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1. In the given diagram, a uniform half metre scale PQ is balanced horizontally across a knife

(A) Calculate:
(i) the mass of scale
(ii) the force on the knife edge
(B) State the direction in which the force on the knife edge acts.

2. Two rods, one of aluminum and other of iron having weights 20 N and 30 N (acting at their
respective centres, are joined together as shown.

Find which direction the rod will rotate (Clockwise or anticlockwise) about O.

3. A uniform metre rule of mass 100 gm is balanced on knife edge at 40 cm mark by suspending
an unknown mass m at 20 cm mark.
(A) Find the value of m.
(B) To which side the rule will tilt if the mass m is moved to the mark 10 cm?
(C) What is the resultant moment now?
(D) How can it be balanced by another mass of 50 gm?

4. A uniform metre rule can be balanced at 200760 cm mark if 100 gm mass is hung at 80 cm
(A) Draw the diagram of arrangement.
(B) Find the mass of metre rule.
(C) In which direction the rule will tilt if 100 gm mass is shifted from 80 cm to 85 cm?


1. Show how the energy of a freely falling objects remains conserved.

2. An engine can pump 30,000 litres of water to a vertical height of 45 metres in 10 minutes.
Calculate the work done by the machine and the power.
[Density of water = 10³ kg/m³; 1000 litre = 1 m³, g = 9.8 m/s²]

3. 'Renewable sources of energy must be encouraged to meet growing demand of energy'. Give
suggestions to support your answer.
4. In the given scenarios, state whether the quantity of work done is positive or negative.
(A) Work done by a man pulling a bucket out of a well by means of rope tied to the bucket.
(B) Work done by an applied force on a moving body in a rough horizontal plane with uniform
(C) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane
(D) Work done by the resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum in bringing it to rest


1. The diagram below shows a pulley arrangement:

(A) Copy the diagram and mark the direction of tension on each strand of the string.
(B) What is the velocity ratio of the arrangement?
(C) If the tension acting on the string is T, then what is the relationship between T and
effort E?
(D) If the free end of the string moves through a distance x, find the distance by which the
load is raised.

2. (A) Draw a diagram to show a block and tackle pulley system having a velocity ratio of 3
marking the direction of load (L), effort (E) and tension (T).
(B) The pulley system drawn lifts a load of 150 N when an effort of 60 N is applied. Find its
mechanical advantage.
(C) Is the above pulley system an ideal machine or not?

3. Draw a diagram of a pulley system of velocity ratio 4. Calculate its mechanical advantage if
its efficiency is 90%.

4. A pulley system with V.R. = 4 is used to lift a load of 175 kgf through a vertical height of 15
m. The effort required is 50 kgf in the downward direction. (g = 10 N/kg)
(A) Distance moved by the effort.
(B) Work done by the effort.
(C) M.A. of the pulley system.
(D) Efficiency of the pulley system


1. Jatin puts a pencil into a glass container having water and is surprised to see the pencil in a
different state.
(A) What change is observed in the appearance of the pencil?
(B) Name the phenomenon responsible for the change.
(C) Draw a ray diagram showing how the eye sees the pencil.

2. It has been observed that water in a pond appears to be three quarters of its actual depth.
(A) Mention the property of light that is responsible for this observation.
(B) Elaborate your answer with the help of a suitable diagram.


1. A lens of focal length 20 cm forms an inverted image at a distance 60 cm from the lens.
(A) Identify the lens.
(B) How far is the lens present in front of the object?
(C) Calculate the magnification of the image.

2. An object is placed at a distance 24 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 8 cm.

(A) What is the nature of the image formed?
(B) Calculate the distance of the image from the lens.
(C) Calculate the magnification of the image.

3. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm from a convex lens of focal length 8 cm. Find:
(A) the position of the image
(B) nature of the image

4. Draw ray diagrams showing the image formation by a convex lens when an object is placed:
(A) between optical centre and focus of the lens.
(B) between focus and twice the focal length Plot of the lens.
(C) at twice the focal length of the lens.
(D) at infinity.

5. A converging lens is used to obtain an image of an object placed in front of it. The inverted
image is formed between F2 and 2F2 of the lens.
(A) Where is the object placed?
(B) Draw a ray diagram to illustrate the formation of the image obtained.
(C) If the object is placed at 40 cm and focal length of convex lens is 10 cm. Find the image


1. (A) Write two properties common to all the electromagnetic radiations.

(B) Give one use each of infrared and ultraviolet radiations.
2. (A) Name two sources each of:
(a) Ultraviolet radiations.
(b) Infrared radiations.
(B) Give one use of microwaves.

3. (A) An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 500 MHz and a wavelength of 60 cm.
(a) Calculate the speed of the wave. A
(b) Name the medium through which it is travelling.
(B) The wavelength of X-rays is 0.01 Å. Calculate its frequency.


1. (A) Name the kind of vibrations.

(B) Give any one example of this kind of vibrations.
(C) Why is the amplitude of vibrations gradually decreasing.
(D) What happens to the vibrations of the body after some time?

2. Write the differences between forced vibrations and resonant vibrations.

3. Two pendulums C and D suspended from a wire as shown in the figure given below. Pendulum
C is made to oscillate by displacing it from its mean position. It is seen that D also starts

(A) Name the type of oscillation, C will execute.

(B) Name the type of oscillation, D will execute.
(C) If the length of D is made equal to C, then what difference will you notice in the
oscillations of D?
(D) What is the name of the phenomenon when the length of D is made equal to C?

4. (A) Name the phenomenon involved in tuning a radio set to a particular station.
(B) Define the phenomenon named by you in part (A) above.
(C) What do you understand by loudness of sound?
(D) In which unit(s) is the loudness of sound measured?


1. If a wire of resistance 2 Ω gets stretched to thrice its original length:

(A) Calculate the new resistance of the wire.
(B) What happens to the specific resistance of the wire.

2. The diagram shows a circuit with the key k open.

(A) The resistance of the circuit when the key k is open.
(B) The current drawn from the cell when the key k is open.
(C) The resistance of the circuit when the key k is closed.
(D) The current drawn from the cell when the key k is closed.

3. A cell of emf 2 V and internal resistance 1.2 is connected with an ammeter of resistance 0.8 Ω
and two resistors of 4.5 Ω and Ω as shown in the diagram below:

(A) What would be the reading on the ammeter?

(B) What is the potential difference across the terminals of the cell?

4. Two resistors of 4 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel to a cell to draw 0.5, A current from the
(A) Draw a labelled circuit diagram showing the above arrangement
(B) Calculate the current in each resistor.

5. The diagram shows three resistors connected across a cell of e.m.f. 1.8 V and internal resistance
(A) Current through 3 Ω resistor.
(B) The internal resistance r.

6. For the circuit shown, the voltmeter and ammeter reading are 6.6 V and 0.3 A respectively.
What is the:
(A) Total resistance of the circuit
(B) Value of resistance R
(C) Amount of current flowing through R?


1. An electric bulb is rated '240 V, 100 W

(A) What information can you get from the above statement?
(B) What will happen if this bulb is connected across 220 V?
(C) Calculate the resistance of the bulb.
(D) Also find the energy consumed by the robs ni bulb in 10 minutes.

2. Two coils of resistances R₁ =3 Ω and R₂ = 6 Ω are connected in series across a battery of P.D.
12 V,
(A) Draw the circuit diagram.
(B) Find the electrical energy y consumed in 1 minute in each resistance.
(C) Find the total electrical energy supplied by the battery in 1 minute.

3. (A) Define electric power. Express it in terms of potential difference V and resistance R.
(B) An electric iron of 1 kW is operated at 220 V. Find the current drawn.

1. Answer the following questions:
(A) In a household electric circuit different 22appliances are connected in parallel to one
another. Give two reasons.
(B) An electrician puts a fuse of rating 5A in that part of a domestic electrical circuit in which
an electrical heater of rating 1.5 kW, 220 V is operating. What is likely to happen in this
case and why? What changes, if any, need to be made?

2. (A) To which wire of a cable in a power circuit should the metal case of a geyser be connected?
(B) To which wire should the fuse be connected?
(C) Explain the meaning of the statement "current rating of a fuse is 5 A.

3. Draw 'a diagram of two-way staircase wiring. Make a table explaining the switch position and
the state of the bulb used in the circuit in form of truth table.


1. The diagram below shows an insulated copper wire wound around a hollow card board
cylindrical tube. Answer the questions that follow:

(A) What are the magnetic poles at A and B when the key K is closed?
(B) State two ways to increase the strength of the magnetic field in this coil without changing
the coil.
(C) If we place a soft iron bar at the centre of the hollow cardboard and replace the DC source
by an AC source then will it attract small iron pins toward itself when the current is flowing
through the coil?

2. How will you find out the direction of the magnetic field produced by current-carrying

3. (A) How is the direction of a magnetic field at a point be determined?

(B) Mention two important properties of the magnetic field lines.


1. A metal piece of mass 420 g present at 80°C is dropped in 80 g of water present at 20 °C in a

calorimeter of mass 84 g. If the final temperature of the mixture is 30 °C then calculate the
specific heat capacity of the metal piece.
[Specific heat capacity of water= 4.2J/g °C, Specific heat capacity of calorimeter =200J/kg °C]

2. Two metals A and B have specific heat capacities in the ratio 2:3 If they are supplied same
amount of heat then
(A) Which metal piece will show greater rise in temperature given their masses are the same?
(B) Which metal piece will have greater mass if the rise in temperature is the same for both
(C) If the mass ratio of metal A and metal Bis 3:5 then calculate the ratio in which their
temperatures rise.
(D) If specific heat capacity of metal A is 0.26 J/g °C then calculate the specific heat capacity
of metal B.

3. (A) An iron ball requires 5000 J heat energy to raise its temperature by 10°C. Calculate the
heat capacity of the iron ball.
(B) 1 g mass of ball is 1.1 kg, find the specific heat capacity of iron.

4. A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has a heat capacity of 966 J/k, find
(A) Heat energy needed to warm it by 15°C and
(B) Its specific heat capacity in S.I. unit.

5. 0.50 kg of lead at 327°C is cooled to 27 °C when it gives off 22500 calories of energy. Calculate
the specific heat of lead in:
(A) Calories
(B) Joules

6. In a laboratory experiment to measure specific heat capacity of copper 0.02 kg of water at 70°C
was poured into a copper calorimeter of mass 0.16 kg initially at 15°C. The final temperature
reached to 45°C. Specific heat of water is taken as 4200 J/kg °C
(A) What is the quantity of heat released per kg of water per 1°C fall in temperature.
(B) Calculate the heat energy released by water in the experiment in cooling from 70°C to
(C) Assuming that the heat released by water is entirely used to raise the temperature of
calorimeter from 15°C to 45°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of copper.

7. In a laboratory experiment for finding the specific latent heat of ice, 100 g of water at 30°C
was taken in a calorimeter made of copper and mass 10 g. When 10 g of ice at 0°C was added
to the mixture and kept within the liquid till the ice melted completely the final temperature of
the mixture was found to be 20°C.
(A) What is the total quantity of water in the calorimeter at 20°C?
(B) Specific heat capacities of water and copper being 4.2J/g °C and 0.4J/g °C respectively.
What quantity of heat would each release in cooling down to 20°C from the initial
(C) Write an expression for the heat gained by ice on melting.
(D) Calculate the value of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice from the data discussed

8. (A) The diagram below shows the change of phases of a substance on a temperature vs time
graph on heating the substance at a constant rate.
(a) Why is the slope of CD less than slope of AB?

(b) What is the boiling and melting point of the substance?

(B) A piece of ice of mass 60 is dropped into 140 g of water at 50°C.
Calculate the final temperature of water when all the ice has melted.
(Assume no heat is lost to the surrounding)
Specific heat = 4.2 J/g k capacity of water Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 J/g

9. (A) Define heat capacity and state its SI unit.

(B) Why is the base of a cooking pan generally made thick?
(C) A solid of mass 50 g at 150°C is placed in 100 g of water at 11°C when the final temperature
recorded is 20°C. Find the specific heat capacity of the solid.
(Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g °C)

10. A copper vessel of mass 100 g contains 150g of water at 50°C. How much ice is needed to cool
it to 5°C?
Specific heat capacity of copper = 0.4 J/g °C, Specific heat capacity of water 4.2 J/g °C,
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 J/g

11. 40 g ice at 0°C is used to bring down the temperature of a certain mass of water at 60°C to
10°C. Find the mass of water used.
[Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg °C]
[Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 × 10³ J/kg


1. An atomic nucleus A is composed of 84 protons and 128 neutrons. The nucleus A emits an
alpha particle and is transformed into a nucleus B.
(A) What is the composition of B?
(B) The nucleus B emits a beta particle and is transformed into a nucleus C. What is the
composition of C?
(C) What is mass number of the nucleus A?
(D) Does the composition of C change if it emits gamma radiations?

2. A nucleus 82X194 emits an alpha particle:

(A) What will be the atomic number of the daughter nucleus Y?
(B) What will be the number of neutrons in the daughter nucleus Y?
(C) Write a nuclear reaction showing the emission of this particle.

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