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It is always about memorizing the content a student will get a 100 in the subject but will still lack
basics in the subject

2. Teachers asking to do projects that make no sense since I had 20% of marks allocated for practical
activities in school, we have to do projects to gain marks and teachers will give full marks for the
projects that look perfect, which obviously would not have been done by the student.

3. No scope for creative and innovative minds, the syllabus will be outdated by 10 years and if we
write answers according to the current situation, they won't be graded.

4. No importance is given to physical education, even the weekly twice P.E. period will be taken by
the "main subject" teachers who want to complete their portions.

5. Long hours. We spend around 10-11 in school every day including all special classes but still won't
be learning anything practical.

1. The future of education depends on the education policies of the State and the Central

2. If I had the power to make changes then first I would change the concept of memorizing and
getting grades. A student should understand how in the real world will the concept be used and why
is he studying the subject.

3. Apart from the standard subjects that are taught I will make sure some life skills are also taught for
college students there should be practical sessions on 1. how to do taxes which many adults don't
know even after majoring in accounts 2. To learn basic tools such as Excel and PPT making which will
be helpful in their work life

1. Predicting the future is uncertain however with the right policies I believe the world has a bright
future as well as India.

2. Technology is one of the sectors where the world has seen immense growth and it is continuing to
grow every day, If things go in the same manner in the future with the advent of AI and technology
the world will be growing at an immense rate, all the menial works and mundane tasks will be taken
care of AI and humans will be doing more logical work with the help of AI

3. All the platforms will be digitalized and we will have plenty of resources to get information from.

4. As far as India is concerned today we are a country that has a large population and now there is a
high demand for Indian labourers around the world. But in the future, the demand for labor might go
down and people in India would be targeting on semi-skilled and skilled jobs to work.

5. Therefore the demand for the job sector will go high with a large number of competition. With the
right set of support and policies from the government we can make use of labours, be productive,
and will continue to be one of the global economy.

1. I usually get motivated to learn when I am interested in the concept/subject

2. I also get motivated when I feel I should develop skills that are required in the market right now for
landing the job I prefer

1. As a research analyst intern I will be helping the business analyst team to get the required
information right on time

2. Active research about the topics, identifying the right plan, and creating reports

3. Creating playbooks that have predefined steps to perform and to identify an issue

4. Intensive reading, learning and critical thinking for creating reports

5. Conducting primary and secondary researches and collecting details that are essential for the team

6. And, deciding on the various strategies of the business and key positioning among the

1. In my opinion the research analyst helps the organization in understanding the current trends,
customer preference and marketing strategies that can be effective.

2. Research analyst provides necessary information to the organization which will help the firm to
take final decisions

3. As a research analyst the primary work includes conducing primary and secondary researches,
analyzing and interpreting the data gathered, organizing a record of all the data gathered and to
communicate and collaborate with the necessary teams about the information gathered.

. I am a person who like to work on new things and to understand what solution will be the best fit
for it, research analyst is the type of role where I get to learn, understand, analyze the market
situation and identify patterns everyday.

2. As a person with sales background I have good communication skills so I can effectively
communicate my findings with different departments and easily coordinate with them.

3. As a business student who learns about entrepreneurship and understanding the different process
of business, being a research analyst will help me get first hand experience in knowing how the
market works and how to analyze it and how to present the data efficiently so that it will help the
business take important decisions.

4. Overall, I am excited for this role as I get to learn many things practically that I have been
theoritically learning in my masters and to effectively contribute for the successful running of the

1. First I'll understand the requirement then according to the need I'll gather information from
articles, journals, and company reports or conduct a survey accordingly

2. Then, will carefully curate all the details gathered from the above step and ensure that all the
required details are obtained.
3. Next, I'll organize the collected data and present it in an organized manner like a table or flow
chart that can be easily readable

1.For content creation, creative team, marketing and research team will be working together. The
creative team will be focusing on creating content that aligns with the brand. The marketing team
will focus on promoting the content on the required social media platforms. The research team will
be providing data driven insights and competitive analyses to the marketing team which will help the
teams to market it in a better approach.

2. For the pricing package, we can do performance based incentives or to give market rates which
ensures that we are at par with our competitors in the market.

. Introduction

a) The importance of go-to-market strategies in the social media landscape.

b) Research objectives and methodology.

2. Overview of Social media platform

a) Brief Introduction to Major Social Media Platforms

b) Market Share and User Base Statistic

3. Target Audience

a) Identifying the core target audiences of each platform

b) Tailoring Content for Specific Audiences

4. Product Positioning

a) USP of each platform

b) Brand differentiation strategies

5. Competitive Landscape and Future Trends

a) Comparative Analysis of Go-To-Market Strategies

b) Identifying emerging trends and their potential impact on the future of social media.

6. Conclusion

a) Summary of key findings and takeaways from the research.

b) Future research opportunities for further exploration.

1. I looked into various go-to-market templates and table of contents

2. Made a note on what are the repetitive and common contents that have been repeated
3. Made a table of contents and compared it with different examples that I have looked upon to
make sure I have included all the points.

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