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Interrogative pronouns:

Who - Used to ask about people.

Example: Who is coming to the party?

What - Used to ask about things or actions.

Example: What is your favorite color?

Which - Used to ask about choices.

Example: Which book do you want to read?

Where - Used to ask about places or locations.

Example: Where is the nearest park?

When - Used to ask about time or occasions.

Example: When is your birthday?

Why - Used to ask for reasons.

Example: Why did you choose that movie?

How - Used to ask about manner, means, or condition.

Example: How did you solve the puzzle?

Parts of a letter
Parts of a paragraph

Introductory sentence: This is the first sentence in any paragraph, it says what the paragraph is
Content sentences, body (at least 1 or 2 sentences): talks about the main idea or what was
Conclusion: This summarizes the paragraph

Cursive Practice:

The well is far from the village.

What time does the period end?

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