Judy's Letter

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I have a friend named Judy. We grow up together. A

year ago She send me a message give me her address
and invite me over for her birthday.
anyway I go back to work I speak to my clients and
write some letters I spend so much time I forget the
time. Suddenly I see the clock and remember the
party. I change my clothes very fast wear my dressy
shoes and leave the work and run to the street. I
drive my car to a flower shop next to her house. I buy
her some nice flowers they are very expensive they
cost a lot ! but I think that’s OK I pay the money and
after that ring her bell.
She open the door and say: I think you won’t come
-I’m sorry I’m late. I have a lot of work to do. Here I
bring you these
-oh they are really nice. thank you
She put the flowers in a vase and I take off my coat.
The party is great I meet her friends we eat dinner
drink some tea and play a game I know all the
answers so I win it feel really good :)
After the game I am really tired so I tell them I go
home early cause I stand up all day and my feet hurt.
So I come home and sleep
The next morning someone knock on the door so I
wake up. Judy send me a letter .So I sit on the bed
and read it. She write:

Dear Anna
thank you for coming to my party and for the
beautiful flowers I find a good job in New York so I
have to leave. Sorry I don’t tell you last night I want
but I can’t. I hope to see you soon
with love. Judy ♥

I cry when I read it but I understand. She move to

New York after that but we keep in touch.
I miss her so much she teach me a lot. I hope she’s OK

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