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Factors Contributing Stress on Students

A Research Paper:
Presented to
Granja Kalinawan National High School
Hiagsam Annex
Jaro, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Basic Research Writing

Francis P. Remedio
Federico P. Arguilles
Julius Von P. Llovia
Mark Anthony Cabutin
Jeffrey Lianza
Marjun Candare
Rujen Karl Liporada

May 2024
Factors Contributing Stress
This research aims to find out what are the factors contributing stress that affects health,
studies, and emotions of students, and what are the possible and effective solution to this. This
study will determine to be the source of guidance and information for Grade 8 and Grade 9
students and even all the students of Granja Kalinawan National High School Hiagsam Annex of
Jaro, Leyte as they encounter stress in their teenage life. This study will give solution to the
amount of stress that Grade 8 and Grade 9 students already experiencing. It will also be an
awareness that dealing so much stress can cause deficiencies; physically, psychologically,
emotional, and their academic performance. To the teachers, it will serve as their awareness that
a teen can experience an amount of stress in their early life and as the second parents, this
research will also be a guide to them to help their students on how to minimize having stress and
how to avoid the factors that contribute it. To the parents, it will also be an awareness and
information on how to guide their children in facing stress be it in school or in their own family.
Most important is to avoid suicides caused by stress-to-depression cases like what our generation
facing right now. This research provides survey and questionnaires to the students and it serves
us as a guide to know what are the possible plans and solutions to make, and to have an
immediate response to the commonly existing problems including stress.

(Reddy K.L, Menon K. R, Thahil A. Academic Stress and its Sources Among University
Students. Biomed Pharmacol J 2018;11(1).)

Every one of us surely encountered being stress. Stress is used when something is too
much to handle especially when we encounter a problems.
But how and where stress started?
A physician named John Mason conducted an experiment in which two groups of
monkeys were deprived of food for a short period of time .In group 1, monkeys were alone,
while in group 2, monkeys watched others received food. Even though both groups of monkeys
were under the physical stress of hunger, those that saw others eat had a higher stress hormone
levels. He therefore showed that psychological stress was as powerful as physical stress at
inducing the body’s stress response. Many argued that if stress was a non-specific phenomenon,
then everyone should react the same way to the same stressors. But this did not seem right. Many
were also convinced that there had to be common elements that would elevates everyone’s stress
hormone levels. Study shows that stress in early life makes a part of the central nervous system
active in cognitive and emotional processing particularly sensitive to stress, thus even relatively
mild stress in adult hood may trigger mood and anxiety disorders in the individuals.
According to the “This Emotion and Life”, the effects of stress can be emotional,
psychological, and physical. Signs of stress are different in everyone, with some people
expressing more physical signs, like fatigue or high blood pressure, and others expressing more
emotion or psychological signs, like irritability or depression. If stress lasts too long or happens
too often, it can lead to more serious problems such as anxiety or depression, and physical
health problems such as heart disease and obesity.
Stress happens when we feel that we can’t cope with pressure that comes in many ways
and forms. There are many disadvantages of stress like it can affect our body and mind. People
who are suffering from large amounts of stress can become sick, and they can’t concentrate and
think clearly. When people are suffering from stress, sometimes their immune system goes
down, the people can do have difficulty in breathing and they can’t sleep well.

Purpose of the Study

1. This study will find out if the stress mentioned in the study are truly experiencing by
the students.
2. This study will also determine the factors contributing stress and how to composed a
problem-solution to this.

Significance of the Study

1. This research aims to find out what are the factors of stress that affects health, studies,
and emotions to the students.
2. This study will help the researchers to determine the possible solutions, and effective
recommendations when dealing stress.

Statements of the Problem

In order to get answers to the things that are connected to stress, especially its
manifestations, factors, and effects. The researchers will gathered different questions to find the
solution to stress. Especially this research sought to answer the questions:
1. What are the signs of stress?
2. What are the factors contributing to the stress of students?
3. What are the effects of stress to the students?
a. Health
b. Emotions
c. Academic Performance
4. What are the possible solutions and recommendations to the stress of students?

Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

1. This study will prove and find out if the stress mentioned in the study are truly
experiencing and dealing by the students.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on the “Factors Contributing Stress” on students. The main source of
the data will be the questionnaires, which were the researchers already prepared. The
respondents will be composed of 10% out of 180 randomly selected on Grade 8 and Grade 9
students of Hiagsam Annex. The result of this study is applicable only to the respondents of this
study but will not used as a measure to the factors that contributing stress of the students who do
not belong to the population of this study.

Theoretical Framework
Stress is our body’s response to change. Stressors are the situations that brings about
change. How we deal with and react to stress determines how it will affect our body. This
include changes in health, relationships, work, family, friends, lifestyle, and financial resources.
High levels of stress or chronic stress can lead to anxiety and depression. Ongoing anxiety and
depression are huge stressors.
According to Elizabeth Scott, PhD, and medically reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW,
stress is normal and, to some extent, a necessary part of life. Despite it being something
everyone’s experiences, what causes stress can differ from a person-to-person. According to the
American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United
States. In a 2015 survey, the APA reported that 72% of Americans stressed about money at least
some of the time during the previous month. The majority of the study participants reported
money being significant source of stress, with 77% feeling considerable anxiety about finances.
The term stress was borrowed from the field of physics by one of the fathers of stress
research Hans Selye. Hans Selye began using the term stress after completing his medical
training at the University of Montreal in the 1920’s. A physician named John Mason also
conducted an experiment in which two groups of monkeys were deprived of food for a short
period of time. In G-1, monkeys were alone, while in G-2, monkeys watched others received
food. Even though both groups of monkeys were under the physical stress of hunger, those that
saw others eat had higher stress hormone levels. He therefore showed that psychological stress
was as powerful as physical stress at inducing the body’s stress response.
Stress, medically reviewed by Jennifer Casarella, MD, is actually a normal part of life. At
times, it serves a useful purpose. Stress can motivate people get promotion at work, or run the
last mile of a marathon. Stress is a process, not a diagnosis. People experiences stress when there
is an imbalance between the demands being made on people and their resources to cope with
those demands. Stress is not always a bad thing. Some people thrive on stress and even need it to
get things done. When the term “stress” is used in a clinical sense, it refers to a situation that
causes discomfort and distress for a person and can lead to other mental health problems, such as
anxiety and depression.

(Factors Contributing Stress(What kinds of change(stressors) can lead to stress?
Factors Contributing Stress(The main causes of stress
Human>stress>what-is-stress(History of Stress-CESH/CSHS
Causes of Stress(
About Stress (

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