Microlearning: Addresses The Upskilling Needs

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The Ideal Delivery Tool for Learners and L&D Leaders









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The business world is evolving at a
record pace.
At the same time, organizations are evolving their business and learning strategy to remain
agile and competitive during a time when working and learning from home are becoming
essential. Central to this transformation is the need to address skills gaps and prepare for
the coming years ahead.
The adoption of new technologies, automation, and growing job role complexities are
forcing companies to adopt a re-training mindset to keep employees effective and

productive. In a post-COVID-19 world, the need has become even more urgent. In the
wake of digital transformation and during a time of global talent shortages, upskilling is
becoming a winning solution for dealing with a precarious future.



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With the transition engaging programs by leveraging gamification,
video learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, and
more. Among these many innovative tools, learners
of many teams have gravitated toward microlearning as a preferred
mode of learning. Perfectly suited for asynchronous,

moving to digital self-paced, and human-centered learning,

microlearning delivers the right amount of upskilling

environments, the
training, at just the right time.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at how

ability to train and microlearning can help overcome many obstacles to

learning, by providing an efficient and engaging way

work in a virtual
to deliver upskilling programs. You’ll discover how
perfectly aligned the microlearning methodology
can be when it comes to reaching learners with
environment has content that truly amazes, driving engagement and
especially retention.

become a new Microlearning and upskilling can deliver a one-two

punch to help support new and existing employees

hurdle. and propel your organization into the future of

work, learning, and business success. So let’s
begin exploring the many benefits of leveraging
We’re seeing a significant shift towards virtual microlearning to support your upskilling program
training and onboarding as well as virtual or remote and drive measurable results and ROI for your
upskilling programs. We’re also seeing a significant business and your team.
need to deliver effective training that truly addresses
the needs of learners and helps them build trust and
engagement with upskilling programs.

The time has arrived! We’re living in a time when

learning technology has evolved to the point where
it can supercharge virtual learning programs
to address both the needs of learners and the
businesses that support them.

Digital learning environments allow learning and

development (L&D) professionals to deliver highly

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 4

Many employees are in dire need of learning
new technologies to remain competitive in their
specific job roles. The same pressure is felt by
new employees, including Gen Z workers and As jobs are transformed by the

millennials who expect to require reskilling technologies of the Fourth Industrial
throughout their entire careers. In fact, when Revolution, we need to reskill more
searching for a new job, Gen Z prioritizes growth
than 1 billion people by 2030, quotes
opportunities and professional development
the WEF.

as the number one factor when it comes to
choosing an employer. It’s not a secret that the
new workforce generation expects more flexibility And, across G20 countries, failing to
in their long-term careers. They’re looking for meet the skills demand of the new

transferable skills that can support their personal
technological era could put at risk
and professional growth and development. In
other words, they’re eager to upskill and are ready $11.5 trillion in potential GDP growth
for their organization to provide it. over the next decade, according to

Accenture estimates.
Let’s look at a few of the areas where upskilling
can drive ROI for an organization and help to
manage disruption in the coming years.

NEXT 3 – 5 YEARS? 3

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Cost of Talent Acquisition
When you lose an employee, you’re losing money. The average cost to hire can be nearly
$5,000 per employee. Simultaneously, the time to fill a position can be anywhere from 28 – 39
days4. As you can see, there is a significant loss of time and expenses when it comes to filling a
new position. Retention and reskilling can make a huge impact on your bottom line and reduce
the potential for employee attrition.

While there may be a number of factors that contribute to an employee’s decision to leave, two
come to mind:

1. They aren’t adequately trained to do their jobs effectively

2. They don’t feel comfortable with how they’re being managed and treated

When you deliver effective upskilling training, you’re supporting your employees in their
personal and professional careers. You’re demonstrating a commitment to providing an
inclusive workplace, with managers who are great communicators, collaborators, and listeners.
In many cases, upskilling provides employees with transferable skills and critical technical
skills that enrich and nurture an employee’s skill set. Not only will upskilling help to support
your team through adoption of new technology or operations, it can support them in their
careers. The overall effect of embracing a positive culture is a higher level of job satisfaction
and employee morale.



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Improved Innovation
Failure to innovate can have dire consequences for a
company at large. One need only to re-read the history
of video cassette rental giants to learn the fate of those
companies that fail to pivot and innovate with the times

and consumer behavior6. Leadership needs to be able to
pivot quickly to ensure that their organizations can remain
competitive and thrive during unstable times or significant
market shifts.

GAPS ARE At a team level, problem-solving is key to driving efficient

business practices. Having employees with critical thinking
skills and the ability to develop innovative solutions is key

for an organization to remain resilient and agile. This is why
soft skills development for both managers and employees
can help to build effective teams that can work together to

support business goals.


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Supports Business Agility
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have needed to pivot their businesses, employees, and even
their product offerings to remain competitive. For example, the shift away from in-person shopping has forced
many retailers to embrace ecommerce and digital shopping8. The result is a new line of service that requires
specific skills from people managers and employees alike. Line workers need to be compliant with new health
and safety protocols to properly interact with customers and deliver goods and services.

In another example, the increase in demand for goods has created an enormous wave of hiring for positions
for some companies. This level of rapid talent acquisition requires an equally determined training and
development effort to ensure that incoming employees have the capabilities and expertise to be effective at
their jobs. In this case, reskilling initiatives can be built into the onboarding process to ensure new employees
receive the same level of attention as existing employees.

Investment in Future Leaders

Future leaders need a combination of technical and soft skills to lead high-functioning teams. Creating an
upskilling strategy can provide your employees with a comprehensive career roadmap that can allow them to
envision their long-term growth within your organization.

Consider Staff Augmentation

Another way to fill skills gaps quickly and drive rapid delivery of learning programs is with agile talent.

Combined with an upskilling program to support internal employees, agile talent can provide you with team
members with exactly the skills you need for a specific program.


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When building a learner-centered learning and training program, it’s important to begin with
a design thinking approach. Creating highly engaging learning experiences requires a deep
understanding of the way that your employees prefer to learn. As well, you need to understand the
roadblocks that can distract or delay a learner’s progress through course content. Microlearning is
a modality that is specifically designed to address attention and learners with busy schedules.

Studies into the science of learning suggests that adult learners need to transfer information from
working memory to long-term, memory where it can be stored and later retrieved. They have
limited memory capacity and can be overwhelmed by tasks that are cognitively too demanding. In
other words, information overload10.

Reduce the Cost of Forgetting
When you consider the cost to hire and train new employees, factor in the expenses associated

70% 90%
with having to re-train learning material that should already have been learned. Microlearning
addresses the science of learning by subverting the forgetting curve. By chunking content
into manageable modules, learners are more likely to remain engaged with the material; more
likely to remain invested in the process; and more likely to retain what they have learned. When
instructional designers accept that mastery of new concepts happens in fits and starts11, we can
conclude that learning programs themselves need to be designed around this principle to better OF THE MATERIAL OF IT WITHIN ONE
align with learner habits.

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So How Does Microlearning Do
This Effectively?
Start by looking at your typical onboarding or training program. Many organizations
create training that addresses the key areas they want covered. The business
determines what is deemed important, such as the company’s history, organizational
structure, time entry, safety protocols and procedures, standard operating procedures,
lists of company emails and contact information, etc. Then they send out massive
PDFs with links to even more content, sending learners down rabbit holes and
multiple sources of information until the learner is completely overwhelmed by the
sheer volume of information. A new employee is forced to do a lot of detective work
just to sift through the information to determine which pieces are actually relevant to
his or her job role.

Of course, this material is relevant and necessary for the business to maintain
consistency of onboarding. Every employee needs to understand the specific rules
and regulations, demands and expectations, and requirements needed to integrate
into a new job. But when a learning program only addresses the needs of the
business, it ignores the most important component of learning: the learner.

What if a new or existing employee could find exactly the piece of information they
need to perform a task immediately, or answer questions that are top-of-mind, in
the moment? What if they didn’t have to contact their manager or IT support to
understand something basic, like how to log in to the time management system, or
report hours. From basic tasks to critical technical tasks, learners are sometimes the
best judge as to what they need to know, and when.

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Addressing the Needs of Learners
Learning should feel easy. It should feel less like a monumental information transfer: short and fun, video over text. Narrative,
task, and more like an exciting experience that opens the storytelling videos that demonstrate authentic workplace

learner up to new ideas and concepts. Learners should be able scenarios and people are extremely effective at building soft
to understand how learning can add value to their jobs, lives skills and changing behavior. Explainer, motion graphic videos
and potential. When true knowledge transfer occurs, learners or live action videos can add life to otherwise static and boring
never ask “what’s in it for me.” They simply feel empowered,
enriched, and engaged.
Microlearning leverages innovative learning technologies such
as learning management systems (LMS) and a variety of other
Virtual reality and augmented reality
There are many examples of how VR and AR can be used
highly engaging tools. Let’s take a look at a few examples of
the different types of engagement modalities that can leverage to supercharge learning with immersive experiences, but

microlearning to propel learners through their journey. we’ll examine a few that leverage microlearning. When you
consider that employees may require immediate information,
just-in-time learning is key to helping them do their job tasks
Games and gamification efficiently. AR can be used to display product information or
convey live instructions so learners can integrate knowledge
The key to engaging with learners is often to find exciting while on the job. VR is a great way to deliver highly engaging
and fun ways to make otherwise boring material. When you learning experiences where employees can practice and repeat

encourage learners to play a game in order to learn key for optimal retention. When delivered through microlearning,
concepts or lessons, you’re accessing the competitive and employees can go through a quick VR experience which
playful side of learning. Give your learners something to do; doesn’t require a huge time commitment.

something to risk and lose; something to interact with. Allow
them to fail safely and then ultimately succeed. Interactivity and
stakes are what makes games so addictive. Why not leverage


this understanding of cognitive development to transfer
knowledge while this is going on?

Videos and animations

According to Forrester Research, employees are 75%
more likely to watch a video than read text. Armed with
this knowledge, instructional designers can build video
into microlearning modules to provide a one-two punch of

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 11

The ROI of Microlearning and Learner-Focused Experiences
In addition to the many learning benefits that microlearning can bring to your learning programs and strategy, there is
significant ROI associated with embracing this learning modality. For example:

Reduced content development Leverage mobile Scalable and up-to-date

Because microlearning is delivered in Your employees already have access All updates can be done in real time.
smaller chunks, it can take far less time to to online tools on their mobile devices. eLearning developers can easily
develop content and eLearning elements, This makes it easier for them to access make adjustments to existing content;
reducing the IT lift and instructional design microlearning modules, videos, augmented microlearning modules can quickly be
and strategy time. reality experiences, and more. scaled and deployed to a global audience.

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The key to successful upskilling depends on a number of factors. In particular, learning
programs need to be engaging to attract and retain attention. As described earlier,
we also understand that the quantity of information being delivered can have an
impact on engagement and retention. Finally, it’s important to reach learners when
it’s most convenient for them. Flexible learning is key to ensuring that microlearning
modules become top-of-mind when learners are seeking information, or when L&D is
deploying key upskilling programs.
Many elements of an upskilling program can be parsed out into smaller, more UPSKILLING TO THEIR
manageable units of training. For example, if you’re looking to develop frontline
managers to become more effective team leaders, you can easily break down the EMPLOYEES
teachable skills. This way, you can address a specific behavior at a time, making
it easier for learners to focus on a single element of a larger program. Upskilling
programs are usually designed to build upon existing knowledge and add new
components or a different dimension of understanding. Mechanics learning about
installing a new type of oil filter don’t need to review the entire workings of an engine.

Rather, they only need to understand how new knowledge can integrate into what
they’re already good at.



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Leadership Development techniques to ensure that candidates are well vetted, comfortable, and
satisfied with the interview process. Not only do candidates need to
be vetted for core competencies and technical skills, but also subtle
and Training aspects of their personalities, beliefs, and values to ensure they match
with the core values of the company culture, creating a good fit. At
the same time, poorly conducted interviews can lead to hurt feelings,
Teaching interpersonal (soft) skills is a challenge for L&D. It’s
miscommunication, and (in the worst case), litigation due to rights
extremely difficult to not only ensure engagement with learning
violations or complaints. What if a manager could brush up on his or her
programs, but also that it’s affecting authentic behavioral shifts.
interviewing skills before talking with job candidates? They could easily
Leaders are tasked with growing skills in communication, refresh on best practices and be better prepared for what’s to come.
collaboration, having difficult conversations, and superior listening.
Microlearning can deliver short bursts of learning aimed at addressing
each of these areas where soft skills are highlighted. Not only can L&D Sales training
monitor the consumption of the material, but feedback and surveys What if a sales associate was about to make an important sales call?
built into the program can identify where learning has been applied. Are they prepared for typical objections? Do they fully understand the
potential pain points? Are they fully confident in the product or service

Just-In-Time Learning for

information they’re about to promote? With just-in-time learning,
associates can call up a helpful job aid, a product information sheet,
or even a quick business simulation for interviewing best practices.
Performance Support Providing relevant information and job support at critical moments will
help support employees with the tools and techniques they want—and
at precisely the point of need.
Microlearning is an ideal companion for upskilling because it allows
learners to completely focus on a single task, piece of information,
or specific skill that they are required to learn. In the same way, Retail training
microlearning modules can be used as just-in-time learning assets to
What if you have recently launched a new product and your retail sales
support employees in their day-to-day job duties.
staff is confronted by questions from a potential customer? In many
cases, product knowledge is delivered in a static form and can easily
Manager training get lost among the clutter of an employee’s day-to-day activities. But
great customer service depends upon the deep product knowledge
Conducting interviews is an integral part of a manager’s duties. The of retail sales associates. Imagine if an associate could simply hold
more prepared and skilled they are, the more successful the interview. a product up to their smartphone camera and key information is
Managers need to understand the most effective interviewing displayed on the screen.

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It can be time consuming for frontline managers
to constantly be helping employees to learn a
specific task. At the same time, they want to
ensure that each employee is working at their
full potential, safely and efficiently. Microlearning
can be used to deliver key technical training to
support employees on specific job tasks. For ONBOARD EFFECTIVELY
example, an augmented reality overlay can reveal
the correct way to open and fix a computer
panel. Or else, a technician can view a checklist
of reminders to refamiliarize with SOP before
pulling a sample from a bioreactor. In the end,

there is less need for manager oversight and
employees can self-serve the answers that they
require. Armed with big data, organizations can
have deeper insight into skills gaps, which can
lead to better business decisions.

New employees will have many questions during

their first 100 days of employment. When a STRONG ONBOARDING
company only provides 1-2 weeks of onboarding,
a great deal can be missed, rushed through,
and passed over in favor of speed versus
quality. Having a microlearning strategy means
providing your new hires with many touch points

along their onboarding journey and beyond.
Microlearning modules can be designed to follow
the work and learning progress of each employee
as they navigate through their unfamiliar
surroundings and duties, answering critical
questions along the way. INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY

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Scalable Delivery
Microlearning is a viable and scalable learning solution. Modules
can reside in your company’s LMS, or else be sent out as emails or
newsletters. Because they’re modular, they can be delivered in a
variety of modalities to provide learning where and when it’s required.
For example, if a module is built around a video learning piece, then
they can be shared and distributed on video platforms and even on
television screens located in the workplace.

Continuous Upskilling Enhance Delivery with

and a Culture of Learning Artificial Intelligence
Once an upskilling program is in place, your employees will likely be Organizing your many microlearning modules is key to ensuring that
more open to future learning opportunities. By supporting a culture learners can find, access, and participate in learning activities. It can
of learning, employees understand that learning programs aren’t be a challenge for learners to sift through a lengthy list of available
simply a one-and-done solution. Microlearning supports a culture of resources on an LMS, which can easily lead to attrition and a lack of
continuous learning where learners are excited to develop personal interest. Artificial intelligence can be used in a number of ways to help
and professional skills, while also sharing their knowledge with peers connect learners with content. For example, chat bots or intelligent
and new hires. assistants can allow learners to search through an LMS using a
conversational approach. They can easily begin by typing in “how can
I...” or “how should I...” and a chatbot can be developed with a number
of relevant responses that direct learners to the appropriate material.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 16

One of ELB Learning’s client-partners is a global leader in online retail and delivery. It has a renowned
reputation for being proficient at providing speedy and reliable delivery and customer-obsessed service. To
maintain that level of customer service, there is an enormous amount of planning and scheduling required.
Warehouse managers at fulfillment centers are tasked with maintaining tight schedules with increasing
service demands, while also managing warehouse employees to ensure they understand their critical roles in
keeping operations running smoothly.

With the influx of demand in ecommerce

and at-home shopping due to the
COVID-19, the company needed to upskill
frontline managers to lead more effectively
and efficiently.
The organization needed to build trust in order to work together and collaborate successfully. As well, the
company wanted to extend their previously introduced change management strategy to support their core
values of collaboration and communication. They sought to prevent siloing and allow employees to stretch
their professionalism to become career-minded, instead of just job- or role-minded.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 17

COVID-19 The company approached their L&D team with a few challenges to address the
need for rapidly delivering an upskilling program in just six weeks. They were
asked to:
restrictions would Create an eLearning refresher module for their current and new

make it difficult to 1 instructors for an internal program that had been created and
embedded within certain organizations within the company.

deliver effective Develop an eLearning and support strategy that would work in

in-person training. 2 a new COVID-19 environment—changing a current instructor-led

program into a virtually led program.

At the same time, Incorporate an opportunity to collect feedback from current

training needed 3 instructors on the program and areas of opportunity for additional
support in the changing environment.

to fit into the tight 4 Embed an ongoing support strategy into their change

schedules of their management plan.

managers so as Create something that could be used globally for workers in a

fast-paced environment, where English was typically a second
not to interfere language, and where the workers were struggling to identify
how the behavior changes would genuinely impact them on a
day-to-day basis in the warehouse.
with the work.
Upskilling leaders, managers and warehouse employees has a variety of
benefits to the business. Providing new skills to employees will help to reduce
employee turnover in support of their personal and professional career
development. It will also reduce the expense associated with recruiting, hiring,
and training new employees with specific skill sets. These skills will drive
efficiency by helping teams to better collaborate in finding innovative solutions
for workplace problems.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 18

The Solution
Working with the ELB team, the company’s L&D was able to leverage our rapid solutioning process to
greatly accelerate the process. Together, they created eLearning modules using Storyline, packaged to be
delivered via the company’s existing learning management system. It included the key areas previously
identified as content by the company, the survey tool and a knowledge check.

Twelve microlearnings were developed by combining animation created in After Effects, Photoshop, and
Illustrator to deliver 2- to 3-minute-long videos that focused on reviewing critical behaviors, what that
behavior looked like in practice, a scenario showcasing the desired behavior in practice, and a call to action
to encourage employees to practice the behavior in the workplace.

The project team had representation from global functional areas who were already utilizing the training
program within their functional unit. Everyone had the opportunity to discuss, ideate, review and provide
feedback on the solutions implemented. There were often times when language was changed because
a phrase that was common in the United States translated differently in another country. Collaboration
was key to ensure that the situations and scenarios on which the modules were built were realistic for the
learners’ on-the-job environment.

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The Design and Delivery of
A main design driver was the need to address COVID-19 related closures, which required the program to
be led virtually instead of via ILT. Learners for this program were warehouse employees who had limited
time to complete training and often had English as a second language. The new program would need to
keep the microlearning modules approachable and accessible for learners and ensure they “fit” into the
environment they worked in, day-to-day. This meant that delivery modes needed to be flexible, such as
accessing modules on the LMS, delivered via email or shown on various screens in fulfillment centers.

Warehouse workers were encouraged to share with their managers their understanding of the training
material and detail how they could demonstrate behavior on the job. Managers would be able to witness
the application of learning, observe behavior shifts, and provide feedback to employees including a
followup review of key learnings.

The company’s L&D understood that behavior-based change is often challenging because if the learner
does not apply the new skills/knowledge back on the job immediately, the likelihood of lasting behavior
change is greatly diminished. This is especially true in a fast-paced environment. The L&D team needed to
reach learners who might not see the immediate “why” behind the training/ behavior change, complicated
by COVID-related issues.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 20

The End Result
The company now has a scalable, flexible learning Further, while the company already demonstrates
solution that can be distributed across multiple the gold standard for ensuring customers the
locations, languages, and organizations within accurate and timely delivery of products they’ve
the business. A key benefit to this new program ordered, the program has:
is to maintain continuity of learning while also
improving the learning experience during • Reduced the margin of error and costs
COVID-19 travel and work restrictions. As well, related to remedying any fulfillment mistakes
the program is perfectly suited to be an addition
to the onboarding process and can accommodate • Built employee capabilities and
the massive growth in hiring that the company is confidence, investing individuals even
expecting over the coming years. deeper in their career potential and
professional pride
The company has realized a reduction in expenses
due to: • Developed how well and expeditiously
functional areas communicate, problem
• Reduced travel and accommodation solve and interact with one another, rather
than operating as silos concerned only with
• Reduced time away from work to attend
their respective tasks
training sessions
• Created more agility and a more
• Reduced risk to health by maintaining
productive, seamless interdependence
physical distancing rules
among workforces at each fulfillment center
With a development solution in place, the
company can easily scale up the program across • Prepared managers and warehouse workers
the world to global fulfillment centers and as well, alike to meet any challenge head on.
continue to iterate on deliverables to keep the
program fresh and relevant for years to come.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 21

As digital business transformation continues to evolve, your employees are becoming more and more
tech-savvy. There is a growing comfort level when it comes to using internet-enabled devices and
cloud-based services to empower everything from news, communication, entertainment, ecommerce,
and of course, learning. This is a time of great transformation and opportunity. It’s a time to embrace
ELB Learning can help you create and deliver
the change and look to the future of work as an achievable goal and within reach. The future of work
and learning depends upon how we build programs around the needs of the new employee.
microlearning solutions that maximizes business
The next generation workforce will expect a similar experience in their jobs that they enjoy in their impact and ROI. Schedule a consultation with our
personal lives. Microlearning is nothing new to the millennial generation and Gen Z. They are well
accustomed to relying upon video tutorials to provide bite-sized pieces of learning; or crowd-sourcing learning strategy architects today!
answers through social learning channels. Your organization needs to be equipped with the learning
tools and strategy to match the expectations of your current and future employees.

Upskilling is merely a piece in the larger puzzle to fulfill the aspiration toward a culture of learning.
Leveraging cutting edge technology and tools such as microlearning, video learning, simulations,
gamification, emerging technologies, and more will position your learning strategy at the forefront of
innovation and business strategy.

We’re extremely excited to be part of this transformation and to work with organizations that are ready
to embrace the future of work and learning. When you consider your learning partner, be sure that they
are as innovative and aspirational as you are. They need to understand both your business and learning
needs equally and provide you with the advice and expertise to develop solutions that fit your needs.
This ebook, 7 Best Practices To Ensure Success When Outsourcing Custom Course Development,
gives you all the insights to consider with your potential learning partner.

© 2023 ELB Learning. All rights reserved. 22

1. https://www.talentlms.com/blog/reskilling-upskilling-training-statistics/#:~:text=42%25%20of%20employees%20have%20pursued,train%20

2. https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/building-workforce-skills-at-scale-to-thrive-during-and-after-

3. https://www.westmonroe.com/perspectives/signature-research/the-upskilling-crisis-effectively-enabling-and-retraining-employees-for-the-future

4. https://hire.trakstar.com/blog/the-cost-of-hiring-new-employees-infographic

5. https://www.talentlms.com/blog/reskilling-upskilling-training-statistics/#:~:text=42%25%20of%20employees%20have%20pursued,train%20

6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancamillercole/2019/01/10/innovate-or-die-how-a-lack-of-innovation-can-cause-business-failure/?sh=21f642f22fcb

7. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/ceo-survey/2019/report/pwc-22nd-annual-global-ceo-survey.pdf

8. https://techcrunch.com/2020/08/24/covid-19-pandemic-accelerated-shift-to-e-commerce-by-5-years-new-report-says/

9. https://resources.workable.com/stories-and-insights/survey-upskilling-and-reskilling-in-2020/

10. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_Learning.pdf&sa=D&source=editors&ust=16215

11. https://books.google.ca/books?id=IIy2DAAAQBAJ&pg=PA3&lpg=PA3&dq=Flynn,+O%E2%80%99Malley,+%26+W

12. https://www.learningguild.com/articles/1379/brain-science-the-forgetting-curvethe-dirty-secret-of-corporate-training/?rd=1

13. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2020.pdf&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1621538127289000&usg=AO

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