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unit 7 answer key

1. Reading 1 task 4 page 121

2. task 6 page 126
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. NI
5. NI
3. Task 7
1. A computer virus is a form of malicious software that piggybacks onto legitimate application
code in order to spread and reproduce itself.
2. In the early time, pre internet days, viruses often spread from computer to computer via
infected floppy disk. Today, viruses spread via internet.
3. There are various types of viruses.
4. No, it isn’t
5. Antivirus software is the most widely known product in the category of malware protection
4. task 8 page 127
1. it => biological
2. they => files
3. they => vectors
4. itself => virus
5. which => trojans
5. task 9 page 127
1. reproduces (paragraph 1) = replicates
2. infect (paragraph 1) = spread to
3. changing (paragraph 2 ) = altering
4. immediately (paragraph 6 ) = instantly
5. complain (paragraph 7) = grumble
6. task 12 page 131
1. Computer security basically is the protection of computer systems and
information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. It is the process of preventing and
detecting unauthorized use of your computer system.
2. They are confidentiality, integrity, availability and authentication
3. Computer security threats are possible dangers that can possibly hamper the normal
functioning of your computer.
4. Information security is securing information from unauthorized access,
modification & deletion. Computer Security means securing a standalone machine by
keeping it updated and patched. Cybersecurity is defined as protecting computer systems,
which communicate over the computer networks.
5. Viruses, Computer worm, Phishing, Botnet, Rootkit and Key logger

answer key Unit 8

1. task 2 page 144
1. whole (paragraph 1) =entire
2. usually(paragraph 2) = normally
3. acceptable (paragraph 3) = valid
4. seem (paragraph 6) = appear
5. believable (paragraph 7) = credible
6. decreasing (paragraph 8) = reducing
7. spreading (paragraph 10) = proliferating
8. ready (paragraph 10) = ripe
the words that mean the opposite of:
1. danger (paragraph 1) > < safety
2. destroy (paragraph 4) > < create
3. rare (paragraph 4) > < plentiful
4. separate (paragraph 5) > < combine
5. minor (paragraph 7) > < major
6. less than (paragraph 8) > < upward
7. enjoyment (paragraph 9) > < suffering
8. aggravate (paragraph 9) > < alleriate

2. task 6 page 146

1f 2d 3a 4e 5b 6c
3. task 7 page 146
1. X-ray and scan technology, inventory control, patient details,
billing rates, treatment statistics, drug records, bed records, staff records, ect.
2. A database management system
3. Its function is to manage multi-user databases – to handle requests
for access data from users, manage record locking for multi-user access, provide
database integrity recovery in the event of system failure, and split data structures from
the program accessing the data ( very important for system maintenance, as it allows
the data structure to be easily changed without necessarily having to modify all
programs accessing the data)

4. task 8 page 148


answer key unit 9

1. task 2 page 161

a. gmail
b. google map
c. grab
d. calendar
e. web browser
f. facebook g.calculator

2. task 3 page 163

1. What does the term “app” refer for?
A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablet computers.
2. What is mobile app?
Apps that are not preinstalled are usually available through distribution platforms
called app stores
3. What are app stores?
They began appearing in 2008 and are typically operated by the owner of
themobile operating system
4. Who operate the app stores?
For apps with a price, generally a percentage, 20-30%, goes to the distribution
provider (such as iTunes), and the rest goes to the producer of the app
5. How much does the producer usually get for an expensive app?
The term "app" is a shortening of the term "application software". It has become
very popular, and in 2010 was listed as "Word of the Year" by the American Dialect
6. What did the American Dialect Society call as “Word of the Year” in 2010?
In 2009, technology columnist David Pogue said that newer smartphones could be
nicknamed "app phones" to distinguish them from earlier less- sophisticated
7. Why can newer smartphone be nicknamed as “app phone”?
However, public demand and the availability of developer tools drove rapid
expansion into other categories
8. Why were later mobile apps offerd for other categories?
Market research firm Gartner predicted that 102 billion apps would be
downloaded in 2013 (91% of them free), which would generate $26 billion in the
US, up 44.4% on 2012's US$18 billion.[10] By Q2 2015, the Google Play and Apple
stores alone generated $5 billion
9. How many apps were Market research firm Gartner predicted to be downloaded
free in 2013?
while over 529,000 jobs have been created in 28 EU states due to the growth of the
app market
10. According to the text, how many jobs have been created in 28 EU states due to the
growth of the app market?
over 529.000
3. task 4 page 164
1. undesired
2. in contrast to
3. called
4. apps with a price
5. is a shortening of
6. rapid
7. prevalent
4. task 5 page 164
1. T
2. F (Some apps are free, while others must be bought)
3. T
4. F (The explosion in number and variety of apps made discovery a challenge.
5. 5. F (in Q2 2015).

5. task 6 page 168

1. Because most OS products don’t support TCP/IP networking directly. Micro/sys
developed the Embedded Netsock system, which is stored in flash with our
RUN.EXE firmware. In simplistic terms, Embedded Netsock extends the on-board
BIOS to be able to directly manage a very limited subset of TCP/IP networking with
no third party products. Therefore, no OS needs to be installed, as a single .EXE file
that has included the NETSOCK.H include file can be executed directly by the
computer's on-board firmware
2. Because a single .exe file that has included the netsock.h include file can be
executed directly by the computer’s on-board firmware.
If you are using a 32-bit OS, it is most advisable to use the TCP/IP network
stack that is supplied with that OS. This provides the maximum amount of
integration, and therefore the least amount of work
3. Using the TCP/IP network stack that is supplied with that OS.
Once the edit, compile, link, and optionally locate, cycle is done, you need to have a
debug strategy
4. It’s a debug strategy.
5. Borland C++ Versions 2.1 through 5.0; Microsoft C/C++ Versions 5.1, 6.0, and 7.0;
Microsoft Visual C++ Version 1.52
6. task 7 page 168
1. F (For 16-bit systems, most OS products do not support TCP/IP networking directly)
In simplistic terms, Embedded Netsock extends the on-board BIOS to be
able to directly manage a very limited subset of TCP/IP networking with no third
party products
2. F (Embedded Netsock can directly manage a very limited subset of TCP/IP
networking with no third party products)
If you are using a 32-bit OS, it is most advisable to use the TCP/IP network stack
that is supplied with that OS
3. F (You should use the TCP/IP network stack with a 32-bit OS.)
At the very lowest level, you can always embed debug printout messages into your
source code, and have it tell you what it's up to
4. T
5. T

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