Direct Method - Placement Test

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Quiz Yes/No
Proszê odpowiedzieæ na poni¿sze pytania „Yes” lub „No”, zaznaczaj¹c odpowiedni kwadrat.
Ka¿da prawid³owa odpowiedŸ to 1 punkt, nieprawid³owa to –1 punkt, a brak odpowiedzi to 0 punktów.
1. Is a city small? Yes No
2. Is twelve minus three nine? Yes No
3. Are you answering a question? Yes No
4. Can you write? Yes No
5. Is Chinese a European language? Yes No
6. Do we eat breakfast in the evening? Yes No
7. Do we make the past simple of regular verbs by adding the letteres -ed? Yes No
8. Do people sometimes add lemon to tea? Yes No
9. Is July at the end of the year? Yes No
10. Is a train heavy? Yes No
11. Is it necessary to pay when we buy something in a shop? Yes No
12. Would you sleep very well if your bed were too hard? Yes No
13. Do you drink when you are hungry? Yes No
14. Would you go to hospital if you weren't ill? Yes No
15. Is it common to catch a cold in autumn? Yes No
16. Does the temperature rise in winter? Yes No
17. Would most people feel guilty if they committed a crime? Yes No
18. Will you get thirsty if you don’t drink anything for twelve hours? Yes No
19. Do people usually consider all options before making an important decision? Yes No
20. Are some people afraid of ghosts? Yes No
21. Would you be happy if you came back from holidays and found out that your house had been broken into? Yes No
22. “I used to have longer hair.“ – Does it mean that I don’t have longer hair now? Yes No
23. Are some people jealous of others' success? Yes No
24. Would you feel happy if somebody let you down? Yes No
25. “You needn’t drive fast.“ – does it mean the same as “You mustn’t drive fast“? Yes No
26. Do you have to turn over pancakes when you cook them? Yes No
27. Is it reasonable to give children sweets before a meal? Yes No
28. Is drug addiction a serious social problem? Yes No
29. Is it easy to deal with bad-tempered children? Yes No
30. Are people sometimes deceived by somebody who sells fake goods of well-known brands? Yes No
31. “If somebody broke into my house, I would call the police“ – does it mean that your house has been broken into? Yes No
32. Do we get gentle winds in a mild climate? Yes No
33. “He wanted to know where I had met the girl.“ – Am I correctly reporting the question “Where did you meet the girl“? Yes No
34. Would it be striking if a poor student got excellent marks in an exam? Yes No
35. Are some people in favour of the death penalty? Yes No

Vocabulary Test
Proszê dopisaæ polskie znaczenie poni¿szych s³ów.
Ka¿da prawid³owa odpowiedŸ to 1 punkt, nieprawid³owa lub brak odpowiedzi to 0 punktów.
36. teacher 49. choose

37. open 50. branch

38. Sunday 51. sign

39. bread 52. trouble

40. shoe 53. invite

41. water 54. application

42. make 55. invent

43. expensive 56. behaviour

44. world 57. demand

45. buy 58. advertise

46. find 59. suburbs

47. favourite 60. guide

48. average 61. forbid

62. joke 67. cheat

63. deceive 68. assemble

64. trust 69. hesitate

65. regret 70. awkward

66. handle

Multiple choice test.

Please choose the corect answer.
Each correct answer is 1 point. Each incorrect answer or no answer means 0.
71. It's ... eye.
a) an b) not c) a A B C
72. Am I ... the window?
a) open b) closing c) close A B C
73. ... you have a red box?
a) Does b) Do c) Are A B C
74. ... like your town?
a) You b) You do c) Do you A B C
75. Are there ... students in the classroom?
a) any b) some c) a A B C
76. I can ... somebody in the corridor.
a) to hear b) hearing c) hear A B C
77. What ... tomorrow be?
a) is b) was c) will A B C
78. A train is ... than a car.
a) heaviest b) heavier c) lighter A B C
79. ... you at school yesterday?
a) Was b) Are c) Were A B C
80. When ... World War Two start?
a) did b) do c) was A B C
81. I have ... to New York twice.
a) been b) be c) doing A B C
82. If you ... me a thousand pounds, I would be happy.
a) offered b) would offer c) will offer A B C
83. She may ... everything.
a) saying b) to say c) say A B C
84. My parents were ... the flat on Saturday evening.
a) cleaned b) cleaning c) clean A B C
85. I ... Greek before I went to Greece.
a) will learn b) had learnt c) have learnt A B C
86. If she had been more careful, she ... have had an accident.
a) wouldn't b) doesn't c) won't A B C
87. Jim told us that he ... drive.
a) is b) will c) would A B C
88. My parents allowed me ... my books.
a) to burn b) burn c) burning A B C
89. Do you mind ………. the window?
a) if I open b) me if I open c) me open A B C
90. He …... It seems he never rests.
a) always works b) 's always working c) always work A B C
91. We wash dirty dishes in a …..
a) bath b) tap c) sink A B C
92. It's obvious the child used …. too much television every day.
a) to watching b) to watch c) watch A B C
93. It's .... impossible that people will ever travel through time.
a) absolutely b) rarely c) at all A B C
94. The film wasn't proper for children under the age of 15.
I think it should have been ….. A B C
a) forbade b) forbidden c) forbid
95. It's time for me …. to the suburbs.
a) move b) moved c) to move A B C
96. Are you … of any dangers connected with passive smoking?
a) aware b) known c) steady A B C
97. The first edition is no longer ….. in shops.
a) availing b) able c) available A B C
98. You need a ….. password to access the website.
a) important b) current c) valid A B C
99. He warned John to ….. the stairs carefully as they were wet.
But it was too late. John slipped, fell down and broke his leg. A B C
a) descend b) descended c) descend to
100. In the background of the painting one could see some ….. trees
growing on the bank of a stream. A B C
a) naked b) bare c) stripped


Vocabulary Total

Multiple Stage

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