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Certification Program
A Complete Guide for the
Certified Safety Director (CSD)® Certification and
the Master Safety Professional (MSP)® Certification
January 18, 2024

The Master Safety Professional (MSP)® and Certified Safety Director (CSD)® credentials are accredited by the
ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). These certifications are accredited under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012
standard for personnel certification programs.

Note: This is a controlled document. The master document is the online version. It supersedes all previous updates. Users shall not make
unauthorized alterations. Users must determine the current version and completeness prior to use. The user must discard obsolete documents.

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Table of Contents
I. Introduction 3
II. About the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program 3
III. Benefits of the CSD and MSP Certification 3
IV. Certification Summary 4
V. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) 4
VI. Purpose of the Candidate Handbook 5
VII. Definitions 6
VIII. NASP Student Portal 8
IX. Eligibility Requirements 9
X. Certified Safety Director (CSD) 10
XI. Master Safety Professional (MSP) 12
XII. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Fees 14
XIII. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Fees 16
XIV. Application Instructions 18
XV. Special Requirements and Special Needs Request 20
XVI. Application and Eligibility Review 20
XVII. Application Audits 21
XVIII. Examination Preparation 22
XIX. NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) Position on Training & Education 22
XX. Suggested Reading 23
XXI. Examination Specifics 24
XXII. Examination Content Blueprint Overview 25
XXIII. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Examination Blueprint 26
XXIV. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Examination Blueprint 27
XXV. Certified Safety Director Preparation (CSD) Course 28
XXVI. Master Safety Professional Preparation (MSP) Course 28
XXVII. Scheduling the Examination 29
XXVIII. Rescheduling Policy 31
XXIX. No-Show Policy 31
XXX. Taking the Examination 31
XXXI. Examination Security Procedures 32
XXXII. Scoring and Receiving Results 33
XXXIII. Exam Retake 34
XXXIV. Appeals Against Examination or Adverse Decisions 34
XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification Requirements 35
XXXVI. Failure to Maintain Certification Requirements 38
XXXVII. Use of CSD and MSP Certification Logos and Marks Policy 39
XXXVIII. CSD & MSP Directory of Credentials 40
XXXIX. Confidentiality of the NASPCB, Certification Personnel, and NASP/IASP, Inc. 41
XL. Non-Discrimination and Impartiality 41
XLI. NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Policy 42
XLII. NASP/IASP, Inc. Candidate’s Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Policy 43
XLIII. NASP/IASP, Inc. Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Policy 44
XLIV. Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy 44
XLV. Complaints Policy 45

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I. Introduction
The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, Candidate Handbook, A Complete Guide for the Certified Safety
Director (CSD) Certification and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification is not intended to guarantee
that a candidate will pass the CSD or MSP exam or become certified. The Candidate Handbook may not cover
every phase of the certification process. Additionally, the Candidate Handbook is not considered training or
preparatory in any manner.

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board makes no guarantees or assurances of any nature, conveyed or implied,
of the actions of third-party organizations. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Candidate Handbook is
subject to change without notice. Please refer to the online version of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program
Candidate Handbook for current information.

Crucial to the organization’s educational mission is the commitment to provide and cultivate an inclusive,
diverse, and welcoming environment for all members of our community, including employees, students, and
association members. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) does not discriminate in the terms,
conditions, or privileges of employment on account of race, age, color, sex (including sexual orientation and/or
gender identity), national origin, disability, or religion or otherwise as may be prohibited by federal and state

II. About the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

The primary purpose of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program under the guidance and oversight of the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB), the credentialing arm of NASP/IASP, Inc., is to provide workplace
safety professionals a certification program to assist them in carrying out their safety-related functions with
confidence and proven competence. This purpose is achieved by providing the CSD and MSP certifications
accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard General
requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program identifies and recognizes workplace safety professionals who have
demonstrated the competencies necessary to recognize and mitigate potential safety concerns in the workplace.

The Certified Safety Director (CSD) and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certifications define the
competency requirements of workplace safety professionals. Individuals who earn the CSD and MSP have
demonstrated their knowledge and competency in the area of workplace safety and are dedicated to upholding
high standards of ethical and professional practice. To earn either certification requires individuals to meet
specified eligibility requirements, pass a rigorous exam, meet the recertification requirements, and uphold the
Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Agreement, Candidate’s Non-Disclosure and
Confidentiality Agreement, and Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement, as set forth by the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board.

III. Benefits of the CSD and MSP Certifications

The purpose of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program for the CSD and MSP Certifications is to establish
international standards for certification in the workplace safety profession, to provide recognition of qualified
individuals, and to afford a guarantee to employers that certified personnel has attained stated education and
experience qualifications. Earning the CSD or MSP Certification also provides professionals with a competitive
edge in the workplace, having completed the recognized core competencies for workplace safety.

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IV. Certification Summary
Both the CSD and MSP exams focus on practical workplace safety applications primarily for general industry
(e.g., manufacturing, oil and gas, municipalities, military, transport, warehousing, and service industries).
Therefore, emphasis is placed on regulatory requirements for compliance with applicable standards (both US-
based and international) as they pertain to the OHS field.

Additionally, knowledge of the proper development and implementation of safety management systems and
appropriate adult training methodologies will be required. Finally, knowledge of basic chemistry, toxicology,
industrial hygiene, and environmental concepts are covered in each of the exams. For more information on the
precise makeup of each exam, go to Section XXIII. Certified Safety Director Blueprint or XXIV. Master Safety
Professional Blueprint to review.

V. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB)

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) is a separately functioning entity established to oversee the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program and to separate the roles and responsibilities between the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Board of Directors and the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program to maintain impartiality and neutrality. The
Certification Board operates independently to establish and uphold high standards of competence for workplace
safety professionals, to evaluate professionals against those standards, and to increase safety in the workplace
through the CSD and MSP credentials.

With strategic oversight from the Executive Board, the Certification Board was established to set the standards
and qualifications for individuals who practice specific disciplines within the workplace safety profession; to
establish voluntary certification testing of applicants who meet or exceed the training, educational, and
professional experience requirements set by the Certification Board; and to annually review, and if necessary,
revise the standards and qualifications, as well as the Certification Board’s provisions in the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program Operations Manual and NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Candidate Handbook.

The purposes of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) are to:
1. Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that the program conforms with best certification
practices, accreditation standards, and relevant legal requirements. Policies and procedures must address all
components of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program.
2. Establish and oversee the work of the Certification Board's Director, Chairs, Certification Personnel, and
3. Recruit and maintain an active community of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to develop and maintain a valid,
reliable, and legally defensible certification examination for the CSD and MSP certifications.
4. Ensure the conduct, review, and consideration of the psychometric reports provided for examination
development and delivery, including item analysis reports, passing scores, job analysis reports, and other
psychometric services.
5. Ensure the item bank is adequately maintained.
6. Establish, implement, and oversee eligibility and recertification (renewal) requirements.
7. Establish and oversee the Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Agreement, Candidate’s
Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, and Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement,
which certified persons are required to comply with, including administration of the disciplinary program.
8. Ensure that due process considerations are included in all program policies and decisions.
9. Develop the annual operating budget for the program in conjunction with the certification staff. To this end,
the Certification Board shall make recommendations to ensure that all commitments of the program are

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served. Such commitments include funds to develop and administer all program components, including the
examinations, eligibility, renewal, disciplinary, and appeals programs.
10. Monitor the provision of contracted services in coordination with the Certification Personnel.
11. Meet by conference call or in-person at least semiannually (two times a year). The Certification Director or
Chairs may call additional meetings as needed.
12. Ensure the Certification Director, Chairs, Certification Personnel, and committees meet by conference call or
in-person at least twice a year.
13. Establish and oversee the Appeals and Complaints process for all applicants, candidates, and interested
parties for the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program.

VI. Purpose of the Candidate Handbook

The purpose of the Candidate Handbook is to assist interested parties in the steps required to obtain the
Certified Safety Director (CSD) and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certifications. This handbook outlines
the process for meeting the eligibility requirements for the CSD or MSP Certifications, the application process,
the examination process, the receipt of examination results, the recertification process to maintain certification,
fees for the certification program, optional preparation courses for the CSD and MSP certification examinations,
and policies and procedures of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program established by the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Board (NASPCB).

Below is a brief overview of the Certification Process outlined in the Candidate Handbook for the CSD and MSP
1. Choose a Certification
2. Determine Eligibility
3. Complete and submit the application online through the NASP Student Portal
4. Provide Proof of Education (High School or Higher Education), Professional Safety Experience, Qualified
Credential(s) held, and known Criminal and Unethical Behavior validation
5. Consent to the NASPCB to verify all information provided in the application to include but not limited to the
stated education (official diploma and official transcripts or academic record(s) showing degree(s) earned
and date granted), credential(s) held, employment history, and criminal conviction history and known
unethical behaviors
6. Sign and agree to the Certification Board's Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
Agreement, Candidate’s Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, Criminal Conviction and Unethical
Behavior Agreement, the Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy, and the Use of Certification
Logos and Marks Policy as set forth by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board
7. Meet the requirements outlined in the Eligibility Track of the selected Certification and be approved for
8. Purchase the Exam
9. Prepare for the Exam
10. Schedule the Exam
11. Sit for the Exam
12. Pass the Exam
13. Maintain Certification through Recertification Requirements
14. Pay all required fees as outlined in this Candidate Handbook

Click here for the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Process Overview.

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VII. Definitions
Allegation: Any written statement or oral report to NASP/IASP, Inc. or the Certification Board or other defined
misconduct reporting mechanisms of possible issues or misconduct, including violations of law, regulations, or
Certification Board policies and procedures.
Appeal: A request for a reversal of a decision.
Appellant: An individual who is requesting a reversal of a decision.
Applicant: An individual who is in the process of or has submitted an application for the CSD or MSP certification
Candidate: An individual who meets the eligibility requirements for the CSD or MSP certification.
Certificant: A person who is (professionally or academically certified) one who has received certification. An
individual who has earned and maintained the certification and is authorized to use the credential, certification
mark, and logo.
Certificate: The official document issued by NASP/IASP, Inc. to the applicant who successfully meets all the
requirements for certification. Each certificate bears the name of the applicant, the discipline of certification, a
unique numerical identifier, an expiration date, and the embossed seal of NASP/IASP, Inc., and is signed by the
authorized credentialing individual.
Certification Board: The body of subject matter experts in a particular discipline charged with developing the
requirements and process for certification. The Certification Board is also responsible for determining eligibility
as well as setting appropriate cut scores (pass/fail ratio).
Certification Director: The official appointed by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Executive Board Vice President to manage
the affairs of the NASPCB. The Director acts as chair of the NASPCB and is responsible for running all meetings of
Certification: The process by which a person is tested with regard to knowledge, skills, and ability and deemed
competent to reliably practice the discipline for which they have been certified.
Certification Personnel/Staff/Employee: An individual hired directly by NASP/IASP, Inc. and paid in accordance
with all prevailing state and federal regulations.
Certified Individual: An individual who has earned and maintained the certification and is authorized to use the
credential, certification mark, and logo.
Certified Safety Director: An individual involved in problem-solving and application of strategy; their advice is
based on conceptual and technical knowledge mediated by training and experience, analysis of evidence, and
critical thought. They understand how to use and access the evidence base and value professional collaboration.
They are capable of working with minimal supervision and usually give direction to others.
CEUs: Continuing Education Units. One CEU equals ten (10) contact hours of instruction (either online or
Committee: Individuals acting on behalf of the NASPCB who are involved in knowledge and skills, item writing,
examination review or appeals, and complaints who maintain separation for a fair and valid examination and
certification program.
Complainant: Any person who, in good faith, reports an allegation or provides information during an
investigation into an allegation of misconduct.
Complaint: Report or allegation to provide information for an investigation into an allegation of misconduct.
Contractor: An organization having its own employees contracted and paid to perform designated services for
the Certification Board in accordance with a signed contract and in compliance with all prevailing state and
federal regulations.
Executive Board: Comprised of NASP/IASP, Inc. President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Interested Parties: A stakeholder, employer, person, or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive
itself to be affected by a decision or activity.

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Kryterion: Third-Party examination contractor that oversees the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program and
administers the onsite (U.S. and Canada only) and Online Proctored (OLP) examinations.
LMS: Learning Management System.
Master Safety Professional: An individual with high-level specialist and strategic skills. They are likely to be
involved in the development and implementation of a comprehensive facility-wide or corporate safety and
health program and are influential with senior management and policymakers. Their perspective embraces the
broader organizational and social context.
NASP/IASP, Inc.: The legal name for the National Association of Safety Professionals/International Association of
Safety Professionals, who provides training, consultative services, and third-party certifications that validate
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the area of workplace safety.
NASPCB: The acronym for the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board, which oversees and manages the NASP/IASP,
Inc. Certification Program for the Certified Safety Director (CSD) and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) to
maintain impartiality and neutrality.
NASPCB Board of Advisors: Comprised of the Certification Director (non-voting), and the (4) Chairs, and (4) Vice-
Chairs who are the voting members.
NASP Student Portal: System that securely maintains and updates all certification activities to include
application submission, special ADA or other applicable laws requirements, application purchases, exam
eligibility approval/denial, exam purchases, exam scores (pass/fail results), recertification maintenance, and
purchases, and purchases of any optional preparation course, training course or relevant options to acquire
OLP: Online Proctored. Allows candidates to sit for either the MSP or CSD exam in the privacy of their own home
or office utilizing a secure live remote proctored service.
Preparation Course: A course of instruction directly related to taking a certification exam. It includes courses
that provide foundational knowledge or skill development. Preparation courses generally focus on the type of
questions or practical challenges an applicant may face on a test. It is not a requirement or prerequisite of any
applicant to purchase or take any NASP/IASP, Inc. preparation course.
Proctor: The person responsible for the security of testing materials at the time the test is administered. They
are also responsible for ensuring that the test taker is, in fact, the applicant who applied for certification;
enforcing the time allowance for the test; assuring that the applicant is not using or receiving any inappropriate
assistance; informing the applicant on how to proceed with and complete the test; securing and returning test
materials to the Certification Board at the end of the testing period. The proctor does not participate in the
grading or evaluation of the test.
Recertification: Renewal process by which Certificants must continue to demonstrate competency to maintain
their Certification.
Retaliation: Any action that adversely affects the employment or other institutional status of an individual taken
by an institution or an employee because the individual has, in “good faith,” made an allegation of misconduct,
or has cooperated in good faith with an investigation of such allegation.
Revocation: Removal of a Certificant’s certification as determined by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board
(NASPCB) because a Certificant has committed an offense in violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional
Conduct to the extent that no remediation is possible.
Suspension: Penalty or hold of a Certificant’s certification as determined by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Board (NASPCB) because a Certificant has made a technical error or otherwise violated a provision of their
certification. The suspension will remain in effect until a course of appropriate corrective action, as determined
by the Certification Board, is achieved.
Volunteer: An individual who has agreed to perform specific activities for the Certification Board and receives no

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VIII. NASP Student Portal

The NASP Student Portal securely maintains and updates all certification activities to include application
submission, special ADA or other applicable laws requirements, application purchases, exam eligibility
approval/denial, exam purchases, exam scores (pass/fail results), recertification maintenance and purchases,
and purchases of any optional preparation course, training course or relevant options to acquire certification.

The NASP Student Portal will also track individuals who do not maintain certification and tag those who are
suspended, revoked, or unauthorized users. In addition, eligibility communication and autogenerated reminder
emails are utilized through the NASP Student Portal and the Learning Management System (LMS).

If an individual does not have an LMS Course and Membership Login, they can create an account in the NASP
Student Portal.

If an individual already has an LMS Course and Membership Login, they will use their current LMS Login
Credentials to access the NASP Student Portal.

NASP/IASP, Inc. assigns each candidate a unique identification number for identity verification, referred to as
the Student ID. Students may access the NASP Student Portal using their email and personal password.

The Student ID is emailed to the student upon setup and will be used to fill out and purchase the CSD or MSP
Application, purchase the exam, maintain recertification and pay recertification fees, and purchase any optional
preparation course, training course, or relevant options to acquire certification.

The Student ID will allow the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) to identify individuals, track their
application progress, record exam scores, track completion of preparation courses and training courses as well
as progress towards higher certifications within the Learning Management System (LMS).

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IX. Eligibility Requirements
The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) does not restrict entrance to the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Program on the grounds of membership in any organization, excessive and unsupported eligibility requirements,
or certificates of completion and certifications from the NASP/IASP, Inc. The CSD and MSP Certifications are
unrestricted to all qualified individuals/interested parties.

All qualified individuals/interested parties are encouraged to apply to take the Certified Safety Director (CSD)
and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Examinations. Employees of NASP/IASP, Inc. or the Certification Board
are eligible to take the CSD or MSP certification examination except those who participated in the Item Writing
Development or Examination Development. Any SME, Certification Board member, or outside service provider
who is exposed to secure examination material to include Item Writing Development or Examination
Development is prohibited from applying or taking the CSD or MSP Certification Examination for two (2) years
after their participation to maintain impartiality and neutrality of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program
according to the standards.

To apply for the CSD or MSP Certifications, all applicants must meet the requirements outlined in the Eligibility
Track of the selected Certification to which they are applying and be approved for eligibility.

The CSD Eligibility Track provides the initial criteria required for the CSD Certification. The MSP Eligibility Track
provides the initial criteria required for the MSP Certification. Each Track will provide the following criteria
required to become an eligible candidate and sit for the examination of the selected Certification.

1. Educational Requirements as outlined in the Eligibility Track of the selected Certification

2. Workplace Safety Years of Experience Requirements as outlined in the Eligibility Track of the selected
3. Credential(s) held according to the approved Qualified Credentials as outlined in the Eligibility Track of
the selected Certification
4. Percentage of Current Role in Safety Requirement
5. In addition to meeting the Eligibility Track, applicants must provide known Criminal and Unethical
Behavior within the last five (5) years.
6. Applicants must comply with all NASPCB Policies. By signing the application, applicants are attesting that
they have received, read, fully understand, and consent to the Certificant’s Code of Ethics and
Professional Standards Agreement, Candidate’s Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, Criminal
Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement, the Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy,
and the Use of Certification Logos and Marks Policy as set forth by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification

Any changes to the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, Certified Safety Director (CSD) and Master Safety
Professional (MSP) Certification’s scheme, eligibility requirements, and recertification requirements will be
updated on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program webpage at under Certification
Overview under the Policies & Forms tab and communicated to interested parties and/or Certificants if
applicable. For further details, please refer to the current online version of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Program Candidate Handbook.

As referenced in the CSD and MSP Eligibility Tracks, the criteria for initial certification were established by the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB).

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X. Certified Safety Director (CSD)

A Certified Safety Director (CSD) is involved in problem solving and application of strategy; their advice is based
on conceptual and technical knowledge mediated by training and experience, analysis of evidence, and critical
thought. They understand how to use and access the evidence base and value professional collaboration. They
are capable of working with minimal supervision and usually give direction to others.

To receive eligibility to take the CSD examination, applicants must meet one of the tracks to include education
and professional safety experience, hold one qualified credential, and 50% of their current role must be in
safety, as indicated on the CSD Eligibility Track below:
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

CSD Eligibility Track

You Must Meet One of the Tracks to Include Education and Professional Safety Experience.
You Must Hold One Qualified Credential.
50% of Your Current Role Must Be in Safety.
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree Associates Degree High School Diploma
in OHS or EHS
2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
Professional Safety Professional Safety Professional Safety Professional Safety
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Qualified Credentials
(must hold one)
Certified Safety Manager Certificate (CSM) CP-12 Career Program Professional Certificate
Safety Director Certificate (SDC) in Safety and Occupational Health
Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC)
Certified Safety Director Certificate (CSD)
Licensed Safety Professional Certificate (LSP) Professional Certificate
Master Safety Professional (MSP) in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH)
U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC)
Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
Associate Safety Professional (ASP) NEBOSH National or International Diploma
Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) in Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST)
Safety Management Specialist (SMS) NEBOSH National or International General Certificate
Safety Trained Supervisor (STS) in Occupational Health and Safety

Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) *State-Sponsored/Recognized

EHS Certificate/Certification Program
Certified Safety Management Practitioner (CSMP)
Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) *Federally Mandated/Recognized
EHS Certificate/Certification Program
OSHA 501 Trainer – General Industry
Certified Hazard Control Manager (CHCM) EHS Certificate/Certification Program

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

CSD Eligibility Track

Qualified EHS Certificate/Certification Programs

*In addition to the Qualified Credentials listed on the CSD Eligibility Track,
the NASPCB approved the following EHS Certificate/Certification Programs as Qualified Credentials.

EHS Certificate/Certification Program
Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (COHS)
University of New Brunswick (UNB)
Certified Safety and Health Official (CSHO) – GI
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
Certificate of Safety and Health Official (CSHO) – GI
OSHA Training Institute Education Center Arizona State University
General Industry Certified Safety Trainer (CST-GI)
West Virginia University
General Industry Certified Safety Specialist (CSS-GI)
West Virginia University

Federally Mandated/Recognized
EHS Certificate/Certification Program
Certified Contract Safety Manager (CSM)
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

EHS Certificate/Certification Program
OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
OTHM Qualifications United Kingdom
Approved by the NASPCB 12.15.23

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XI. Master Safety Professional (MSP)

A Master Safety Professional (MSP) is an individual with high-level specialist and strategic skills. They are likely to
be involved in the development and implementation of a comprehensive facility-wide or corporate safety and
health program and are influential with senior management and policymakers. Their perspective embraces the
broader organizational and social context.

To receive eligibility to take the MSP examination, applicants must meet one of the tracks to include education
and professional safety experience, hold one qualified credential, and 50% of their current role must be in
safety, as indicated on the MSP Eligibility Track below:
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

MSP Eligibility Track

You Must Meet One of the Tracks to Include Education and Professional Safety Experience.
You Must Hold One Qualified Credential.
50% of Your Current Role Must Be in Safety.
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree Associates Degree High School Diploma
in OHS or EHS
3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 7 Years
Professional Safety Professional Safety Professional Safety Professional Safety
Experience Experience Experience Experience
Qualified Credentials
(must hold one)
Safety Director Certificate (SDC) CP-12 Career Program Professional Certificate
Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) in Safety and Occupational Health
Certified Safety Director Certificate (CSD) U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC)
Licensed Safety Professional Certificate (LSP)
Certified Safety Director (CSD) Professional Certificate
in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH)
Certified Safety Professional (CSP) U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (USACRC)
Associate Safety Professional (ASP)
Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) NEBOSH National or International Diploma
Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST) in Occupational Health and Safety
Safety Management Specialist (SMS)
NEBOSH National or International General Certificate
Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) in Occupational Health and Safety

Certified Safety Management Practitioner (CSMP) *State-Sponsored/Recognized

Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) EHS Certificate/Certification Program

Certified Hazard Control Manager (CHCM) *Federally Mandated/Recognized

EHS Certificate/Certification Program

EHS Certificate/Certification Program

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

MSP Eligibility Track

Qualified EHS Certificate/Certification Programs

*In addition to the Qualified Credentials listed on the MSP Eligibility Track,
the NASPCB approved the following EHS Certificate/Certification Programs as Qualified Credentials.

EHS Certificate/Certification Program
Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (COHS)
University of New Brunswick (UNB)
Certified Safety and Health Official (CSHO) – GI
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
Certificate of Safety and Health Official (CSHO) – GI
OSHA Training Institute Education Center Arizona State University
General Industry Certified Safety Trainer (CST-GI)
West Virginia University
General Industry Certified Safety Specialist (CSS-GI)
West Virginia University

Federally Mandated/Recognized
EHS Certificate/Certification Program
Certified Contract Safety Manager (CSM)
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)

EHS Certificate/Certification Program
OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
OTHM Qualifications United Kingdom
Approved by the NASPCB 12.15.23

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XII. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification Fees
The Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification Fee Structure Chart below provides the list of required fees and
optional fees for the CSD Certification. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. Please refer to the
current online Handbook for the current Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification Fees.

Required CSD Certification Fees

Application Fee - All applicants are required to pay the Application fee at the time of submitting their

Applications must be completed and submitted within one (1) year from the creation date, or data will be lost
and deleted. If an applicant is notified that additional information is required or needs review from an applicant,
the application must be updated for completion within one (1) year from the notification date, or the
application will expire.

Exam Fee - Upon being approved eligible, a candidate is given one (1) year to schedule and sit for their
examination. A candidate may proceed directly to purchasing an exam upon being approved eligible. If a
candidate does not purchase an exam option within one (1) year of their approval of eligibility date, the exam
purchase option will expire. See ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee.”

A Retake Exam is included in the Exam Fee. Candidates have the option to retake the exam one (1) time within
their eligibility period if the first exam attempt does not result in passing the exam. Candidates must wait thirty
(30) days from the date of their first examination to sit for the Retake Exam. This option will be available through
their NASP Student Portal Account once the thirty (30) day waiting period has passed.

Candidates who miss the deadline to retake the exam within their eligibility period must wait one (1) year and
will need to reapply for eligibility and pay the application fee and exam fee. See ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day
Eligibility Extension Fee.”

Recertification Fee – Certificants must continue to demonstrate competency to maintain their Certification. The
Recertification Cycle is every three (3) years. The recertification fee is due on or before the certification
expiration date as indicated on the Certificant’s Credential and NASP Student Portal. For more on recertification,
see Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification or click here.

***Optional Fees***

90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee – This one-time-only option is available within the last sixty (60) days of a
candidate’s eligibility period. The eligibility date will reflect the additional 90 days in the candidate’s NASP
Student Portal Account upon purchase. The candidate must schedule and sit for the exam prior to the updated
end eligibility date.

Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course – This option is available immediately through the NASP
Student Portal once an account is created. For more information on the Certified Safety Director (CSD)
Preparation Course, see Section XXV, Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course, or click here.

Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course and CSD Exam - This option is available immediately through
the NASP Student Portal upon eligibility approval.

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program CSD Fee Structure

Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification


Applications must be completed and submitted within one (1) year from the creation date,
or data will be lost and deleted. $75
If an applicant is notified additional information is required or needs review from an
applicant, the application must be updated for completion within one (1) year from the
notification date, or the application will expire.


Must sit for the exam during one (1) year eligibility period
Exam Fee includes a one-time-only retake exam option EXAM
30-day waiting period ATTEMPTS
Must sit for the retake exam during one (1) year eligibility period

3 Year Cycle $195
The recertification fee is due on or before the certification expiration date as indicated on EVERY 3 YEARS
the Certificant’s Credential and NASP Student Portal.

********OPTIONAL FEES********


Available within the last 60 days of a candidate’s eligibility period
Your eligibility date will reflect the additional 90 days in your NASP Student Portal Account
upon purchase.
You must schedule and sit for your exam prior to the updated eligibility expiration date.




Note: Fees and passing scores are subject to change. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.

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XIII. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification Fees
The Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification Fee Structure Chart below provides the list of required fees
as well as optional fees for the MSP Certification. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. Please refer
to the current online Handbook for the current Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification Fees.

Required MSP Certification Fees

Application Fee – All applicants are required to pay the Application fee at the time of submitting their

Applications must be completed and submitted within one (1) year from the creation date, or data will be lost
and deleted. If an applicant is notified additional information is required or needs review from an applicant, the
application must be updated for completion within one (1) year from the notification date, or the application
will expire.

Exam Fee – Upon being approved eligible, a candidate is given one (1) year to schedule and sit for their
examination. A candidate may proceed directly to purchasing an Exam upon being approved eligible. If a
candidate does not purchase an exam option within one (1) year of their approval of eligibility date, the exam
purchase option will expire. See ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee.”

A Retake Exam is included in the Exam Fee. Candidates have the option to retake the exam one (1) time within
their eligibility period if the first attempt does not result in passing the exam. Candidates must wait thirty (30)
days from the date of their first examination to sit for the Retake Exam. This option will be available through
their NASP Student Portal Account once the thirty (30) day waiting period has passed.

Candidates who miss the deadline to retake the exam within their eligibility period must wait one (1) year and
will need to reapply for eligibility and pay the application fee and exam fee. See ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day
Eligibility Extension Fee.”

Recertification Fee – Certificants must continue to demonstrate competency to maintain their Certification. The
Recertification Cycle is every three (3) years. The recertification fee is due on or before the certification
expiration date as indicated on the Certificant’s Credential and NASP Student Portal. For more on recertification,
see Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification or click here.

***Optional Fees***

90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee – This one-time-only option is available within the last sixty (60) days of a
candidate’s eligibility period. The eligibility date will reflect the additional 90 days in the candidate’s NASP
Student Portal Account upon purchase. The candidate must schedule and sit for the exam prior to the updated
end eligibility date.

Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course – This option is available immediately through the NASP
Student Portal once an account is created. For more information on the Master Safety Professional (MSP)
Preparation Course, see Section XXVI, Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course, or click here.

Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course and MSP Exam - This option is available immediately
through the NASP Student Portal upon eligibility approval.

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program MSP Fee Structure

Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification


Applications must be completed and submitted within one (1) year from the creation date,
or data will be lost and deleted. $75
If an applicant is notified additional information is required or needs review from an
applicant, the application must be updated for completion within one (1) year from the
notification date, or the application will expire.


Must sit for the exam during one (1) year eligibility period
Exam Fee includes a one-time-only retake exam option EXAM
30-day waiting period ATTEMPTS
Must sit for the retake exam during one (1) year eligibility period

3 Year Cycle $250
The recertification fee is due on or before the certification expiration date as indicated on EVERY 3 YEARS
the Certificant’s Credential and NASP Student Portal.

********OPTIONAL FEES********


Available within the last 60 days of a candidate’s eligibility period
Your eligibility date will reflect the additional 90 days in your NASP Student Portal Account
upon purchase.
You must schedule and sit for your exam prior to the updated eligibility expiration date




Note: Fees and passing scores are subject to change. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.

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XIV. Application Instructions
All applications for the CSD and MSP examinations are completed online through the NASP Student Portal.
Applicants must create an account in the NASP Student Portal prior to gaining access to an application.

If an individual does not have LMS Course and Membership Login credentials, please create an account in the
NASP Student Portal.

If an individual already has LMS Course and Membership Login credentials, please use current LMS Login
credentials to access the NASP Student Portal.

During account creation, one will have the option to select the CSD or MSP application. If accessing
the NASP Student Portal with previous credentials, select the Apply tab at the top of the screen to choose the
CSD or MSP application.

Applicants have one (1) year from the date an application is started to submit their application. After one (1)
year, the stored application will be removed from the individual’s NASP Student Portal if the application is not
submitted. A new application will be required to begin the application process. There is no waiting period to

Applicants are also provided the option to view information on registering, scheduling, finding a location, and
preparing for their exam prior to submitting an application.

All applicants must provide the following information to be considered for eligibility:
1. Contact information: Name, Address, City, State/Province, Zip Code, Country, Primary Phone, and
Primary Email Address.
2. Desired certification level – CSD or MSP
3. Testing Option via Testing Site (U.S. and Canada only) or Live Online Proctored (OLP)
4. Special Requirements – Applicants specify any Special Requirements needed per the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) or other applicable laws and provide a copy of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Program Special Needs Request Physician Verification Form-Appendix K
5. Highest level of education
6. Education Discipline
7. Current credential(s) held from the eligibility track of accepted credentials
8. Job Title
9. Total years of professional safety experience
10. Current Employer to include Employer Address, City, State/Province, Zip Code, Country, Supervisor
Name, Supervisor Email, Start Date (MM/YYYY), Percent of Job in Workplace Safety, Number of
Employees in Facility, How Many Facilities, Company Industry, Primary Safety Specialty
11. Previous Employers (if the current job does not meet the minimum professional safety experience as
indicated on the CSD or MSP Track)
12. Criminal conviction history and any reported or known unethical behaviors as required per the NASPCB
Policy for Criminal and Unethical Behavior
13. Supporting documentation of current credentials (submit through the upload documentation feature of
the application)
14. Copy of an official diploma and official transcript, or official academic record(s) showing degree earned
and date granted (submit through the upload documentation feature of the application). The NASPCB
will only accept a copy of an official transcript. Non-U.S. degree holders are required to have their
academic records evaluated for U.S. equivalency. Documents that are not issued in English must be
accompanied by an official or certified English translation.

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15. Consent to the NASPCB to verify all information provided in the application to include but not limited to
the stated education (diploma and transcripts or academic record(s) showing degree(s) earned and date
granted), credential(s) held, employment history, and criminal conviction history and known unethical
behaviors. Applicants type their name in the application, which serves as their electronic signature.
Applicants agree their electronic signature is the legal equivalent of their manual signature on the
16. Verification that applicant has read, understands, agrees to, and electronically signs the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
Agreement, Candidate’s Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, Criminal Conviction and
Unethical Behavior Agreement, the Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy, and the Use of CSD and
MSP Certification Logos and Marks Policy as set forth by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board.
17. Selection to either opt-in or opt-out of the online certification database. If an applicant opts in, they
agree to participate in the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program’s NASPCB CSD & MSP Directory of
Credentials should the applicant successfully become a Certificant of the CSD or MSP Credential.
Personal information, including Certificant name, city, state, country, current NASPCB credential(s) held,
credential number(s), and photo (if uploaded to the NASP Learning Management System), will be
available to all persons seeking information from the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board/NASPCB’s
public CSD & MSP Directory of Credentials. This directory is designed for potential employers to verify
the credentials of job candidates. It will be available to all interested parties who perform a search using
the information they provide to the NASPCB.
18. Selection to either opt-in or opt-out of the CSD & MSP Directory of Credentials contact feature. This
option will allow persons seeking to contact a Certificant to confidentially send a message to the
Certificant through the Contact feature in the Certificant’s profile. Interested parties will not be able to
view the Certificant’s email address or any personal information unless the Certificant chooses to
communicate with the interested party.
19. Application submission, including payment of application fee

Upon Submission, Applicants are aware the application is verified and shall:

A. Allow the Certification Board and Certification Personnel to verify all information submitted as follows:
• Work experience documentation will only be required if selected for an audit. However, the information
provided during the application will be verified to confirm years of experience in workplace safety meet
the eligibility requirements.
• Educational Background and supporting documentation provided (a copy of an official diploma, and
official transcript, or official academic record(s) showing degree earned and date granted).
• Current credentials held, and supporting documentation provided of current credentials held.
• Criminal conviction history and any reported or known unethical behaviors as required per the NASPCB
Policy for Criminal and Unethical Behavior. In some cases, more information may be required regarding
a conviction. If questions arise, the candidate’s application may be passed to the Certification Board for
further review. Otherwise, the applicant will only be required to provide additional documentation if
selected for an audit.
• NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Special Needs Request Physician Verification Form-Appendix K.

B. Allow the Certification Board to use all data, including personal data and candidates’ examination scores, to
create summary statistical data.

Electronic signatures – In accordance with international standards of security procedures, including the US
ESIGN Act of 2000, electronic signatures will be accepted by the Certification Program. Individuals who
falsify electronic signatures may be subject to disciplinary actions, including possible loss of certification
All candidates will be notified via email once their application has been processed.

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XV. Special Requirements and Special Needs Request
In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other applicable legal
standards, the third-party examination contractor Kryterion will make arrangements for eligible individuals with
special needs to receive reasonable testing accommodations.

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) will provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with
documented disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other applicable laws as
it relates to taking either examination. All special accommodations will be provided at no extra cost to the
candidate. The third-party examination contractor, Kryterion, will provide psychometric analysis to ensure that
the accommodations do not compromise the security or the reliability of the examination.

The online application provides a section for Special Requirements (Per Americans with Disabilities Act) or other
applicable laws. If applicants have special requirements for taking their exam, they can specify from a list of
special requirements provided as options approved by the NASPCB and the third-party examination contractor
Kryterion per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other applicable laws. In addition, applicants are
required to upload a copy of an authorized physician’s letter stating their need for accommodations.

The form is located within the NASP Student Portal as NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Special Needs
Request Physician Verification Form-Appendix K and on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under “Certification Overview” located in the Policies & Forms tab or by clicking here.

Upon submission of the application, the Certification Personnel will review and verify for eligibility the
application, uploaded documentation, and any special accommodations specified by the applicant. The
Certification Personnel will verify the selections within the application along with the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program Special Needs Request Physician Verification Form-Appendix K.

If the request for special testing accommodations is approved and the applicant meets eligibility, the candidate
will receive an email from the NASPCB confirming the Special Needs Request has been approved.

If the request for special testing accommodations is denied and the applicant meets eligibility, the candidate will
receive an email from the NASPCB confirming the Special Needs Request has been denied with the reason the
request was denied and the option to contact the NASPCB with any questions or concerns.

The Certification Board’s third-party examination contractor, Kryterion, test sites (U.S. and Canada only) will
accommodate NASP-approved requests for private rooms, frequent breaks, modified equipment, etc.
Kryterion’s test administration department will hire additional staff, e.g., readers, writers, and proctors, as
needed to fulfill the reasonable testing accommodations.

XVI. Application and Eligibility Review

Upon submission of an application, the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) will receive an email
notification that an application has been submitted for review.

The NASPCB will send an official notification to the applicant’s email on file that the application has been
received, informing the applicant they will receive official communication from the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Board (NASPCB) via an email notification within 7-10 business days with the results of the review.
The notification provides the steps of the application review and the three (3) potential results of what the
review may contain.

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1. Approved for Eligibility
If Approved Eligibility, Candidates have one (1) year from the Date of Eligibility to sit for the exam.

Option 1: Candidates have the option to purchase the exam immediately and schedule their date to sit for
the examination. The email will include instructions on how to purchase the exam.

Option 2: Candidates will have the option to purchase the following to prepare for the CSD/MSP exam in
addition to or before purchasing the exam. These are optional.
• CSD/MSP Preparation Course
• CSD/MSP Preparation Course and Exam Bundle

It is not a requirement to purchase a preparation course to sit for the CSD or MSP exam; however, these
options are available to purchase prior to applying, prior to eligibility, after eligibility, before purchasing an
exam, or after purchasing an exam.

2. Needs Review – Additional Information Required

If additional information is required, the NASPCB will notify the applicant and provide them with the
information needed to complete their application. If an applicant is notified additional information is
required or needs review from an applicant, the application must be updated for completion within one (1)
year from the notification date, or the application will expire.

3. Denied for Eligibility

If Denied Eligibility due to education, credentials, or experience, applicants will be asked to review the
Eligibility Track. Applicants will be provided the reason their eligibility was denied and have the option to
purchase another application once they meet one of the Eligibility Tracks. If an applicant is denied due to
criminal or unethical behavior, the Certification Board must provide a fair and valid reason as to why the
decision was made. Applicants also have the right to appeal the decision and are provided information on
how to submit an appeal in the notification email.

XVII. Application Audits

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) will randomly select 5% of CSD and MSP applications annually
for applicants and candidates for the MSP and CSD Exams and Certificants of the CSD and MSP credentials.
Those selected will be required to complete the Appendix R NASP/IASP, Inc. Verification and Release of
Information Consent Form. The form can be found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under “Certification Overview” located in the Policies & Forms tab or by clicking here.

If an individual’s application is selected, they will be required to adhere to the following and submit the required
information to
1. Provide years of experience in workplace safety documentation
• A letter on company letterhead from the current employer validating employment dates, job title, and
percentage of job duties in the Field of OHS or EHS as indicated in the submitted application.

If the current employer does not total the years of experience required to meet the eligibility of the
selected certification, the individual will be required to provide additional information from the previous
employer(s) until the years of experience match the eligibility requirements of the selected certification.

2. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) has the right to evaluate the character of applicants,
candidates, and Certificants of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. The NASPCB considers criminal
conviction history and known unethical behaviors of each applicant, candidate, and Certificant of the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. It is required at the time of submitting an application that this

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information is provided. Applicants agree that the information provided is truthful and accurate at the time
of the completion of the application. Applicants understand that providing false, inaccurate, or inadequate
detail and supporting documents may result in the denial of the application and potential disciplinary action
by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB).
• Provide completed NASP/IASP, Inc. Criminal Convictions and Unethical Behavior Form. This form can be
found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website located in the Policies & Forms tab and
NASP Student Portal.

3. Credential Validation
The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) has the right to evaluate applicants’ credentials during the
application process. There may be times a credential will be reviewed during the application audit. This
would not necessarily require resubmission of the provided credential during application; however, it is
important for the Certification Board to provide the items that will be reviewed if selected for a random

Certificants Selected During 5% Random Audit Or 90-Day Grace Period

CEUS for Recertification Verification

1. If a Certificant’s application is selected for an audit or is within the 90-Day Grace period for recertification,
the Certification Personnel will contact the issuer and verify external CEUs submitted for recertification
using the Certificant name, course title, certificate number, and issuer information.

XVIII. Examination Preparation

The CSD and MSP examination consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and is a closed-book proctored
examination. Candidates have three (3) hours to complete the exam.

Candidates are encouraged to prepare by reviewing the examination blueprint of their selected exam in Sections
XXIII. Certified Safety Director Blueprint or XXIV. Master Safety Professional Blueprint. Candidates may choose
professional courses, employee training, college/university courses, or self-study methods to prepare for the

XIX. NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) Position on Training & Education
The NASPCB does not recommend or endorse any internal, third-party training or educational programs as
preparation for the certification examination, nor does it endorse any source of education as a guarantee of
success on the certification examination of the CSD or MSP Credential. The CSD and MSP Certifications are
awarded solely based on an individual’s ability to pass the appropriate assessment and meet the recertification

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers training for workplace safety professionals. However, the NASPCB and the NASP/IASP,
Inc. Certification Program does not require completion of any of NASP/IASP, Inc.’s. training programs or
preparation courses as a requirement, condition, or component of the CSD or MSP certification application or

Candidates may select any training they deem sufficient in preparation for the CSD or MSP examinations.
Completing any of NASP/IASP, Inc.’s training courses does not provide any advantage over other training courses
for the successful passing of either examination. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program offers an
examination blueprint for both the CSD and the MSP as a reference for all interested parties to view information
on the examinations’ content.

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NASP/IASP, Inc. offers the Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course and the Master Safety Professional
(MSP) Preparation Course as optional preparation courses to prepare for the CSD or MSP examinations. These
courses are optional for potential Certificants to gain self-assurance in sitting for the CSD or MSP examinations.

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers and accepts the following certificate courses in the chart below as prerequisites to be
eligible to take the CSD examination. All the courses listed are natural progressive steps in the education and
training of workplace safety professionals and are not a requirement.

Certified Safety Manager (CSM) Certificate Course

*Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certificate Course
**Licensed Safety Professional (LSP) Certificate Course
Safety Director Certificate (SDC) Course
Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) Course

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers and accepts the following certificate courses in the chart below as prerequisites to be
eligible to take the MSP examination. All the courses listed are natural progressive steps in the education and
training of workplace safety professionals and are not a requirement.

*Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certificate Course

**Licensed Safety Professional (LSP) Certificate Course
Safety Director Certificate (SDC) Course
Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) Course

*The Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certificate Course has been replaced by the Safety Director Certificate (SDC)
Course; however, many still hold the CSD and may renew the certificates under the new name.

**The Licensed Safety Professional (LSP) Certificate Course has been replaced by the Safety Professional
Certificate (SPC) Course; however, many still hold the LSP and may renew the certificates under the new name.

XX. Suggested Reading

The CSD and MSP certifications represent knowledge about common workplace safety concerns that are
addressed from a wide range of sources. A list of suggested reading for the CSD and MSP examinations are
provided below. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) does not guarantee that the resources it
provides, or those of any other entity, will ensure passing the examination. The NASPCB does not require
applicants to purchase any of its resources as a condition of qualifying for the examination or awarding the CSD
or MSP certifications.

Click here to view Suggested Reading for the CSD

Click here to view Suggested Reading for the MSP

As stated above, this is not a required reading list. The essential topics that candidates should study to
successfully prepare for the examination are listed in the examination content outline under XXIII. Certified
Safety Director Examination Blueprint and XXIV. Master Safety Professional Examination Blueprint. Candidates
are strongly encouraged to carefully review the examination content outline to identify any topic areas that may
require extra review and study.

Candidates should decide the most appropriate approach on the content they feel is relevant to read and study
based on their current experience and knowledge of workplace safety and determine the amount of preparation
that is required for each subject category and domain of the examination.

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XXI. Examination Specifics
The purpose of the CSD and MSP examinations is to determine the minimum competency of safety professionals
and ensure the examination candidate possesses at least the minimum knowledge and skills required to perform
as a safety professional in their chosen industry. Individuals employed as a workplace safety professional for
their company are potential candidates who may take the CSD and MSP examinations to achieve certification.

The CSD and MSP examinations were developed to measure cognitive levels, levels of knowledge and ability,
and the expected nature and complexity of the knowledge and competency of the occupational health and
safety professionals at varying levels of their mastery of occupational health and safety.

The two levels of certification offered by the Certification Board:

1. The Certified Safety Director (CSD). A CSD is involved in problem solving and application of strategy; their
advice is based on conceptual and technical knowledge mediated by training and experience, analysis of
evidence, and critical thought; and they understand how to use and access the evidence base and value
professional collaboration. They can work with minimal supervision and usually give direction to others.
They hold a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge noted and integrate, adapt, and apply the
knowledge to all relevant areas and situations.

2. The Master Safety Professional Certification (MSP). An MSP is a person with high-level specialist and
strategic skills. They are likely to be a designer of strategy and influential with senior management and
policymakers. Their perspective embraces the broader organizational and social context. They hold a
detailed understanding of the knowledge noted, apply the theoretical concepts, and apply knowledge
critically and creatively to new situations.

Exam Development and Review

The examination was developed in accordance with best practices in test development and measurement.
Working with experts in the development of certification examinations, the resulting certification examination is
reliable and valid.

To validate the examination, the third-party examination contractor psychometricians worked with NASPCB, and
a committee of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), to design and conduct a job analysis study. That analysis resulted
in the development of a standardized examination content outline that included the expertise of the SMEs. The
SMEs were also called upon to write, review, edit, and approve examination questions under the guidance of
experts in testing and measurement.

A. The NASPCB reviews the examinations on a regular basis. Before any item is entered into the item bank, the
examination contractor uses software to review and edit items that have passed the screening procedure to
ensure all items are psychometrically reviewed for validity and fairness.

B. In addition, the software reviews and edits all item stems, distractors, and correct answers to ensure they
are grammatically consistent.

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How the NASPCB Determined the Minimum Passing Score

A valid credentialing examination must have a defensible passing score. A panel of Subject Matter Experts
(SMEs) reviewed each examination under the direction of the examination contractor’s psychometrician and
used the classical test theory (CTT), a statistical equating methodology, to determine a passing point for each

It was determined the minimum passing score is 500 with the maximum possible score of 800. The minimum
possible score is 200.

1. The examinations are multiple-choice and will be scored accordingly through the Examination Contractor’s
software program. No subjective or judgmental questions exist, so no score raters are necessary.

2. Each examination will contain 150 multiple-choice questions stored in the Examination Contractors’ item
bank without changing the level of difficulty or percentage of the domain and sub-domain content.

3. Each candidate is provided the same amount of time to complete the examination (three (3) hours) unless a
Special Accommodation is required per the ADA Act or other applicable laws and approved.

XXII. Examination Content Blueprint Overview

1. Both the CSD and MSP examinations are weighted by subject category in terms of the percent of the total
number of questions.

2. The CSD and MSP examinations will include the items ranked by level and in the subsequent domain. Note:
Some of the questions are ‘field test’ questions and do not count toward the score.

3. The CSD and MSP examinations will contain a breakdown of the major domains and a representation of
some of the sub-domains.

Section XXIII. Certified Safety Director Blueprint will provide a breakdown of the major domains and a
representation of some of the sub-domains. A complete examination blueprint for the Certified Safety Director
(CSD) can be found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under
“Certification Overview” located in the Certification Guide tab or by clicking here.

Section XXIV. Master Safety Director Blueprint will provide a breakdown of the major domains and a
representation of some of the sub-domains. A complete examination blueprint for the Master Safety
Professional (MSP) can be found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at
under “Certification Overview” located in the Certification Guide tab or by clicking here.

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XXIII. Certified Safety Director Examination Blueprint
CSD examinations weighted by subject category in terms of the percent of the total number questions:

Certified Safety Director (CSD)

a) Environmental Health and Safety – 7.4% of total
b) Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene – 11.5% of total
c) Laws and Standards – 39.3% of total
d) Safety Management – 20.1% of total
e) Hazard Identification and Control – 11.4% of total
f) Science and Mathematics – 3.7% of total
g) Training and Education – 6.6% of total

CSD items ranked by level and in the subsequent domain. Note: Some of the questions are 'field test' questions
and do not count towards the score:

Certified Safety Director (CSD)

a) Environmental Health and Safety 11 of 150
b) Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene 17 of 150
c) Laws and Standards 59 of 150
d) Safety Management 30 of 150
e) Hazard Identification and Control 17 of 150
f) Science and Mathematics 6 of 150
g) Training and Education 10 of 150

The following is a breakdown of the major domains and a representation of some of the sub-domains:

Certified Safety Director (CSD)

I. Environmental Health and Safety – 7.4%
1. Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
2. Basic Principles of Chemistry
3. Specialized Staff Roles
4. Planning and Programming

II. Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene – 11.5%

1. Biomechanical Hazards
2. Workplace Ergonomics
3. Workplace Violence
4. Fall Protection and Prevention

III. Laws and Standards – 39.3%

1. State, National, and International Regulatory
2. Compliance and Enforcement Policies
3. Workers' Compensation
4. ILO, ISO, and other International Standards
5. Market and Societal Influences
6. Laws, Regulations, Standards, Guidelines, and Best Practices Concerning all Aspects of OHS

IV. Safety Management – 20.1%

1. Participatory Management as it Relates to OHS
2. Methods and Concepts Creating Company Culture Exceeding Regulatory Compliance
3. Analysis and Interpretation of Sampling Data
4. Data Collection by Research, Investigation, Interview and Observation

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XXIV. Master Safety Professional Examination Blueprint
MSP examinations
examinations weighted
weighted by
by subject
subject category
category in
in terms
terms of
of the
the percent
percent of
of the
the total
total number
number questions
questions as
Master Safety
Safety Professional
Professional (MSP)
a) Emergency
a) Emergency Preparedness,
Preparedness, Fire,
Fire, and
and Site
Site Security
Security –– 9.7%
9.7% of
of total
b) Advanced Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
b) Advanced Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene – 12.9% – 12.9% of
of total
c) Laws and Standards – 42.4% of total
c) Laws and Standards – 42.4% of total
d) Management
Management Systems
Systems –– 15.2%
15.2% ofof total
e) Risk Management – 8.8% of total
e) Risk Management – 8.8% of total
f) Advanced
Advanced Environmental
Environmental Health
Health –– 5.6%
5.6% of
of total
g) Science and Mathematics – 4.1% of
g) Science and Mathematics – 4.1% of totaltotal
h) Civil
Civil and
and Criminal
Criminal Law
Law Relevant
Relevant to
to OHS
OHS –– 1.3%
1.3% of
of total
MSP itemsare
items are
are ranked
ranked byby
by level
level andand
and in in the
in the
the subsequent
subsequent domain.
domain. Note:
Note: SomeSome
Some of theofquestions
of the the questions
questions are are test’
are ‘field
‘field ‘field test’
anddo not
do count
not counttowards to
towards score
questions and do not count towards to score score.

Master Safety
Safety Professional
Professional (MSP)
a) Emergency
a) Emergency Preparedness,
Preparedness, Fire,
Fire, and
and Site
Site Security
Security 15
15 of
of 150
b) Advanced Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
b) Advanced Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene 19 19 of
of 150
c) Laws and Standards 64 of
c) Laws and Standards 64 of 150150
d) Management
Management Systems
Systems 23
23 of
of 150
e) Risk Management 13 of
e) Risk Management 13 of 150 150
f) Advanced
Advanced Environmental
Environmental Health
Health 88 of
of 150
g) Science and Mathematics 6 of
g) Science and Mathematics 6 of 150 150
h) Civil
Civil and
and Criminal
Criminal Law
Law Relevant
Relevant toto OHS
OHS 22 of
of 150
The following
following is
is aa breakdown
breakdown of
of major
major domains
domains and
and aa representation
representation of
of some
some of
of the
the subdomains
Master Safety
Safety Professional
Professional (MSP)
I. Emergency
Emergency Preparedness,
Preparedness, Fire,
Fire, and
and Site
Site Security
Security –– 9.7%
1. National Incident Management System
1. National Incident Management System and and Incident
Incident Command
Command System
2. All Phases of Emergency Management
2. All Phases of Emergency Management
Life Safety
Safety Code
4. Injury, Case,
4. Injury, Case, and
and Claims
Claims Management
II. Advanced
Advanced Occupational
Occupational Health
Health and
and Industrial
Industrial Hygiene
Hygiene –– 12.9%
1. Medical Management of Biomechanical Injuries
1. Medical Management of Biomechanical Injuries
2. Radiation
Radiation and
and Radioactivity
Radioactivity Standards
Standards and
and Regulations
3. Workplace Violence Response, Recognition,
3. Workplace Violence Response, Recognition, and
and Prevention
4. Hazards and Proper Mitigation of Bloodborne
4. Hazards and Proper Mitigation of Bloodborne Pathogens
III. Laws
Laws and
and Standards
Standards –– 42.4%
1. Legal Principals
1. Legal Principals and
and Comparative
Comparative Legal
Legal Systems
2. Confined Space Permit Requirements
2. Confined Space Permit Requirements
3. Machine
Machine Guarding
Guarding Standards
Standards and
and Regulations
4. PPE Standards and Regulations
4. PPE Standards and Regulations
5. Professional
Professional Ethics,
Ethics, Codes
Codes of
of Conduct,
Conduct, and
and Ethical
Ethical Decision-Making
6. Laws, Regulations, Standards, Guidelines, and
6. Laws, Regulations, Standards, Guidelines, and Best
Best Practices
Practices Concerning
Concerning all
all Aspects
Aspects of
of OHS
IV. Management
Management Systems
Systems –– 15.2%
1. Performance
1. Performance Indicators
Indicators in
in OHS
2. Development and Implementation
2. Development and Implementation of of Safety
Safety and
and Health
Health Plans
3. Operational and Strategic Planning
3. Operational and Strategic Planning
4. Human
Human Resource
Resource Management
5. Behavior
5. Behavior Based
Based Safety

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XXV. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course
NASP/IASP, Inc. offers the Certified Safety Director Preparation Course as an option to prepare for the CSD
Certification. The Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course is an optional course and is not a
requirement to sit for the CSD Exam. A preparation course is not intended to guarantee that a candidate will
pass the CSD or MSP exam or become certified.

The Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course addresses the knowledge, skills, and abilities found in
NASP’s CSD Certification examination blueprints. This program is comprised of 20 major topics identified as vital
by industry professionals and the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board.

This course is designed to prepare the learner for the successful completion of the CSD exam while
simultaneously teaching the essentials necessary for the health and safety professionals of today.

The course provides a learning experience that includes the following:

• downloadable PDF
• interactive and informative training modules
• 10 practice questions per module
• 100-question preparatory final exam

For more information on the Certified Safety Director Preparation Course, click here.

XXVI. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course as an option to prepare for the
MSP Certification. The Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course is an optional course and is not a
requirement to sit for the MSP Exam. A preparation course is not intended to guarantee that a candidate will
pass the CSD or MSP exam or become certified.

The Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course addresses the knowledge, skills, and abilities found in
NASP’s MSP Certification examination blueprints. This program is comprised of 21 major topics identified as vital
by industry professionals and the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board.

This course is designed to prepare the learner for the successful completion of the MSP exam while
simultaneously teaching the essentials necessary for the health and safety professionals of today.

The course provides a learning experience that includes the following:

• A downloadable PDF
• Interactive and informative training modules
• 10 practice questions per module
• 105-question preparatory final exam

For more information on the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course, click here.

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XXVII. Scheduling the Examination
Once a candidate receives the notification of eligibility to take the CSD or MSP exam, candidates have one (1)
year from the Date of Eligibility to sit for the exam.

Once the Exam Fee is paid, the candidate will receive an email from the NASPCB with detailed instructions for
scheduling their examination through Kryterion. Click here for complete information on registering, scheduling,
finding a location, and preparing for the exam.

Candidates will also receive a “Notice to Schedule” email from the NASPCB upon purchasing the exam. The
email will provide candidates with a unique voucher code and the URL address to access Kryterion’s
Webassessor online test scheduling system to schedule a testing session at a Kryterion test site (U.S. and Canada
only) or via Live Online Proctored (OLP) testing. The email will contain instructions about using Kryterion’s online
test scheduling system, Webassessor, to schedule their testing appointment.

Please Note: The unique voucher code is required to register for and schedule the exam. Candidates should keep
a copy of their Notice to Schedule email for use during exam registration and scheduling. The unique voucher
code can only be used one time.

If a candidate does not receive a Notice to Schedule Email upon purchasing the exam, the candidate should
contact the NASPCB Certification Personnel directly at 800-922-2219.

If candidates choose to take their CSD or MSP exam at a Kryterion Testing Site (U.S. and Canada only): Review
the requirements for Onsite exams. Click here for information. Candidates should also review “Computer-Based
Testing (CBT) Using Kryterion Test Centers.”

If candidates choose to take their CSD or MSP exam via Live Online Proctored (OLP): Review the requirements
for OLP exams. Click here for information. Candidates should also review “Using Live Online Proctored (OLP).”

Please Note: If a candidate has been granted reasonable testing accommodations for a test site, their scheduling
request should not be considered final until they receive their official Scheduling Confirmation Notice from
Kryterion. Confirming the accommodations with a test site may take a few days. Kryterion will contact the
candidate via email within three (3) business days of submitting a scheduling request, either with the Scheduling
Confirmation Notice to confirm their requested appointment time or other scheduling options.

Please Note: The candidate must schedule and sit for their examination within one (1) year of their approved
eligibility date. If the examination is not scheduled within their eligibility period, eligibility for the exam will
expire, and the candidate will be required to reapply and submit a new application to sit for the examination.

Neither the Certification Board nor Kryterion is responsible if the candidate does not schedule an appointment
before eligibility expires. The NASPCB is not responsible for the unavailability of test centers or OLP.

Once the CSD or MSP examination date is scheduled, the candidate will be permitted to make changes such as
location, rescheduling, or cancellation. See Section XXVIII. Rescheduling Policy. See Section XXIX. No-Show

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Computer-Based Testing (CBT)
Using Kryterion Test Centers
The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program offers the option of a testing site (U.S. and Canada only) for
administering the CSD and MSP examinations at a location of the candidate’s choosing through our third-party
examination contractor Kryterion.

To take full advantage of this convenience, the candidate should schedule their examination early and consider
their eligibility expiration date. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the
availability of testing centers. It is recommended that the candidate schedule at least 30 days before their
desired examination date.

Test centers can be located by visiting the following website:

During the check-in process, the Proctor will check the candidates’ ID and verify the candidate isn’t wearing
disallowed items (smart watches, hats, headphones, etc.). Before entering the testing area, candidates will be
asked to place any personal items in a cabinet, locker, or compartment.

Kryterion uses a secure browser that forces all other applications to be closed before the exam can be launched
and disables the ability to copy and paste. Your computer will prompt you to notify the proctor when the session
ends. Your proctor will submit your exam and complete the check-out process.

For more information, see Section XXX. Taking the Examination.

If candidates are interested in taking their CSD or MSP exam at a Kryterion Testing Site (U.S. and Canada only),
they should review the requirements for Onsite exams. Click here for information.

Using Live Online Proctored (OLP)

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program offers the option of Live Online Proctored (OLP) for administering the
CSD and MSP examinations through our third-party examination contractor Kryterion.

To take full advantage of this convenience, the candidate should schedule their examination early and consider
their eligibility expiration date. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the
availability of OLP. It is recommended that the candidate schedule at least 30 days before their desired
examination date.

By choosing the OLP exam option, candidates are attesting that they understand that the examination session,
including video, is recorded and may be saved for up to one year. The recordings will be deleted no later than
one year after the exam date. By agreeing to take this exam via OLP, candidates agree to have the examination
session recorded and reviewed by the testing agency and testing program owners.

During the check-in process, the Proctor will check ID, verify the candidate isn’t wearing disallowed items (smart
watches, hats, headphones, etc.), do an environment scan, and verify cameras and microphones are working.

Kryterion uses a secure browser that forces all other applications to be closed before the exam can be launched
and disables the ability to copy and paste.

For information, see Section XXX. Taking the examination.

If candidates are interested in taking their CSD or MSP exam via Live Online Proctored (OLP), they should review
the requirements for LOP exams. Click here for information.

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XXVIII. Rescheduling Policy
Once the CSD or MSP examination date is scheduled, the candidate will be permitted to make changes such as
location, rescheduling, or cancellation. Please note that rescheduling refers to a process that occurs once
candidates have scheduled a testing date and subsequently wish to change or amend the scheduled exam date,
time, or location.

For Onsite Testing: Candidates may cancel or reschedule an exam through their Webassessor portal with no
additional fee up to 72hrs prior to their scheduled exam time.

• No Shows, Cancellations, and Reschedules within 72hrs will incur an additional fee or the forfeiture of their
exam fee altogether. Exceptions will be made for bereavement or illness supported by appropriate medical
documentation from the candidate. See Section XXIX. No-Show Policy.

For Live Online Proctored (OLP): Candidates may cancel or reschedule an exam through their Webassessor
portal with no additional fee up to 24hrs prior to their scheduled exam time.

• No Shows, Cancellations, and Reschedules within 24hrs will incur an additional fee or the forfeiture of their
exam fee altogether. Exceptions will be made for bereavement or illness supported by appropriate medical
documentation from the candidate. See Section XXIX. No-Show Policy.

XXIX. No-Show Policy

Once the CSD or MSP examination date is scheduled, the candidate will be permitted to make changes such as
location, rescheduling, or cancellation. See Section XXVIII. Rescheduling Policy.

For Onsite Testing: No Shows, Cancellations, and Reschedules within 72hrs will incur an additional fee or the
forfeiture of their exam fee altogether. Exceptions will be made for bereavement or illness supported by
appropriate medical documentation from the candidate. If you fail to show for your scheduled exam date and
wish to schedule another exam date, you will be required to pay the No Show Fee of $95 by contacting the
NASPCB directly at 1-800-922-2219 to make a payment. Once the No Show Fee is paid, the NASPCB will notify
Kryterion that you can reschedule the exam. Test fees or vouchers used to pay for the exam will not be refunded
for sessions canceled without giving proper notice.

For Live Online Proctored (OLP): No Shows, Cancellations, and Reschedules within 24hrs will incur an additional
fee or the forfeiture of their exam fee altogether. Exceptions will be made for bereavement or illness supported
by appropriate medical documentation from the candidate. If you fail to show for your scheduled exam date and
wish to schedule another exam date, you will be required to pay the No Show Fee of $55 by contacting the
NASPCB directly at 1-800-922-2219 to make a payment. Once the No Show Fee is paid, the NASPCB will notify
Kryterion that you can reschedule the exam. Test fees or vouchers used to pay for the exam will not be refunded
for sessions canceled without giving proper notice.

XXX. Taking the Examination

Test administrators cannot answer questions about test items or the examination content. However, if
candidates have procedural questions, the testing staff will do their best to assist them. If the candidate has
technical issues during an examination administered via OLP, they may use the chat feature to connect with the
proctor or speak with a Kryterion Customer Support Advocate.

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Candidates will have 180 minutes (3 hours) to answer 150 multiple-choice questions. The time will begin when
the first question is viewed. The test administrator will keep the official time and ensure that the candidate is
allotted three (3) hours for the examination. If the candidate leaves the room for restroom breaks, the
examination time will not stop. Please note restroom breaks are only allowed as special ADA or other applicable
laws accommodations. Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination area to go to their cars, speak to
anyone, or make personal calls.

Reviewing answers: Candidates may mark questions for review if they wish to return to them before submitting
the exam. To review responses, candidates can click the “Review All” button and look for the questions with an
asterisk (*) next to the sequence number. Clicking on the item number will take them to that question.

Notepad: During the exam, candidates may take notes on the notepad provided on the right side of their screen.
These notes will be deleted when they submit the exam. Candidates can resize either side of their screen by
clicking on the center line, dividing the screens, and dragging it left or right.

Results: Exam pass/fail results will be available on screen immediately after submitting the exam. Additionally,
the results will be emailed to the email address in the candidate’s Webassessor account.

Any candidate who is suspected of suspicious activity to include collaborating with other candidates (hand
signals, surrogate tester, behavior consistent with memorization, copies answers), use of unauthorized aids
(writes or hides notes, hidden devices, electronic devices), or circumventing the test administration process
(leaving the room, removing examination materials from the testing area) is subject to prosecution in addition to
measures that may include removal of certification and restrictions on future access to the examination. Should
the Certification Board determine evidence of cheating, the NASPCB reserves the right to invalidate test scores
and mandate retesting or revoke the right to retest.

If any candidate is disruptive to the extent that other candidates are distracted or if a candidate engages in rude
or inappropriate behavior or uses inappropriate language, the proctor must warn the candidate immediately. If
the candidate’s actions persist, the Proctor must contact Kryterion and will escort the individual out of the room.
Such inappropriate conduct is grounds for candidate dismissal. The Proctor will submit an irregularity report
and, if applicable, a suspicious activity report.

XXXI. Examination Security Procedures

EXAM SECURITY: Exam security is a serious matter. In addition to leaving all personal items outside of the exam
room, candidates may be asked to turn their pockets inside out and show that nothing is hidden under shirt
sleeves or in the hems of pant legs. Also, note that most sites record testing sessions. Candidates caught with
prohibited items in the exam room risk exam invalidation, disciplinary action, assessment of monetary damages,
and/or legal liability. If the proctor determines that a candidate has brought any prohibited items to the exam
site, the items may be demanded and held by Kryterion testing staff.

Kryterion reserves the right to review the memory of any electronic device to determine whether any test
materials have been photographed or otherwise copied. If the review determines that any test materials are in
the memory of any such device, Kryterion reserves the right to delete such materials and/or retain them for
subsequent disciplinary action. Upon completion of the review and any applicable deletions, Kryterion will
return the candidate’s device but will not be responsible for the deletion of any materials that may result from
the review, whether such materials are test materials. By bringing any such device into the test site in violation
of Kryterion policies, the candidate waives any confidentiality or other similar rights concerning the personal
device, Kryterion’s review of the device’s memory, and/or the deletion of any materials. Kryterion, the exam
site, and the test administration staff are not liable for lost or damaged items brought to the exam site. Any aids
for candidates with an injury or disability (e.g., canes, crutches, slings, wheelchairs) may also be inspected.

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IMPORTANT: The content, including each question, of the examination, is the property of the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program and NASPCB. The examination content is copyrighted and is strictly confidential
information. Candidates are strictly prohibited from retaining, copying, distributing, disclosing, discussing,
possessing, or receiving any examination content, including even partial questions, by written, electronic, oral,
or other communication forms. This includes but is not limited to emailing, copying, or printing of electronic files
and reconstructing content through memorization and/or dictation before, during, or after the examination.
Doing so may result in disciplinary action, assessment of monetary damages, and legal liability. By proceeding
further with the examination process, candidates acknowledge and agree that they understand these
restrictions and the consequences if they break these restrictions. If candidates have questions or concerns
about security procedures at a test site (U.S. and Canada only) or Live Online Proctored (OLP), they should
contact Kryterion immediately before their exam date.

XXXII. Scoring and Receiving Results

The decision to award certification is the sole responsibility of the Certification Board. The Certification Director
working with the Certification Personnel, will oversee the execution of the certification procedures and
conferring of credentials to Certificants. Certification Personnel involved with the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Program are required to have proficiency in the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program and a thorough
understanding and commitment to the policies and procedures mandated by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Board (NASPCB).

Certification is awarded if the applicant meets all prerequisites from the eligibility track in which they applied,
and upon eligibility, the applicant (who is now a candidate) has completed and passed the examination.

Upon completion of the examination, the examination contractor Kryterion’s software provides an immediate
scaled score and pass/fail report to the candidate, informing them that the NASPCB will contact them regarding
their certification number, recertification requirements, and recertification fees or the option for a retake exam
if the candidate did not pass the exam.

1. The score report will be visible to the candidate on the screen upon completion of the exam.
2. An email will be sent from Kryterion upon exam completion to the candidate's email on file. The email
includes the score report and performance in each category of the examination. An individual should
contact the NASPCB Certification Personnel directly at 800-922-2219 if an email is not received.
3. Candidate exam results are available to the Certification Board for review.
4. The results of the candidate’s score are uploaded to the NASP Student Portal Account.
5. The NASPCB sends an email communication to the candidate with the pass-fail results.

A. Those who successfully pass the examination will be awarded certification based on the following criteria:
1. Have met the eligibility requirements according to the Eligibility Track for the certification they applied
for (Educational Requirements, Credential requirements, Years of experience in workplace safety).
2. Electronically signed the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Appendix J NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s
Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, Candidate Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality,
Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement Form.
3. Have passed the examination.
• Certificants will be informed of the results and provided information on recertification requirements and
fees to maintain certification. See Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification.
• Certificants will be mailed their official Certification certificate to the shipping address on file. The certificate
is the official form of documentation for verifying the successful completion of the CSD or MSP examination.

B. Those who fail the examination will be informed of the results and provided options for retaking the
examination or the right to appeal a decision. See Section XXXIII. Exam Retake.

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XXXIII. Exam Retake
Candidates can retake the exam one (1) time within the candidate’s eligibility period. Candidates must wait
thirty (30) days from their first examination to sit for the retake exam. This option will be available through their
NASP Student Portal Account once the thirty (30) day waiting period has passed. The exam retake must be the
same method as requested in the initial application.

• Candidates who do not pass the retake exam must wait one (1) year and will need to reapply for eligibility
and pay the application fee and exam fee.
• Candidates who miss the deadline to retake the exam within their eligibility period must wait one (1) year
and will need to reapply for eligibility and pay the application fee and exam fee. See CSD and MSP
***Optional Fees*** “90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee.”

XXXIV. Appeals Against Examination or Adverse Decisions

The Certification Board allows any candidate to appeal the following on the examination content and
procedures regarding:
• Administrative procedures at testing, breach of security, improper conduct
A candidate who has a concern about administrative procedures at testing or who has observed a breach of
security, or other improper conduct should submit a report in writing within 15 days after taking the
• Reliability, validity, or fairness of the examination
• Violations of the Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, Candidate Examination Non-
Disclosure and Confidentiality, and Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior
• Unauthorized Use

The Certification Board allows any candidate to provide feedback on the examination content and procedures
• Technical accuracy of the examination
• Fairness in the administration of the examination.

Exceptions to the Right to Appeal:

• The passing score of the examination may not be appealed. Content and quality of the examination, as well
as questions and answers, are subject to appeal. However, candidates, or their designated representative,
may not have access to the examination items, answers, or answer key.
• The existence of an eligibility requirement may not be appealed. If an applicant fails to list a qualification
and the application is subsequently denied, the applicant may not appeal but should reapply if they meet all
eligibility requirements of the certification. The applicant may not reapply if the applicant was rejected for
falsification of eligibility requirements.
• The content and validity of the Eligibility Track may not be appealed. The Appeal Policy does provide for
appeal of the interpretation of the eligibility requirements in individual applicants' circumstances.

The appeal of examination results or any adverse decisions must be submitted via the Appeals Form, which is
located on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under “Certification
Overview” and located in the Policies & Forms tab within thirty (30) days of the date of the Examination Results
or Adverse Decision provided in the NASP Student Portal Account and email from the NASPCB. All information
from the appellant should be listed in the form for the NASPCB to consider. In addition, any filing fees associated
with the appeal subject must be included with the appeal. Filing fees will be $15. The appellant has the right to
retain legal counsel at their own expense to prepare the written appeal. The form may be emailed to: Click here to view the Appeals Policy.

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XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification
To maintain the professional competence of workplace safety professionals beyond their initial certification, a
recertification process is necessary. CSD and MSP Certificants must continue to demonstrate competency to
maintain their Certification. Certificants must show evidence of competence through professional development,
activities, and successful completion of the appropriate courses through obtaining Continuing Education Units
(CEUs). Certificants are required to notify the NASPCB without delay of any matters that can affect the capability
of the Certificant to continue to fulfill the CSD or MSP certification requirements. The CSD and MSP certification
must be renewed within three (3) years of the original certification date. To qualify and renew the certification,
Certificants must meet the requirements established:
A. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Recertification Requirements
• The CSD Recertification Cycle is Every Three (3) Years.
• Pay the CSD recertification fee of $195.
The recertification fee is due on or before the CSD certification expiration date as indicated on the
Certificant’s CSD Credential.
• Complete 1.6 OHS/EHS CEUs Per Year/4.8 CEUs Cumulative (3 Years).
• Continue to comply with NASPCB Policies.
B. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Recertification Requirements
• The MSP Recertification Cycle is Every Three (3) Years.
• Pay the MSP recertification fee of $250.
The recertification fee is due on or before the MSP certification expiration date as indicated on the
Certificant’s MSP Credential.
• Complete 1.6 OHS/EHS CEUs Per Year/4.8 CEUs Cumulative (3 Years).
• Continue to comply with NASPCB Policies.
Review and approval for CEUs for Recertification is at the discretion of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board
(NASPCB). If you have any questions or inquiries about any NASP/IASP, Inc. or any non-NASP/IASP, Inc. course or
conference you are considering for CEUs for recertification, you may contact
Please note the following information regarding recertification.
• Certificants will not be able to use CEUs dated prior to the recertification cycle.
• CEUs must be completed within the recertification cycle.
• Documentation or Certificate must include the CEUs issued by the institution or provider.
• The payment option will be available upon approval of the required CEUs for the recertification cycle.
• Certificants may not renew a Certification early to obtain a new certification date. The recertification cycle is
not adjustable.
Please note the following information regarding CEUs for Recertification:
• Continuing Education programs or courses are non-credit, which means they do NOT apply towards a degree
or diploma.
• Academic Credits for non-credit programs or courses are accepted. Transcripts must include the CEUs issued
by the institution.
The following categories are NOT accepted for CEUs.
1. CPR/First Aid Courses
2. Medical First Responder Courses
3. Structural Fire Fighting Courses
4. Generalized Equipment Training (e.g., PIT, heavy equipment)
5. Non-safety Human Resources Courses
6. Quality Control Courses
7. Preparation Courses for Certification
8. Certifications
9. Providing training or presenting on safety-related topics

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

Certified Safety Director (CSD)

Recertification Requirements
The CSD Recertification Cycle is Every Three (3) Years.
The Recertification Date is located on the Certificants’ CSD Certification and NASP Student Portal Account.
Pay Comply with
Complete Required CEUs
Recertification Fee NASPCB Policies
Pay Complete Compliance:
CSD Recertification 1.6 CEUs Per Year/4.8 CEUs Cumulative (3 Years) NASP/IASP, Inc.
Fee - $195 must be completed within the recertification cycle Certificant’s Code of
Ethics and
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Recertification Fee Professional
for CSD Recertification
is due on or before the Standards Agreement
must be in the field of OHS or EHS
CSD Certification
NASP/IASP, Inc. offers various courses that align with the OHS and EHS NASP/IASP, Inc.
expiration date as
requirements as options to maintain the CSD Certification and are available at Candidate’s
indicated on the Any NASP course purchased and completed within the Examination
Certificant’s CSD
recertification cycle will automatically upload and record the CEUs on the Non-Disclosure and
Certification and NASP
Certificant’s NASP Student Portal Account. Confidentiality
Student Portal account.
NASP Certificate Course Options for CSD Recertification CEUs
Payment can be made Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) 24.2 NASP/IASP, Inc.
through the Safety Director Certificate (SDC) 12.1 Criminal Conviction
Certificant’s NASP Certified Safety Manager (CSM) Certificate 4.0 and Unethical
Student Portal account Certified Safety Manager Construction (CSMC) Certificate 4.0 Behavior Agreement
or by contacting the Certified Safety Manager Healthcare (CSMH) Certificate 4.0
NASPCB at Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) Certificate 4.0 To Maintain the Confined Space Entry and Rescue Program Manager (CSERPM) 4.0 CSD Certification:
HAZWOPER Train-The-Trainer (HTTT) 4.0 Certificants are
Environmental Health & Safety Professional (EHS) Certificate 2.4 required to read,
Safety Auditor Certificate (SAC) 2.4 understand, and
Environmental Specialist (ENS) 1.3 continue to comply
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Train-The-Trainer (HST) 1.3
with the NASPCB
General Industry Specialist Courses varies
Policies as outlined
Environmental Specialist Courses varies
and agreed upon
Petroleum Specialist Courses varies
during the initial CSD
*Certificants can attend non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences that offer
application for
CEUs to meet the continuing education requirements for CSD Recertification.
eligibility within the
NASP/IASP, Inc. recommends IACET-accredited courses; however, any course
or conference that is OHS or EHS-related may be acceptable (i.e., any OTI –
OSHA Training Institute Course). An official certificate of completion or Certification Program
documentation issued by the institution or provider is required. Form - Appendix J,
the Suspension,
Documentation of CEUs for non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences must
Unauthorized Use, or
be uploaded to the Certificant’s NASP Student Portal account on or before the
Revocation Policy,
Certification expiration date as indicated on the Certificant’s CSD Certification
and NASP Student Portal account. Click here for instructions on how to upload and the Use of
external training for CEUs. Certification Logos
and Marks Policy.

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program

Master Safety Professional (MSP)

Recertification Requirements
The MSP Recertification Cycle is Every Three (3) Years.
The Recertification Date is located on the Certificant’s MSP Certification and NASP Student Portal Account.
Pay Comply with
Complete Required CEUs
Recertification Fee NASPCB Policies
Pay Complete Compliance:
MSP Recertification 1.6 CEUs Per Year/4.8 CEUs Cumulative (3 Years) NASP/IASP, Inc.
Fee - $250 must be completed within the recertification cycle Certificant’s Code of
Ethics and
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Recertification Fee Professional
for MSP Recertification
is due on or before the Standards Agreement
must be in the field of OHS or EHS
MSP Certification
NASP/IASP, Inc. offers various courses that align with the OHS and EHS NASP/IASP, Inc.
expiration date as
requirements as options to maintain the MSP Certification and are available at Candidate’s
indicated on the Any NASP course purchased and completed within the Examination
Certificant’s MSP
recertification cycle will automatically upload and record the CEUs on the Non-Disclosure and
Certification and NASP
Certificant’s NASP Student Portal Account. Confidentiality
Student Portal account.
NASP Certificate Course Options for MSP Recertification CEUs
Payment can be made Safety Professional Certificate (SPC) 24.2 NASP/IASP, Inc.
through the Safety Director Certificate (SDC) 12.1 Criminal Conviction
Certificant’s NASP Certified Safety Manager (CSM) Certificate 4.0 and Unethical
Student Portal account Certified Safety Manager Construction (CSMC) Certificate 4.0 Behavior Agreement
or by contacting the Certified Safety Manager Healthcare (CSMH) Certificate 4.0
NASPCB at Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) Certificate 4.0 To Maintain the Confined Space Entry and Rescue Program Manager (CSERPM) 4.0 MSP Certification:
HAZWOPER Train-The-Trainer (HTTT) 4.0 Certificants are
Environmental Health & Safety Professional (EHS) Certificate 2.4 required to read,
Safety Auditor Certificate (SAC) 2.4 understand, and
Environmental Specialist (ENS) 1.3 continue to comply
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Train-The-Trainer (HST) 1.3
with the NASPCB
General Industry Specialist Courses varies
Policies as outlined
Environmental Specialist Courses varies
and agreed upon
Petroleum Specialist Courses varies
during the initial MSP
*Certificants can attend non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences that offer
application for
CEUs to meet the continuing education requirements for MSP recertification.
eligibility within the
NASP/IASP, Inc. recommends IACET-accredited courses; however, any course
or conference that is OHS or EHS-related may be acceptable (i.e., any OTI –
OSHA Training Institute Course). An official certificate of completion or Certification Program
documentation issued by the institution or provider is required. Form - Appendix J,
the Suspension,
Documentation of CEUs for non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences must
Unauthorized Use, or
be uploaded to the Certificant’s NASP Student Portal account on or before the
Revocation Policy,
Certification expiration date as indicated on the Certificant’s MSP Certification
and NASP Student Portal account. Click here for instructions on how to upload and the Use of
external training for CEUs. Certification Logos
and Marks Policy.

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*It is not a requirement to purchase a NASP/IASP, Inc. course to meet CSD or MSP recertification requirements.
*Certificants who submit non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences for CEUs for Recertification attest they
have completed the stated training. Providing false documentation of CEUs violates the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Agreement, subject to suspension or revocation of the
MSP and CSD Credentials.

The Recertification Requirements are also available in the NASP Student Portal, the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Program website at under “Certification Overview” located in the Certification Guide tab.

Scheme Changes:
Any changes to the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, Certified Safety Director (CSD) and Master Safety
Professional (MSP) Certification’s scheme, eligibility requirements, and recertification requirements will be
updated on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program webpage at under “Certification
Overview” under the Policies & Forms tab and communicated to interested parties and/or Certificants if
If there is a change to CEUs: If a Certificant has already begun the recertification process and has one (1) year
from the date of the scheme change notice remaining to meet recertification requirements, the Certificant will
be eligible to recertify under the previous scheme. Per the date of the change in a certification scheme notice, if
a Certificant is two or more years from the date of recertification, they will be required to recertify under the
new scheme. Furthermore, changes to CEU requirements will be implemented on all future applicants and
candidates beginning the process from the date of the scheme change notice forward.
If there are additional items (number of examination questions) added to the CSD or MSP examination: If a
Certificant has already begun the recertification process and has one (1) year from the date of the scheme
change notice remaining to meet recertification requirements, the Certificant will be eligible to recertify under
the previous scheme and will not be required to take a refresher exam until their next recertification cycle. Per
the date of the change in a certification scheme notice, if a Certificant is two or more years from the date of
recertification, they will be required to take a refresher exam and maintain CEU requirements to meet the
scheme change. This exam will not be a proctored exam. The CSD and MSP Recertification Requirement Charts
provide the initial criteria for Recertification.

XXXVI. Failure to Maintain Recertification Requirements

Certificants who fail to maintain their certification requirements will be required to reapply for eligibility, pay the
application fee, pay the exam fee, and take the examination. If the individual does not successfully pass the
examination after two exam attempts, they may reapply as a new applicant for the Certification after one (1)
year from the day of the last exam. They must meet all eligibility requirements and pay the associated fees.
Should a Certificant fall within the expiration category, the CSD & MSP Directory will reflect the Certificant
Profile status.

90-Day Grace Period for Recertification

A 90-day grace period is offered to those who fail to meet the Recertification Requirements expiration date
noted on the Certificant’s Certificate and NASP Student Portal. Should a Certificant fail to recertify within the
initial recertification period, the Certificant will be required to complete the CEU requirements within the 90-day
grace period and make a payment through the NASP Student Portal. Once the Certificant has completed the
Recertification Requirements, the Student Portal will reflect the new Recertification Cycle.

Please note if submitting CEUs during the 90-day grace period, any courses (CEUs) completed during this
timeframe will not count or carry over towards the next recertification cycle. If a Certificant is within the 90-day
grace period for recertification, the Certification Personnel will contact the issuer and verify external CEUs
submitted for recertification using the Certificant name, course title, certificate number, and issuer information.

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XXXVII. Use of CSD & MSP Certification Logos and Marks Policy
The branding of the CSD and MSP certification and its perception in the workplace safety professional’s industry
is essential to the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) and all stakeholders. Certificants who hold the
CSD or MSP designation represent the community of certification holders. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Board (NASPCB) and NASP/IASP, Inc. set the policy for the use of the certification logo and marks.

The CSD and MSP certification designations may be used in a professional manner. Only Certificants who hold
the CSD or MSP credential(s) are authorized to use the certification logos and marks. The credentials may not
be used in any way that the Certification Board feels discredits the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB),
NASP/IASP, Inc., the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, or the workplace safety profession. No use can be
perceived as violating the rights of others, be misleading, or violate any law or regulation.

The Certified Safety Director (CSD)® and Master Safety Professional (MSP)® certification designations are solely
owned by NASP/IASP, Inc. The Certification Board will continuously monitor the use of the CSD and MSP
certification designations in the following manner:

The CSD and MSP certification marks and logos are the property of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board
(NASPCB) and NASP/IASP, Inc. Permission to use the certification marks or logos is granted to certified persons
at the discretion of the Certification Board, for permissible uses only.

The following is the policy for the use of certification logos and marks.
A. Persons authorized to use the Logos and Marks
• Use of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program CSD and MSP certification logos and marks are limited
to those persons who have been granted the CSD or MSP credential by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification
Board (NASPCB) and, once certified, continue to satisfy all maintenance and recertification requirements
established by the Certification Board.
• Use of the certification logos and marks by individuals who have not been granted the CSD or MSP
credential(s) is expressly prohibited.
• Use of the certification logos and marks by individuals who have not maintained their CSD or MSP
credential(s) is expressly prohibited.
B. Non-assignability and non-transferability
• Permission to use the certification logos and marks is limited to Certificants who hold the CSD or MSP
credential(s) and shall not be transferred to, assigned to, or otherwise used by any other individual,
organization, or entity.
C. Certification logo and mark use
• Certificants who have been granted permission to use the certification logos and marks by obtaining the
CSD or MSP credential shall do so pursuant to the rules and guidelines established by the Certification
Board. Persons granted permission to use the certification logos and marks must familiarize themselves
with the established rules and policies for use and must execute approved agreements setting forth
such rules and guidelines for use.
• The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program CSD and MSP logos and marks must be displayed in the same
form as produced by the Certification Board. They cannot be reproduced unless such reproduction is
identical to the mark provided by the Certification Board.
1. Logos can be added to email signatures, social media profiles, or websites where a credential
holder’s name is included and prominently displayed. (Digital Logos are currently not available)
2. Logos for print or online use may be placed on material such as business cards, resumes, websites,
stationary, and letterhead, where a credential holder’s name is included and prominently displayed.
3. It is a violation for the logo to appear next to a company logo without prior authorization from the
Certification Board.
4. Logos must always be proportionately sized.

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5. Logos may not be revised or altered in any way.
6. Logos must be an image.
7. Logos must not have an outline.
8. Logos are black or assigned Pantone Color Systems (PMS) color. Please contact the Certification
Personnel at for information.
• The certification logos or marks may not be used in any manner that could bring the Certification Board
into disrepute or in any way be considered misleading or unauthorized. The certification logos or marks
may not be used in any manner that would imply an invalid connection between the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program, the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board, NASP/IASP, Inc., and the Certificant’s
business. This includes any use of certification logos or marks that the public might construe as an
endorsement, approval, or sponsorship by the Certification Board of a certified person’s business or any
product or service thereof.
D. Suspension or revocation of permission to use certification logos or marks
• The Certification Board retains the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or revoke any permission to
use its certification logos or marks.
• All Certificants who are suspended, tagged for unauthorized use, or revoked will be updated in the CSD
and MSP Directory of Credentials.
• All Certificants who are suspended, tagged for unauthorized use, or revoked will be required to return
the issued CSD or MSP certificate to NASP/IASP, Inc.
• Upon revocation of a Credential due to misuse of certification logos or marks, the individual's eligibility
to apply, obtain, or regain a CSD or MSP credential shall be withheld for a period of six (6) years (two (2)
certification cycles) or as the Certification Board deems applicable.
• Upon suspension of a Credential due to misuse of certification logos or marks, the individual eligibility to
regain a CSD or MSP credential shall be determined on an individual basis by the Certification Board. A
suspension may be expanded as the Certification Board deems applicable.

The Use of CSD & MSP Certification Logos and Marks Policy can be found here.

XXXVIII. CSD & MSP Directory of Credentials

At any time, Certificants can opt-in or opt-out of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Programs CSD & MSP
Directory of Credentials. Applicants are provided the option to opt-in or opt-out of the directory (should they
successfully pass the CSD or MSP examination) during the application process. The Directory will contain only
the required information.

Personal information, including Certificant name, city, state, country, current NASPCB credential(s) held,
credential number(s), and photo (if uploaded to the NASP Learning Management System), will be available to all
persons seeking information from the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board/NASPCB’s public CSD & MSP Directory
of Credentials. This directory is designed for potential employers to verify the credentials of job candidates or
for verification of a credential by other interested parties verifying credentials.

Certificant Profile
The Certificant Profile located within the Certificant Directory provides a detailed version of the CSD or MSP
credential holder to include:
• Name
• Certification Number
• Certification Date
• Certification Expiration Date
• Recertification Cycle
• Certification Scheme

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Contact Information Option
The Certificant Profile located within the Certificant Directory also provides a “Contact Option.” This option will
allow persons seeking to contact a Certificant to confidentially send a message to the Certificant through the
Contact feature in the Certificant’s profile. Interested parties will not be able to view the Certificant’s email
address or any personal information unless the Certificant chooses to communicate with the interested party.

Expired, Suspension, Revocation, and Unauthorized Use of CSD or MSP Credential Logo or Mark
1. Should a Certificant fall within the expiration category, the CSD & MSP Directory will reflect the Expired
status on the Certificant Profile.
2. Should a Certificant fall within the Suspension, Revocation, or Unauthorized Use category, the CSD & MSP
Directory will reflect the specified status on the main directory page and the Certificant Profile.
3. If the status changes, the CSD & MSP Directory main directory page and/or Certificant Profile will be
updated to reflect the status.

XXXIX. Confidentiality of the NASPCB, Certification Personnel, and NASP/IASP, Inc.

The NASPCB, NASP/IASP, Inc., Certification Personnel, employees/staff, contractors, and volunteers may not
disclose, divulge, or make accessible confidential information belonging to or obtained through their affiliation
with NASP/IASP, Inc. and the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) to any person, including relatives,
friends, and business and professional associates, other than to persons who have a legitimate need for such
information and to whom NASP/IASP, Inc. and the Certification Board has authorized disclosure in writing. This
policy is not intended to prevent disclosure when required by law.

The Certification Board, Certification Personnel, employees/staff, contractors, and volunteers associated with
the certification program shall keep confidential all information obtained in the process of prosecuting the
objectives of the certification program. Confidential information extends to information obtained about
applicants, candidates, and certified persons; the intellectual property associated with the administration of the
certification program; and information associated with vendor support of the certification program. All
Certification Personnel are required to sign the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Confidential and Non-
Disclosure Agreement– Appendix E as a condition of service. Copies of the signed form are kept in the
Certification Board’s permanent records.

Consent to Release
All Certificant holders will be notified in writing of any requests for the release of confidential information by any
legal entity, government official or interested parties, or prospective employer. The Certificant will be required
to fill out a Release of Information Consent Form found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under “Certification Overview” and located in the Policies & Forms tab or by clicking here.

To request Certificant records, interested parties (i.e., a Certificant’s employer or prospective employer) are
required to contact the Certification Personnel and provide the following information:
A. Name of the individual requesting records
B. Certificant’s full name
C. Certification number assigned by the Certification Personnel and the Certification Board
D. Address/contact information for where records are to be sent

XL. Non-Discrimination and Impartiality

In keeping with the mission of providing a fair and inclusive educational program for workplace safety
professionals, the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) maintains a strict policy and procedure to
ensure complete impartiality in its operation of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program.

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The Certification Board and staff understand the importance of impartiality and conflicts in the management of
certification activities. When undertaking issues with members and non-members, all involved in the
certification process will maintain a high level of ethical conduct and avoid conflicts of interest in connection
with the performance of their duties. There shall be an avoidance of any actions and/or commitments that
might create the appearance of impartiality to:
• Applicants, Candidates, and Certified Persons
• Demographics
• Finances
• Commercial Interests

Impartiality to Applicants, Candidates, and Certified Persons

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB), Certification Personnel, and NASP/IASP, Inc. staff shall act
impartially in relation to its applicants, candidates, and certified persons. Decisions on the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Program, including eligibility approval, eligibility denial, and adverse decisions of suspension and
revocation of certifications, shall be made in accordance with policies and procedures. Policies and procedures
affecting applicants, candidates, and certified persons shall be made public and shall fairly and accurately convey
information about the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program.

Impartiality to Demographics
No applicant shall be required to provide information regarding gender, race, color, disability, religion, sexual
orientation, national origin, age, or any other characteristic protected by law or applicable treaty unless that
information is necessary to provide appropriate accommodation to the applicant (e.g., an applicant with a
disability may require special physical access to a facility or it may be inappropriate for a male proctor to be
alone with a female applicant due to certain religious or cultural beliefs.)

Impartiality to Finances
NASP/IASP, Inc. membership is not necessary to apply for certification. NASP/IASP, Inc. offers membership
benefits for individuals taking certificate courses but does not offer discounts for individuals applying for the
CSD or MSP exam. Further, NASP/IASP, Inc. does not require membership with any other body to qualify for
either the CSD or MSP exam. Requirements are based solely on academic/experiential background.

Impartiality to Commercial Interests

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) is responsible for the impartiality of certification activities and
shall not allow commercial, financial, or other pressures to compromise impartiality. The Certification Board has
procedures to ensure impartiality and review if there are any hidden or evident corporate biases or obstacles
that will effectively restrict access to the certification to any specific group or class. NASP/IASP, Inc. operates as
a for-profit organization. This status shall not influence the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program or certification

The Certification Board (NASPCB), Certification Personnel, and NASP/IASP, Inc. staff monitor all potential threats
to its impartiality and document all actions.

XLI. NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Policy
A code of conduct was established by the Certification Board and reviewed by the committee members. The
code of conduct defines the ethical and personal behavior required by the CSD and MSP certification scheme
and NASP/ IASP, Inc. Certification Program.

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NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Agreement
The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) Code of Ethics and Professional Standards is to be observed by
all holders of NASPCB certifications. Holders of NASPCB certifications shall endeavor to maintain and advance
the integrity and honor of the profession of workplace safety and, in so doing, shall adhere to these standards.
1. Pursue, above all else, the preservation of life and prevention of injury to those for whom we are
responsible in the workplace.
2. To honestly and fully represent to the employer the requirements and best practices of protection of the
3. To be fair, honest, and impartial in all work activities.
4. To adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior in our work.
5. To accept responsibility for continuing self-improvement through continuing education and development
and remaining current on developments in the field of workplace safety.
6. To define our own knowledge/skills/abilities honestly and accurately to those we serve.
7. To maintain objectivity in all professional judgments refusing to bend to interests to compromise the safety
of those we serve.
8. To act in a manner free of bias regarding religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
or disability.
9. To maintain the high honor of the NASPCB Certificants by quickly, honestly, and completely reporting to
NASPCB any NASPCB Certificant who violates these principles.

Certificants understand that violations of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards could result in the
suspension or complete withdrawal of their certification. Should the case arise, they agree to refrain from
further promotion of their certification and references to certification status in perpetuity or until an appeal for
the cause of the suspension/withdrawal has been conducted and satisfied.

XLII. NASP/IASP, Inc. Candidate’s Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Policy

Candidates are required to keep secure and not disclose the contents of the examination and examination
items. Revealing the contents of the examination, either by orally repeating the contents of any question or
information to anyone (including an instructor or educator) or writing down any of the questions or information,
is considered a violation of this Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement. If a candidate violates the
Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, their examination will be voided, and any
certification awarded will be withdrawn.

The content, including each question, of the CSD or MSP examination, is the property of the NASPCB. The
examination content is copyrighted and is strictly confidential information. Candidates are strictly prohibited
from retaining, copying, distributing, disclosing, discussing, possessing, or receiving any examination content,
including even partial questions, by written, electronic, oral, or other forms of communication. This includes but
is not limited to, emailing, copying, or printing of electronic files and reconstructing content through
memorization and/or dictation before, during, or after the examination. Doing so may result in disciplinary
action, assessment of monetary damages, and legal liability. By proceeding further with the examination
process, individuals acknowledge and agree that they understand these restrictions and the consequences if
they break these restrictions.

Applicants will be required to sign the Agreement when submitting the CSD and MSP application for eligibility to
sit for the selected examination.

NASP/IASP, Inc. Candidate’s Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement

I agree that as a candidate for the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program NASPCB certifications, I am required to
keep secure and not disclose the contents of the examination and examination items. I understand that
revealing the contents of the examination, either by orally repeating the contents of any question or

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information to anyone (including an instructor or educator) or by writing down any of the questions or
information, is considered a violation of this Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement to which I am hereby
agreeing. If I violate the Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, my examination will be
voided, and any certification awarded to me will be withdrawn.

XLIII. NASP/IASP, Inc. Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Policy

It was established that the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) has the right to evaluate the character
of applicants, candidates, and Certificants of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. The NASPCB considers
criminal conviction history and known unethical behaviors of each applicant, candidate, and Certificant of the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. It is required at the time of submitting an application that this
information is provided to the Certification Board for review.
The NASPCB Certificant Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Policy provides general guidelines for
evaluating the behavior of applicants, candidates, and Certificants.

Unethical behavior also comprises if another certifying body or licensing organization has determined that an
applicant, candidate, or Certificant with the NASPCB has been proven to use a license, a credential, or other
designation, experience, or education without the authority of the granting organization. It shall also be
considered whether another certifying body or licensing organization has taken disciplinary action against the

Applicants agree that the information provided is truthful and accurate at the time of the completion of the
application. Applicants understand that providing false, inaccurate, or inadequate detail and supporting
documents may result in the denial of their application and potential disciplinary action by the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Certification Board (NASPCB).

NASP/IASP, Inc. Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) has the right to evaluate the character of applicants,
candidates, and Certificants of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. The NASPCB considers criminal
conviction history and known unethical behaviors of each applicant, candidate, and Certificant of the
NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. It is required at the time of applying that this information is provided. I
agree that the information provided is truthful and accurate at the time of the completion of the application. I
understand that providing false, inaccurate, or inadequate detail and supporting documents may result in the
denial of my application and potential disciplinary action by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB).

XLIV. Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) Certification Director, with the approval of the NASP/IASP, Inc.
Executive Board Vice President and review from the Appeals/Complaints Committee, may, at its discretion,
suspend or revoke a certification for cause. Causes for suspension, unauthorized use, or revocation include, but
are not limited to, fraud, deceit, and submission of inaccurate data to obtain certification or maintain
certification. In addition, the Certification Board has the authority to suspend, tag for unauthorized use, or
revoke a certification due to violations of the Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, Candidate
Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality, and Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior agreements
that the applicant signed during the application process and/or upon recertification.

All Certificants who are suspended, tagged for unauthorized use, or revoked will be updated in the CSD and MSP
Directory of Credentials.
All Certificants who are suspended, tagged for unauthorized use, or revoked will be required to return the issued
CSD or MSP certificate to NASP/IASP, Inc.

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When the Certification Director or Certification Coordinator has evidence that charges against a Certificant are
valid, it shall notify the Certificant by certified mail at their last known address. The Certificant will have the
opportunity to present their defense to the Certification Board in writing according to the terms outlined in the

The suspension or unauthorized use shall remain in effect until the Certification Director and
Appeals/Complaints Committee review the case. If the Certificant fails to resolve the issues that have resulted in
the suspension in the time established by the Certification Board, then the Certification Director and
Appeals/Complaints Committee, with approval of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Executive Board Vice President, shall then
uphold or deny the suspension or unauthorized use. If a revocation is decided, the option for recertification or
applying for eligibility is no longer an option.

The Certification Board may consider disciplinary action of applicants, candidates, and Certificants for any
reason including:
1. Violations of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Policy
2. Violations of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Candidate’s Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Policy
3. NASP/IASP, Inc. Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Policy
4. Use of CSD & MSP Credentials, Certificates, Logos, and Marks
5. False information provided in CSD or MSP Application to obtain eligibility for the CSD or MSP examination
6. False information provided for CSD or MSP Recertification to maintain certification

The disciplinary policy and procedures are available on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website and
are the policies outlined in the Candidate Handbook. Please refer to the online version of the Candidate
Handbook for the current Policies and Procedures. The Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy can
be found here.

XLV. Complaints Policy

It is the policy of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) to respond to all issues, disputes, and
complaints in a timely, fair, and unbiased manner. NASPCB will address each complaint and evaluate any
allegations or complaints to determine an outcome based on the facts provided by a complainant.

Type of Complaint: Complaint Against:

___ Allegation of Wrongdoing ___ Certification Board or Committee Members

___ Ethics Violations ___ Certification Staff

___ Denial of Eligibility or General Complaint ___ Vendor or Contractor of Certification Board
___ Misuse of Certification Mark/Logo ___ Current Certificant Holder

Please see the procedures for receiving and reviewing complaints. Following submission of the complaint, the
Certification Personnel will communicate to complainants within three (3) to five (5) business days the
confirmation of Complaint Receipt and will instruct the complainant they will receive notification from the
Certification Director and the next steps in the process within seven (7) to ten (10) business days.

The Complaints Handling Policy is readily available on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at under "Certification Overview" and located in the Policies & Forms tab or by clicking here.

The Complaints Form can be found on the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program website at
under "Certification Overview" and located in the Policies & Forms tab or by clicking here.

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Revision Date Description of changes Reviewed By

0.0 2019_0423 Candidate Handbook Creation Dan Denston

1.0 2020-0922 Candidate Handbook V2 Dan Denston

2.0 2020-0922 Candidate Handbook V3 Teresa Amey

3.0 2020_1127 Candidate Handbook V4 Cover Page contents Introduction Added Teresa Amey

4.0 2020_1203 Added Revised Tracks, Recertification Requirements, and Pricing Chart Teresa Amey

5.0 2021_0222 Revisions added Teresa Amey

6.0 2021_0225 Annual Review Revised Appeals Policy, Removed Learning Objectives and Teresa Amey
revised Certification Summary, Renumbered, and shifted Complaints Policy
to the End of Handbook. Ready for Final Review
7.0 2021_0226 Annual Review Table of Contents and revised Ready for Final Review Teresa Amey

8.0 2021_0312 Final Formatting and Official Review Kristi Greene

9.0 2021_0521 Updated Links in the handbook for Student Portal and Prep Courses. Edited Teresa Amey
Application Audit explanation on page
10.0 2021_0608 Updated Site Testing to U.S. and Canada Only. Updated and ADA or other Teresa Amey
applicable laws statement
11.0 2021_0618 Updated Links and Final Review Teresa Amey

12.0 2021_0706 Updated CSD and MSP Recertification Requirements regarding CEUs and 30- Teresa Amey
day grace period explanation.
13.0 2021_0715 Updated Purpose of Candidate Handbook, Application Instructions, CSD, and Teresa Amey
MSP Eligibility Tracks
14.0 2021_0812 Updated Links for CSD and MSP Prep Courses and CSD Preparation Course on Teresa Amey
pg. 12 and MSP Preparation Course and pg. 14 prep to state available
immediately through the NASP Student Portal once an account is created
15.0 2021_1019 Updated Table of Contents for Special Requirements and Special Needs Teresa Amey
Request to pg. 18
16.0 2021_1020 Updated pgs. 13-14 for Pricing for CSD/MSP PREP COURSE FEE, PREP COURSE Teresa Amey
17.0 2022_0110 Updated pg. 10 CSD Eligibility Track and pg. 11 MSP Eligibility Track to Teresa Amey
include newly approved Qualified Credentials
18.0 2022_0112 Updated XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification pgs. 32-34. Teresa Amey
the Forms tab and the Policies tab is replaced as the Policies & Forms tab
19.0 2022_0214 Annual Review Revised to perform Grammarly edits. Updated Section XXXV Teresa Amey
Maintaining Certification through Recertification pgs. 32-34.
20.0 2022_0214 Final Formatting and Official Review Kristi Greene

21.0 2022_0301 Section XII, pgs .12-13, and Section XIII, 14-15, removed Retake Exam Fee Teresa Amey
and Prep Course with Retake Exam Fee. Updated Exam Fee to include 2
Exam Attempts. Updated Section XVII. Application Audits to include a link to
Appendix R NASP IASP, Inc. Verification and Release of Information Consent
22.0 2022_0505 Updated Sections VI., IX. XIV. XXXV. to include read, understand, agree, Teresa Amey
comply, and electronically sign the “Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or
Revocation Policy” and the “Use of Certification Logos and Marks Policy.”

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Updated Section XXXV. pgs. 33-34 to include Certificants are required to
read, understand, and continue to comply with the NASPCB Policies as
outlined and agreed upon during the initial (CSD or MSP) application for
eligibility within the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Form - Appendix J,
the Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy, and the Use of
Certification Logos and Marks Policy.
Section XLIV pg. 41, “All Certificants who are suspended, tagged for
unauthorized use, or revoked will be required to return the CSD or MSP
certificate issued to NASP/IASP, Inc.”
23.0 2022_0830 Updated Third-Party Examination Contractor and Testing Administrator from Teresa Amey
Scantron to Meazure Learning as Scantron was acquired by Meazure
Updated pg. 1 Statement regarding Accreditation to “The Master Safety
Professional (MSP)® and Certified Safety Director (CSD)® credentials, are
accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). These
certifications are accredited under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard for
personnel certification programs.”
24.0 2022_0915 Updated CSD Prep Course and CSD Exam and Prep Course Fees. Updated Teresa Amey
MSP Prep Course and MSP Exam and Prep Course Fees.
25.0 2022_1228 Updated Third-Party Examination Contractor and Testing Administrator from Teresa Amey
Meazure Learning to Kryterion. Updated Term LOP to OLP for Online
Proctored exams. Updated Sections XV., XXI., XXVII., XXIX., XXX., XXXI., XXXII.
to align with the Third-Party Examination Contractor and Testing
Administrator Kryterion requirements.
26.0 2022_1230 Updated Section XXVII Rescheduling Policy and Section XXIX No-Show Policy. Teresa Amey

27.0 2023_0113 Annual Review Revised to perform Grammarly edits. Updated Sections X and Teresa Amey
XI Reformatted CSD and MSP Eligibility Tracks.
28.0 2023_0216 Updated Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification to Teresa Amey
include Documentation or Certificate must include the CEUs issued by the
institution; Continuing Education programs or courses are noncredit, which
means they do NOT apply towards a degree or diploma. Academic Credits for
non-credit programs or courses are accepted. Transcripts must include the
CEUs issued by the institution. Certifications are NOT accepted for CEUs.
Updated XXXVII Section Use of Certification Logos and Marks Policy
Grammarly changes.
29.0 2023_0227 Final Formatting and Official Review Kristi Greene

30.0 2023_0317 Updated Section X. Certified Safety Director (CSD) pg. 10 CSD Eligibility Track Teresa Amey
to include OSHA 501 Trainer – General Industry and Federally
Mandated/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification Program. Revised State-
Sponsored/Recognized EHS Certificate Program to State-
Sponsored/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification Program. Updated
Section I. Master Safety Professional (MSP) pg. 11 MSP Eligibility Track to
include Federally Mandated/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification
Program and State-Sponsored/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification
31.0 2023_0621 Updated CSD and MSP Application Fees, Exam Fees and Recertification Fees. Teresa Amey
Updated Section XII. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification Fees pg. 13,
Section XIII. Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certification Fees pg. 15, and
Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification pgs. 34 -35

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32.0 2023_0802 Updated Section XXXV. Maintaining Certification through Recertification to Teresa Amey
clarify “The following categories are NOT accepted for CEUs” 9. Providing
training or presenting on safety-related topics. Updated pages 34-35 to
include “An official certificate of completion or documentation issued by the
institution or provider is required.” and “Click here for instructions on how to
upload external training for CEUs”, pg. 36 “*Certificants who submit non-
NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences for CEUs for Recertification attest
they have completed the stated training. Providing false documentation of
CEUs violates the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certificant’s Code of Ethics and
Professional Standards Agreement, subject to suspension or revocation of
the MSP and CSD Credentials.” Updated Section XLIV. Suspension,
Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy to clarify “Causes for suspension,
unauthorized use, or revocation include, but are not limited to, fraud, deceit,
and submission of inaccurate data to obtain certification or maintain
certification. In addition, the Certification Board has the authority to
suspend, tag for unauthorized use, or revoke a certification due to violations
of the Certificant’s Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, Candidate
Examination Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality, and Criminal Conviction and
Unethical Behavior agreements that the applicant signed during the
application process and/or upon recertification” added “6. False information
provided for CSD or MSP Recertification to maintain certification.”
33.0 2023_0814 Updated Section XXI. Examination Specifics pg. 23 How the NASPCB Teresa Amey
Determined the Minimum Passing Score.
34.0 2023_0908 Updated Section XXXVI. Failure to Maintain Recertification Requirements Teresa Amey
Revised 30-Day Grace Period to 90-Day Grace Period for Recertification and
Section I. Application Audits Certificants Selected During 5% Random Audit
Or 90-Day Grace Period.
35.0 1/12/2024 Annual Review Updated NASPCB Board of Advisors Definition and Executive Teresa Amey
Board Definition. Updated Section XXXIV. Appeals Against Examination or
Adverse Decisions to clarify from Appeals Policy Document: “A candidate
who has a concern about administrative procedures at testing or who has
observed a breach of security, or other improper conduct should submit a
report in writing within 15 days after taking the examination.” Updated
Section XLIV. Suspension, Unauthorized Use, or Revocation Policy added link
to the policy. Updated Section X. Certified Safety Director (CSD) pg. 10 CSD
Eligibility Track to include Certified Hazard Control Manager (CHCM),
Professional Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH) U.S. Army
Combat Readiness Center (USACRC) (formerly C-12) and International-
Sponsored/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification Program and pg.11
Added CSD Eligibility Track Qualified EHS Certificate/Certification Programs.
Updated Section XI. Master Safety Professional (MSP) pg. 12 MSP Eligibility
Track to include Certified Hazard Control Manager (CHCM), Professional
Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH) U.S. Army Combat
Readiness Center (USACRC) (formerly C-12) and International-
Sponsored/Recognized EHS Certificate/Certification Program and pg.13
Added MSP Eligibility Track Qualified EHS Certificate/Certification Programs.

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Updated Section XII. Certified Safety Director (CSD) Certification Fees to
clarify “Candidates who miss the deadline to retake the exam within their
eligibility period must wait one (1) year and will need to reapply for eligibility
and pay the application fee and exam fee. See ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day
Eligibility Extension Fee.” Updated Section XIII. Master Safety Professional
(MSP) Certification Fees to clarify “Candidates who miss the deadline to
retake the exam within their eligibility period must wait one (1) year and will
need to reapply for eligibility and pay the application fee and exam fee. See
***Optional Fees*** “90-Day Eligibility Extension Fee.” Updated Section
XXXIII. Exam Retake to clarify “Candidates who miss the deadline to retake
the exam within their eligibility period must wait one (1) year and will need
to reapply for eligibility and pay the application fee and exam fee. See CSD
and MSP ***Optional Fees*** “90-Day Eligibility. Updated Section XXXV.
Maintaining Certification through Recertification pg. 36 NASP Certificate
Course Options for CSD Recertification and pg.37 NASP Certificate Course
Options for MSP Recertification to include Confined Space Entry and Rescue
Program Manager (CSERPM). Updated Scheme Changes If there are
additional items (number of examination questions) added to the CSD or
MSP examination. Updated Section XXXVI. Failure to Maintain Recertification
Requirements for clarification. Performed Grammarly check and formatting.
36.0 1/18/2024 Final Formatting and Official Review Kristi Greene

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