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To identify classes and classify them as weak or strong, we first need to

understand the domain or problem we're addressing. Without specific information,

I'll provide a generic example.

Let's consider a simple library management system:


Book: Represents a book in the library. Attributes may include title, author, ISBN,
genre, etc.

Strength: Strong class.

Library: Represents the library itself. It may contain methods for adding books,
removing books, searching for books, etc.

Strength: Strong class.

Member: Represents a member of the library who can borrow books. Attributes may
include name, membership ID, contact information, etc.

Strength: Strong class.

BorrowingRecord: Represents the record of a book being borrowed by a member.
Attributes may include the book borrowed, the member who borrowed it, the due date,

Strength: Weak class, as it's dependent on both Book and Member classes.
Author: Represents the author of a book. It may contain attributes like name,
biography, etc.

Strength: Strong class.

Class Diagram:

Copy code
| Library |
| +addBook(book: Book): void |
| +removeBook(book: Book): void |
| +searchBook(title: string): Book|

/ \
| Book |
| -title: string |
| -author: Author |
| -ISBN: string |
| -genre: string |
| ... |
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
| Member | | BorrowingRecord |
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
| -name: string | | -book: Book |
| -membershipID: string | | -member: Member |
| -contactInfo: string | | -dueDate: Date |
| ... | | ... |
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------

| Author |
| -name: string |
| -biography: string |
| ... |
In the class diagram:

Solid lines with arrows represent associations between classes.

"+" indicates public methods or attributes.
"-" indicates private methods or attributes.
This is a simplified class diagram for a library management system. In a real-world
scenario, there would likely be more classes and associations, as well as
additional methods and attributes for each class.

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