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4/18/24, 6:27 PM Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 3

Foundation to Reading 1 (Đọc hiểu cơ bản 1)/ Luyện tập trắc nghiệm 3 Thoát

Bạn đã hoàn thành bài luyện tập

Số câu đúng: 14 câu

Số câu sai: 1 câu

Bạn đã hoàn thành bài luyện tập


Đã làm: 15/15 câu

Làm đúng: 14 câu

Làm sai: 1 câu

Điểm hệ số 15: 14 / 15 điểm

Điểm hệ số 10: 9.33 / 10 điểm

Tổng thời gian làm bài: 0 giờ 12 phút 34 giây

Thời gian bắt đầu: 18:14:05 - 18/04/2024

Thời gian kết thúc: 18:26:39 - 18/04/2024

Phản hồi: Chúc mừng bạn. Bạn đã hoàn thành bài khá tốt. Hãy cố gắng hơn nhé.

Làm lại bài tập

Câu 1:
Nick Barlow is dedicated to his work. He’s a British actor and he travels around the world making TV programs. ‘People welcome
me everywhere I go and when I return home I remember all the wonderful memories of each country’. Nick has travelled to many
places but there are a few trips that he would still like to make. ‘I’d love to visit South America and go back to Australia one day’,
he says.
Nick says that _________. 1/7
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A. His shows are all made in Britain.

B. People in the places he visits are very friendly.

C. His travel journey is nearly coming to an end.

D. He buys something to take home from places he visits.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: People in the places he visits are very friendly.
Vì: People welcome me everywhere I go.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2. Skills focus.

Câu 2:
Don’t wait for him any longer! He is not well today ________ he is not going to show up.

A. nor

B. anyway

C. in spite of

D. so

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: so
Vì: We use “so” to illustrate the result of an event. In this situation, the event is that “he” doesn't feel well. Therefore, “he” won’t appear.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.1. Vocabulary focus.

Câu 3:
What a strong girl! She broke her legs _________ still managed to walk 20 kilometers.

A. as well as

B. because

C. although

D. but

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: but
Vì: We use “but” to connect two contrasting ideas in a sentence. “although”, “as well as”, “because” are incorrect because they don't
match the general meaning of the sentence.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.1. Vocabulary focus. 2/7
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Câu 4:
Fire exit only – no entrance to garden!
What can be inferred from this statement?

A. You should not use this door to do gardening.

B. You should use this door only for setting fire.

C. You should not use this door to go outside.

D. You should use this door to exit the garden.

Giải thích kết quả :

Sai. Đáp án đúng là: You should not use this door to go outside.
Vì: When doors are attached with the phrase “Fire exit only”, it means that they can only be used when there is a fire and people need to
evacuate from the building.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.1. Vocabulary focus.

Câu 5:
Children’s book department now on ground floor.
What can be inferred from this announcement?

A. They need someone to work here.

B. There are new books on sale.

C. This has moved to a different place.

D. Books for children are on the ground.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: This has moved to a different place.
Vì: The phrase “now on ground floor” indicates that children’s book department is previously located on another floor, and then moved to
the ground floor.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2. Skills focus.

Câu 6:
Since Ethan had graduated from college, he hoped he could teach his naughty brother to perform ________. 3/7
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A. therefore

B. likewise

C. in contrast

D. in addition

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: likewise
Vì: We use “likewise” for things or people that are similar to each other in some way. In this situation, Ethan hoped that his brother can
behave in the same way as him.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2. Skills focus.

Câu 7:
In January 2004, at the age of 52, David crossed New Zealand's Cook Strait in 9 hours and 38 minutes. The oldest swimmer before
David was only 42 years old. David spent over a year getting ready to swim the Strait. Then, he and his wife flew to New Zealand
so that David could practice for a few weeks there. But, only days after they arrived, the weather improved so David decided to
start his swim. He did it with the help of a team. 'They were great' David said. 'They were in a boat next to me all the time! After a
few hours, I thought about stopping but I didn't and went on swimming.'
From the paragraph, it can be inferred that __________.

A. David was the third person of his age to swim across the Cook Strait.

B. David and his wife were in New Zealand for a long time before the race starts.

C. David spent a long time practicing for the race.

D. David’s wife was in the boat beside him when he swam the Cook Strait.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: David spent a long time practicing for the race.
Vì: David spent over a year getting ready to swim the Strait.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2. Skills focus.

Câu 8:
_______ someone knew the area, they could pass within a hundred feet of it and not know it was there.

A. In spite of

B. As long as

C. Unless

D. Despite 4/7
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Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Unless
Vì: We use “unless” to introduce the only situation in which something will take place or be true. In this case: If someone does not know
the area, he or she may not recognize it even after passing it.
Tham khảo: Unit 4, 4.2. Skills focus.

Câu 9:
I’ll take a ______ and fries. How about you?

A. book

B. hamburger

C. menu

D. chips

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: hamburger
Vì: The statement simply illustrates what the speaker wants to have for his/her meal. Therefore, a food name should be added. “chips” is
incorrect because “chips” is another name of “fries”, so only “hamburger” is the right choice.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Vocabulary focus.

Câu 10:
Schnauzers come from Germany, where farmers use the dogs to help them with their sheep, and they are also used by the police,
because Schnauzer dogs are very intelligent. A Schnauzer makes a nice family dog. It is friendly and very good with young
What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Schnauzers are smart and useful dogs.

B. Schnauzers can help Germans in farming.

C. Schnauzers can catch the thieves.

D. Schnauzers can play with young children.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Schnauzers are smart and useful dogs.
Vì: All details show how Schnauzers help different people: from farmers to the police, and also how intelligent they are.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.2. Skills focus.

Câu 11:
Susanna Brightman is a young Australian basketball player. She is 195 cm tall, and very fast and strong.When Susanna was 12,
she toured Australia for the first time. One day, the team she was playing for lost an important match because Susanna didn’t
want to play. Susanna’s parents were angry with her but told her that she didn’t have to play basketball if she didn’t want to. She 5/7
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needed to think hard about her future. Luckily, Susanna decided she wanted to be a basketball player after all, and since then she
has worked very hard to become an even better player.
What is the main reason why Susanna’s parents told her to think carefully about her future?

A. Because they did not want her to be a basketball player.

B. Because she seemed to not like basketball much.

C. Because the team lost an important match.

D. Because she did not join the Australian team.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: Because she seemed to not like basketball much.
Vì: Susanna’s parents were angry with her but told her that she didn’t have to play basketball if she didn’t want to.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.2. Skills focus.

Câu 12:
On arrival at the airport, the self-service ______ is simply used to print the boarding card.

A. drugstore

B. kiosk

C. duty-free store

D. restaurant

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: kiosk
Vì: “kiosk” refers to a small open-fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, drinks, tickets, etc. are sold. A kiosk can be attached with
a self-service function while places mentioned in “restaurant”, “drugstore”, duty-free store” cannot be.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Vocabulary focus.

Câu 13:
Their dream turned into a nightmare as the _______ ship began to sink.

A. voyage

B. boat

C. cruise

D. travelling

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: cruise 6/7
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Vì: A “cruise ship” is a type of ship that is quite luxurious and travels around the world. “voyage”, “boat”, “travelling” are incorrect as they
don't help form a meaningful phrase.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Vocabulary focus.

Câu 14:
It is a good idea to complete your homework early. If you can do it prior to your evening meal, you will have more time later to do
your favorite things, like talking on the phone or playing online games.
More importantly, it is better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you. Then, if the homework is
difficult and you need time to think about it, you will still have time to do it.
What is the main reason why doing homework early is good?

A. You can do other favorite things.

B. You can talk on the phone for many hours.

C. You can have more time thinking about difficult homework.

D. You can enjoy your dinner more.

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: You can have more time thinking about difficult homework
Vì: More importantly; if the homework is difficult and you need time to think about it, you will still have time to do it.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.2. Skills focus.

Câu 15:
When I stayed at my hometown several years ago, I had to use a _______ net every night. The bites are really itching, and can
cause you malaria.

A. mosquito

B. fish

C. bug

D. cabin

Giải thích kết quả :

Đúng. Đáp án đúng là: mosquito
Vì: Such keywords as “itching” (ngứa) and “malaria” (bệnh sốt rét) directly relate to mosquito. So “mosquito net” (màn chống muỗi) is the
correct answer.
Tham khảo: Unit 5, 5.1. Vocabulary focus. 7/7

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