calm down after being angry) after that fight.
15. I can’t ........ (try to understand a situation or person / him).
16. Leave them to ........ (calm down after being angry) and let’s talk again in the morning.
17. You need to ........ (take someone apart from a group to talk privately / Amanda) and find
out what she thinks.
18. They ....... (wasted time doing things that aren’t important) all weekend.
19. They have ......... (made something simpler / this book). The old edition was more
20. He ........ (took someone apart from a group to talk privately / me) to talk about a gift for
my mother.

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