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dust storms A dust storm is a wall of dust and debris

that is often blown into an area by
strong winds from thunderstorms. The
wall of dust can be miles long and several
thousand feet high. Dust storms happen in
many places around the world. Most of the
world's dust storms occur over the Middle
East and North Africa

Floods are the most frequent type of
floods natural disaster and occur when an
overflow of water submerges land that
is usually dry. Floods are often caused
by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a
storm surge from a tropical cyclone or
tsunami in coastal areas.

hurricanes A hurricane is a storm system rotating

around an area of low pressure which
produces strong winds and heavy rain.
Technically the system is called a tropical
storm if wind speeds are between 34 and
63 knots and it is only classified as a
hurricane in the wind speed exceeds 63

tornadoes A violently rotating column of air

touching the ground, usually attached
to the base of a thunderstorm.
Tornadoes are nature"s most violent
storms. Spawned from powerful
thunderstorms, tornadoes can cause
fatalities and devastate a neighborhood in
seconds. Winds of a tornado may reach
300 miles per hour.
A volcanic eruption is when lava and gas
volcanic are released from a volcano—
eruptions sometimes explosively. The most
dangerous type of eruption is called a
'glowing avalanche' which is when freshly
erupted magma flows down the sides of a


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