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Developing Buyer Personas

If you want to sell efficiently at a higher velocity, you need a deep understanding of the people
who tend to buy from you. A great way to get that understanding is to create a buyer persona. A
buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your target customer based on data.

Want to know more?

Watch ​Using Buyer Personas in Sales Enablement​ (20:51)
Read ​How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business​ (blog post)

In order to truly understand your persona, you’ll need to interview customers and prospects to
look for patterns. As you do this, fill in the boxes below based on the patterns you discover.

1. What’s your primary buyer persona’s background? ​(Job? Career path? Family?)

2. What are your primary buyer persona’s demographic traits? ​(Male or female? Age? Income?
3. What are your primary buyer persona’s identifiers? ​(Demeanor? Communication

4. What are your primary buyer persona’s goals? ​(Primary goal? Secondary goal?)

5. What are your primary buyer persona’s challenges? ​(Primary challenge? Secondary

Additional Resources
● Inbound Fundamentals​ — A brief, online lesson that covers the basics of an inbound
strategy, including how to create and use personas.
● MakeMyPersona​ — This online tool will help you organize the information you gather in
your research.

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