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Traditional economy 实物资产

Wealth and value based on physical assets

Knowledge economy. 知识无形资产

Wealth economy based on knowledge, technology and learning.

What is KM?

Use knowledge to improve organizational.

For individuals – know what you need to know, how find out, how make good use, how to share with

For organizations – use and manage knowledge to enhance performance.

Why KM?

Competitive market - KM helps organizations stay competitive by leveraging their knowledge


竞争激烈的市场: 市场竞争日益激烈,创新速度不断加快。知识管理通过有效利用知识,帮

Managing Complexity - KM helps manage the increasing complexity by organizing and making
knowledge accessible.

管理复杂性: 随着公司变得越来越复杂,跨国经营也越来越多,知识管理通过组织知识并使

Loss of knowledge - Factors such as early retirements can lead to the loss of valuable knowledge. KM
helps preserve this knowledge for future use.

知识流失: 提前退休和员工流动等因素会导致宝贵知识的流失。知识管理有助于保存这些知
人力资本: 由拥有人力资本的个人所有。当员工离职时,他们会带走自己的人力资本。

结构资本: 由组织拥有。即使员工离职,结构资本也会留在组织中。

Human Capital

Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, and ability of people in an organization.

Owned by the individuals who possess it. When employees leave, they take their human capital with
them. 如果没有知识管理系统,员工离职时就会带走他们的技能和知识。

Structural Capital

includes copyrights, corporate culture, management processes

Owned by the organization. It remains with the organization even after employees leave. 由组织拥

Consumer Capital

Value of organization's relationships with customers.

Includes customer loyalty, distribution channels, brands.

three levels of refinement related to knowledge


Definition: A set of discrete facts.

Example: Simple observations.

定义: 一组离散的事实。

举例说明: 简单的观察。


Definition: A message meant to change the receiver's perception.

Example: Data vested with meaning. 定义:信息: 旨在改变接收者感知的信息。

示例:具有意义的数据: 具有意义的数据。


Definition: Experiences, values, insights, and contextual information.

Example: Justified, true beliefs. 定义: 经验、价值观、见解和背景信息。

示例:合理、真实的信念: 合理、真实的信念。
Transmission of information can occur through hard networks and soft networks:

Hard network:

Has a visible and definite infrastructure.

Messages transmitted include email, traditional mail, delivery service packages, and Internet
transmissions. 传输的信息包括电子邮件、传统邮件、快递服务包裹和互联网传输。

Soft network:

Less formal and visible.

Information transmission occurs through personal interactions and informal channels. 信息传递通过

Types of knowledge

Explicit Knowledge

Definition: Knowledge that can be codified and transmitted in a systematic and formal language. 可

Characteristics: Easily expressed and transferred to others in a straightforward manner. 易于表达并



Tacit knowledge

Definition: Personal, context-specific knowledge that is difficult to formalize, record, or articulate. 难


Stored in the heads of people, difficult to articulate and express to others 储存在人们的头脑中,难

From Data to Information:

Contextualized: Understanding the purpose for which the data was gathered. 了解收集数据的目的。

Categorized: Identifying the key components of the data. 确定分析单位或数据的关键组成部分。

Calculated: Analyzing the data mathematically or statistically. 用数学或统计学方法分析数据。

Corrected: Removing errors from the data. 消除数据中的错误。

Condensed: Summarizing the data in a more concise form. 以更简洁的形式总结数据。

From Information to Knowledge:

Comparison: Comparing the information with other known situations. 将信息与其他已知情况进行


Consequences: Considering the implications of the information for decisions and actions. 考虑信息

Connections: Understanding how the information relates to another knowledge. 了解信息与其他知


Conversation: Discussing the information with others to gain different perspectives. 与他人讨论信息,

Organizational learning is process by which organizations acquire, retain, and apply knowledge to
improve their performance.

It involves the ability to learn from past experiences and adapt to changing circumstances. 组织学
Factors triggered interest in KM.

Faster Change: Things change quickly now, so organizations need to adapt fast.

Staff Changes: People leave companies, taking their knowledge, so it's important to preserve and
share what they know. 人员变动: 员工离开公司,带走了他们的知识,因此保存和分享他们的

Globalization: Companies are global, so they need to share knowledge across distances. 全球化: 公

Benefits of KM

Cost Savings: By reducing the number of times the company has to solve the same problem, KM
helps cut costs. 节约成本: 通过减少公司解决同一问题的次数,知识管理有助于降低成本。

Preserving Intellectual Capital: KM reduces the loss of intellectual capital when employees leave the
company. 保护知识资本: 知识管理可减少员工离职时知识资本的损失。

Increasing Productivity: By making knowledge available more quickly and easily, KM boosts
productivity. 提高生产力: 知识管理可以更快、更方便地提供知识,从而提高生产率。

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction: KM empowers employees by providing greater personal

development opportunities, leading to higher satisfaction.

提高员工满意度: 知识管理为员工提供更多个人发展机会,从而提高他们的满意度。

Three technologies in developing KMS (Knowledge Management System)

Communication Technologies: These technologies enable users to access the knowledge they need
and communicate with each other, particularly with experts. 这些技术使用户能够获取所需的知识,

Collaboration Technologies: These tools facilitate group work and collaboration among users.


Storage Technologies: Utilizing a database management system, these technologies capture, store,
and manage knowledge effectively. 这些技术利用数据库管理系统,有效地获取、存储和管理知
Knowledge sharing can be challenging due to various reasons:

Lack of Skill: Some individuals may not have the necessary skills in knowledge management
techniques, making it difficult for them to share knowledge effectively. 有些人可能不具备知识管理

Time Constraints: Even if they are willing to share, individuals may feel they do not have enough time
to dedicate to knowledge sharing activities. 即使个人愿意分享,他们也可能认为自己没有足够的

Lack of Understanding: Some people may not fully understand the concepts of knowledge
management and the benefits it can bring, leading to reluctance in sharing knowledge. 有些人可能

Factors Leading to Success of Knowledge Management Systems:

Assessment of Need: Companies must assess their need for a KM system to ensure it aligns with
organizational goals.

需求评估: 公司必须评估其对知识管理系统的需求,以确保该系统符合组织目标。

Senior Management Support: Support from senior management is crucial for the success of the KM
system, as it helps secure resources and demonstrates the system's importance. 高级管理层的支持:

Multiple Channels for Knowledge Transfer: Organizations need to have multiple channels for
knowledge transfer to ensure that knowledge is shared effectively among employees. 多种知识传播
渠道: 组织需要有多种知识传递渠道,以确保知识在员工之间有效共享。
Factors Leading to Failure of Knowledge Management Systems:

Mismatch with Organization's Needs: If the KM system does not meet the organization's needs or is
not aligned with its goals, it is likely to fail. 如果知识管理系统不能满足组织的需求,或与组织的

Lack of Commitment: Without commitment from employees and stakeholders, the KM system is
unlikely to be used effectively. 缺乏承诺: 没有员工和利益相关者的承诺,知识管理系统就不可

Incentives: If there are no incentives for employees to use the KM system, they may not see the
value in doing so and may not use it effectively. 激励机制: 如果没有激励员工使用知识管理系统

Approaches in Knowledge Management: 知识管理方法:

Process Approach:

Description: Organized and formal, it documents knowledge but may miss personal insights.

Example: Using software to store manuals and guidelines.

说明: 有组织、正规,记录知识,但可能会遗漏个人见解。

举例说明: 使用软件存储手册和指南。

Practice Approach:

Description: Informal and social, it focuses on shared experiences and personal connections.

Example: Learning from colleagues through discussions and workshops.

描述:非正式和社会性: 非正式、社会化,注重共享经验和个人联系。

例如:通过讨论和研讨会向同事学习: 通过讨论和研讨会向同事学习。

Knowledge repository

Description: A place where knowledge is captured and stored.

Example: A digital database or a shared drive where documents and information are stored.

描述:获取和存储知识的地方: 获取和存储知识的地方。

例如:数字数据库或共享驱动器: 存储文件和信息的数字数据库或共享驱动器。

Chapter 2

Organizational Problem


影响: 这种不匹配会导致问题和错失新创意的机会。

Dependency on Individuals for Knowledge:

问题: 知识与人共存,当人离开时,知识就会丢失。

影响: 组织可能难以留住关键知识和专长。

Fragmented Knowledge:

Issue: Knowledge is often fragmented within organizations, leading to disjointed information.

Impact: This fragmentation can hinder collaboration and decision-making.

问题: 组织内部的知识往往支离破碎,导致信息脱节。

影响: 这种割裂会阻碍协作和决策。

Subjective View of Knowledge:

Knowledge as Capability:

Description: Knowledge is seen as a strategic capability that can provide a competitive advantage.

Example: Leveraging knowledge to innovate and stay ahead of competitors.


描述:知识被视为一种战略能力,可以为企业提供价值: 知识被视为一种战略能力,可以提

举例说明: 利用知识进行创新并领先于竞争对手。

Knowledge as State of Mind:

Description: Knowledge is seen as an individual's beliefs and understanding.

Example: Beliefs held by employees in an organization.


描述: 知识被视为个人的信念和理解。

举例说明: 组织中员工所持有的信念。

Knowledge as Objects:

Description: Knowledge is viewed as something that can be stored, transferred, and manipulated.

描述: 知识被视为可以存储、传输和操作的东西。

Knowledge as Practice:

Description: Knowledge is seen as collective and cannot be separated into individual elements.

Example: Knowledge shared among a group of employees.

描述: 知识被视为集体的,不能分割为个人要素: 知识被视为集体的,不能分割成单独的元


举例: 一群员工共享的知识。

2 level of knowledge: Shallow and Deep knowledge

Categories of knowledge

Procedural Knowledge:

Description: Describes how to solve a problem or perform a task, focusing on sequences of steps or

Example: Knowing how to ride a bicycle.


描述: 描述如何解决问题或执行任务,重点是步骤或动作的顺序。


Declarative Knowledge:

Description: Describes factual information or what is known about a problem.

Example: Knowing that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

描述: 描述事实信息或已知问题。


Description: Describes knowledge about other knowledge, used to select the best knowledge for
solving a problem.

Example: Knowing when to use a certain problem-solving technique.

描述: 描述有关其他知识的知识,用于选择解决问题的最佳知识。

示例:知道什么时候使用某种解决问题的方法: 知道何时使用某种解决问题的技巧。

General knowledge

描述: 许多人都拥有的知识,易于在他们之间传递。

例如:知道头痛可能是脑出血的症状: 知道头痛可能是脑出血的症状。

Specific knowledge

描述: 少数人掌握的知识,传递成本高。

举例说明: 知道为中风病人做手术的具体步骤。

Types of Knowledge:

Simple Knowledge:

Description: Focuses on one basic area of expertise.

Example: Knowing how to operate a specific machine.

描述: 专注于一个基本的专业知识领域。

例如: 知道如何操作特定的机器。

Complex Knowledge:

Description: Draws upon multiple distinct areas of expertise.

Example: Integrating knowledge from engineering, marketing, and finance to develop a new product.

描述: 利用多个不同领域的专业知识。

举例说明: 整合工程、营销和财务方面的知识,开发一种新产品。

Support Knowledge:

Description: Relates to organizational infrastructure and operations, facilitating day-to-day activities.

Example: Knowledge about internal processes and systems used to manage inventory.
描述: 与组织的基础设施和运作有关,有助于日常活动的开展。

举例说明: 用于管理库存的内部流程和系统知识。

Tactical Knowledge:

Description: Pertains to the short-term positioning of the organization relative to its markets,
competitors, and suppliers.

Example: Knowledge about current market trends and competitor strategies.

描述: 与组织的短期定位有关: 与组织相对于市场、竞争对手和供应商的短期定位有关。

举例说明: 有关当前市场趋势和竞争对手战略的知识。

Strategic Knowledge:

Description: Pertains to the long-term positioning of the organization in terms of its corporate vision
and strategies for achieving that vision.

Example: Knowledge about long-term industry trends and future market opportunities.

描述: 涉及组织在企业愿景和实现该愿景的战略方面的长期定位。

举例说明: 有关长期行业趋势和未来市场机遇的知识。

Characteristics of Knowledge:


Description: Refers to how much knowledge exists in an explicit form.

Example: Manuals or documents that clearly describe a process are explicit knowledge.


描述: 指有多少知识以明确的形式存在。

举例说明: 清晰描述流程的手册或文件就是显性知识。


Description: Reflects how easily knowledge can be articulated or codified.

Example: Knowledge about complex computer issues may be hard to codify.

描述: 反映知识是否易于表述或编纂。

示例:复杂的计算机问题的知识可能难以编纂: 有关复杂计算机问题的知识可能难以编纂。


Description: Indicates how easily knowledge can be taught to others.

Example: Teaching someone to play basketball involves transferring tacit knowledge.


描述: 表示将知识传授给他人的难易程度。

举例说明: 教人打篮球涉及隐性知识的传授。


Description: Refers to how specific or general knowledge is.

Example: Knowledge that is very specific to a certain field or situation is considered highly specific.


描述: 指知识的具体或一般程度。

举例: 对某一领域或情况非常具体的知识被认为是高度具体的。

Types of Expertise:

Associational Expertise:

Description: Relies on recognizing patterns and associating them with specific actions.

Example: An IT technician who can fix common problems based on past experiences but may not
understand the underlying theory.

描述: 依靠识别模式并将其与具体行动联系起来。

例如: IT 技术人员可以根据过去的经验解决常见问题,但可能不了解基本理论。

Motor Skills Expertise:

Description: Involves physical skills learned through practice.

Example: Riding a bicycle or kicking a football, where expert actions seem automatic due to extensive
描述: 涉及通过练习学到的身体技能。

例如:骑自行车或踢足球: 骑自行车或踢足球,由于大量练习,专家的动作似乎是自动完成

Theoretical (Deep) Expertise:

Description: Requires a deep understanding of theoretical concepts in a field.

Example: Engineers and scientists who solve complex technical problems based on theoretical
knowledge acquired through formal training and hands-on experience.

描述:要求对理论有深刻的理解: 要求深入理解某一领域的理论概念。

例如:解决复杂问题的工程师和科学家: 工程师和科学家根据通过正规培训和实践经验获得

KM Solution 知识管理解决方案包括用于促进知识管理的方法和工具。

KM Processes are the broad processes that help in discovering, capturing, sharing, and applying
knowledge. 知识管理流程是有助于发现、获取、共享和应用知识的广泛流程。

KM Systems are technologies and mechanisms designed to support Knowledge

Management processes. They can be classified into four types based on the process they
support: 知识管理系统是为支持知识管理流程而设计的技术和机制。根据所支持的流程,它们

1. Knowledge Discovering Systems: Help discover new knowledge or insights

within the organization. 帮助在组织内部发现新知识或新见解。
2. Knowledge Capture Systems: Aid in capturing and storing knowledge from
various sources. 帮助从各种来源获取和存储知识。
3. Knowledge Sharing Systems: Facilitate sharing knowledge among
employees or teams. 促进员工或团队之间的知识共享。
4. Knowledge Application Systems: Assist in applying knowledge to solve
problems or make decisions. 协助应用知识解决问题或做出决策。
KM Mechanisms are the methods or approaches used to facilitate knowledge management
processes. Examples include learning by doing, on-the-job training, observation, and face-to-face
meetings. Long-term mechanisms include hiring a chief knowledge officer, cooperative projects,
organizational policies, and employee rotation. 知识管理机制是用来促进知识管理过程的方法或

KM Technologies are the tools or technologies used to support knowledge management systems.
These technologies benefit from the KM infrastructure, especially the information technology
infrastructure. Examples include artificial intelligence technologies. 知识管理技术是用于支持知识

The implementation of KM systems can have significant organizational impacts:

Shift to a People-Centric Approach: Organizations become more focused on individuals and their
contributions rather than just processes. 组织更加关注个人及其贡献,而不仅仅是流程。

Cost and Cultural Transformation: Implementing KM can be costly and requires top-down directives.
It often involves transforming internal and external cultures and structures. 实施知识管理的成本可

Strategic Use of Information Systems: KM often involves the strategic use of information systems,
which may not yield immediate returns but can lead to long-term benefits. 知识管理通常涉及信息

Impact on People





Impact on Processes:





Chapter 3

Nonaka’s Model of Knowledge Creation and Transformation

Socialization: Sharing experiences and skills without language, through observation and practice.


Externalization: Articulating tacit knowledge into explicit concepts using language and models.


Combination: Systemizing concepts into a knowledge system, combining different bodies of explicit


Internalization: Embodying explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge through personal experience,
learning by doing.


Knowledge Infrastructure 知识基础设施

 People core: Evaluate employee profiles 评估员工档案.

 Content core: Identify knowledge centres 确定知识中心.

 Technical core: The total technology required to operate the knowledge environment 运行知识环

Knowledge elicitation 知识汲取

Unstructured Interview

(early stage ) ()


Structured Interview


One-On-Many Interviews: Several experts work closely together, discussing different areas of
specialization. This can lead to immediate resolution of differences and deeper knowledge sharing.


Many-On-One Interviews: Several KEs interview a single expert. While this can provide alternative
perspectives, the expert may feel overwhelmed and become defensive.


Many-On-Many Interviews: Involves multiple experts and KEs, allowing for synergism and multiple
perspectives. However, larger groups may find it difficult to accomplish anything meaningful and may
lead to redundancy. 涉及多个专家和关键专家,可以产生协同效应,提供多种视角。然而,规

Problems with Interviewing


 回顾程序性知识

 无效的长期记忆

 口述手工任务

 口述汇编知识

 缺乏背景:不是真实问题,收集的知识可能代表对问题的一般理解。

There are two types of cases:

familiar (well-known to experts, shows typical knowledge)

unusual (uncommon, provides deeper knowledge).



Cases can be used

retrospectively (expert explains how they solved it)

observationally (expert solves it while being observed).



Chapter 4

Expert System

When to Use Expert Systems:

High Potential Payoff or Reduced Risk: When solving a problem could lead to significant benefits or
when there's a need to minimize potential risks. 当解决问题可带来巨大收益或需要将潜在风险降

Faster Solution Development: When there's a need to develop a solution quickly, faster than human
experts could accomplish. 当需要快速开发解决方案时,其速度比人类专家更快。

Training and Development: To provide expertise for training purposes, enabling the sharing of
knowledge with a large number of people. 为培训目的提供专业知识,实现与大量人员共享知识。

Benefits of Expert System

- Increased outputs
- Increased productivity
- Decreased decision-making time
- Reduced downtime
- Flexibility

Limitations of Expert Systems

Knowledge not always readily available 知识并非总能随时获得

Difficult to extract expertise from humans 难以从人类中提取专业知识.

Lack of end-user trust 缺乏最终用户信任

Knowledge subject to biases 知识存在偏差

Systems may not be able to arrive at conclusions 系统可能无法得出结论.

Success Factors of Expert Systems

- Management champion 管理层支持

- User involvement 用户参与
- Training 培训
- Expertise from cooperative experts 合作专家的专业知识
- Qualitative, not quantitative, problem 定性而非定量问题
- User-friendly interface 用户友好界面
- Expert’s level of knowledge must be high 专家的知识水平必须高.

Knowledge codification

process of organizing and representing knowledge before it is accessed by authorized personnel.


Purpose of Codification:

Making corporate-specific knowledge visible, accessible, and usable for value-added decision
making. 让企业特有的知识变得可见、可获取、可用于增值决策。

Leveraging tacit knowledge through a form that produces the highest return for the business. 通过

Organizing, categorizing, indexing, and accessing explicit knowledge to make it visible, accessible,
and usable. 对显性知识进行组织、分类、索引和访问,使其可见、可访问和可用。

Benefits of knowledge Codification

Training: Codified knowledge can be used to train new employees more efficiently, ensuring that they
have access to the necessary information and expertise to perform their roles effectively. 培训: 编

Decision-making: A well-organized knowledge base can provide valuable insights and information for
decision-making processes, helping to improve the quality and speed of decision-making within an
organization. 决策: 一个组织良好的知识库可以为决策过程提供有价值的见解和信息,有助于

Consistency: Codifying knowledge helps to ensure consistency in how information is accessed, used,
and applied across different parts of the organization. 一致性: 编纂知识有助于确保组织内不同
Efficiency: By making knowledge more accessible and searchable, codification can help employees
find information faster, reducing the time spent searching for information. 通过使知识更容易获取

Innovation: A well-organized knowledge base can also support innovation by providing employees
with access to a wide range of information and ideas that can inspire new ways of thinking and
working. 一个组织良好的知识库还可以支持创新,为员工提供广泛的信息和想法,从而激发新

Considerations for Knowledge Codification: 知识编纂的注意事项:

Not an easy or straightforward process. 这不是一个简单或直接的过程。

Recorded knowledge is often difficult to access due to fragmentation or poor organization. 记录在案

Diffusion of new knowledge can be slow. 新知识的传播可能比较缓慢。

Preparation for Codification: 编纂前的准备工作:

Identify organizational goals served by codified knowledge. 确定编纂知识的组织目标。

Assess existing knowledge that can address these goals. 评估能够实现这些目标的现有知识。

Evaluate the usefulness of existing knowledge for codification. 评估现有知识对编纂的有用性。

Determine how to codify knowledge, considering the challenge of codifying tacit knowledge. 考虑到

Knowledge Transfer Fundamentals:

 Definition: Transmission of knowledge from one source to another, including

absorption and appropriate use. 将知识从一个来源传递给另一个来源,包括吸
 Goal: Facilitate knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking. 促进知识共
Knowledge Transfer Prerequisites: 知识转移的先决条件

 Knowledge is personal and involves providing one's own property. 知识是个人

 Involves political, interpersonal, leadership, and organizational considerations.
 Guidelines include building trust, promoting collaboration, accommodating
change, and prioritizing reasoning over processing. 指导原则包括建立信任、

Inhibitors of Knowledge Transfer: 知识转移的阻碍因素:

 Factors such as lack of trust, insufficient time and places for conferences,
status of the knower, and quality and speed of transfer can hinder knowledge
 缺乏信任、会议时间和地点不足、知情者的地位、转让的质量和速度等因素都

Trust as a Key Success Factor: 信任是成功的关键因素:

 Establishment of an environment where employees feel free to share insights,

experiences, and know-how is crucial. 建立一个让员工能够自由分享见解、经
 Trust supports knowledge management by encouraging reciprocity, free
exchange, and innovation recognition. 信任通过鼓励互惠、自由交流和创新认
 Lack of trust can lead to hoarding knowledge and building suspicion. 缺乏信任

 Building Trust:
 Decentralizing or flattening the organizational structure to enable
teamwork in decision-making. 下放权力或扁平化组织结构,使团队合
 Reducing control-based management and encouraging management
by results. 减少控制型管理,鼓励成果管理。
 Revisiting the company's mission statement and ethics policy to
demonstrate new views. 重新审视公司的使命宣言和道德政策,以展示
5 types of Knowledge Transfer

Serial Transfer:

 Definition: Knowledge gained from a task in one setting is transferred to the

next time the team does the task in a different setting.
 Focus: Collective knowledge of the team rather than individual knowledge.
 定义: 从某一任务中获得的知识会在下一次团队在不同的环境中执行任务时进
 重点: 团队的集体知识而非个人知识。

Near Transfer:

 Definition: Explicit knowledge gained from a frequent and repeated task is

reused by other teams doing similar work.
 Context: Receiving team does a task similar to the source team in a similar
 定义: 从一项频繁和重复的任务中获得的显性知识被从事类似工作的其他团队
 背景: 接收团队在相似的环境中完成与源团队相似的任务。

Far Transfer:

 Definition: Tacit knowledge gained from a non-routine task is shared with

other teams doing similar work in a different part of the organization.
 Context: Receiving team does a task similar to the source team but in a
different context.
定义: 从一项非例行任务中获得的隐性知识与在组织不同部门从事类似工作的
背景: 接收团队在不同的环境中执行与源团队类似的任务。

Strategic Transfer:

 Definition: Collective knowledge of the organization is utilized for a strategic

task critical to the whole organization.
 Context: Receiving team does a task impacting the whole organization in a
different context from the source team. 定义: 组织的集体知识被用于对整个
 - 背景: 接收团队在不同于来源团队的背景下完成影响整个组织的任务。
Expert Transfer:

 Definition: Team seeks expertise from others in the organization for a

technical question beyond their own knowledge.
 Context: Receiving team does a different task from the source team but in a
similar context.
- 定义: 团队向组织中的其他人寻求专业知识,以解决超出自身知识范围的技术问题。
- 背景: 接收团队执行的任务与源团队不同,但背景相似。

Chapter 5
Knowledge Discovery / Creation Tools
Purpose: To find useful patterns in data, offering discovery services and tools to aid
in discovering new information and knowledge. 从数据中发现有用的模式,提供发现

Types of Tools:
Intelligent Agents:
Systems with inferential capabilities that use prior knowledge to connect user
requests with relevant documents, aiding in intelligent retrieval and overcoming
information overload. 具有推理能力的系统,利用先验知识将用户请求与相关文档联
Search Engines:
Function: Assist users in locating information via search. 协助用户通过搜索查找
Use: Integral to large information storage and retrieval systems (IRS) internally
or externally (e.g., on the Internet). 内部或外部(如互联网)大型信息存储和检索
Characteristics: Require indexing of information for subsequent search and
retrieval. 需要为信息编制索引,以便随后进行搜索和检索。

Data Mining:

 Definition: Exploration and analysis of large volumes of data to discover

meaningful patterns and rules. 探索和分析大量数据,以发现有意义的模式和

 Process: Extracts useful information and knowledge from large data volumes
for applications such as decision making, sales, marketing, and customer
support. 从大量数据中提取有用的信息和知识,用于决策、销售、营销和客户

Knowledge Transfer/ Sharing tools

Collaboration Services:
Purpose: Facilitate interaction between individuals working on cross-
disciplinary teams or across different locations. 促进在跨学科团队或不同地点工
Types: Conversation-based, transaction-based, collaboration-based (jointly
working towards a shared goal). 以对话为基础、以交易为基础、以协作为基础(共

Communication Tools:

 Examples: Email, instant messaging (IM), teleconferencing, web conferencing,

video conferencing.
 Purpose: Enable quick and efficient communication, overcoming geographical
barriers. 实现快速高效的沟通,克服地域障碍。


 Definition: Technologies facilitating group work, including communication,

cooperation, coordination, problem-solving, etc. 促进小组工作的技术,包括沟
 Types: Synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous (not real-time). 同步(实时)
 Examples: Electronic meeting rooms, information kiosks, discussion boards,
whiteboards, workflow management tools, application sharing tools. 电子会议
室、信息亭: 电子会议室、信息亭、讨论板、白板、工作流程管理工具、应用

Intranet (Knowledge Portal):

 Purpose: Drive organizational efficiency, support sharing of best practices,

facilitate internal communications. 提高组织效率,支持分享最佳实践,促进内
 Features: Focuses on user needs, supports organizational goals and
processes, enables collaboration and communities, promotes learning and
innovation, delivers bottom-line results. 关注用户需求,支持组织目标和流程,

Advantages: Facilitates quick and efficient communication, enables collaboration

across geographical boundaries, supports rich media. 促进快速高效的沟通,实现跨

Disadvantages: Requires users to be online simultaneously for synchronous tools,

quality dependent on network conditions, privacy concerns in some tools. 同步工具

Introduction to Management (CRM) Customer Relationship

CRM is a generic term for software, methodologies, and strategies that help
companies manage relationships with customers. 客户关系管理是帮助企业管理与客

It covers all aspects of interaction with customers, including sales and service. 它涵盖

Importance of CRM:

 Helps companies understand customers' needs and wants. 帮助企业了解客户

 Allows companies to gather and access information about customers' profiles,
preferences, purchasing histories, etc. 允许公司收集和获取有关客户的概况、
 Enables companies to anticipate future customer needs and develop new
market niches. 使企业能够预测未来的客户需求并开发新的市场。
 Aims to achieve better customer loyalty. 旨在提高客户忠诚度。

Benefits of CRM Implementation:

 Meets increasing customer expectations for fast, personalized service and

convenience. 满足客户对快速、个性化服务和便利性日益增长的期望。
 Helps companies compete effectively in a customer-oriented economy by
streamlining customer-centric processes. 通过简化以客户为中心的流程,帮助
 Integrates marketing, sales, and service activities to improve customer
satisfaction and increase business. 整合营销、销售和服务活动,提高客户满意
 Saves money through automated customer service and allows personalized
support for profitable customers. 通过自动化客户服务节约成本,为盈利客户
 Utilizes customer data for cross-selling and up-selling, such as Amazon's
product recommendations. 利用客户数据进行交叉销售和追加销售,如亚马逊

Links between KM and CRM:

 CRM is seen as an application within the KM tools framework.

 客户关系管理被视为知识管理工具框架内的一种应用。
 KM tools help manage knowledge/information about customers, competitors,
regulators, and suppliers. 知识管理工具有助于管理有关客户、竞争对手、监管
 KM ensures knowledge/information is shared and available to the right people
at the right time. 知识管理确保知识/信息的共享,并在正确的时间提供给正确
 KM helps leverage knowledge assets to achieve a competitive advantage. 知识

Competitive Intelligence (CI) 竞争情报

A systematic process for gathering and analyzing information about competitors and
the competitive environment. 收集和分析有关竞争对手和竞争环境信息的系统过程。

Helps in making strategic business decisions and achieving organizational goals.


Enables businesses to define market spaces, provide leading products and services,
identify competitor vulnerabilities, compete effectively, and protect advantages. 使企

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