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so ammed thank you so much for your time it's a it's an honor to meet you and uh yeah I just

want my
audience to hear your story CU I've been following you online and as we were talking before we started
there I rewatched a video of yours where your family are on the street and they're unsheltered and
every time I watch it I cry um and I feel like the world should be looking at your content you know as a as
a brave beautiful representative of your people anything I can do to try and amplify your story and your
testimony I would love to do so first of all thank you and how are you today before if you want to get into
telling people who you are and what you're about how are you feeling right now and how are you feeling
today please first of all I'm thankful for Allah subhana tala and I'm thankful for you to make to make this
possible and to give me the chance to to amplify my voice and to reach my voice to to the people first of
all I will talk about my story I'm a normal human being I always dream to be doctor I always dream
dream to enter medicine the story started in 2010 when my little brother died from a car accident in
Gaza he then we we went to the hospital to treat him after the car accident uh he was he was the the
injury was exactly directly to his and he had uh intracranial bleeding severe intracranial hemorrhage and
we needed an urgent surgery to him to do but at that time there was no good NE surgeons at that time
uh in Gaza STP that's why he passed away he died and then I promised Allah subhana tala I sit with
myself and with Allah and I prayed and I promised Allah to enter to enter h uh College of Medicine and
to specialize neuros surgery to be able to help people exactly like my brother situation exactly like my
brother case to try to do what I couldn't do to my brother and that's why I entered medicine
alhamdulillah and I graduated then I graduated I entered missing in uh in Egypt at a Shams University I
graduated with Excellence With Honor alhamdulillah uh I was that 10th on my whole College
alhamdulillah uh and then I finished uh I graduated in 2022 and then I return to Gaza to make my
internship there in the hospitals of Gaza and after that I was planning to travel to UK H to specialize in
neurosurgery and to start uh my speciality my dream my dream which is neurosurgery to help every case
that is similar to my brother that I couldn't provide help for my brother at that time because I was in at
school and then alhamdulillah Allah Allah gave me the opportunity before even traveling to UK the
genocide started during my internship the genocide started during the genoci during the my during my
internship just before five months before I traveled to UK and start my specialization in neurosurgery my
exam was on the 15th of February and after that exam if I pass it I should receed my UK visa and then I
will travel to start my specialty in UK but the genocide started and cannot believe I I have I haven't any to
stop me I was gashed to to the consultant of neurosurgery at at the hospital at the roban Gaza hospital
and I asked him to to volunteer at the neurosurgery department in the in this unici side because we
don't we didn't know what it will end we didn't know what we will receive how many patients will
receive so I decided to try to help my people in the speciality that I love and the consultant Dr
Muhammad alhob he agreed to uh make my volunteer teering in the hospital and I started since the 7th
of October at the Arian Gaza Hospital trying to do my best helping my people I did many surgeries
especially like the same case of my brother wow really really I I feel so honored I feel so fantastic that I
helped and I saved lives I saved lives exactly like the case of my my brother really I couldn't imagine that
and I thank Allah subhana wa ta'ala he he brought me in that position he helped me and also I thank Dr
Muhammad Hui because he he gave me the the opportunity to to practice and to do surgeries to help
my people as much as I can really the genocide was so terrible every day I was I was at the hospital
continuously seven days I just go to home to see my my parents and my family once a week once a week
just little hours and then I return to to the hospital because the the cases the injured patient doesn't H at
that time they were they were so horrible and so many injured patients er a day so we couldn't leave the
hospital every day just we leave the hospital every five to seven days some hours to see our family and
then we return to work what I have seen I cannot express I cannot explain how how it was really it was a
lot of Flesh a lot of Flesh Sur suring us a lot of Flesh I I can't forget one patient female patient it's nearly
she was nearly 90 ER 20 29 years old and she arrived to us amputated both lower limbs just from above
level from higher level and just she has she she has his higher part of the body she was alive she has she
also had a trauma in the head I went rapidly with Dr Muhammad to that surgery and we under we went
her to surgery she underwent a k to me surgery in the head trying to save his life but she she lived but
she lived just with half a part she lived without legs without out without his lower part yeah we tried to
make her to live because we don't know if Allah subhana tala is planning for her a better life yeah she
will not she will not walk again she will not find a way to walk again but imagine where I found her limbs
where I found her limbs after I finished the surgery her sister arrived in another in another uh package in
the same in the same bomb bombshell in the same bombing of the same house I found the lmbs of ha in
the package of her sister her sister died and uh we buried the B of of the girl that we did the surgery for
her with her sister we didn't tell her that your BS with with your sister because it's so terrible it's so will
be so traumatizing for her because she she will not receive she will not be able to receive the death of
her sister how she will receive the that her Parts was with her sister and we buried the parts of her of
her with with her sister that's that's just a symbol just an example what I have seen I have seen a lot I
cannot explain well and no one can imagine what I have seen only by being with me on the ground only
if he come to Gaza and only if he arrive to Gaza to see what what I have seen what I have built what I
have done a lot of terrible situation that's why I'm talking about the busted ROM atic stress disorder yes
really it it it need to be changed the classification need to be changed we need to because you were
saying weren't you saying in your in your uh in your video on that that it's no longer enough the the
classification of severe trauma that what you've gone through is is is completely new you know um can I
can I just ask on that because I'm listening to you there and I'm thinking a western audience will just not
even understand I don't think because I'm finding it hard to understand how you as a young man like
how old are you anet do you mind me asking how old are you 20 29 so you're 29 a young man uh in your
first big position in a hospital and you go through this level of daily trauma how did you keep going like
how how does somebody not go I can't do this so can you take us through what's going on in your head
that you get up and you go to work every day to to be there the front line of your own people going
through a genocide and you're actually you're a Frontline worker helping them directly how do you do it
every day at the end of this of that day the ideas come to me to stop that to yeah leave the hospital
because I couldn't tolerate more I couldn't tolerate what I have seen every day what I what I'm seeing
what what I'm dealing with every day because not because I'm afraid no because I couldn't I couldn't
receive my people I couldn't receive my my beloved with my hands and dealing with them and saving
their lives but after after I have these ideas then I talk to me to myself if I if I left the hospital so the one
the my my colleague also will leave the hospital and no one will will be there to receive the the injured
patients and to try to to give them uh the the health aids I know that is so terrible I know that the the
the trauma that I had is so big but what I have did it make make it makes it makes me relieved that this
trauma inshallah inshallah will be relieved the the post trumatic stress disorder that inside me it will be
relieved by forc by Allah inshallah subhana because I did a lot for my people and I try to be in continuous
working in constant working tiously without a stop without a stop because if I stop another colleague
will stop also and then another colleague will stop so the hospital will will be without without any health
workers so the patients will the the injured patients will will will come to the hospital and they will will
not receive any AIDS yeah that's why I decided to continue I couldn't eat well at the hospital because
after after I receive at at least in each in each bomb in each bombing in each bombing of each house at
least we receive 20 Martyrs to and and 50 and 50 and 50 injured patients at least yes in each one in each
one and after that how can I go to the to my quarter to my room at at the hospital and eat well and sleep
well I couldn't sleep well I couldn't eat well I lost 16 kilogram just in five month during the genocide I was
very healthy I was in very healthy shape and very healthy uh body I I am I am an MMA fighter I'm yes I
love sport yeah I love Sport and I love I love boxing but I have lost 16 kilogram just because I don't have
desire to eat when I receive the patients when I receive the injured patients and also when I see the the
the the tears of their loves when just for example for example I I I couldn't I couldn't forget for for forgive
forgive me for that for what happened for one friend he just arrived to the hospital because the the the
occupation has bumped his his house uh on on his family and he just arrived to to make sure that they
are alive or or someone of them they still alive or not whole family did whole family was was deleted
was deleted from The Life just he will be he he will live he will continue in this life alone without his his
his his parents without his brothers without his his wife without his children the whole family died the
whole family died that's why I decided to continue I decided to continue trying to to do my best and if if
if I haven't a a mission or i h if I haven't a a goal or a dream to achieve and to continue and then to retain
with a good abilities with a greater abilities and with a greater skills H to help my people in the coming
years I could I would I wouldn't leave Gaza I wouldn't leave Gaza until the genocide ends but really really
really I I I just I just see that I need to complete my dream I need to achieve what I what I am trying to
achieve yeah especially especially continuing my mission I'm thinking that if I will continue my specialty I
will have a greater abilities a greater skills so I will I will give more to my family I will give more to my
people inshallah that's why I decided to leave I not I I I I wasn't deciding to leave because I'm afraid or
because I am tired from helping people no yes no I'm just now I'm just afraid on my family and on my
people that I have left in Gaza I couldn't evacuate them with me because the situation is so horrible here
a lot of thousands of dollars for each person to leave Gaza it's so yes and I'm going to come to um I'm
going to come to to you leaving in a moment but I I'd love just to ask you another couple of things again
if you don't mind and if if I'm asking anything that's re-traumatizing you or or making you think about
something you don't want to like just please just tell me you'd rather not talk about it but like were you
in fear for your own life as well because you know me I'm watching stuff on on Al jazer and watching
stuff on on social media that's the sense I'm getting from and anyone I've spoken to online say the reality
is much much worse so whatever we're seeing on social media and on Al jazer you need to multiply it it's
so much worse but you're seeing Horror in front of you of like you described that lady like the it's like
something out of a horror film all the time and as well as that are you afraid of your own life all for your
own life all the time because the impression I'm getting is that the occupation is threatening even sacred
spaces like churches and and hospitals and whatnot so are you afraid you're going to be killed every day
you go to work no I'm not afraid about myself I'm all I'm always just afraid about my family about my
that the ones that I love I I never afraid about myself because I have full faith in Allah subhana tal that he
will protect me and the death of each one of us will come in its time that is that is that is planned by
Allah only by Allah and no one can can harm me no one can get harm to me except by the decision and
by the plan of Allah subh that's why I have full faith in Allah subhana T that no harm will come to me and
no and no any threat can make me afraid because I have full faith in Allah subhana T that I have a
mission and I have a a dreams to achieve and I will benefit inshallah the whole Humanity especially my
people in Gaza inshallah after finishing myal it in NEOS surgery wow again that's going to be an idea
that's going to be tough for the West to get their head round you know cuz it's we're very kind of self
self-centered here we're very self- orientated it'll be a strange when to get your head around that but
like yeah it's beautiful and it makes a lot of sense I mean without your faith right now how would you
make sense of of what's going on I mean that's what I I would wonder we so you don't have a fear of
being killed yourself which is I get it just about I just about get it but do you have anger so you're going
to work every day and the the what your people are going through it's not a natural disaster it's a man-
made disaster so it's a man-made uh Mass starvation at the moment the bombs and the bullets are
coming from the West the the money is coming from the West is sponsoring the genocide of your own
people are you not out of your mind angry or how do you how do you what do you do with the anger
that surely you must experience I'm so angry I'm not so angry just from the Western that they are
sponsored the this genocide I'm so angry also from the Arabic countries yes that they are still silent from
the Muslim countries that they are still silent when they can make an action to stop this genocide when
they can take an action to stop this jde I think Netanyahu Nan has made a uh he he just made a just like a
try he he just make a trial he will buom he will bump a hospital and if the the whole world make an
action so he will stop Yes Yes hospital it was at the first of the genocide at the first of the war at the first
of the aggression he bombed aled hospital and 500 500 people was murdered at that at that at that
boming no one no one no one made action no one made anything just talk talk talk talk about that about
that idea about that genocide and about that genocide that ER 500 people was killed just during dur
during this uh bombing of the hospital itself then they forget everything uh they they they dealt
normally they kept they kept uh they kept their life normally without making an action that's why
Netanyahu then continue to bomb and to and to enter each hospital to bomb each University each uh
School even even the onoa school everywhere even the safe places he pumped them yeah even the safe
places he bombed them that's why I'm just I'm just ashamed of the whole of the whole countries of the
whole world especially the Muslim and Arab countries that they are making de decorations and they are
preparing H they were preparing since since four days to receive Ramadan to receive the holy month of
Ramadan by by buying a lot of things by buying a lot of foods and by buying a lot of decorations to
design to design their their houses and to receive Ramadan how dare that how dare they are receiving
Ramadan with a lot of happiness and we are receiving Ramadan with a lot of starvation and famine we
don't have food we don't have food I I haven't I haven't eat fruits since I have been managed to evacuate
from Gaza because my family they have no fruits my family they have no they have nothing sweet to eat
they have no meat they have no no chicken since I I I I I was I was 145 days in in in in in Gaza in these
days I didn't eat fruits I didn't eat sweet I didn't eat we don't have nothing there we have nothing there
we have we we don't have meat we don't have chicken every day I call my I I I I try to call my family to
see what they what they prepared what they prepar to eat because we are in Ramadan and we fast at
least 14 hours a day and then after that we we we try to find something good something H make make
us more powerful and make more healthier to eat to then to resist for the next day to eat to fast if we
will not eat well so we will not be resisting to to fast 14 hours continuously without drinking without
eating nothing and that's why I'm always trying to get to my family to see what they are preparing what
they are what they are eating nothing nothing nothing nothing just canned food just canned food and
they buy it and they they buy it the can food that arrived as Aid at a charity Aid they they they entered it
to us with money to the to the to some people and they buy it they buy a lot of the AIDS in the in the
markets in RAF and we buy we buy it with a with with a high prices we don't have money in Gaza and
also we don't have a lot of food in Gaza that's why I feel guilty when I eat something something sweet I
feel guilty when I eat fruits and there is no fruits and there's no sweets in in Gaza that's why I'm so
ashamed from the people that they are that they are receiving Ramadan with a lot of fruits with a lot of
meats with a lot of vegetables with a lot of of sweets and they are not making any action to stop this
unide we need just if you ask me what your hope and or what you what you dream to In This Moment In
This Moment especially in this moment I I hope cease fire I hope this jde to ends because I'm in constant
I'm constant worrying I'm in constant fear about my family I don't fear about myself I don't fear about
about being K by any threat from the from the from the the the seist yeah I don't fear I don't fear them I
fear on my family because they are still under the genocide if they don't if they will not be die by the
genocide and by bombing they will be dying by the starvation and the famine they are really I need this
unici to ends I need this this people this these countries to make an action when they make an action
when they can stop this jde the we are we are in the sixth month of the genocide and nothing happened
nothing changed only only the The Continuous bombing the continuous killing is continuing also there
was added on on the bombing and on the killing the starvation we are now we are now facing the
starvation and the famine and people are dying in my in my country in Gaza they are dying from
starvation from Hunger now they are dying from Hunger more then from being killed yes we are so tired
from that we need an action we need ceasefire I um I agree with you 100% on Israel uh as you say doing
a kind of a test to see how much they'll get away with and I think they're even they've even done that
with allies I feel with the US you know every new thing they do uh is a test to see how much can they get
away with before the US kind of Reigns them in and it's just step by step by step right up to now a
ground invasion in Rafa and that's what they're threatening and the US are saying no that's the red line
but they've said the previous things are red Lin so they feel like they can get away with it and even as I'm
talking about that now a ground invasion in Rafa to me over here in Ireland it's an abstract thing but to
you that sends a shiver down your spine that that terrorizes you because your family are right there right
now you know and like the empathy I feel right now is I've never felt anything like it in my life but can
you even just tell us you know like for instance how are your family today are you able to keep in touch
with them all the time are they constantly on your mind do you are you in touch with them I'm so I'm so
sad to say that I'm not in contact with them all all over the time because there is no internet connection
there yes I have I just have in contact with them when I was in Gaza because I have an electronic Sim
electronic Sim so I can I can contact the whole world outside Gaza and inside Gaza and I was I I I was
their Wi-Fi I was connecting internet to my family to my parents to to to take to take care of of of their
beloved but now I I have I have at least uh 10 days evacuated I just talked to my mother and to my father
just twice go that's why I'm continuous worrying about them I just talk to them twice there is no internet
connection there only only I I I'm trying to get to to one friend that he has es H then I I begging him or
asked him to to go to my family in the ra to to make sure that they are alive they are still safe that's why
I'm continuous worrying about them and and and that's why I I want at least at least if I couldn't
evacuate them as soon as possible at least to stop this fire to stop the genocide then I would be relieved
somehow until I can evacuate them yes that's why and I'm so afraid that the US is supporting Israel in
getting into Rafa if they if they enter Rafa it's a really genocide I can't imagine how how it will be my
feelings and my my fear on my family and on my people they it's in ra there are more than one and half
million people in RAF just in RAF so I'm so afraid that after Ramadan they just suspend the the the
entering uh RAF for Ramadan and I think I think they are planning to enter after Ramadan I'm so worried
about that that's why I need I need did you decide to stop when they when they can take action so
ammed where are you right now tell our listeners so you said that you you left was it 12 12 days ago and
can you tell us about leaving and what what difficulty it was and actually getting out and where you are
right now yeah leaving was leaving leaving Gaza was so terrible for me because I just leave and I know
that I left my family and my people and my injured patients behind me but as I said I have a mission to
complete I have a dream to complete and then I hope that I will return to Gaza with a greater abilities
and with a greater skills after I finish my speciality inshallah and then I will return with greater abilities to
help my people more and more inshallah I went outside and I'm now in Cairo uh in Egypt at home with
one my friend his gazan friend that he is studying medicine uh in Egypt uh I hoped that I couldn't that I
could evacuate my family with me but I couldn't I have Haven a lot money to evacuate them you we obl
to pay a lot of money to evacuate our families to evacuate each one so yeah can can you tell me more
about that so who's benefiting from CU you know I get sent on stuff all the time from people trying to
raise money to get their family out of Gaza so who's who's um is it the Israelis is it the Egyptians um why
is it such a high price um and who's benefiting from that financially can you tell us about that if I tell you
about that I think I will be in trouble I'm Not Afraid about myself I can't talk about them I can't no no I
can't talk about I I can't talk about them I'm Not Afraid about myself but I will be afraid about my people
and about my family H in Gaza because they are still waiting to be nth less to evacuate they are still be
waiting to evacuate if they will be known ER then maybe they can stop all that [ __ ] uh and I hope it stop
I hope it will stop but if if it stop they will close the RAF land Crossing so they no one of the Palestinian
can can be evacuated even with high prices nor by by low prices that's why that's why everyone is
keeping Silence about that issue uh because I am evacuated as a Palestinian as gazan as gazan person
evacuated but the rest of my family they are still trapped in Gaza if I talk about them if I talk about what
they are ER making so ashamed and they taking a lot of thousands of dollars but each one I have
evacuated I have I have been $8,000 to evacuate just to evacuate myself just to evacuate myself I I paid
$8,000 wow and if I talk about them so everything will stop and they will stop this this the only way to
get out through Gaza is through this [ __ ] through this thing and through paying a lot of thousand dolls
and if I talk about them for example and we try to stop them they will stop understand but no one can
get out Gaza yeah and you know that h a lot of thousands of uh gazan people they are trying to save
their lives and their and the lives and the lives of their beloved to get out Gaza and I will harm them if I
talk I understand I understand completely it's a question for another day and we'll talk about it some
other time but uh yeah you know we will talk inshallah about it after the end of this jde inshallah yes yes
we look we need to look at the big picture for now I get that totally you know somebody might come
across our podcast and they might say oh my God TIG is talking to a guy from Gaza and uh you know he's
a doctor and well he says he's a doctor anyway um because a lot of people in Gaza are saying that
they're doctors but they're actually H in the resistance you know what would you say to PE and by the
way not that I wouldn't support the resistance but the Western H perspective is because they've swalled
a lot of propaganda so in Gaza you know we're led to believe that first of all hospitals and all these places
they're all legitimate targets because there's tunnels underground and Hamas are present and also um
most people are are are terrorists and you guys don't want peace and you all hate Jews that that would
be like a part of a kind of a western narrative that some that might sound ridiculous but I think people in
the middle would kind of think that's probably true unless they're watching Al jazer or they're reading
books so what would you say to that Western uh narrative about uh that they are uh they are not sure
that I am doctor or what no exactly no I mean that's just a stupid joke I mean but I mean they would feel
like uh the hospital that you work in uh for instance there's Terror tunnels to use Israeli propaganda
terminology underneath and that you're all basically in the resistance you know yes you're a Doctor by
day but you're probably um a member of Hamas by night and that would be across the across the board
that you all love violence and that you all can't live in peace with with Israelis what would you say to that
I worked during the genocide the whole days of the genocide during the hospital and I reside H at the
Arian Gaza Hospital more than at my home more than at the the the displaced home of my family that's
that's why H what what I want to say that I have seen everything and I have seen every thing in the in
the inside the hospital and no one no one is inside the hospital is belong to Hamas or belong to anyone
of uh of of these of this of this group because because the hospital only only contain only contain
doctors nurses and injured patients and we trying to help them we make a swear to Allah to help them
that's why I'm talking no it's it has no sense to to make our hospitals our hospitals for the for them
because we will be under threat and we will be under ER under fear from being bombed if yes they if
they are received us inside inside the hospital that's why we are so careful of that we are so careful of
being of being just it is an Health government building hospital so its main its main Aid or its main goal is
to receive patients and to give them uh the relief and to give me them the aid as much as as as we can so
for instance one of the Israeli uh propagandists Elon Levy I think is his name who's an extraordinarily
unpleasant individual has said recently that there are no restrictions on Aid getting into Gaza at all so
that Gaza is effectively lying H to the world that there are no restrictions and that people have enough
enough to eat so can you can you give us a sense of the you know so from the last week that you were
were there I mean as much as you can without ret traumatizing yourself like what are you looking at
both inside and outside work what does Gaza look like and what are the people presenting with in terms
of new nutition or you know how are the people during this Onslaught I'm so ashamed from what he
says but uh I have a lot of videos on my phone yes proving the famine and the genocide yes I just I just
presented I just presented a little of them on through my Instagram but I have a lot of other videos I
didn't I didn't show them to the whole world because they are so traumatizing they are so traumatizing
and they are so so sad videos and I think uh the Instagram will block me if I if I post these videos they will
we are in Gaza we are living in a real famine we are living in a real starvation it's it it is a relief I mean and
it is just less than 10% of the whole AIDs that they are planned to enter they enter they they get the the
the IDS inside just 10% of the AIDS I when I went outside Gaza and when I evacuated when I evacuated I
have seen with my eyes I I didn't I didn't hear from anyone I have seen with my eyes the full the high
numbers of trucks that fall with AIDS and they are just waiting that isi permission to be given to the
Egyptian side to enter this AIDS a lot a lot a lot of tracks a lot of trucks thousands thousands of trucks
they are waiting on the Egyptian side they are waiting on the Egyptian side look at me imagine from
from RAF from Rafa until I arrive smia smia is a city just beside too is just beside Toyo it's a very long
distance it's a very long distance the whole this this distance it was a lot of truns every every every every
street I walk with the with the you know that H we enter Rafa we enter Cairo H through uh through boes
we don't have airbots and we don't have air plans to go through it just we we we are evacuating we are
evacuating from Gaza to Egypt across cars and buses uh and we during my travel during my trips during
my trip to to Cairo really I have seen thousands of trucks full with AIDS and full with with nutrition full
with with a lot of clothes they are just waiting a permission from the Israeli side to enter Gaza to enter
Gaza and and uh then after that at least at least 50% of these eights the Israeli side stallen them yes and
and the rest is still waiting the permission who the the truck that they didn't the truck that the Israeli
side didn't make approve or get get agreed to the to this truck to enter they talk them they talk the the
truck with the whole Aid that they contain my God that's why they they are stoling a lot of AIDS they are
stoling a lot of AIDS you I was going to ask I'm just going to ask you another two two questions say but
one I think is I mean you've touched it before but you know if you could speak to people in this part of
the world so obviously I'm in Ireland but if you could speak to people in Europe generally say and the US
just ordinary people you know what would you say what would you say to them to try and change their
minds or perspective on on what's going on what would you recommend they do I recommend them not
to be tired not to be silenced not to be blind anymore and the truth is so clear that we are innocent that
they are killing children and they are they are not making difference between Hamas group or children
or women we are the the numbers of the women and the number of of children that that have killed this
and during this unide is so so so so high that that make proof and make sense that this genocide is a
really genocide and it's not against Hamas it's against each Palestinian it's against each Palestinian that's
why I recommend and I hope of all of you in Europe to be supporting to us and to keep to keep to keep
talking about us to keep boasting about us and not to return to your normal routine life and forget us we
are still dying in Gaza we are still in severe starvation my family and my people they are still in severe
starvation in Gaza please don't stop talking Don't Stop Don't Stop boasting about us don't stop trying to
do the your your best don't stop put ER but cutting but cutting a lot of like McDonald's when I I I want to
talk I I want to tell you a story when I return to kanun which which is my home there when I return to
kanun after after the incubation have lefted have left the the the area where where I born and where I
live I wanted to to see it I have I have a missing to to toar to to it so I I decided I decided to make to make
it I I know it's dangerous I know it's dangerous to go there but I decided to go with my with my two
brothers we went there and we we have seen a lot of things so terrible there we have seen a lot lot of
pepsic can a lot of a lot of MacDonald's meals a lot of Kentucky meals they were eating these things
during their their bombing to US during their killing to us they were taking strength and health from
these meals from these drinks and you are still buying these things and you are still eating these things
we have seen with with with our eyes we don't need to any proof that they are supporting isra we don't
need any proof that they are uh they are supporting financially Israel and for example for example here
in Egypt here in Egypt uh a lot of Egyptian alhamdulillah the Egyptian people is supporting us so much a
lot of Egyptian people H they are still butting the these these uh restaurants like McDonald's for example
McDonald's after a lot of uh of failing a lot of failure Financial fail H he he he posted on his on his uh
restaurants H uh the our our flag our flag and he says that we are yeah it's it's so ridiculous it's so
ridiculous and that that doesn't make sense he says he he says under the flag under the flag he says I will
I will take a picture from of that and I will send it to you inshallah today today in after the after after
Breaking My fasting I will go to one to one of the restaurants of MacDonald's and I will see you what they
are boasting just to convince the Egyptian people to go and to buy from them they are they are boasting
they are boasting the egyp the Egyptian and the Palestinian flags and they are saying we are Egyptian
and we are not Israeli we are not supporting Israel we are supporting Palestinian people how dare that I
have seen with my eyes I have seen with my eyes the the the the the meals of MacDonald's and of
Kentucky in in the in the in the places that where the that the the incubations and the Israeli Army were
residing in kanun I have seen with my eyes I don't I I don't want anyone to prove to me that they are not
they are suppored we have seen a lot of things that's why please keep keep boycotting keep posting
keep talking about us until any change any serious change from the US government because we know
very well that the only government that can stop isra is the US government the US government is the
only government that can stop the Israeli Army that's why I'm just that's why I'm just I'm just picking all
of you I'm just bigging of all of you bigging of all of you to keep posting and to keep to keep talking about
us until this genocide ends until ceasefires occur because we are so tired we are so traumatized we are
so hungry we are we have we Are a Human Being exactly like you exactly like you the Arabian countries
and the Arian people we have dreams we have a lot of feelings we have a lot of dreams to achieve we
we love this life we love to live we love to live comfortably we love to live normally we love to live and
this and interesting what is in the life that's why I need all of you to keep to keep boasting and to keep
talking about us that's beautiful man that is so beautiful so look we're coming to the end so I just wanted
to ask you two last quick things sorry now I I it's taken longer than I thought but I just wanted to ask are
you able to you know receive any treatment for your trauma right now you said that you're not eating
and I understand that of course you're traumatized by what's going on with your family but you
obviously have post-traumatic stress disorder which you've described so eloquently in that video that
people should check out on your Instagram page you said that you're at not a severe level worse than
that a Palestinian level is the way you put it are you receiving any treatment for that right now and how
you call I started I started I started to receive treatment and I went to a psychiatrist a good psychiatrist
one an Egyptian Doctor Who teach who teached me at the University uh faculty of medicine and I talked
to her and also I have one one of my of Dr wisam have contacted me he is a specialist in uh postraumatic
disorder and acupuncture Chinese acupunctur oh wow he talked he talked to me and he wanted to help
me also I didn't meet him yet but I will meet him inshallah and I think he he will make me h a lot of
sessions ER to help me and to try to to relieve my TR yes yes okay well look ammed it's been an absolute
honor to speak to you and I've cried with you there um I I have got so much love and respect for you
both you and your people and I would like you to finish up by saying what's your uh what's your hope
what's your dream for for both you and your people what's the future in an ideal way God willing my my
dream for me and for my people for my people first for my people and my family is to cease fire to cease
fire as soon as possible and my dream for me is to be a great great great great neurosurgeon inallah and
to help as much as I can from outside and from inside especially my Gaz and beable inshallah and I have I
have to accomplish that inshallah I have full faith in Allah that I will accomplish that and I have yeah I am
severely traumatized but I have I'm very so I'm very strong and I get my strength from Allah Always by
praying and reading Quran and uh alhamdulillah I I'm very I'm very strong to continue and to start my
dream and inshallah inshallah in the coming years I will be a great new surgeon inshallah and I will help I
will help a lot of people inshallah thank you my friend thank you for your time thank you so much to
thank you thank you I'm so happy to to talk to you

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