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Internship Report

General banking activities: A study on Janata bank PLC
Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur.

This Internship report is submitted as a part of completing Bachelor of Business

Administration (BBA), Examination 2023, Department of Finance and Banking ,
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

Course Title: Internship Program

Course Code: MKT 4207

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Sheikh Majedul Huq Md: Shakhawat
Associate Professor, ID No: 1907045
Department of Marketing , Registration No :000012881
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur. Session :2019-2020
BBA 4th Year 2nd Semester
Department of Marketing,
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

Date of Submission: 6 March, 2024

Letter of Transmittal
Date: 6 March, 2024

Sheikh Majedul Huq

Associate Professor,

Department of Marketing,

Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.

Subject: Submission of internship report.

Dear Sir,

Respectfully and with great pleasure, I offer my report from my internship, "General
Banking Activities: A Study on Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch,
Rangpur." I have been given this work to complete a portion of the BBA program
requirements, kindly consider. I have made every attempt to obtain real-world job
experience, compile all pertinent data, and create the report per the instructions. I hope to
meet your high standards.

Please accept my report and oblige thereby

Sincerely yours


Md: Shakhawat

BBA 4th Year 2nd Semester

ID No: 1907045.
Reg. No: 000012881.
Session: 2019-2020.
Department of Marketing,
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
Letter of Declaration

This is my truthful declaration that the Internship Report on "General Banking

Activities: A Study on Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur." I have
prepared on the basis of actual data collected from Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar
Branch, Rangpur and website of Janata Bank PLC. Any part of this report is not directly
copy of any "Internship Report" previously prepared by any other students I also express
my honest confirmation in support of the fact that this report has neither been used before
to fulfill any other course related purpose nor it will be submitted any other person or
authority in future.

Yours truly,


BBA 4th Year 2nd Semester

ID No: 1907045.
Reg. No: 000012881.
Session: 2019-2020.
Department of Marketing,
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that the Internship Report on "General Banking Activities: A Study
on Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur" has been prepared by Md:
Shakhawat, ID: 1907045, Reg. No: 000012881, Session: 2019-2020, Department of
Marketing under my supervision and guidance. He has successfully completed the report.


Sheikh Majedul Huq

Associate Professor,

Department of Marketing,

Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.


Firstly, I pray to almighty Allah who has given me opportunity to complete my internship
program in Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur. My heartiest thanks are
due to my respected supervisor (Sheikh Majedul Huq) Associate Professor, Department
of Marketing, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur. My special thanks are due to Md.
Rabiul Islam, Manager of Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur. I am also grateful to all
officers and staffs of Lalbag Bazar Branch.

Lastly, I express my gratefulness to all the honorable teachers of my department, my

parents, well-wishers, who have given me moral support during my internship program.

The banking sector is one where a nation's development may be greatly impacted. In
Bangladesh, Janata Bank PLC is the state-owned commercial bank with the quickest rate
of growth. The purpose of the report is to gain practical knowledge and a comprehensive
understanding of the general banking operations of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar
Branch, Rangpur. The two primary services offered by this branch are loan provision and
deposit collection.

Therefore, the general banking operations related to different decisions and practices of
Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur, have been demonstrated in this report.
The bank has made a good name for itself in the very competitive financial sector by
focusing mostly on loans and other services. There are some restrictions on the primary
and secondary methods used to acquire data.

The nature of the report is quantitative. To make the study practical and useful, several
statistical configurations, such as table percentage rates, have been applied. Various
graphs and charts are used to assess the branch's financial data.

The Lalbag Bazar Branch is doing quite well, based on the SWOT analysis covered in
Chapter 2, but I believe there are several areas where they are falling behind, particularly
in terms of trained labor, management, technology, and seat capacity. Thus, they must
strengthen their weak points. If they succeed in overcoming obstacles, they should be
able to raise commitment, predictability, management, and service quality—all of which
reduce risk and increase profit—for which I have made some recommendations

However, after doing this report I would like to conclude by saying that it had been a
great experience for me
Work experience

My primary objectives were to understand the day-to-day operations of a bank, develop

key skills in financial analysis, and gain hands-on experience in customer service. First, I
learned how to open a bank account, how to accept deposits, how to get a loan from the
bank, and how to build up relationships with customers. I really enjoyed my internship at
Janata Bank PLC, Alamanagar Branch, Rangpur. I was entrusted with various
responsibilities, including assisting customers with account inquiries, processing
transactions, and collaborating with team members on financial reports. Through the
internship, I was able to improve my communication skills. The internship provided a
comprehensive understanding of banking practices, regulatory compliance, and the
importance of maintaining customer trust. In conclusion, this internship at Janata Bank
PLC, Alamanagar Branch, Rangpur, was instrumental in shaping my understanding of the
banking industry. I am grateful for the opportunity and confident that the skills and
experiences gained will serve as a solid foundation for my future career in finance.
Table of Content:
1.1 Introduction
Financial institutions are vital to the rise of my nation's economy. The banking industry is
one of the biggest of these. Bangladesh is a nation in development. There are now two
distinct types of banks: public and private. These banks focus specifically on
entrepreneurship, job possibilities, capital promotion, and employment. Globalization has
made it easier for Hanks to do crucial tasks, such as money transactions. The majority of
institutions in the apparel industry obtain bank loans, and they also pay purchasers
through banks; banks are also required for the creation of L/Cs. Farmers receive money
from agricultural unions for their farms. In addition to lending cash, banks are involved
in many various fields and tasks, including mortgages, deposits, and social work. The
idea of an open market in a free economy is applied internationally. Today, Commercial
Bank performs a variety of tasks. Interest and discounts on the money lent provide the
majority of a bank's revenue. In this section, work begins with the client's application,
which is approved before being sent to customers. Every BBA student needs to engage in
an internship program, often known as a "work attachment program," since this helps
them get familiar with real-world situations. Banks are the most significant financial
intermediaries. As a result, I have chosen Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch,
Rangpur. One of the top banks in our country. Throughout my internship, I have learned
a great deal, and I have attempted to identify parallels between theories and real-world

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.2.1 Main Objective

The main objective of the study is to get a clear idea and practical knowledge about
general banking activities of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur

1.2.2 Supporting Objectives

The support goal can be added as follows:

1. The apply ones theoretical knowledge in an actual situation.
2. To be aware of Janata Bank PLC entire operations.
3. To better understand the function of Janata Bank PLC Tasks.

1.3 Scope of the Study

The banking sector in Bangladesh is still in its infancy; it has struggled to establish a
solid basis and is falling far behind in terms of its adaptation to the rapidly shifting global
This study has shown a wide range of banking sectors, since banks will play a crucial role
in the future of our planet. The IMF and WB are in charge of the global economy as it is
now. Bangladesh's banking industry is still very young; it has had difficulty laying solid
groundwork and is lagging in terms of its ability to adjust to the quickly changing global
Given that banks will be extremely important to the destiny of our planet, this research
has covered a wide range of financial sectors. The current state of the world economy has
fallen under the thumb of the IMF and WB.

1.4 Background of the study

The company environment gets increasingly complicated every day. Without enough
real-world experience, running a company becomes challenging, if not difficult. The
world is changing as a result of corporate relationships. Businesses are crucial to a
nation's economic development. Thus, in the business world, real-world experience is
seen as a medium that allows us to become acquainted with it. An individual may
anticipate gaining a solid understanding of Janata Bank PLC's different operating
procedures—particularly about general banking activities—through this internship.

1.5 Methodology of the study

To complete a study correctly and efficiently, it necessitates following certain guidelines
and procedures. The decision has been made to gather a variety of primary and secondary
data to conduct the study. Oral interviews with JBL's responsible officials and personnel
have been used to gather data. This report was also produced using additional materials, a
yearly study, and an annual budget provided by the JBL government. To make the study
practical and useful, many statistical configurations have been utilized, such as tables of
percentage rates and ratios. Data from the interview and the aids they gave were first
thoroughly examined. The data was subsequently arranged as required.

1.5.1 Source of Data

We know that there are two types of sources of data:

1. Primary Data.

2. Secondary Data. Primary Data: Interview, observation, and 3-month work experience with
different officers and staffs of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur and
suggestions of many executives of the bank. Secondary Data: Annual reports of Janata Bank PLC, Instruction circular of
Head Office, Brochures of different Banks, News Paper & Magazine regarding Banking
issues, Seminar papers and so on.

Sources Validity Reliability Practically

Annual Report of Moderate 2 High High

Medium Low Medium

Internet High Medium Medium
Text Book Medium High High
Previous Reports

1.6 Literature Review

1.6.1 What is Literature Review?

A review of literature is an in-depth review of academic publications, research, and

existing literature that are pertinent to a certain subject or research issue. It aids in the
identification of relevant ideas, techniques, and methods from earlier studies and affects
the course of upcoming report.

Md. Nahid Hasan (2022) student of Accounting and information systems mention on his
report that there is a smooth and decent manner followed by the officers and staffs of
JBL, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur. Rifat Hassan (2022) student of Finance and
Banking Department mention on his report that probable facilities of JBL Lalbag Bazar
Branch will be high in future. Recently have some limitations.

1.7 Limitation of the Study:

While writing this report, I encountered the following challenges:

1. To begin with, three months is not long enough for report of size. It is quite
challenging to gather every piece of information required in this short amount of time.

2. The bank's constraints and constraints made large-scale study impossible.

3. There were insufficient records and publications accessible.

4. Not every officer or staff member is cooperative.

5. In the cash department, I had complete restrictions.

2.1 Banking in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's economy is among the least developed in the world, and its undeveloped
financial system might be one of the causes. The modern banking system is essential to
the economic growth of a country. Due to deregulation, the banking industry has seen
significant transformation in recent years. Advancements in technology, globalization,
etc. These modifications also brought about significant shifts in the nation's economy. It
is often acknowledged that in the fast-paced global financial sector, there is an immediate
demand for more skilled management and better-trained employees. Bangladesh is not an
anomaly in this pattern. Bangladesh's banking industry is facing difficulties from a
variety of perspectives, but the future seems promising. The backbone of a nation like
Bangladesh's financial system is its banks. The banking system has to be strong, stable,
and solid to effectively promote the intermediation of financial resources due to the tight
link between finances and the economy. Sound and responsible financial rules are
necessary for this.

2.2 History of Janata Bank PLC

A nationalized commercial bank is called Janata Bank. It was founded by the 1972
nationalization decree of Bangladesh Bank. Transferring the branches of two bankrupt
Pakistani banks to the newly established bank. With its headquarters in the city of Dhaka,
this was the way East Pakistan operated. With TK. 50 million in authorized capital and
TK. 10.5 million in paid-up capital upon launch, the Bank was fully operational. In 1973,
the amount of capital allowed was increased to Tk. 30 million. From that point on, the
authorized and paid-up capital stayed the same until December 1983. Both letters' values
were frequently raised; as of December 31, 2000, they were worth TK 8 billion and TK.
2.594 billion, respectively. At that time, the Bank had TK. 367 million as reserve money.
A seven-member board of directors, chosen by the government, is responsible for
overseeing the Bank's management. Along with six general managers and other senior
executives, the managing director also serves as the chief executive. The Bank branches
in the six administrative divisions of the nation—Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna,
Sylhet, and Barisal—are overseen by general managers. The Bank includes 27
departments, including a training institute, at its head office. As of June 30, 2000, the
Bank employed 17138 people in total.
2.3 List of region/area of Janata Bank PLC.
Branch 2022
Specialized corporate 2
Corporate -1 30
Corporate -2 79
Grade - 1 278
Grade - 2 212
Grade - 3 259
Grade - 4 57
A. National 0
Overseas 4
Total 921

2.4 Organizational structure of Janata Bank PLC

There are 13 members of the Board of Directors who manage Janata Bank PLC. For
efficient operation of the bank, the Board of Directors, led by James, has an Executive
Committee of 19 members. Besides, a management committee looks after the affairs of
the bank. The bank maintains transparency in its entire work; all discussions of the
management pane are conducted in an appropriate forum, and the required follow-ups are
also made to see the effectiveness. The management team is given in a chart, and the
hierarchy of the JBL is given below.


Vice Chairman


Managing Director & CEO

Figure 2.1: Management Team of JBL

2.5 Organizational Hierarchy of Janata Bank PLC

1. Board of Director.

2. Managing Director.

3. Assistant General Manager.

4. Senior Executive Officer

5. Assistant Executive Officer

6. Support Staffs

2.6 Vision and mission of Janata Bank PLC

2.6.1 Vision

To become Bangladesh's largest functional commercial bank to promote the nation's

socio-economic growth while establishing itself as a top lender in South Asia.
2.6.2 Mission

By sticking to a steady expansion plan, offering superior financial products, having a

management team with years of expertise, conducting great customer service, and
upholding sound corporate governance, Janata Bank PLC will be a successful
commercial bank.

2.7 Slogan of Janata Bank PLC

A Committed Partner in Progress

2.8 Code of Conduct

In compliance with JBL's code of conduct, this is based on ethical values. Workers must:
1. Present them honorably, effectively, and with dignity.
2. Faithful to the financial institution and its goals.
3. Uphold moral principles and professionalism.
4. Provide expert assistance in compliance with the relevant guidelines and JBL policies.
5. Make an effort to satisfy client seeks as best you can while abiding by business ethics.
6. Maintain the privacy of all information.
7. Retain awareness of and obedience to all relevant laws, rules, and regulations.
8. Never provide or accept unauthorized gifts or complementary services to benefit

2.9 Products of Janata Bank PLC:

Deposit Products: Credit Products:

Current Deposit Account Term Loan

Short Term Deposit Trade Finance

Savings Bank Deposit Account Import Finance

Foreign Currency Deposit Export Finance

Monthly Savings Scheme

SME Financing

Monthly Profit Based Savings Scheme Micro Credit

Janata Bank Savings Pension Scheme Agricultural and Rural Credit


Janata Bank Deposit Scheme (JBDS) Consumer Credit

Education Deposit Scheme (EDS) Home Loan

2.10 Janata Bank PLC, Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur at a Glance.

Janata Bank PLC is the second largest commercial bank (according to deposit) in
Bangladesh. It starts its journey in 1972 after the independent of Bangladesh by
combining the erstwhile United Bank PLC and Union Bank PLC under the Banks
Nationalization Order (President's Order No. 26) of 1972. In 15 November, 2007 Janata
Bank got registered with the Joint Stock of Registrars and restructured as a public PLC
company with the name Janata Bank PLC. Now JBL has 921 branches, Lalbag Bazar
branch is one of them.

Bank name Janata bank PLC

Name of the Branch Lalbag Bazar Branch

Address Alamnagar, Kotwali, Rangpur 5402

Swift code JANBBDDH

Routing number 135850888

No. of Depositor 3964

Phone Number 01717892110

Working Days Sunday - Thursday (Except Holidays)

Service Hours 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

2.11 Prospectus of JBL (SWOT Analysis)

Having a SWOT analysis is one of the most prolific techniques to bear out the prospectus
of an organization. The comparison of the strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats is
normally referring as a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis explains in two broad ways on
viewed of organizations environment.

SWOT Analysis:

1. Strengths.

2. Weakness.

3. Opportunities.

4. Threats.

2.11.1 Internal Environment Analysis


1. Employee relation is bad in some cases

2. Normally in JBL mid and low level personnel are less qualified and experienced.

3. Bureaucracy official process hampered the daily internal workflow


1. Name recognition within the community

2. As a prime DFI, it has a large number of qualified & experienced professionals.

3. Structural set up & business location is strategic.

4. JBL’s assets position is quite satisfactory

2.11.2 External Environment Analysis:

1. Recovery System is very weak

2. In some cases, recovery policies are not practices properly.

3. Introduction of certain harder banking rules and regulations.


1. Gear up recovery through setting up of pragmatic recovery targets

2. Expansion of new area of investment.

3. Clearing loan ledger with exit facilities.

4. All about efforts for deposit mobilization.

Chapter - 3


3.1 Introduction

General banking is at the heart of finance. Every bank's primary duties are related to
general banking. It has to do with providing regular services to customers. Every day, it
receives deposits from clients and honors checks that address their need for financial
assistance. It generates pay orders, bank drafts, and more in addition to transferring funds
and opening new accounts. These services are offered daily, despite the bank being
closed. For this reason, another word for banking in general is "retail banking." It does
function pretty much like a retail store. The four main pursuits of Janata Bank PLC are:

1. Accounts Section

2. Deposit Section

3. Loan Section

4. Bills and Remittance Section

3.2 Accounts Section (Procedures for Opening Accounts)

Before opening of a current or savings account, the following formalities must be

completed by the customer.

1. Application on the prescribed form

2. Furnishing photographs (two copies)

3. Introduction by an account holder

4. National identification card (ID card)

gives the customer a checkbook and a pay-in slip. The "Requisition Slip" for a check
book must be completed by the customer in order for the check book to be issued. Next,
each page of a new checkbook will be filled in with the customer's account number and
the branch name. Following that, the customer's name and account number are entered
into the "Cheque-book Issue Register." The requisition slips are kept on file and
documented as vouchers. Additionally, the computer is programmed with the
checkbook's serial number to ensure accurate record-keeping and thwart any attempts at
Account Opening Procedure

1. Applicant fills up the application

2. He required filling up the specimen

3. For individual introduction is needed by an account holder

4. The authorized officers scrutinize the introduction and examine the documents

5. Issuance of deposit slip and the deposit must be made in cash. no check no draft is
acceptable to the

6. After depositing cash one checkbook is issued.

7. Account opened

3.3 Application Form for Current and Savings Account

Followings are the contents of the application form for opening Savings or Current
Account at Janata Bank PLC.

1. Name of the Applicant (s).

2. Father’s Husband's Name.

3. Nationality.

4. Occupation.

5. Date of Birth.

6. Address Present and Permanent.

7. Introducer’s Information.

8. Information about the Nominee.

9. Special instruction for operation of the Account (if any)

10. Initial Deposit

11. Specimen signatures) of the Applicant

3.4 Closing of an Account

The following circumstances are usually considered in case of closing an account or
justifying the stoppage of the operation of an account-

1. Notice given by the customer himself or if the customer is desirous to close the

2. Death of the customer

3. Customer’s insanity and insolvency

4. If the branch finds that the account is inoperative for a long period

5. If Garnishee Order is issued by the Court of Law on the bank branch

The checkbook must be returned to the branch in order to end the account. All costs are
taken by Janata Bank PLC, Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur debiting the account, and the
consumer is subsequently paid the remaining amount. The "Account Closing Register"
and the computer both get the necessary entries.

3.5 Deposit Section (Collection of Deposits)

A commercial bank's lifeblood is its deposits. Two of the conventional duties of
commercial banks are impossible without deposits, which also mean that the banks are
unable to conduct any kind of business. In general, bank deposits fall into the following

1) Demand Deposits, and

2) Time Deposits

3.5.1 Demand Deposits

Demand deposits can be withdrawn without any prior notice, e.g., current deposits. Janata
Bank, Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur accepts demand deposits through the opening of-

1. Current Account

2. Savings Bank (SB) Account and

3.5.2 Time Deposit

On the other hand, a deposit which is payable at a fixed date or after a period of notice
called "Time Deposit". Janata Bank Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur. Accepts time
deposits through-

1. Fixed Deposits Receipt (FDR).

2. Deposit Pension Scheme (DPS).

3.5.3 Current Account

The type of account that allows withdrawals is known as a current account. or make a
deposit at any moment during business hours. Interest on this account is not paid to the
account holder. The minimum balance that needs to be kept in this account is the Taka
10,000 that Janata Bank PLC has deposited mitraciously.

3.5.4 Savings Account

Any individual can open this account. Here interest rates per annual are given below

Urban (city corporation, Mumcipality, Upanlia sadar 2.50%


Time deposits, also known as time liabilities, are deposits made with a bank for a
predetermined length of time. This type of deposit is known as a fixed deposit. A fixed
deposit's funds are often no repayable before the end of the designated time. The banker
provides a receipt recognizing the receipt of funds on the deposit account at the moment
the account is opened.

It is popularly known as FDR (Fixed Deposit Receipt). Necessary documents for opening
a FDR account in Janata Bank PLC are as follows-

1. FDR Form.

2. FDR Card.

3. Photo of the Nominee (s) Attested by the account Holder.

Time Deposits

3.5.4 Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR)

Cash deposits made into an institution's account for a predetermined length of time are
known as fixed deposits. As a result, these deposits are known as time liabilities, or
deposits. A fixed deposit's funds are often no repayable before the expiration of the
designated time. The banker provides a receipt recognizing the receipt of funds on the
deposit account at the moment the account is opened.

It is popularly known as FDR (Fixed Deposit Receipt). Necessary documents for opening
a FDR account in Janata Bank PLC are as follows-

1. FDR Form

2. FDR Card

3. Photo of the Nominee (s) Attested by the account Holder.

The "Fixed Deposit Account Opening Form" contains the following headings-

1. Amount in figures

2. Period

3. Rate of interest

4. Beneficiary’s name and address

5. After opening a FDR account, it is usually recorded in the "FDR Register". The
interest rates followed by Janata Bank for Fixed Deposit Account are-

Particular Interest Rate

For 3 months to > 6 months 7.50%
For 6 months to > 1 years 7.50%
For 1 year to> 2 years 7.50%
For 2 year to>3 years 7.25%
3 years and above 7.00%
100.oo crore and above 4.00%
Source: Deposit, Loans and advance interest rate, Janata Bank PLC

3.6 Cash Section

One of a bank's key functions is accepting and disbursing cash. For this reason, it
designates some individuals to accept and disburse funds on its behalf. We refer to these
individuals as CASHIERS. The receiving cashier is the one who accepts money on the
bank's behalf. A cashier represents his bank to customers that come in for business. Thus,
it is imperative that a cashier be kind and accommodating to everyone. A consumer may
believe that this bank doesn't care about them if the cashier treats them rudely or with

3.6.1 Cash Receipt

After deposits from customers are received in this area of the bank, the funds are credited
to the customer's account in the ledger book. The cash receipt section outlines the
procedures that must be completed in order to accept a customer's deposit (cash).

1. The customer places the cash and deposit slips with the respective officer at the

2. After receiving the cash and deposit slip, the officer makes an entry into the scroll
register book. Then the deposit slip and cash are placed at the cashier.

3. After counting this quantity of money, the cashier enters it into a second register book,
which is commonly referred to as the cashbook.

4. The cashier then gives these Cond officers the deposit slip and cash book.

5. After verifying the deposit slip, the second officer returns the counter-false of the
deposit slip to the customer and keeps the other position in his custody.

6. A trial balance is produced from that cash receipt register at the end of banking hours.

3.6.2 Cash Payment

I've gathered practical information regarding how checks are processed and how cash is
received in this area. The following list outlines the procedures for paying with cash and
honoring checks.

1. Counters

The customer gives the ledger officer (LO) the check. After receiving the check, the LO
records its details in a register and issues the.

2. Verifying the cheque

The 1.0 now verifies the ledger of the customer. If the customer's account position is
okay, he passes the cheque to the second officer (SO).

3. Honoring the cloud

The customer's signature on the check and the signature card he is holding are compared
by the SO.
4. Cheque cancellation

Once the cheque is cancelled that is Okayed for payment it is brought to the cashier by a

5. Drawing money

Cashier enters the amount of the cheque in the cash register and pays the appropriate
amount to the customer.

6. Posting to the trial balance

At the end of banking hour, a trial balance is prepared from the registers and all the
registers are compared with one slather.

3.7 Bills & Remittances Section

One of the most important aspects of the services that commercial banks provide for their
clients is the renewal of funds. Remittance services are among the numerous products
that a commercial bank provides to its clients, and they are highly regarded. "Sending of
money from one place to another through mail and telegraph" is what the word
"remittance" denotes. By accepting funds from one branch and arranging for payment to
a different branch within the nation, banks provide this service to their clients. In general
terms, bank remittances may be divided into two categories:

1. Inward Remittances (Inland)

2. Outward Remittances (Foreign)

The remittance facilities of a commercial bank enable its customers to avoid risk arising
out of theft or loss in carrying cash money from one place to another or making payment
to someone in another place. Banks take the risk and ensure payment to the beneficiary
by charging the customer "Exchange" or "Commission"

Remitter Issuing Branch Paying Branch

Pays Issues order to

Pays amount to

Figure: Flow Chart for Bank Remittances

Considering the urgency and nature of transaction, the modes of bank remittances may be
categorized as under-

1. Demand Draft (DD)

2. Mail Transfer (MT)

3. Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

4. Payment order (PO)

Branch of the same bank to pay a fixed sum of money to a certain person or order on
demand. This instrument can be purchased by a customer from a particular bank branch
for himself or for beneficiary and can be handed over to the purchaser for delivery to the
beneficiary. The payee or beneficiary will claim the amount of money in the instrument
by producing the same to the concerned paying branch

Flow Chart for a DD

Application Issuing Branch Branch gives DD Purchaser sends

submitted to prepares DD to purchaser DD to payee

Paying Branch Payee presents DD

pays the amount to branch

Source: Official Records of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur
Chapter – 4
Analysis and Finding
4.1 Data Analysis of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbagh Bazar Branch,
I have collected data about no. of account holders. Statement of total deposit, statement
of loan and advances, trend of recovery, statement of net income, etc. during internship
period in Janata Bank PLC Lalbagh Bazar Branch ,Rangpur. This information is shown
by the following tables and figures.

4.2 Account Position of Janata Bank PLC, Lalbagh Bazar Branch

Types of Account Number of Account

Current deposit account 464

Savings deposit account 3247

FDR account 141

Special notice deposit account 8

Others 104

Total 3964

(Source: Janata Bank PLC, Lalbagh Bazar, Rangpur)


We can see that the highest account is 3247 which is saving deposit account and the
lowest account is 8 which is Special notice deposit account.
4.3 Depositing:
Statement of Total Deposits of Janata Bank PLC (in millions)

Year Total Deposits (crore)

2019 58.06 (crore)

2020 62.9 (crore)

2021 58.6 (crore)

2022 65.78 (crore)
2023 53.30 (crore)
(Source: Audited Annual Reports, Janata Bank PLC)








2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Fig: Total Deposits


We can see that Janata Bank PLC deposits are fluctuated in year by year. We can see that
the highest deposits is 65.78 (crore) in year 2022, and the lowest deposits is 53.30 (crore)
in year 2023. We can see that Janata Bank PLC deposits are decreases in 2023.

4.4 Statement of total saving deposit of Janata Bank PLC.

Year Total Saving Deposits (crore)

2019 20.75 (crore)

2020 23.96 (crore)

2021 26.09 (crore)

2022 26.68 (crore)

2023 27.88 (crore)






2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Fig: Total saving deposits


We can see that Janata Bank PLC total saving deposits are increases in year by year. The
highest saving deposits is 27.88 (crore) in year 2023.The lowest saving deposits is 20.75
(crore) in year 2019.

4.5 Statement of total fixed deposits of Janata Bank PLC

Year Total Fixed Deposits (crore)

2019 6.05 (crore)

2020 7.10 (crore)

2021 10.15 (crore)

2022 12.65 (crore)

2023 30.55 (crore)







2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


We can see that Janata Bank PLC total fixed deposits are increases year by year that is
good for Janata bank PLC. The highest fixed deposit is 30.55 crore in year 2023 and the
lowest fixed deposit is 6.05 crore in year 2019.

4.6 Janata Bank PLC most attractive product to the customers:

SL products Percentage
1 Savings 15%
2 current 6%
3 DPS 2%
4 FDR 57%
5 others 20%
Total 100%







Savings current DPS FDR others


We can see that most attractive product to the customers of Janata bank PLC is FDR; the
percentage of FDR is 57% the highest choice of the customers is FDR. And the lowest
choice of the customers is DPS which is 2%.

4.7 Gender of the respondents

SL. no Gender Percentage

1 Male 62%

2 Female 38%







Male Female


We can see that the highest users are male which 62% is and the lowest users is female
which is 38%.

4.8 Statement of Net Income of Janata Bank PLC Lalbag Bazar Branch, Rangpur.

Year Actual Net Income (In lac)

2019 3.03

2020 4.60

2021 10.99

2022 14.71

2023 16.16





2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


We can see that the Net Income of Janata Bank PLC a Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur is
increasing year by year. Which is good for Janata Bank PLC Lalbagh Bazar Branch, 2019 there net income is 3.03 (Lac) ,where in 2023 there net income is 16.16
which is increase 13.13.that means there net income is increase that is good for janata
bank PLC.

4.9 Finding
The Major Finding in My Perception:

a) A few clients find the account opening form confusing.

b) Some clients claim that one of the difficulties in opening an account is the introducer.
A newcomer to the city will not be able to locate the introducer who handles account
opening if they wish to open one.

c) Some clients are unable or unwilling to get their parent's NID.

d) The seat capacity of the Janata Bank PLC Lalbagh Bazar Branch is a significant
problem. Some employees occasionally use multiple desks.

e) Janata Bank PLC's banking strategy is arranged in such way that provides excellent
service to its customers and employees.
Others objective related finding

f) There are certain crowded areas where there is insufficient labor and contemporary
technological equipment. Banking services are therefore not delivered effectively.

f) Janata Bank is overlooking its advertisements. Given the competitive nature of the
industry, it is imperative for every firm to augment its advertising expenditure.

h) Janata Bank has a significant daily client base. Because of this, the majority of
employees has a heavy burden and are required to work overtime. It leads to staff
turnover and is the root cause of severe employee unhappiness.

i) Janata Bank is unable to fully and accurately offer its clients an ATM service.

4.10 Overall learning of my internship

Working in Janata Bank PLC Lalbagh Bazar branch as an intern was the very first
opportunity for me to acquire practical knowledge about banking sector. I worked in the
investment under the supervision of (MD. Rabiul Islam) officer of the Janata Bank,
Lalbagh Bazar branch. I worked with my duty. It was a tremendous journey for me.
Chapter 5
Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Recommendation:
Following the practical work experience on the General Banking Activities of the
Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Janata Bank PLC, some discrepancies and irregularities have
been observed by me. On the basis of the observations some recommendations have been
made to improve the prevailing situation of the Branch. The observations are as follows-

5.1.1 Make a conscious choice to educate those who are unfamiliar with the process of
opening a bank account.

5.1.2 The bank will be able to collect more deposits through new accounts and the clients
will be overjoyed if it cancels the introducer system.

5.1.3 To facilitate quick and easy transfer of information, Janata Bank should set out a
robust network infrastructure with its branches.

5.1.4 The entire system should be programmed and contemporary communication tools,
such as the Internet, e-mail, fax, etc., should be utilized to make the process simple and

5.1.5 To raise service standards, the Bank must implement the newest technology.

5.1.6 There should be a rapid increase in Janata Bank's seat capacity.

5.1.7 A group of well-trained and expert personnel should be recruited who will render
the best service to the customers.

5.1.8 The working environment should be improved. All branches should be re-
organized and modernized

5.1.9 The management should introduce better compensation package for the employees
who work extra hours after their office time.

5.1.10 the management of Janata Bank should take necessary steps to improve salary

5.1.11 the management of Janata Bank must identify the weaknesses to remain
competitive in banking sector.
5.2 Conclusion

Banks are currently going through profound changes in both structure and function. The
proliferation of services, riskier competition, deregulation, growing funding costs,
technological revolution, consolidation and regional growth, globalization of banking,
and last but not least, greater risk of failure are some of the key elements that are
transforming the industry today.

While traditional banking may be in decline, banks aren't obligated to go out of business
if they are allowed more latitude to adapt to the public's shifting needs for new services.
Only banks offer payment services in addition to intermediation and related services.

Nearly every workstation at the Janata Bank, Lalbagh Bazar Branch, Rangpur, has been
mostly observed throughout the 90-day internship program. The purpose of this
internship program is to learn about real-world banking experiences and to contrast real-
world experiences with theoretical knowledge. Finding flaws in branch activities and
offering suggestions for fixing them is part of the process of comparing theoretical
knowledge with practical knowledge. Even though the internship program covers every
department and area, time constraints prevent us from delving deeply into every activity
in every branch. Therefore, it cannot be said that the goals of this internship program
have been achieved in full. Nonetheless, every effort has been made to fulfill the
internship program's goals.

It appears that throughout the internship, the branch provides all regular banking services
along with a few targeted financing programs for the economy. It offers term finance as
well as trained financing to small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, the
business provides financing for building a home. By providing these different services,
Janata Bank, Lalbagh Bazar Branch Rangpur, is making an important difference to
Bangladesh's banking and payment systems.

Bangladesh Bank. (2023, january 20). Retrieved January 20, 2023, from Bangladesh
Bank web site:

Janata Bank Deposit. (2023, february 2). Retrieved february 2, 2023, from Janata Bank
Deposit web site:

Janata bank financial statement. (2023, february 5). Retrieved february 5, 2023, from
Janata bank financial statement:

Janata Bank PLC. (2023, January 23). Retrieved January 23, 2023, from Janata Bank
PLC web site:

Janata Bank PLC products. (2023, January 29). Retrieved January 29, 2023, from Janata
Bank PLC products wib site:


anata bank PLC annual report. (2019 to 2023, February 20). Retrieved february 20,
2023, from Janata bank PLC annual report:

BIBLIOGRAPHY several news letters from Janata bank PLC 2023. (2023, february 25). Retrieved
february 25, 2023, from several news letters from Janata bank PLC 2023 wbe site :

Literature Review

Rahman, R. (2023). General Banking Activities. Begum rokeya University ,Rangpur,

Acounting and informantion systems, Rangpur.

hassan, R. N. (2022). General Banking activities. Begum Rokeya university,

Rangpur,Finance and Banking . Rangpur: 2.

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