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The global reformation of power system networks has been driven by the need to prevent
monopolies and improve efficiency. Historically, power systems operated under a vertically
integrated model, where one entity-controlled generation, transmission, and distribution.
However, contemporary reforms have dismantled this structure, delineating these functions
into separate sectors. This restructuring has facilitated greater participation of Independent
Power Producers (IPPs) in the generation segment and has paved the way for open access in
transmission, enabling multiple entities to utilize the transmission network.

Fig.1. Structure of conventional vertically integrated utility

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Despite strides made in unbundling generation, transmission, and distribution, introducing
competition in the transmission sector remains a formidable challenge. The primary obstacle
lies in the necessity of building new transmission infrastructure for each generation source,
rendering it financially burdensome and logistically complex to foster competition
effectively. Consequently, transmission price sharing emerges as a crucial aspect within the
reformed power structure, aimed at addressing the challenges associated with equitable cost
allocation in the transmission segment.

Various methodologies have been proposed to tackle the complexities of transmission price
sharing and promote healthy competition in the electricity sector. These strategies often
involve unbundling transmission costs from generation and distribution expenses, instituting
transparent pricing mechanisms, and establishing regulatory frameworks that encourage
efficient utilization of existing transmission assets. By incentivizing investment in essential
transmission infrastructure and ensuring fair access to transmission networks, regulators aim
to create an environment conducive to market competition.

Ultimately, the objective of introducing competition in the transmission sector is to foster

innovation, enhance grid reliability, and improve overall efficiency in the power system. By
promoting fair and transparent pricing practices and facilitating equitable access to
transmission facilities, regulators aim to create opportunities for smaller market players,
including renewable energy developers, to participate in the electricity market. This, in turn,
contributes to a more diverse and resilient energy landscape, better equipped to meet the
evolving needs of consumers and support the transition towards cleaner and more
sustainable energy sources.

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The literature review for the project titled "Enhancing the MW-mile method for transmission
pricing by optimizing with Bat algorithm" draws from various scholarly sources to provide a
comprehensive overview and insights into the subject matter.

The project seeks to optimize the MW-mile method for transmission pricing through the
refinement of the Bat Algorithm.The article [1] introduces an enhanced version of the Bat
Algorithm tailored for optimizing transmission network expansion plans with a focus on
minimizing active power losses. This work modifies the traditional bio-inspired algorithm to
better address the specific challenges of electrical power transmission systems, aiming to
improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of network expansion under the constraints of
reducing power loss.

The paper [2] introduces an innovative version of the bat algorithm that incorporates a novel
topology to enhance its performance and convergence properties. This study focuses on
improving the algorithm's efficiency and reliability in solving complex optimization
problems by redesigning its structure to facilitate better information exchange among bats.
The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of the proposed algorithm's convergence
behaviour, demonstrating its superior performance compared to traditional bat algorithm

The paper [3] offers an extensive review of the Bat Inspired Algorithm (BIA), covering its
various adaptations, applications across different fields, and its hybridization with other
computational methods. The authors meticulously categorize and discuss the numerous
variants of the bat algorithm that have been developed to tackle specific optimization
problems. They also explore the wide range of applications where BIA has been applied,
from engineering design to data mining, highlighting its versatility and effectiveness.
Additionally, the paper delves into the hybridization of the bat algorithm with other
optimization techniques, showing how these integrations can lead to improved performance
and solving capabilities. This comprehensive review serves as a valuable resource for
researchers interested in the current state and future potential of bat-inspired computational

The article [4] examines the role of the sharing economy in transforming local energy
markets, proposing a new framework for sharing energy resources within communities. The

Page 3 of 49
study highlights how advances in technology and the growing emphasis on sustainable living
have paved the way for a shift towards localized energy trading and sharing systems. By
analyzing the potential benefits and challenges of implementing a sharing economy approach
in the energy sector, the authors suggest that such systems can enhance energy efficiency,
reduce costs, and contribute to environmental sustainability. The paper also discusses the
necessary technological, regulatory, and social conditions for the successful adoption of
energy sharing models, offering insights into the future of decentralized energy markets.

The paper [5] proposes a novel transmission pricing model that integrates the marginal
benefits of transmission services with detailed spatiotemporal electricity demand data. The
model aims to enhance the efficiency and fairness of electricity market operations by aligning
transmission prices more closely with actual system usage and demand patterns.

The article [6] provides an overview of the latest developments in bat-inspired algorithms,
detailing various versions and their applications in different fields. It highlights the
algorithm's versatility, efficiency in solving optimization problems, and its application across
a wide range of disciplines, underscoring the ongoing research and potential future directions
of this bio-inspired computational technique.

The article [7] introduces the Reptile Search Algorithm (RSA), a new nature-inspired meta-
heuristic optimization technique modelled after the foraging behaviour of reptiles. It
demonstrates RSA's effectiveness and flexibility in solving complex optimization problems
across various fields.

The comprehensive review [8] explores the symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm,
detailing its conceptual foundation, variants, and applications. It evaluates the algorithm's
performance and discusses its utility in solving diverse optimization challenges.

The paper [9] presents a methodology for optimal transmission expansion planning that
incorporates MW-Mile pricing and transmission constraints. It aims to improve the efficiency
and reliability of power systems by considering the cost implications and physical limitations
of transmission expansion.

The study [10] explores the MW-Mile approach for transmission pricing in electricity
markets, offering insights into its potential for fair and efficient allocation of transmission
costs. It analyses the implications of this pricing method on market participants and system

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The paper [11] introduces an enhanced version of the Bat Algorithm, integrating multiple
strategies to improve its efficiency and effectiveness in numerical optimization. The proposed
modifications aim to increase the algorithm's ability to find global optima by enhancing
exploration and exploitation capabilities.

The study [12] presents a new methodology for transmission expansion planning that
leverages the MW-mile method. It aims to optimize the planning process by considering the
economic aspects of transmission line investments and their operational impacts on the power

The research [13] proposes a novel approach to the MW Mile Method for cost allocation in
transmission lines. It focuses on creating a fairer and more accurate method for distributing
the costs of transmission among users, based on their usage and distance from the power

The bibliographical survey [14] reviews various pricing methodologies used for congestion
management in deregulated electricity markets. It covers a range of strategies and models
developed to address congestion, with an emphasis on their application, advantages, and

The article [15] explores the evolution of pricing mechanisms for transmission and
distribution networks. It reviews historical and contemporary practices, highlighting how
changes in the energy market, regulatory frameworks, and technology have influenced
pricing strategies over time.

By leveraging findings from these sources, the project aims to develop an improved
optimization framework for transmission pricing, addressing cost reduction and
computational efficiency concerns.These studies collectively offer valuable insights into
various aspects of transmission expansion planning, optimization algorithms, and congestion
management in electricity markets. Integrating findings from these studies could contribute to
developing comprehensive approaches for efficient and sustainable expansion of transmission
networks. Overall, the literature review synthesizes diverse perspectives from scholarly
sources to inform the project's goal of enhancing the MW-mile method for transmission
pricing through the optimization of the Bat Algorithm. It offers a comprehensive
understanding of relevant concepts, methodologies, and advancements in the field of
optimization and transmission pricing.

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The selection of this project is motivated by several key factors, each of which underscores
its significance within the energy sector. Firstly, the ongoing global reform in power systems
presents a compelling opportunity to contribute to a crucial aspect of the industry. With the
transition towards open access transmission systems gaining momentum worldwide, there is a
pressing need to address challenges associated with transmission pricing allocation. By
focusing on this aspect, the project aims to make a meaningful contribution to the ongoing
transformation of power systems, aligning with broader efforts to enhance efficiency and
promote competition in the electricity sector.

Secondly, the decision to utilize the MW mile method within the IEEE-9 system offers a
specific and well-defined context for the study. This deliberate choice enables a targeted and
focused approach to the research, allowing for a deep dive into the intricacies of transmission
pricing allocation within a realistic and representative framework. By grounding the study in
a tangible and widely recognized system, the project gains credibility and relevance,
facilitating a more meaningful exploration of the subject matter.

Furthermore, the incorporation of the Bat algorithm optimization technique introduces an

innovative dimension to the project. By leveraging this advanced optimization method, the
project aims to push the boundaries of traditional approaches and achieve superior results in
transmission pricing allocation. The adoption of cutting-edge techniques not only enhances
the rigor and sophistication of the research but also positions the project at the forefront of
innovation within the field of power systems engineering.

Overall, the project represents a unique opportunity to contribute to the advancement of

power systems engineering addressing a pertinent and complex issue, leveraging established
methodologies within a practical context, and introducing innovative techniques to enhance
performance. Through its focused approach, utilization of real-world systems, and application
of advanced optimization methods, the project has the potential to yield valuable insights,
offer practical solutions, and make a tangible impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of
transmission pricing allocation in modern power systems.

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The transformation of the power sector represents a remarkable journey through history,
evolving from a state where vertically integrated utilities monopolized the entire system, with
each operation closely regulated by individual state authorities, to an era marked by
significant deregulation and open competition. This pivotal shift, often referred to as
reformation or deregulation, has fundamentally altered the landscape of the electric power
industry. It has dismantled the traditional model, segregating the industry into three distinct
components: generation, transmission, and distribution. A crucial aspect of this
transformation has been the decoupling of transmission ownership from the operational
control of the transmission network, alongside the establishment of a competitive market for

Fig.2. Typical structure of deregulated electricity system

The driving force behind this comprehensive reformation is multifaceted. At its core, the
initiative aims to dismantle monopolistic control over the critical phases of production,
transmission, and distribution of electricity. By doing so, it injects a healthy dose of
competition into the sector, with the anticipation of numerous benefits. This includes the
elevation of service quality and the enhancement of operational efficiency across the board.

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The rationale for embarking on this path of deregulation stems from a desire to confer upon
consumers a broader array of choices when it comes to procuring economical energy

Furthermore, the push towards privatization, coupled with the competitive pressure, is
expected to lead to significant cost reductions. This not only benefits consumers directly
through reduced prices but also encourages a more customer-focused approach within the
industry. Competition fosters innovation, as companies strive to differentiate themselves and
attract customers through unique offerings and superior service. This includes providing a
wider selection of generation options, ensuring the availability of high-quality electrical
power characterized by stable voltage, consistent frequency, and a reliable, uninterrupted

The overarching goal of these reforms is not merely to alter the structural and operational
dynamics of the power sector but to redefine the relationship between electricity providers
and consumers. By promoting choice, encouraging innovation, and focusing on customer
satisfaction, the reformation seeks to create a more resilient, efficient, and consumer-friendly
electricity market. This transition, while complex and fraught with challenges, particularly in
the realms of transmission competition and cost allocation, represents a significant step
forward in meeting the evolving needs of society and ensuring the sustainable delivery of
electricity in the modern era.

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Transmission open access (TOA) refers to the policy or practice that allows multiple parties,
such as independent power producers (IPPs) and private entities, to access the transmission
network for the purpose of trading electricity. This concept has gained prominence after the
restructuring of existing power system networks, which has increased the involvement of
IPPs in electricity generation and allowed for the conversion of the existing transmission
system to open access. The primary aim of TOA is to promote competition, efficiency, and
investment in the electricity sector by enabling a wider range of market participants to access
the transmission network.Transmission pricing, on the other hand, is the method used to
determine the cost of transmitting electricity through the grid in a deregulated environment.
This process involves allocating costs among market participants based on the amount of
electricity they consume or generate. The importance of transmission price allocation lies in
its role in bringing competition to the transmission division, which is challenging due to the
need to build new transmission lines for each generation source. Therefore, transmission price
sharing is a crucial aspect of the reformed structure, and various methodologies have been
proposed by researchers to address this challenge. The objective of transmission price sharing
is to bring healthy competition to the electricity sector.

Various methods are used for transmission price allocation, with the postage stamp method
being the most commonly used. Other methods include the zonal method, nodal method,
flow-based market coupling, and marginary cost-based methods. Each method has its
advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific
circumstances and objectives of the transmission pricing scheme.

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The MW-Mile method, also known as the Megawatt-Mile method, is a technique used in the
electricity industry to allocate transmission costs among users of the transmission grid. It
calculates the cost of transmitting electricity based on the distance travelled(in miles) and the
amount of power (in megawatts) being transmitted. This method is often used in the context
of open access transmission systems, where multiple parties can access the transmission
grid.The MW-Mile method is considered more equitable than some other methods, as it takes
into account both the distance travelled and the amount of power transmitted. This means that
users who transmit more power over longer distances generally pay more for transmission
costs, reflecting the actual usage of the transmission grid. However, implementing the MW-
Mile method can be complex, as it requires accurate measurement and calculation of both the
distance travelled and the amount of power transmitted.

The MW-Mile approach is widely favoured because it provides a measure of the actual usage
of the transmission line, ensuring that users who transmit more power over longer distances
pay proportionally more for the transmission service.In the proposed
methodology,Thismethod of transmission pricing is proposed based on the magnitude of
electric power transacted and the length of the line which is widely used since it gives the
measure of actual usage of transmission line. This method can be represented as follows;

𝑙 𝐶𝑖 ∗ 𝐿𝑖 ∗ 𝑃𝑖,𝑛
𝑇𝐶𝑛 =
𝑖=1 𝑃𝑖𝑐

Where; 𝑇𝐶𝑛 = Transmission cost to user n

l = Number of transmission lines
𝐶𝑖 = Cost in $/MW-mile $/MW-km
Li = Length of line
Pi,n= Power flow in line i, because of user n
𝑃𝑖𝑐 = Power capacity of line i in MW

Here the total cost for a user n is the summation of cost components for providing
transmission lines which are involved in the transaction.

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The MW-Mile method, a widely adopted approach for determining transmission pricing,
assigns costs according to the amount of power transmitted and the distance travelled across
the network. It operates by computing expenses through the multiplication of transaction
power and the distance traversed. This method, which accurately reflects the utilization of
transmission lines based on the magnitude of electric power transacted and the length of the
line. This approach is favoured for its ability to gauge actual usage effectively.Transmission
pricing using the MW-Mile method involves several key details and considerations like Cost
Allocation, Tariff Structure, Congestion Management, Regulatory Considerations, Integration
with Market Mechanisms, Long-Term Planning.

This method is favoured for its ability to provide a more accurate assessment of actual usage
and the associated costs incurred by electricity market participants. It helps in allocating
transmission charges fairly, considering both the amount of electricity transmitted and the
infrastructure required to facilitate the transmission process.

The primarily used scheme for transmission pricing is the Postage Stamp Method. Other
methods such as the Zonal Method, Nodal Method, Flow-based market coupling, Marginal
Cost Based, etc., are also commonly employed for transmission pricing. Each method has its
strengths and limitations, with some focusing on geographical zones, individual nodes,
market dynamics, or cost considerations to determine transmission costs accurately.

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2.1.1 Comparison of MW-Mile method with Postage stamp method

Factors Postage Stamp Method MW-Mile method Result of MW-Mile

method over PSM

Definition Postage stamp method is a MW-mile method -

method of allocating allocates transmission
transmission costs where all costs based on the
users are charged the same product of the power
rate per unit of power flow (MW) and the
transferred, regardless of the distance (miles) that
distance or location of the power flows over the
transmission. transmission system.

Cost Allocates costs uniformly Allocates costs based on Advantageous

Allocation across all users, regardless of the actual distance
the actual cost of transmitting power travels over the
power to their location. transmission system,
reflecting the actual cost
of transmission.
Fairness The fairness of transmission Generally considered Advantageous
cost allocation can be a fairer, as it allocates
complex issue, especially costs based on usage
concerning users situated and distance, reflecting
farther from the electricity the actual cost incurred
generation sources. This can by the transmission
lead to a scenario where these system.
users might bear a
disproportionate share of the
transmission costs compared
to those located

Page 12 of 49
Efficiency May not promote efficient use Can incentivize more Advantageous
of the transmission system, as efficient use of the
users do not directly bear the transmission system, as
costs associated with users pay based on the
transmitting power over long distance power travels.

Regulatory Often used in regulated More common in Advantageous

Considerat- environments where simplicity competitive markets
ions and uniformity are prioritized. where cost allocation
based on actual usage
and distance is

Accuracy Accuracy may be lower as it Generallymore accurate Advantageous

does not directly account for as it directly considers
the actual cost of transmitting the distance power
power over specific distances. travels over the
transmission system.

Complexity Simple to implement and More complex, as it Need to be Optimized

administer, as it involves a flat requires calculating the
rate for all users. product of power flow
and distance for each
user, potentially leading
to higher administrative
Table 1. Comparison of MW-Mile method with postage stamp method

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2.1.2 Necessity of optimization of MW-mile method

This research dives deep into the crucial issue of transmission fee allocation, focusing on the
strengths and limitations of the MW-mile method. Extensive research has consistently shown
the MW-mile method's superiority over the widely used Postage Stamp method in terms of
accuracy, efficiency, and fairness. However, despite these demonstrated advantages, the
MW-mile method's adoption remains limited due to its inherent complexity.

The Postage Stamp method, while prevalent, has been consistently shown through research to
be less effective than the MW-mile method across various metrics. The MW-mile method
offers a more nuanced approach, considering factors like distance and power usage
(Megawatts) when allocating fees. This leads to a fairer and more accurate cost distribution
among users of the transmission network.

The primary obstacle hindering the MW-mile method's widespread adoption is its
complexity. The intricate calculations and potential challenges in implementation can be a
significant barrier for stakeholders. This research emphasizes the need to streamline the MW-
mile method, particularly by simplifying its complex processes.

The overwhelming evidence suggests that the MW-mile method surpasses the Postage Stamp
method in all aspects except complexity. Therefore, optimizing the MW-mile method
becomes paramount. This optimization should prioritize simplifying its intricate processes
while ensuring that transmission fees are allocated fairly and efficiently. By addressing the
complexity challenge, this research aims to unlock the full potential of the MW-mile method.
This will lead to a more effective and equitable transmission fee allocation system, ultimately
benefiting all stakeholders in the electricity market.

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The optimization of the MW-mile method for transmission pricing using the Bat Algorithm
(BA) is a comprehensive approach that refines the way transmission costs are calculated and
allocated. In this method, an objective function is meticulously crafted to reflect the power
flows and distances over which electricity is transmitted. The Bat algorithm then steps in to
iteratively minimize this function, effectively searching for the most cost-efficient
transmission pathways.

Key to the Bat algorithm's success is its inspiration from the echolocation behavior of bats.
This natural mechanism enables bats to navigate and hunt efficiently in complete darkness,
which parallels how the Bat algorithm seeks out optimal solutions in a complex solution
space. By simulating this behavior, the Bat algorithm dynamically adjusts parameters such as
frequency, loudness, and pulse emission rate of its virtual bats. These parameters help in
effectively exploring and exploiting the solution space, which facilitates rapid convergence
towards the global optimum.

One of the principal benefits of using the Bat algorithm in this context is its ability to reduce
power losses. As it fine-tunes the routes through which electricity is transmitted, the
algorithm minimizes the energy dissipated as heat, thereby improving overall transmission
efficiency. This directly lowers the operational costs associated with power transmission.

Furthermore, Bat algorithm simplifies transmission pricing by reducing computational

complexity. Unlike traditional methods, it streamlines power flow calculations with
intelligent exploration strategies. This speeds up computation and improves pricing model
accuracy and fairness.

Through rigorous validation and fine-tuning processes, the optimized MW-mile method using
the Bat algorithm proves to be a more effective and economical solution for transmission
pricing. It supports a more equitable distribution of costs across different stakeholders in
electricity markets, ensuring that prices are aligned more closely with the actual usage and
impact on the transmission system. Consequently, this optimized approach facilitates a more
sustainable and cost-effective management of power transmission systems, aligning with the
broader goals of efficiency and fairness in energy distribution.

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The Bat Algorithm (BA) is a metaheuristic optimization algorithm introduced by Yang in

2010, drawing inspiration from the echolocation behavior of microbats. Microbats emit high-
frequency sound pulses and listen for echoes bouncing back from surrounding objects to
detect prey, food, and obstacles during flight. By analyzing variations in these echoes, bats
identify objects and distinguish between prey and other items. Similarly, the Bat algorithm
iteratively adjusts cost allocations based on echolocation-inspired behavior to search for an
optimal solution in optimization problems. This process involves the exploration and
exploitation of the search space, with bats representing potential solutions that evolve over
successive iterations until an optimal solution is reached. Through this mimicry of natural
phenomena, the Bat algorithm offers a powerful tool for solving complex optimization
problems efficiently.

Fig.3. Echolocation of micro bats

Bats fly randomly with velocity (V) at position (X) with different frequency range, changing
wavelength () and loudness (Ao) to search for prey. They can automatically adjust the wave
length of the emitted pulses the pulse emission rate r can be adjusted within [0, 1], it should
be depending on the nearness of their target. Generally, wave length,  = v/f, where v-
velocity (340m/s), f=frequency (25kz to 250kz). Loudness varies from a large positive value
Ao to a small constant value Amin Every bat is randomly assigned a frequency between [fmin,
fmax] and number of virtual bats for bat algorithm is generated randomly. After initializing
fitness of the population for specified objective function, the values are updated based on
movement, loudness and pulse rate. For the movement of virtual bats, the rules of updating
velocities (V), positions (X) and frequencies (F) virtual micro bats are given as

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𝐹𝑖 = 𝐹𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐹𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∗ 𝛽 (1)

𝑉𝑖𝑘+1 = 𝑉𝑖𝑘 + 𝑋𝑖𝑘 − 𝑋 ∗ ∗ 𝐹𝑖 (2)

𝑋𝑖𝑘 +1 = 𝑋𝑖𝑘 + 𝑉𝑖𝑘 +1 (3)

Where ẞ is a random number dispersed regularly within [0, 1]. Here X is the current global
best location which is located after comparing all the solutions among all the n bats. A new
solution for each bat is generated locally using random walk.

𝑋𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 𝑋𝑜𝑙𝑑 + 𝜀 ∗ 𝐴𝑡 (4)

Where ε is a random number among [-1, 1], while A’ is the average loudness of all the bats at
this time step. The loudness Ai and the rate of pulse emission r; are updated accordingly as
the iterations proceed. The loudness decreases and rate of pulse emission increases as the bat
closes on its prey. The convergence equations can be taken as:

𝑖 = 𝜕𝐴𝑡𝑖 (5)

𝑅𝑖𝑡+1 = 𝑟𝑖0 [1 − 𝑒 −𝛾𝑡 ] (6)

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The refinement of the MW-mile method for determining transmission pricing through the
application of the Bat Algorithm (BA) marks a considerable leap forward in the management
of electricity markets. This innovative approach draws inspiration from the echolocation
behavior of bats, employing BA's metaheuristic abilities to elevate the efficiency of
transmission pricing mechanisms. The core of this enhancement lies in the algorithm's
capacity to iteratively refine cost allocations by leveraging its exploration and exploitation
dynamics. This methodology not only aims at reducing the transmission charges but also
focuses on simultaneously diminishing power losses across the network, addressing two
critical challenges in the management of electrical grids.

The adoption of the Bat algorithm in this context significantly simplifies the optimization
process associated with transmission pricing. It achieves this by reducing the computational
complexity that typically characterizes such tasks, thereby enabling quicker attainment of
optimal solutions. This rapid convergence is crucial in dynamic market environments, where
the ability to quickly adapt pricing strategies can significantly impact the economic and
operational efficiency of the power system.

Upon the successful optimization of the MW-mile method using the Bat algorithm, several
key outcomes have been observed. There has been a marked reduction in transmission costs,
directly translating to increased market efficiency and making electricity more affordable for
consumers. This decrease in prices plays a pivotal role in fostering competitive electricity
markets where consumers can benefit from lower costs without compromising on service

A substantial reduction in power losses within the transmission network has been noted. This
achievement not only enhances the overall reliability and sustainability of the power system
but also contributes to the conservation of resources by ensuring that a greater proportion of
generated electricity efficiently reaches the end-users. Such improvements in system
reliability and efficiency are vital for the long-term sustainability of electricity markets.

The integration of the Bat algorithm into the pricing strategy optimization process has
streamlined these operations, making them more manageable and less time-consuming. By
mitigating the computational complexity, the algorithm facilitates a more efficient

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exploration of potential solutions, speeding up the process of identifying and implementing
the most cost-effective transmission pricing strategies.

The advancements realized through the optimization of the MW-mile method with the Bat
algorithm represent significant strides in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and economic
viability of transmission pricing strategies within electricity markets. These developments
promise to bring about a more robust, sustainable, and consumer-friendly energy landscape,
highlighting the potential of innovative computational approaches in revolutionizing
traditional practices in the energy sector.

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3.3.1 Flowchart of optimization

The flowchart illustrates the process of enhancing the MW-mile method for determining
transmission pricing through the utilization of the Bat algorithm.


Initialize OPF
Define OPF problem: Control variables,
Objective Function, Constraints

Initialize Bat Parameters

Power Flow Calculation

Base case power flow and Evaluate Fitness

Update Bat Parameters

Base case power flow and Evaluate Fitness


No Convergence Check

Identify Optimal Settings


Fig.4. Flowchart of proposed optimization of MW-mile method using Bat algorithm

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3.3.2 Procedure of Optimization of MW-Mile method using Bat algorithm

The following outlines the procedure or steps for optimization that explains flowchart:

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Initialization

Begin by initializing the project and setting up the environment for optimization.

Step 3: Define OPF Problem:

Mathematically formulate the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem, specifying:

 Control Variables: These include generator setpoints, transformer tap settings, and
reactive power injection, which the algorithm will adjust to optimize power flow.
 Objective Function: Define the desired objective, such as minimizing power losses
and voltage deviations, typically based on the MW-Mile method.
 Constraints: Specify system limitations, such as generator capacity limits, bus
voltage limits, and power flow limits on transmission lines.

Step 4: Initialize Bat Algorithm:

Generate the initial population of bats, where each bat represents a potential solution
to the OPF problem encoded as a vector of control variables. Define initial values for
bat parameters like frequency, velocity, and loudness.

Step 5: Repeat:

 Power Flow Calculation: For each bat's solution (control variable vector), perform a
power flow analysis using methods like Newton-Raphson. Evaluate the fitness of each
solution based on the pre-defined objective function.
 Update Bat Parameters: Adjust the pulse frequency, velocity, and loudness of each bat
based on its fitness and the current best solution found so far. Higher fitness leads to
higher frequency and loudness, encouraging promising solutions.
 Selection: Identify the best solution (bat) among the current population based on its
fitness value. Optionally, perform a local search around the best solution to explore its
surrounding area for potential improvements.

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 Termination Check: If the maximum number of iterations is reached or a satisfactory
objective function value is achieved, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, repeat the

Step 6: Identify Optimal Settings:

Rank all bats in the final population based on their fitness values. The bat with the
highest fitness value represents the near-optimal solution for the OPF problem.
Extract the control variable values from the solution vector of the best bat. These
values represent the optimal settings for the power grid to achieve the desired

Step 7: End

This structured approach guides the optimization process, culminating in the

identification of optimal settings for transmission pricing using the MW-Mile method
and the Bat algorithm.

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The experiment was carried out using MATLAB in conjunction with the MATPOWER
toolkit, Where MATPOWER is a package of Matlab® M-files for solving power ow and
optimal power ow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators
that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance
possible while keeping the code simple to understand and modify.
Optimal power flow analysis was performed for every line of the transmission network both
with and without the integration of the Bat algorithm. In each scenario, the objective
function, which was derived from the MW-mile method, was meticulously defined to
accurately capture the cost allocation dynamics. Additionally, the assessment of power losses
was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the system under different conditions. The values
of power losses, active and reactive power utilized by the lines are efficiently calculated by
Bat algorithm and utilized in objective function. Furthermore, the complexity of the process
was measured by calculating the number of iterations required to achieve convergence,
providing insights into the computational demands and intricacies involved in implementing
the MW-mile method.
(Runpf):The function initializes variables and defines named indices into bus, generator, and
branch matrices to facilitate data manipulation. It then reads the power system data, converts
it to internal indexing, and extracts information about different types of buses and generator
statuses. The core of the function involves running the power flow analysis, which can be
done using either a DC formulation or an AC formulation, depending on the simulation
options. The DC formulation computes the power flow using the Newton-Raphson method,
while the AC formulation utilizes various algorithms such as Newton's method, fast-
decoupled method, or Gauss-Seidel method.

The function also includes provisions for enforcing generator Q limits, handling generator
status changes, and saving the results to an output file or as a solved case. It provides options
for printing the results to the MATLAB command window or storing them in variables for
further analysis.Additionally, the function handles cases where generators exceed Q limits,
converts them to PQ buses, and updates the bus index lists accordingly. It zeros out result
fields of out-of-service generators and branches and saves the solved case if specified.

Page 23 of 49
Overall, runpf is a comprehensive tool for conducting power flow analysis on electric power
systems, offering flexibility in simulation options, data handling, and result output.

(Runopf):MATLAB function runopf is used to run optimal power flow (OPF) analysis on
electrical power systems using the MATPOWER toolbox. It takes several input arguments,
including case data (the power system data), mpopt (simulation options), fname (output file
name), and solved case (file name for saving the solved case).

The function initializes default arguments if they are not provided by the user and then calls
the opf function to perform the OPF analysis. The opf function solves the optimization
problem associated with the OPF, aiming to minimize the generation costs while satisfying
various system constraints, such as power balance and operational limits.

After running the OPF analysis, the function prints the results to either a specified output file
(fname) or the MATLAB command window. If fname is provided, the results are appended
to the file; otherwise, they are printed to the command window. Additionally, the function
saves the solved case if solved case is specified.

The output of the runopf function includes several variables, such as MVAbase (the base
MVA of the system), bus (bus data), gen (generator data), gencost (generator cost data),
branch (branch data), f (objective function value), success (indicator of successful
convergence), and et (elapsed time for the OPF analysis).

Depending on the number of output arguments requested (nargout), the function returns a
subset of these variables. If only one or two output arguments are requested, it returns
MVAbase and success. If more than two output arguments are requested, it returns all the
output variables. In summary, runopf is a versatile tool for performing OPF analysis on
power systems, offering options for result output, saving solved cases, and providing various
output variables for further analysis.

(Opf):MATLAB function opf is used to perform optimal power flow (OPF) analysis on
electrical power systems. It takes various input arguments, including the power system data
mpc and optional optimization parameters mpopt. The function initializes by processing input
arguments, setting up named indices into data matrices, and adding zero columns to
accommodate additional data if needed. It then converts the data to internal numbering and
constructs an OPF model object (om) using the MATPOWER toolbox. The actual execution
of the OPF is performed using the opf_execute function, which solves the optimization

Page 24 of 49
problem defined by the OPF model object (om). The results, along with information about the
success of the optimization process, are returned.

If requested, the function reverts the results to the original ordering, including out-of-service
components, and prepares the output variables. These output variables include information
about buses, generators, branches, objective function value (f), optimization information
(info), solution vector (xr), and dual variables (pimul). Additionally, the function calculates
and returns the elapsed time (et) for the OPF analysis.

Depending on the number of output arguments requested (nargout), the function returns a
subset of these output variables. If only one or two output arguments are requested, it returns
the bus data (busout) and a success indicator (genout). If more than two output arguments are
requested, it returns additional information about generators, branches, objective function
value, optimization details, solution vector, and dual variables.

If no output arguments are specified and the optimization is successful (success), the function
prints the results to the MATLAB command window using the printpf function. In summary,
opf is a comprehensive function for performing OPF analysis, providing options for input
data processing, execution of the optimization process, and flexible output based on
user requirements.

Page 25 of 49
This MATLAB code is for running a power flow analysis using MATPOWER, a package
designed for power system simulations. It defines a function `runpf` that performs either a
DC or AC power flow study based on the input parameters. The key components of this code:

Function Signature:
function [PL,QL] = runpf(casedata, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)
• `casedata`: The case file containing the system data (e.g., bus, generator, and branch
• `mpopt`: MATPOWER options vector to control various aspects of the simulation.
• `fname`: Filename to which the results will be printed. If empty, results will not be
printed to a file.
• `solvedcase`: Filename for saving the case with solution. If not provided, the solved
case is not saved.

• `PL`, `QL`: Active and reactive power losses (computed by `printpf` function, typically
towards the end of a power flow analysis).

Code Structure
• Named indices for bus, generator, and branch matrices are defined using `idx_bus`,
`idx_brch`, and `idx_gen`. These functions return indices for accessing specific data
columns efficiently.
• Default argument handling sets up defaults if fewer arguments are passed to the
• Options for verbosity, Q-limit enforcement, and choosing between DC and AC power
flow are extracted from `mpopt`.
Data Loading and Preparation:
• The power system case data is loaded using `loadcase`.

Page 26 of 49
• Checks and potentially adds zero columns to the branch matrix for handling power
flows if necessary.
• Conversion to internal indexing to simplify data handling.
Power Flow Analysis:
• The core of the analysis differentiates between DC and AC power flow based on the
`dc` option.
• DC Power Flow: Involves linear approximations, focusing on active power and ignoring
reactive power and voltage magnitude variations.
− B matrices and phase shift injections are calculated.
− Power flow equations are solved for voltage angles.
• AC Power Flow: Handles the nonlinear nature of power flow equations, considering
both active and reactive powers and voltage magnitudes.
− Multiple algorithms (Newton-Raphson, Fast Decoupled, Gauss-Seidel) are available
based on the `mpopt` settings.
− Q-limit enforcement is an iterative process here, potentially altering bus types (PV to
PQ conversion) to respect generator reactive power limits.
Result Processing and Output:
• Conversion back to original bus numbering and preparation of results for output.
• Results can be printed to a file and/or console based on `fname`.
• Solved case can be saved if `solvedcase` is provided.
Utility Operations:
Adjustments and corrections for Q-limits, slack bus reference adjustments, and handling of
out-of-service elements.
This function is a comprehensive tool for conducting power flow studies, equipped to handle
both DC and AC analyses with sophisticated options for output and result handling. Its
flexible input parameters allow for customization of the power flow analysis, making it
suitable for a wide range of power system studies.

Page 27 of 49
This MATLAB code defines a function `runopf` that runs an optimal power flow (OPF)
analysis using MATPOWER, a toolbox for power system optimization and simulation. The
key parts of this code:

Function Signature:

function [MVAbase, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = runopf(casedata, mpopt,
fname, solvedcase)


• `casedata`: The case file containing the system data (e.g., bus, generator, branch data).
• `mpopt`: MATPOWER options vector controlling various aspects of the optimization.
• `fname`: Filename to which the results will be printed. If empty, results won't be printed
to a file.
• `solvedcase`: Filename for saving the case with solution. If not provided, the solved
case is not saved.


• `MVAbase`: Base MVA value used in the optimization.

• `bus`, `gen`, `gencost`, `branch`: Resulting data structures containing bus, generator,
generator cost, and branch data after optimization.
• `f`: Objective function value of the optimized solution.
• `success`: Flag indicating whether the optimization was successful (1 for success, 0 for
• `et`: Elapsed time of the optimization process.

Code Structure

Default Arguments Handling:

• Checks if the number of input arguments (`nargin`) is less than 4 and sets default values
accordingly. If the input arguments are not provided, defaults are used (`mpoption`,
`case9.m` for data file, no printing or saving).

Page 28 of 49
• `mpoption` is a function that sets default options for MATPOWER optimization.

Optimal Power Flow Analysis:

• Calls the `opf` function with the provided case data and options, storing the result in `r`
and the success flag in `success`.

Output Results Handling:

• If a filename (`fname`) is provided, opens the file for writing results and calls `printpf`
to print the optimization results to the file.
• Calls `printpf` again to print the results to the console (`1` as the second argument
indicates printing to console).

Saving Solved Case:

• If `solvedcase` is provided (non-empty), saves the solved case data (`r`) to the specified
file using `savecase`.

Output Formatting:

Depending on the number of output arguments (`nargout`), formats the output variables
(`MVAbase`, `bus`, `gen`, etc.) accordingly. If only 1 or 2 outputs are requested, `MVAbase`
and `bus` are assigned values from `r` and `success`, respectively. If more than 2 outputs are
requested, all relevant fields from `r` are assigned to the respective output variables.


This function encapsulates the process of running an optimal power flow analysis using
MATPOWER. It handles default argument settings, executes the optimization, prints and
saves results as needed, and formats outputs based on user requirements. It's a flexible tool
for conducting and managing power system optimization studies with MATLAB.

Page 29 of 49



This study utilizes the IEEE-9 bus system for analysis, which encompasses loads,
transmission lines, and generators as depicted in the one-line diagram of IEEE9 bus system.
The system comprises of following:
 Three generators located at bus 1, bus 2, and bus 3
 Three load buses at buses 5, 6, and 8
 Additionally, there are three active tap-changing transformers positioned at bus 4, bus
7, and bus 9.

5.1.1 One-Line diagram of IEEE9 bus system

The following figure depicts the one-line diagram of IEEE9 bus system for analysis

Fig.5. One-Line diagram of IEEE9 bus system

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5.1.2 Bus and Line data of IEEE9 bus system

Based on PSCAD IEEE9 bus technical note, the standard test system parameters are
considered for the study. The following tabular columns depicts the parameters.

Each machine (generator) is represented as a voltage source where its source impedance is set
arbitrarily as 1 Ohm. Table 2 summarizes the per-unitized terminal conditions of each source,
with 100 [MVA] base. Table 3 summarizes the transmission line parameters. Loads are
modelled as a constant PQ load with parameters as shown in Table 4.

Bus V(KV) δ(degree) P (pu) Q (pu)

1 17.1600 0.0000 0.7163 0.2791

2 18.4500 9.3507 1.6300 0.0490

3 14.1450 5.1420 0.8500 -0.1145

Table 2. Terminal Conditions of IEEE9 bus system

From Bus To Bus R (pu/m) X (pu/m) B (pu/m)

4 5 0.0100 0.0680 0.1760

4 6 0.0170 0.0920 0.1580

5 7 0.0320 0.1610 0.3060

6 9 0.0390 0.1738 0.3580

7 8 0.0085 0.0576 0.1490

8 9 0.0119 0.1008 0.2090

Table 3. Transmission line characteristics of IEEE9 bus system

Page 31 of 49
Bus P (pu) Q (pu)

5 1.25 0.50

6 0.90 0.30

8 1.00 0.35

Table 4. Load characteristics of IEEE9 bus system

The PSCAD model was validated against the PSS/E power flow values. Table 5 depicts the
line and source power flow comparison.


Bus P (pu) Q (pu) P (pu) Q (pu)

1 0.716 0.279 0.7152 0.2761

2 1.630 0.049 1.6320 0.0454

3 0.850 -0.114 0.8512 -0.1170

From To
Bus Bus

4 5 0.433 0.235 0.4322 0.2334

4 6 0.283 0.013 0.2830 0.0115

5 7 0.842 -0.104 0.8430 -0.1041

6 9 0.633 -0.178 0.6340 -0.1810

7 8 0.788 -0.008 0.7892 -0.0089

8 9 0.217 0.023 0.2172 0.0229

Table 5. Source and Line power flow comparison of IEEE9 bus system

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The line resistances and reactances are provided for each line segment of the test system. The
following table6 lists the approximate line length of each segment, based on typical line data
(as listed in Table 7).

From Bus To Bus Total Reactance Approximate length of

(ohms) line based on typical line
reactance values (km)

4 5 2645 5290

4 6 3174 6348

5 7 3703 7406

6 9 4761 9522

7 8 4232 8464

8 9 4761 9522

Table 6. Approximate line lengths based on typical line reactance values as shown in Table 7

Voltage (KV) R (ohms/km) X (ohms/km)

72 0.41 0.5

138 0.14 0.5

230 (single) 0.09 0.5

230 (Bundled) 0.04 0.4

345 (Bundled) 0.03 0.3

500 (Bundled) 0.02 0.3

Table 7. Typical line reactance values

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Table 8 depicts the Power Generation limits with cost coefficients for IEEE9 bus

Unit Pgi(min) Pgi(max) Qgi(min) Qgi(max) a b c

(MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) $/h $/MWh $/Mw2h

1 10 300 -20 200 150 2 0.1100

2 30 300 -20 300 600 1.2 0.0850

3 25 250 -20 300 355 1 0.1225

Table 8. Power generation limits with cost coefficients

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Based on the preliminary parameter studies (Yang, 2010, 2011), we use the following values
in our implementation:

• Convergence coefficient  = 0.97

• Convergence coefficient γ = 0.1

• Every bat is randomly assigned frequency between [fmin, fmax], where fmin= 0, fmax = 2
• Loudness Ai (0) = 1 for all bats

• Rate of pulse emission ri(0) = 1 for all bats

• Number of iterations = 𝑡 = [10, 5000]

• Number of bats = q = [2, 50]
• Velocity V = 340m/s

Page 35 of 49

The optimization of power flow within MATPOWER using a custom

implementation of the Newton-Raphson method tailored for the Bat algorithm signifies a
specialized approach towards solving power system optimization challenges. The Newton-
Raphson method is a powerful numerical technique commonly employed for solving nonlinear
equations, making it well-suited for the complex and nonlinear nature of power flow equations.
Customizing this method for the Bat algorithm suggests a focus on addressing specific
requirements or constraints unique to the power system under consideration.

The primary objective of the optimization process was to minimize the objective
function, which follows the MW-mile method formula. The MW-mile method is a widely used
approach in power system optimization, especially in the context of economic dispatch and
optimal power flow analyses. It aims to minimize the total cost of power generation while
satisfying various operational constraints, such as generator limits, line flow limits, and voltage
limits. By utilizing this objective function, the optimization process seeks to achieve an
economically efficient operation of the power system while ensuring reliability and stability.

By integrating the Newton-Raphson method tailored for the Bat algorithm with the
MW-mile method formula, the optimization process can effectively balance the trade-offs
between economic efficiency and system reliability. This holistic approach enables the
optimization algorithm to navigate the complex power system landscape, considering factors
such as generator costs, transmission constraints, and voltage stability requirements.
Ultimately, the customized optimization framework empowers power system operators and
planners to make informed decisions that enhance the overall performance and resilience of the
electrical grid

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The application of the Bat algorithm in simulating MW-mile method optimization aimed to
assess reductions in costs via the objective function, as well as decreases in complexity
indicated by the number of iterations, alongside reductions in power loss. This simulation
aimed to analyse the efficacy of the approach in minimizing expenses, streamlining
computational processes, and enhancing efficiency by curbing power losses.

The following is the result of base case power flow without Bat algorithm;

Fig.6. Base case power flow without Bat algorithm output (shows convergence and objective

Fig.7. Base case power flow without Bat algorithm output (shows power losses)

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The following is the result of optimal power flow with Bat algorithm:

Fig.8. Optimal power flow with Bat algorithm output (shows convergence and objective

Fig.9. Optimal power flow with Bat algorithm output (shows power losses)

Page 38 of 49

The comparison for the outputs of both power flows with and without Bat algorithm in terms
of Complexity which is depicted through number of iterations or convergence, Active and
Reactive Power losses and total cost of allocation through objective function.

Parameter Base case power flow without Optimal power flow with
Bat algorithm Bat algorithm

Complexity Converged in 4 iterations Converged in 1 iteration

Total active power losses 4.955 MW 3.208 MW

Total reactive power losses 51.31 MW 32.81 MW

Total Losses 56.265 MW 36.018 MW

Total allocation price 6596.55 $/MW 5074.23 $/hr

Result Higher Complexity, Power Complexity, Power Losses

Losses and Total allocation and Total allocation cost
cost reduced

Table 9. Simulation result comparison

The implementation of the Bat algorithm in optimizing MW-mile method for transmission
pricing can significantly enhance the efficiency of power systems. This improvement can be
seen primarily in terms of early convergence, reduced complexity, and power loss reduction.

Early Convergence:
The Bat algorithm, inspired by the echolocation behavior of bats, is known for its ability to
quickly find a global optimum. This is crucial in transmission pricing where timely solutions
are essential for operational efficiency. By employing the Batalgorithm the output shows:
1. Faster Solutions: It can rapidly converge to an optimal or near-optimal solution, faster than
traditional methods like Gradient Descent or Genetic Algorithms.
2. High Precision: The algorithm's fine-tuning capabilities, using frequency and loudness
parameters, allow it to search efficiently within a solution space.

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Reduced Complexity:
The MW-mile method calculates transmission charges based on the extent of transmission
system usage by each transaction. Output shows that integrating the Bat algorithm simplifies
the computational process:
1.Simplified Computation: The Bat algorithm reduces computational complexity by
minimizing the number of iterations required to reach convergence.
2. Adaptability: Its adaptability to various problem settings and constraints means that it can
handle different scenarios without needing extensive reconfiguration.

Power Loss Reduction:

Power losses are a significant concern in transmission systems, impacting efficiency and cost:
1.Optimized Path Selection: By effectively optimizing the routes for electricity transmission,
the Bat algorithm helps in reducing distances and, consequently, power losses.
2. Load Balancing: It aids in balancing the load across the network, which not only reduces
losses but also avoids overloading specific lines, thus enhancing the longevity and reliability
of the network infrastructure.

From the results, Bat algorithm proved the active and reactive power loss reduction for each
From bus To bus Active Power Reactive power Total Power
loss reduced by loss reduced by loss reduced by
Bat algorithm Bat algorithm Bat algorithm
1 4 0.000 -0.17 -0.17
4 5 0.002 0.07 0.072
5 6 0.490 2.39 2.88
3 6 0.000 0.10 0.10
6 7 -0.047 -0.32 -0.367
7 8 0.241 2.19 2.431
8 2 0 8.41 8.41
8 9 1.141 6.16 7.301
9 4 -0.014 0.03 0.016
Total 1.813 18.86 20.673
Table 10. Power reduction with Bat algorithm at each bus

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Reduction in Objective Function and Transmission Price Allocation:
The cumulative effect of early convergence, reduced complexity, and power loss reduction
leads to a lower objective function:
1. Lower Costs: Reduced power losses and enhanced efficiency translate into lower
operational costs, which directly impact the objective function of minimizing costs in
transmission pricing.
2. Fair Pricing: With the MW-mile method optimized by the Bat algorithm, transmission
prices can be allocated more fairly based on actual usage and system impact. This leads to
more accurate and equitable billing, reflecting the true cost of transmission services.

Using the Bat algorithm to optimize the MW-mile method for transmission pricing offers a
robust solution that enhances the overall efficiency and fairness of transmission cost
allocation. The benefits of early convergence and reduced complexity, along with significant
reductions in power losses, collectively lead to a decrease in the objective function,
culminating in lower transmission prices. This approach not only aligns with the goals of
cost-effectiveness but also supports sustainable and efficient power system management.

Page 41 of 49


Utilizing the MW-mile method in conjunction with the Bat algorithm for transmission pricing
offers various practical applications:
 Cost Allocation: The MW-mile method with the BA allows for the fair allocation of
transmission costs among network participants based on their actual usage, ensures that
consumers bear the costs in proportion to their utilization of the transmission system.
 Market Efficiency: By accurately pricing transmission services using the MW-method,
inefficiencies in the market can be reduced. This encourages efficient utilization of the
transmission network and promotes economic efficiency in electricity markets.
 Congestion Management: Transmission pricing based on the MW-mile method with BA
can help in managing congestion within the grid. By assigning appropriate prices to
congested lines, users are incentivized to adjust their consumption or generation patterns,
thus alleviating congestion and improving grid reliability.
 Investment Planning: Proper transmission pricing supports effective investment planning
by providing signals for the development of new transmission infrastructure. Investors
can assess the economic viability of new projects based on the anticipated revenue
streams from transmission services priced using the MW-method.
 Renewable Integration: Transmission pricing using the MW-method with the BA can
facilitate the integration of renewables into the grid. By accurately reflecting the costs
associated with transmitting power from remote renewable resources, the pricing
mechanism encourages investment in renewable generation and supports grid stability.
 Policy Support: Transmission pricing mechanisms can align with policy objectives such
as promoting renewable energy deployment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, or
fostering competition in electricity markets. The MW-mile method with the BA provides
a flexible framework to incorporate policy goals into transmission pricing structures.
Overall, the application of transmission pricing using the MW-method with the Bat algorithm
contributes to the efficient operation, investment, and regulation of electricity transmission
systems, ultimately benefiting consumers, producers, and grid operators alike.

Page 42 of 49
The Bat Algorithm (BA) is a nature-inspired optimization technique that mimics the
echolocation behaviour of bats to solve optimization problems. Several applications of the
Bat Algorithm for optimization:
 Engineering Design Optimization: BA can be used to optimize the design of various
engineering systems and components, such as mechanical structures, electrical circuits,
and aerospace vehicles. It helps in finding the optimal configuration that minimizes cost,
maximizes performance, or meets specified design requirements.
 Power System Optimization: BA has been applied to optimize various aspects of power
systems, including optimal power flow, economic dispatch, and unit commitment. By
adjusting the control variables such as line flows BA can optimize the operation of power
systems while considering constraints such as voltage limits and generation capacity.
 Signal Processing: BA can be used for signal processing tasks such as filter design,
feature selection, and parameter estimation. It helps in finding the optimal filter
coefficients or feature subsets that enhance the performance of signal processing
algorithms for tasks like noise reduction, pattern recognition, and data compression.
 Wireless Sensor Networks: BA can optimize the deployment of wireless sensor networks
to achieve maximum coverage, connectivity, and energy efficiency. It helps in
determining the optimal locations of sensor nodes and adjusting their transmission power
to optimize network performance while conserving energy.
 Mechatronics and Control Systems: BA can improve their performance and robustnessby
optimizing the parameters of mechatronic systems and control algorithms. It helps in
tuning controller gains, optimizing trajectory planning, and minimizing tracking errors for
various applications such as robotics, automation, and industrial control systems.
 Financial Portfolio Optimization: BA can optimize investment portfolios by selecting the
optimal combination of assets that maximizes return while minimizing risk. It helps in
balancing the trade-off between expected return and portfolio volatility by adjusting the
allocation of assets based on historical data and market conditions.
 Computer Science and Information Technology:In Data Clustering, BA helps grouping
data points in such a way that data points in the same group are more similar to each other
than to those in other groups. In Feature Selection, BA helps in identifying the most
relevant features for machine learning models to improve accuracy and reduce

Page 43 of 49
 Bioinformatics:BA play a crucial role in identifying patterns in gene expression data to
help understand biological processes and disease mechanisms. And also in estimating the
three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence.
 Environmental Resource Management: BA can optimize resource allocation and
management strategies for environmental applications such as water resource
management, ecosystem conservation, and pollution control. It helps in finding the
optimal allocation of resources and the implementation of sustainable practices to
minimize environmental impact and maximize resource efficiency.
Overall, the Bat Algorithm offers a versatile and effective optimization technique that can be
applied to a wide range of real-world problems across various domains, contributing to
improved efficiency, performance, and sustainability.

Page 44 of 49
The Bat algorithm can help reduce costs in transmission pricing by optimizing the MW-mile
method. It can be beneficial as following:

• Efficient Optimization: It can efficiently search for optimal solutions in complex

optimization problems, such as those involved in transmission pricing.

• Reduced Computational Costs: By effectively exploring the solution space, the Bat
algorithm can find near-optimal solutions with fewer iterations compared to other
optimization techniques. This can lead to reduced computational costs in the
optimization process.

• Improved Accuracy: The Bat algorithm's ability to fine-tune solutions can lead to more
accurate and precise results in transmission pricing optimization, ensuring that the
pricing reflects the actual costs and requirements of the transmission system.

• Flexibility and Adaptability: The Bat algorithm is flexible and adaptable, allowing it to
handle various constraints and objectives in transmission pricing optimization. This
flexibility can lead to better-tailored solutions that meet specific requirements.

• Cost Reduction: Overall, the use of the Bat algorithm in optimizing the MW-mile
method for transmission pricing can lead to cost reductions by improving the efficiency,
accuracy, and speed of the optimization process. This can result in more cost-effective
transmission pricing strategies that benefit both utilities and consumers.

By addressing the power flows on definite lines and the distance of transaction, the
transmission pricing has been calculated when the transactions happen in the considered
network by applying the MW mile method. To identify the quantum of power flowing in each
line by each generator and load when before and after transactions take place, a novel
optimization technique, Bat algorithm optimization technique has been implemented for
calculation of power flowing each line. This paper presented the calculation of transmission
pricing using the MW-mile method when two transactions take place in IEEE-9 bus test
system. The results are evident that the proposed method is more advantageous than the
postage stamp method available in the literature.

Page 45 of 49

The project on MW-mile method optimization using the Bat algorithm for transmission
pricing holds significant potential for future development and expansion. Here are some
potential future scopes:

 Algorithm Refinement: Further refinement and fine-tuning of the Bat algorithm

parameters and strategies can enhance its performance in optimizing the MW-mile
method for transmission pricing. This could involve experimenting with different
variations of the algorithm and exploring new strategies for better convergence and
solution quality.
 Integration of Constraints: Incorporating additional constraints into the optimization
framework, such as line capacities, voltage limits, and network topology constraints, can
make the pricing mechanism more realistic and applicable to real-world transmission
 Multi-Objective Optimization: Extending the optimization framework to handle multiple
objectives simultaneously, such as minimizing cost, reducing power losses, and
ensuring network reliability, can provide a more comprehensive and balanced approach
to transmission pricing.
 Dynamic Pricing Strategies: Developing dynamic pricing strategies that adapt to
changing network conditions, demand patterns, and market dynamics can improve the
responsiveness and efficiency of transmission pricing, leading to better allocation of
resources and enhanced grid performance.
 Real-Time Implementation: Implementing the optimized MW-mile method using the
Bat algorithm in real-time transmission pricing systems can provide practical insights
into its effectiveness and feasibility in actual operating environments. This could
involve collaboration with industry partners and grid operators for field testing and
 Case Studies and Validation: Conducting case studies and validation experiments on
real-world transmission networks can demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of the
optimized MW-mile method for transmission pricing. This would involve analyzing
historical data, simulating pricing scenarios, and evaluating the performance of the
algorithm in diverse operational contexts.

Page 46 of 49
 Hybridization with Other Techniques: Exploring the hybridization of the Bat algorithm
with other optimization techniques, such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm
optimization, or simulated annealing, can leverage the strengths of different approaches
to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the optimization process.
 Policy Implications and Stakeholder Engagement: Investigating the policy implications
of implementing the optimized MW-mile method for transmission pricing and engaging
stakeholders, including regulators, utilities, and consumers, can ensure that the pricing
mechanism aligns with broader policy objectives and addresses the concerns and
interests of all stakeholders involved.

Overall, the future scope for the project involves continuous research and development
efforts aimed at refining the optimization framework, addressing practical challenges, and
facilitating the adoption of the MW-mile method for transmission pricing in real-world power

Page 47 of 49

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