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 In paper A Study on the Acceptance of HR Analytics in Organisations by Lije George and T. J. Kamalanabhan, 2016
states that the popularity of business analytics can also be seen in the growth ofthe business analytics software
market which was valued as $40 million worldwide with a growth rate of 6.5%
 Workforce Analytics Market Analysis By Type (Solution, Services), By Services (Managed, Consulting, System
Integration), By Deployment, By Organization, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2018 – 2025
Published Date: Jun 2017 - Base Year for Estimate: 2016 - Report ID: GVR-1-68038-947-0 - Format: Electronic (PDF) -
Historical Data: 2014 – 2015 valued the global workforce analytics market size at USD 430.9 million in 2015.
 Global HR analytics market to grow by 12% by Anushree Sharma on People Matters states the report Outlook on
the World HR Analytics Market, 2019-2025 estimates around 12 percent growth at CAGR in the global HR analytics
market by 2019-2025.

 Markets and Markets estimates growth from USD 1.9 billion in 2019 to USD 3.6 billion by 2024 at CAGR of 13.7% in
the global HR analytics market size as stated in Human Resource Analytics Market Component, Application Area in
Workforce Management, Recruitment, and Employee Development, Organization Size, Deployment Type, Vertical
(Industry like Banking, Financial Services And Insurance, Manufacturing, and IT and Telecom), showing Region to
Global Forecastfrom 2019-2024.

 Dooren, (2012) as in Lochabetal. (2018) - A methodology for understanding and evaluating the causal relationship
between HR practices and organizational performance outcomes (such as customer satisfaction, sales or profit etc.),
and for providing legitimate and reliable foundations for human capital decisions for the purpose of influencing the
business strategy and performance, by applying statistical techniques and experimental approaches based on
metrics of efficiency, effectiveness and impact.

 Vihari and Rao (2013) as in Ben-Gal (2018) - The application of sophisticated data mining and business analytics
techniques to the field of HR

 Jain and Nagar (2015) - A mixture of quantitative and qualitative data and information that derives important
insights which help to support in making decisions by the management

 Bhattacharyya (2017) - The application of analytic logic for the HRM function

 Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi (2017) - Evidence-based HR (EBHR) is a decision- making process combining critical
thinking with the use of the best available scientific evidences and business information. It uses data, analyses and
research to understand the connection between people management practices and business outcomes, such as
profitability, customer satisfaction and quality

 Kiran et al (2018) - HR Analytics means providing a data driven framework for solving business problems using
existing information to drive new insights. It is about smart decision making, delivered with the combination of
software hardware and methodologies that applies statistical models to work related data, allowing business leaders
to optimize human resource management

 Jabir et al. (2019) - HR analytics is about analyzing and understanding how and why things happen, produces alerts
about what the next best action is, and make interpretation about what the best and the worst are that can happen
based on the analysed data In paper A Study on the Acceptance of HR Analytics in Organisations by Lije George and
T. J. Kamalanabhan, 2016 states that the popularity of business analytics can also be seen in the growth of the
business analytics software market which was valued as $40 million worldwide with a growth rate of 6.5%
 Global HR analytics market to grow by 12% by Anushree Sharma on People Matters states the report Outlook on the World
HR Analytics Market, 2019-2025 estimates around 12 percent growth at CAGR in the global HR analytics market by 2019-
2025. Dr. P. Raghunadha Reddy, P. Lakshmi Keerthi (2017), in their research paper entitled “HR Analytics’ - An Effective
Evidence Based HRM Tool” they found that Human resource are prime value to an organization a need to be focused more.
According to them evidence- based approach is the best way for an organization to make decisions, and HR Analytics not only
helpswith that but also provokes organizations to maintain quality data to justify ROI in HR investments.

 Anshu Sharma, Tanuja Sharma, (2017), in their research paper entitled “HR analytics and performance appraisal system: A
conceptual framework for employee performance improvement” they found that the role of HR analytics on PA system and
its impact on employee’s willingness to improve performance by proposing a conceptual model. Here the HRanalytics was
used as a solution by which they increased the accuracy in the appraisal process with the use of professional data analysis
tools. Along with other assumptions for researchers in the field of performance management, this paper also suggested
different directions for futureresearch to further improve this field.

 R. Anita. Dr. N. Sumathi (2019), in their research paper entitled “A study on the measuring thefactors of HR analytics on
performances management in services sector of selected companiesin Chennai” they found how performance management
system influences employee performance. And how could the different stages in performance management system change
employee performance respectively. The first objective is to review performance management system and employee
performance, also the relationship between them. The second objective is to analyse performance management system and
their connection to employee performance based on the WERS 2004 dataset. The last objective is to find out the nature of the
relationshipbetween performance management system and employee performance and to develop a set of recommendations.
 Udhay Kailash and M Prathyusha (2020) in their research paper entitled “HR Analytics Methodical Measurement of HR
Processes” they found that HR Analytics is more important asit assess how employees contribute to the organization, predicts
workforce requirements, and links workforce utilization to strategic goals to improve the performance of the business. In his
case the model of HR Analytics is widely accepted in the Pharma industry and can be replicatedin other organizations of the
same industry as well.

 H.H.D.P.J. Opatha (2020), in their research paper entitled “HR Analytics: A Literature Reviewand New Conceptual Model”
they found that HR analytics provides a data-driven framework for solving workforce problems through analysing data with a
combination of software and methods that applies statistical models and provides new insights for smarter decision making
that allow manager to optimize human resource management.
 Muhammad Said, Dr. Imran Khan, Dr.Filza Hameed (2021) in their research paper entitled “The impact of performance
management system on employees' performance” they found thatthe management of any organization should change their
performance management system practices to make them more continuous. It is suggested that management should analyse
and consider the problems of employees, and identify them and help the employees in confronting them like a united team.
Organizations should use acknowledgment methods which will make employees more encouraged and motivated when they
will have a sense recognition. As a resultof their efforts being appreciated and recognized employees try to achieve the required
objectives. The organizations should involve the employees in the goal setting and reward employees for their effort in
completion of their goal.
 According to Steven McCartney and Na Fu (2022), in their research paper entitled "Bridging the gap: why, how and when HR
analytics can impact organizational performance" they foundHR Analytics is still a new concept and as a result, scholars are
still highlighting how HR analytics can help decision making and accomplishing organizational goal. this study proposeda
chain model where access to HR technology enables HR analytics which supports the Evidence Based Management, ultimately
improving organizational performance.

1. Dr. P. Raghunadha Reddy, P. Lakshmi Keerthi (2017), “HR Analytics’ - An Effective EvidenceBased HRM Tool”, International
Journal of Business and Management Invention, Volume 6, Issue 7.
2. Anshu Sharma, Tanuja Sharma, (2017), “HR analytics and performance appraisal system: A conceptual framework for
employee performance improvement”, Management Research Review, Vol.40, Issue 6.
3. R. Anita. Dr. N. Sumathi (2019), “A study on the measuring the factors of HR analytics on performances management in
services sector of selected companies in Chennai”, JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory, Volume 12, Issue 12.
4. Udhay Kailash and M Prathyusha (2020), “HR Analytics Methodical Measurement of HR Processes”, International Journal
of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 5, Issue 11.
5. H.H.D.P.J. Opatha (2020), “HR Analytics: A Literature Review and New Conceptual Model”, International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6.
6. Muhammad Said, Dr. Imran Khan, Dr.Filza Hameed (2021), “The impact of performance management system on employees'
performance”, International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, Volume 02.
7. Steven McCartney and Na Fu (2022), "Bridging the gap: why, how and when HR analytics canimpact organizational performance",
Management Decision, Vol. 60, No. 13. A Study on the Acceptance of HR Analytics in Organisations by Lije George and T.J.
Kamalanabhan. (January 2016), vol 5 issue 2.
8. Conceptualizing HR Analytics Practices for Healthier Organizational Performance –A Framework Based Analysis by
Dr. A.Narasima Venkatesh (2017) International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications
9. HR Analytics - Extent of its Utility in Making Strategic Business Decisions in its Sectorby L Ravikiran and Kambam

10. Overview of HR Analytics - Past, Present, and Future by Surabhi Gupta (July- December 2017) ETHOS Volume 10
No. 2 Pages: 1 - 6 ISSN: 0974 – 670

11. Evolution of Human Resource Analytics: An Exploratory Study by Dr. Indranil Bose and Dani Jose (2017-18) AIMA
Journal of Management & Research, February 2018,Volume 12 Issue 1/4, ISSN 0974 – 497 Copy right© 2017 AJMR-
12. The Rise of HR Analytics: A Preliminary Exploration by Dag Oivind Madsen, University College of Southeast Norway
and Kare Slatten, University College of Southeast Norway.
13. Human Resource Analytics Market by unit of component, Application Area in Workforce Management,
Recruitment, and Employee Development, Organization Size,Deployment Type, Vertical (Industry like Banking,
Financial Services And Insurance, Manufacturing, and IT and Telecom), showing Region to Global Forecast from
2019- 2024. Published Date: Jun 2019 | Report Code: TC 7162 states.
14. Workforce Analytics Market Analysis by Type (Solution, Services), By Services (Managed, Consulting, System
Integration), By Deployment, By Organization, ByApplication, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2018 – 2025.
15. HR Analytics - is it just a management fad or a way of supporting better decision- making? What are some important
areas related to HR Analytics within organizationsand in society? By Astrid Yorke [2018]

16. The role of HR analytics in creating data-driven HRM. Written text analysis of online blogs of Human Resource
professionals. By Krista Jensen-Eriksen (2016). HR Analytics Transforming Human Resource Management by Dr.
Allam Joseph andPraveen Kumar (November 2018) JKIJMS @JK Business School Volume 2, No.1, November 2018
Pages: 49-56 ISSN 2581-7337.
17. The Role of HR Analytics in the Global Village by Dr. Mrs. Prajyakti Bakre (Jan- feb2019) International Journal of Trend
in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)Volume: 3 | Issue: 2.
18. HR Analytics - A Strategic Approach to HR Effectiveness by P. Madhavi Lakshmi & P. Siva Pratap (Jan 2016)
International Journal of Human Resource Management andResearch (IJHRMR) ISSN(P): 2249- 6874; ISSN(E): 2249-
7986 Vol. 6, Issue 3, Jun 2016,21-28 © TJPRC Pvt.Ltd.
19. 'HR Analytics' - An Effective Evidence-Based HRM Tool by Dr. P. Raghunadha Reddy and P. Lakshmikeerthi (Oct
2016-July 2017) International Journal of Businessand Management Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN
(Print): 2319 – 801X || Volume 6 Issue 7 || PP—23- 34
20. HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making by Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed (May-June 2019)
Journal of Management (JOM) Volume 6, Issue3, pp.51-63, Article ID: JOM_06_03_007.

21. HR analytics white paper by © 2016 CGI GROUP INC

 To identify the role of analytics in human resource function.
 To find out the threat and opportunities of implementing and using human resource analytics
 Analyse recruitment data to optimize hiring processes.
 To understand how HR analytics helps in performance management.
 To analyse the reason of employee turnover and retention.
 To understand employees behaviour in the organization.
 To identify the role of analytics in human resource function.
 To find out the threat and opportunities of implementing and using human resource analytics
 Analyse recruitment data to optimize hiring processes.
 To understand how HR analytics helps in performance management.
 To analyse the reason of employee turnover and retention.
 To understand employees behaviour in the organization.

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