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Jurnal XXXXXXX Submitted : XX/XX/XXX

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Volume XX Nomor XX, XXX Accepted : XX/XX/XXX



Primary Teacher Education Department, faculty of education science, State University of Makassar

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires students to have higher-order thinking skills
in solving everyday problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of
highorder thinking skills of elementary school students using problem-based learning. This research
was a classroom action research conducted on 30 fifth grade students of SDN 32 Sikeli. The results
showed that the average score of students' initial ability was 45.00 with a percentage of completeness
of 35%, in cycle 1 getting an average score of 58.00 with a percentage of completeness of 70% and in
cycle 2 getting an average score of 75.00 with 80% completeness. The results showed an increase of
high-order thinking skills of elementary school students using problem-based learning. The
implications of this study can be used as a reference for improving Higher-Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS) of elementary school students.

Keywords: HOTS, industrial revolution 4.0, PBL, elementary school

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is educational institution on process learning at
an era Comprehensive use of technology school.
inside every component of human life Formal learning in Indonesia is an
(Prasetyo & Sutopo, 2018). The era of the elementary school (Kenedi et al, 2019).
industrial revolution 4.0 is The era of change Primary schools have responsibilities to
from analog systems to systems digital equip thinking skills and student skills to
(Tritularsih &; Sutopo, 2017). It means in the keep up education to a higher level. School
era of This whole human life is affected by Basic has a tough task to Creating learning
digital system. The era of the industrial that answers The challenges of the Industrial
revolution was marked With the rise and Revolution 4.0 era. Master as In-class learning
development of technology, yes technology in providers should: develop lessons that able to
every aspect. This impacts the system human train thinking skills and Student skills for
life in all aspects. The impact of the industrial today's students and will come able to solve
revolution era 4.0 is also influence on the problems which he faced (Rizal, 2017). One
educational aspect (Handitya, 2018). Changes Thinking skills that need to be developed is
of the era that has entered Industrial the ability to think higher order or In
Revolution 4.0 Impacts the Process English it is called High Order thinking
Learning that demands change Learning skill (HOTS). HOTS is part of from the ability
objectives. This is in harmony with to think (Kenedi, 2018). HOTS is an unusual
Challenges Institutions Must Face thinking ability which involves a process of
education in this era. Institution critical analysis, creative and able to solve
Challenged to be able to produce graduates problems (Ahmad et al, 2017). HOTS is part
that can compete globally with develop of from the ability to think on a cognitive level
thinking skills and Skills in solving problems aimed at solving problems that are not ordinary
(Ghufron, 2018). The ability to think It is (Dinni, 2018). HOTS is the ability to think
required not the ability to think deeply differently Clear ideas with proper arguments
solve a mediocre problem. Because on This era in solving a problem (Widodo & Kardawati,
and the era to come are problems that will be 2013). HOTS can also be said as a thought
faced by each individual will be more process that associates information old with
complex. This is what must be developed by the information he just got to develop
| Volume xx Nomor xx, xxxxxx| 2

information towards stages an even more learning outcomes. The results of the
complex one aimed at solving problems researcher's documentation of the repeat
(Hanifah, 2019). HOTS too It is said to be a results Daily students on theme 1 found that on
vigorous thought process individuals in the average-The average student learning outcome
process of analyzing, evaluating and create is 64.73. It is prove that student learning
something as a step in solve problems outcomes are based on KKM that has been
(Krathwohl &; Anderson, 2009). Therefore determined by the school i.e. 75.00. This
it can be interpreted that HOTS is an ability indicates that the process Teacher-delivered
that inspires the process thinking through learning has an impact to the process of
the process of analysis, evaluation and thinking skills of students who It can be
Creating as an effort to solve problems seen from the low learning outcomes of
everyday. student
HOTS needs to be trained and developed Seeing this fact, the researcher asked for
early on. This is because HOTS is capable of permission to the teacher to give HOTS
train individual thinking critically and creative questions for know the student's HOTS ability
(Budiman &; Jailani, 2014). It is very Needed in real. Once permitted, the teacher gives about
in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. And HOTS that researchers have prepared. Based
also HOTS can develop students' abilities to on the initial ability test, it was reviewed. The
observe and find solutions from every average score of students is 45.00. It is
problem faced (Wicasari & Erna Ningsih, signifies that the student's HOTS ability is in
2016). Therefore HOTS must Developed since the low category.
elementary school age. Fact From previous After knowing the ability level HOTS
research states that The HOTS of students, researchers invite teachers to fix
elementary school students is still low (Ichsan, the problem in the form of class action
Iriani &; Hermawati, 2018) . This is because: research (PTK). The teacher stated availability
Teachers are less likely to create the learning of PTK implementation. Joint researcher
that able to improve students' HOTS Teachers collaborate to find solutions
abilities primary school. problem. Based on the observations that
To find out, researchers Observing in researchers make do that the main cause of low
one of the elementary schools located in the HOTS It is the learning process that the
city of Sikeli. By Researchers' observations teacher Carry out does not support the
of the learning process In the classroom it was process development of student HOTS.
found that the teacher taught Learning only Therefore Researchers agree PTK is
with the teacher's book read and explained, focused on the model Learning.
while students only observing the teacher, Based on the researcher's terori studies
while occasionally looking at the book and Find that HOTS teachers students can
student. In the learning process the teacher Developed through a problem-based model
does not provide feedback to students, learning (PBL) (Syaodih &; Handayani, 2014).
consequently Students feel bored and lack PBL is a learning model that Make problems
motivation in the process of learning. In the the foundation learning (Kenedi, 2017). PBL
process Teachers rarely ask students in is Contextual learning that delivers Real
completing problems related to the material problems in the learning process so that
that Taught. The teacher also looks students are required to complete the
domineering learning without involving problem and make it a learning
students in develop the learning process. (Kusumaningtias, Zubaidah & Indriwati,
Process This learning results in students only 2013). PBL essentially has Advantages that
sitting, listening and recording every can answer problems Above. These
command, and information presented by the advantages are PBL Presenting real
teacher. Students also looks inactive because problems so that students will get used to
the teacher never provide feedback on solving problems in daily life (Agustin,
information presented. In addition, the 2013). PBL can stimulate students in active
learning that Presented by the teacher is learning to Find solutions to problems by:
textual so that students many complain not develop the ability to think creatively and
understand in Solve problems provided by critical thinking skills (Mahanal et al, 2010).
teacher. Therefore, researchers and teachers agreed to
The learning process carried out Collaborate on Solve Problems confronted
Teachers also have an impact on student by teachers through action research classes

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with research objectives to find out methodsand methods documentation. Data

improvement of HOTS ability of school analysis techniques are divided into analysis
students basic through PBL model. qualitative data and quantitative data.
Technique quantitative analysis using miles
RESEARCH METHODS and huberman analysis techniques consisting
This research is a research class actions of from data reduction, presentation and with
by using the Kemis model and MC Taggart drawal conclusion. Quantitative data analysis
which consists of planning, execution, techniques analyzed with descriptive statics
observation and reflection. At Planning is with use the following:
carried out preliminary studies HOTS ability
of elementary school students, making 1. Calculate the percentage of learning
teaching plans in the form of RPP, Preparation completion
of Information Literacy Tests and Making The formula is
observation sheet. At the stage of teacher
implementation carry out learning with the
PBL model that has been set. At the stage of
observation of the teacher Assessed in the 2. Calculating the average value
learning process using observation sheet. In
addition to the process observation carried
out HOTS capability test to measure Description
information literacy skills. The reflection X = average value
stage aims to analyze the results observations ∑X = total number of values
and tests to then be fixed on the next cycle. ∑N = total number of students success
This research was conducted in Class V of indicators are seen from improvement of
SDN 32 Sikeli as many as 30 students Carried HOTS ability of school student.
out in theme 8 learning, namely environmenl
and friends, Sub Theme 1 and Learning 2. The The basis that is in the high category is
learning content is in the field m The learning between 61 and 76 and 80% completion
is Indonesian and IPA. percentage. The HOTS criteria can be seen in
Data collection technical using the able. Below:
Participatory observation and conversation

RESULT & DISCUSSION elementary school students have the ability

Research begins with compiling low initial HOTS based on criteria that has
planning PTK activities. Preparation been set. This initial ability test aims to Know
Planning is done by doing: preliminary the basic abilities possessed by student.
study of HOTS capabilities elementary Therefore, the need for learning which can
school students. Observations that researchers increase students' HOTS. One Learning
make Do conclude that the learning that models that can be used are: PBL. After
Presented by teachers is still a teacher center conducting the preliminary study, step Next is
which results in untrained students develop to plan the implementation into the form of
level thinking skills his height. Higher order RPP. RPP is made for several meeting times.
thinking skills will be able to improve if RPP is made according to Theme 9 Sub
you get used to being trained and Used. Theme 1 Regarding Human Behavior
Therefore, based on tests the student's towards the environment. RPP aims as
initial HOTS proficiency is given, A student Teacher guidance in carrying out learning.
score of 45.00 was obtained with 35% RPP is adjusted to the steps of learning PBL.
completeness percentage. This proves that As for PBL steps according to Johnson and

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Johnson is defining the problem, diagnose forat activity sheets aimed atMeasue the
problems, formulate alternatives strategy, learning activitiesthat will implemented.
determine and implement strategy and conduct The next stage is implementation of
an evaluation. The next step is compile a hots classroom action research carried out by
ability test. hotstest compiled on the basis of teachers and and research as observer. The KD
estabilished indicators by bloom i.e. analyzing, in learning 1 is can be seen the table below:
evaluating, and creating. This test is structured
for the purpose measure success next compile
Table 2. cycle and 1 indicator

In the first lesson, the teacher Open In addition, students discuss with each
a student's schematic by displaying video of other What possibilities can be mortgaged
flooding that occurred in Sikeli. Teacher solution. After the students discuss, the
Invite students to ask questions and answers students are asked to determine the best
about Vidio that aired. At this stage, students solution that can Used as an effort to flood.
can be seen Passion and enthusiasm to narrate At This stage students must argue with each
events the flood they have experienced. This other so that produce the best solution.
stage is part of the process of defining After students Determining the best
problem. After having enough, the teacher asks solution, students are asked to evaluate the
students to sit in groups. In teacher group solutions that have been Selected. In this
distributing LDK about Flood Problems and activity students are facilitated by experiments
the Process of Flooding by facilitating the on flooding. After students conducting
experiment of flooding. In groups students are evaluations, students are asked to present the
asked to diagnose problem. At this stage PBL results they have carry out. It can be seen
students discuss with each other determine the that students are still hesitating in carry it out.
cause of the occurrence of floods. At This At the end of teacher learning summarize
stage of diagnosis also analyzes various learning and provide questions HOTS to
students Various factors causing flooding from students to see success action. The observation
all aspects. After the student diagnoses The stage is carried out by Observer on the
problem of the student's next step in Groups learning process implemented by the
discuss each other in formulating alternative teacher. Tests conducted by the teacher is
problem-solving strategies. At This stage analyzed based on the results of observations.
students formulate what solutions alone will The results of the HOTS test are based on
be able to prevent flooding. indicators can be seen in the following

Based on the table above, the HOTS test students' HOTS is still in the low category.
students get a score of 58.00 with a percentage Therefore, the teacher and researcher
of percentage of 70% completeness. This result conducted
states that analyze the results of the wide observation. At

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the results of the observation sheet, it can be aims to make every idea conveyed by students
seen that the teacher when diagnosing students are directed. In addition, this assistance
did not accompany and guide students. This aims for students to be able to bring out the
resulted in students confusion in conveying results of their their thoughts to the fullest. By
their thoughts. The teacher should guide and percentage implementation of student and
assist students in the learning process. This is teacher activity activities can be seen in the
following table:

The table proves that the activities of cycle. Implementation of cycle two was carried
activities of teachers and students have not out with the planning that has been compiled
been maximally implemented so that before. The KD and Indicators of cycle II can
improvements are needed at the next meeting be seen in the table below:
next meeting. Therefore, the need for follow-
up the results of the reflection in the second

In the implementation of cycle two, determine the best alternative for landslide
the teacher showed a video about landslides prevention. Students were seen discussing with
that that had occurred in Sikeli. The teacher each other discussing what solutions are
stimulated displayed. After enough, the teacher suitable applied in Sikeli. Furthermore,
asks the students to sit in groups and give them students then evaluated the chosen solution.
an LDK about landslides. In the group, This evaluation was done by
students asked to diagnose the causes of conducting a landslide experiment. landslide
landslides, students are accompanied and experiment. So that students become active
guided how to think about diagnosing the when the experiment is carried out. After it
problem of the cause of flooding. At this stage was enough, students were asked to present the
this stage, students were enthusiastic in results of the PBL that they have done. It can
conveying the results of their thinking. The be seen that students respond to other groups'
next stage is students formulate alternative PBL. At the end of the activity, the teacher
solutions for landslide prevention. At this stage summarized all learning and give HOTS test to
students were seen cooperating with each other students. The HOTS test was analyzed and
and exchanging ideas in finding alternative adjusted with the learning activity sheet. The
solutions. exchanging ideas in finding HOTS test results for cycle II can be seen in
alternative solutions. After finding several the following table table below:
alternative solutions students were asked to

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Based on the table above shows that the test teacher and student activities also experienced
results get an average score of 75.00 with a improvement, this can be seen in the table
percentage of 80% completeness. In addition below:

This table shows that the activities of teacher were met. Therefore, based on the agreement
and student activities have also increased. The between the researcher and the teacher, the
results of cycle II research results prove that PTK was ended until the second cycle. Cycle.
students HOTS students are already in the high The results of students' HOTS improvement as
category and the research success indicators a whole can be seen in the table below:

It can also be presented in the chart below.

Picture 1. Results of HOTS Increase for Elementary School Students

From the picture above we can students. Students are required to analyze
conclude that there is an increase in HOTS for the problem that occurs like what conflicts
school students basic using PBL. HOTS is occur so that Problems can be explained
Abilities that are not just memorization facts and studied in a timely manner. Total. Next
but must be able to understand, connect it stage of diagnosis problem. At the stage of
and apply it as a problem solving solutions diagnosis of the problem, students will use his
(Ahmad, Kenedi & Masniladevi, 2018). analytical skills to find the factors of the
HOTS becomes important for elementary problem as well as causal relationships that
school students. This is due to HOTS able to occur in problems encountered. So that it is not
develop thinking skills critical, creative and Directly students will get used to doing
Problem Solving (Wahid & Karimah, 2018). analysis. Another step is to formulate
These three abilities are what needed to solve alternative strategies. This step demands the
problems for present and future. Besides The student to create a formula that will used
elementary school students will be familiar as a solution to every problem solving
with problems in everyday life so that faced. This formulation process requires the
students able to complete quickly and ability to analyze, assess and create students so
precisely. Therefore, the need for efforts to that they are formed formulation of
increase HOTS elementary school students. alternative strategies to be used. Next in the
This research proves that PBL able PBL step, which is to determine and
to improve the HOTS of elementary school implement strategies. After students
students. This is due to the stages of PBL that Forming a strategy formulation, students will
implemented able to support the process the choose Stareteg Utama that will be used as a
increase. The first stage of PBL is define the solution for solve problems. In this
problem. In this step students asked to determination Students also need analytical
understand the problem that is happening. skills and judge. In the last step, namely the
This activity requires: the ability to analyze stages evaluation, students will use abilities

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assess it to assess the completion process process there is an effort to to find solutions to
inexplicably. So from this fact can it is every problem faced. faced. With the effort to
concluded that the stages of PBL are very find solutions to problems related to students'
support the HOTS upgrade process. real life, students are motivated to think of
In addition, PBL is learning which finding the best solution that will related to
makes the problem the foundation learning their lives (Nugraha, Suyitno, & Susilaningsih,
(Saputra, 2016). Other than that the problem 2017). The process of problem solving process
given to students capable of being in PBL is not only a process of finding
Challenges for students to find knowledge solutions. PBL requires that elementary school
through the process of thinking. Student students can find various solutions but choose
Elementary school is a student who is in the best solution that can be used as a reference
concrete operational period. It means that in solving problem. This solution selection
school students basis of learning from real process requires the ability to not only
things. This real thing can be implemented determine the choice but think so that the
from real objects or students' real experiences. solution solution to be a solution that can solve
PBL which is synonymous with problem-based the problem. Problem. PBL facilitates students
learning process is able to present problems to to think in transferring the knowledge they
that are often experienced by students as a knowledge into students' real life (Magdalena,
foundation in the learning process. The 2016). (Magdalena, 2016). Information
problems that occur are linked to with students' discovery problem solving will also make
real life so that students learn from problems students trained to think to discover their new
that have been experienced by students. by knowledge. knowledge. This is the basis for
students. This process will spur students' PBL can improve the HOTS of elementary
thinking ability to solve the problem. The school students elementary school students.
process of solving this problem solving
process will improve HOTS ability of
elementary school students. Then, in the PBL
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