Tourguide Script Submit by Wyco

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Ma. Clarissa Faith T.





Good morning, everyone! My name is Ma. Clarissa Faith Wyco and I will be your tour
guide for today. So, how are you today? Good? Good okay. Have you had your
breakfast? Good, because well’ have a long day and I want everyone to be ready and
enjoy everything today. I hope all of you did bring water reminded me of last night. So,
and I’m very sure that you know each other because you are from one company. Okay
let’s count, 1, 2, 3…16. So, you’re complete. I think everything is set for the tour, ready?
Okay let’s begin.

For today we will be exploring the so-called CITY IN THE FOREST, a very popular
tourist city with many beach resort sea food restaurants. It has been acclaimed several
times as the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines. Ladies and gentlemen,

Puerto Princesa is a city on Palawan Island in the western Philippines consists of 66

barangays. ‘’ Puerto Princesa” to a princess- like maiden who in the early days is said to
have roamed around the place on certain nights of the year. Historically, the place was
named after princess Asuncion, born in 1864 to queen Isabella II and her consort,
Francisco de Cadiz.

First, we will visit the CITY BAYWALK PARK. It is a great morning and a perfect way to
start our day. It is a 10-minute ride from here but before we go let me give you some
important details needed about the tour. Let’s all synchronize our watches; the time now
is 7:05 in the morning, okay? And I have here a flag.

After 10 minutes…….

Alright, we are now here at PUEROT PRINCESA CITY BAYWALK PARK. This is one of
the most visited tourist attractions here. As you can see, the ambiance is very relaxing,
and you may enjoy walking for a few minutes while taking pictures under the natural
vitamin of sun. The best restaurants are also a huge addition to this park. This seaside
park has plenty of concrete seats and benches and during early morning and late
afternoons both locals and tourists take a stroll or jogging here. Okay, I am giving you
30 minutes to explore the park. Please enjoy the sound of the sea breeze, fresh air, and
the tweets of the birds.

After 5 minutes……….

Okay, this is the immaculate conception cathedral, as you can see it is a blue colored
church with its pointed symmetrical arches that has a touched of gothic crafts Manship
style in which reminds us of medieval Europe era. The first mass was held in 1872
where a Spanish expedition proclaimed the immaculate conception of Mary as the
patroness of Puerto Princesa. Isn’t it beautiful? Look at their ceiling design, very gothic,
they celebrate their fiesta every 8 of December. The celebration extends towards the
Christmas season giving the month-long activity as “PISTA NA, PASKO PA” this is also
one of the famous tourists spot here. I’ll be waiting for you at the main entrance and will
wave the flag when it’s time to go. (For I cannot use the whistle.) Okay? It’s exactly 8
o’clock on my watch now.

After 15 minutes’…wave the flag.

Okay, let’s get ready for the next attraction, is everybody here? (count 1, 2, 3….16)
Okay, we’re complete. We’ll be going next to “BUTTERFLY ECO-GARDEN” and
TRIBAL VILLAGE. It’s 20 minutes ride so let’s go!

(after 20 minutes)

Now welcome to the BUTTERFLY GARDEN. This is a one-of-a-kind attraction that

continuously draws more and more tourists to visit this place for an environmental and a
cultural experience.

Look at the cocoon, so cute. and look at the right side, that is the diversity of FLORA
and FAUNA. Okay, let’s go in that direction, here is a huge butterfly wings, you can have
taken picture here.

After few minutes…. Wave the flag and whistle.

Okay guys, our next destination would be in SABANG, and would take us 1 and half
hours to get there. This is where the Mangrove Paddle Boat tour and Underground
River are located, our last 2 attractions. So, before we go, I’m giving you time to use the
comfort rooms and be back as soon as you’re done. Okay?


Alright, everyone is here. Let’s go! On our way to SABANG please enjoy the green view.
For your information 85 % of the forest here are virgin forest.

(After 1 and half hour)

So, we’re now on a MANGROVE PADDLE BOAT TOUR or what we call BAKAWAN.
Mangroves are very important in supporting the rich marine life in the region where
smaller fishes feed and reproduce. What you can see right now are not the usual 10-
year-old, 15-year-old mangrove trees but a hundred-year-old mangrove trees. And you
can only find this here in Sabang, Puerto Princesa.

Here, we are given 15 minutes to ride in a paddle boat and the chance to witness the
abundance of the river and the Sabang forest.

Reminders, each person is provided with a life vest for your safety. And again, we’ll be
divided into 2 boats. Each boat has its own paddler and personal guide at the same
time. So, I’ll be seeing you guys here after 25 minutes. Enjoy!

(After the paddle boat tour, whistle)

Guys we are now approaching the Underground River cave, can you notice the
beautiful beach with powdery sand? Unfortunately, this is a non-swimming zone, and
you can only play around the shore.

From here we’ll walk 5 minutes through the forest before we can reach the mouth of the
river. Let’s go!

The 8.2-kilometer river, said to be the longest navigable underground world winds its
way underneath a mountain range through the St. Paul Cave and then goes out into the
south China Sea, now the west Philippines sea.

Okay guys, wow! You made it! we call everyone survivors when we get out of the cave
after the tour. So, you are now certified survivors! CONGRATULATIONS! So how was
it? Enjoy? Wow! Good to hear that you’re happy. I hope everyone did enjoy the tour.
And of course, to end the tour, we’ll have our lunch at Gusto Grill for you to try the
dishes here in Puerto Princesa. But don’t forget to try the TAMILOK (it’s a wood worm,
but said to taste so it’s really a must try). After that, you may visit Delma store for some

So, I think we’re done for the day. I hope each of you did appreciate more the wonders
of nature and the perfectly beautiful attractions that God has given to us and of course
that by now you can say “I LOVE PUERTO PRINCESA”.

Thank you everyone, again I’m Ma. Clarissa Faith Wyco and it was my pleasure to tour
you around Puerto Princesa.

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