Journal of Neurochemistry - 2011 - Kraut - Roles of Sphingolipids in Drosophila Development and Disease

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JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY | 2011 | 116 | 764–778 doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.07022.

School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore

Abstract to nutrient availability. The sophisticated genetics of Dro-

The last 10 years have seen a rebirth of interest in lipid biol- sophila is particularly well suited to uncover the roles of
ogy in the fields of Drosophila development and neurobiology, sphingolipid regulatory enzymes in development and metab-
and sphingolipids have emerged as controlling many pro- olism, especially in light of conserved pathways that are
cesses that have not previously been studied from the view- present in both flies and mammals. The challenges that re-
point of lipid biochemistry. Mutations in sphingolipid regulatory main in the field of sphingolipid biology in Drosophila are to
enzymes have been pinpointed as affecting cell survival and combine traditional developmental genetics with more ana-
growth in tissues ranging from muscle to retina. Specification lytical biochemical and biophysical methods, to quantify and
of cell types are also influenced by sphingolipid regulatory localize the responses of these lipids to genetic and metabolic
pathways, as genetic interactions of glycosphingolipid bio- perturbations.
synthetic enzymes with many well-known signaling receptors Keywords: development, Drosophila, genetics, metabolism,
such as Notch and epidermal growth factor receptor reveal. nervous system, sphingolipids.
Furthermore, studies in flies are now uncovering unexpected J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778.
roles of sphingolipids in controlling lipid storage and response

Time was, when the worst nightmare of every student of and degenerative processes that afflict adult animals were
Drosophila development was to find out that a laboriously only recently made accessible by new screening and
cloned gene turned out to encode, in the words of one PhD quantitative methods to detect these phenotypes. Now that
advisor, ‘probably just a lipase!’ How things have changed these approaches have become routine, regulatory functions
over the course of the last 20 years, as the role of lipases and of sphingolipids in metabolic homeostasis are revealing
everything else having to do with lipid metabolism has themselves. Also coming of age is the part that lipids, in
moved from the realm of so-called housekeeping genes to
center stage in one of the most exciting and current aspects of
developmental and cell biology. Part of the reason for this Received July 18, 2010; revised manuscript received September 13,
decades-long lapse in general appreciation for lipids and their 2010; accepted September 15, 2010.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Rachel Kraut, School
role in developmental events was surely because of the fact of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
that fewer tools existed then (and now) to be able to visualize 60 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637551, Singapore.
particular lipids in the developing animal, and to study their E-mail:
effects on morphological processes. With the low-hanging Abbreviations used: CIP, ceramide-1-phosphate; Dacer, Drosophila
fruit of obvious embryonic phenotypes having been plucked alkaline ceramidase; EGF-R, epidermal growth factor receptor; ERK,
extracellular signal-related kinase; GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine;
the earliest, these difficult-to-analyze mutations in lipid- GalNAc-T, N-acetylgalactosaminyl transferase; GlcNAc, N-acetylglu-
modulatory genes largely began to emerge only later. cosamine; GlcT-1, glucosylceramide transferase-1; JNK, c-jun N-termi-
This review focuses on work over the last decade that nal kinase; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; nCDase, neutral
discovered novel roles of the sphingolipids, and how they ceramidase; NPC, Niemann–Pick type C disease; PE, phosphoethanol-
feature in the development and health of the fly. With respect amine; PI3K, phosphinositide-3-kinase; PLC, phospholipase C; S1P,
sphingosine-1-phosphate; SBD, sphingolipid-binding domain peptide;
to sphingolipid biology, effects on normal embryonic and SMase, sphingomyelinase; SMS, sphingomyelin synthase; spt, serine-
pupal development are only part of the news. Lipid palmitoyl transferase; SREBP, serum response element binding protein;
regulation of such phenomena as energy household, lifespan, TAG, triacylglycerol; TGFa, transforming growth factor a.

 2011 The Author

764 Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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Roles of sphingolipids in Drosophila | 765

particular sphingolipids and sterols, may have in the et al. 1999; Acharya et al. 2003; Gorski et al. 2003; Fyrst
development of progressive neurodegenerative disorders. et al. 2004; Herr et al. 2004; Rohrbough et al. 2004;
We will discuss both the peculiarities of Drosophila sphin- Acharya and Acharya 2005; Bauer et al. 2009). Sphingo-
golipids and the commonalities with mammals that make sine-metabolizing enzymes, such as the sphingosine kinases,
the fly a good model in which to study nervous system which generate the important signaling molecule sphingo-
development, degeneration, and metabolic disorders where sine-1-phosphate (S1P), and S1P-lyase which breaks it down,
sphingolipids and sphingolipid-regulated mechanisms figure have interesting developmental defects when absent, and
prominently. these are discussed further below. A comprehensive review
on sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes in the fly, and infor-
mation on the suspected or known orthologs is available
Fly-specific structures and species
(Acharya and Acharya 2005). There are important differ-
Studying the functions of sphingolipid metabolic enzymes in ences in lipid structure, however, the length of the sphingoid
Drosophila has an obvious genetic advantage in that flies base product of serine-palmitoyl transferase (spt) in Dro-
usually have many fewer gene candidates for a particular sophila being much shorter, generally containing only 12
enzymatic step, making analysis of mutant phenotypes much carbons derived from laurate instead of the 16 carbons from
more clear-cut (Acharya and Acharya 2005). In addition, palmitate as in mammals. This gives a sphingoid base alkyl
over-expression or knockout of a given gene in Drosophila, chain of C14 instead of C18, whereas the fatty acyl chain,
even in a tissue-specific way and in any desired combination, which is attached by an amide linkage to the sphingoid base,
is experimentally straightforward – a matter of weeks or is quite long, with C20 being the major species (Fyrst et al.
months of work, not years. On top of this, since Drosophila 2004; Acharya and Acharya 2005; Fig. 1). Shorter chain
larvae are very reliable and consistent eating machines, length may have the advantage of not solidifying at the
nutrient conditions, or drugs that might alter sphingolipid preferred fly body temperature of  25C (Holthuis et al.
metabolism are very easy to administer to flies in the larval 2001).
stage, simply by adding agents to the food (Adachi-Yamada In spite of the differences in structure of fly sphingolipids,
et al. 1999; Mair et al. 2005; Ye et al. 2007; Vargas et al. and the lower abundance of sterols in fly membranes,
2010). sphingolipid- and sterol-rich microdomains have been doc-
Many of the major sphingolipid biosynthetic and process- umented by several authors in Drosophila cells and tissues
ing enzymes have known orthologs in Drosophila, including (Rietveld et al. 1999; Karpen et al. 2001; Zhai et al. 2004;
all the ones required for the production of sphingosine and Hebbar et al. 2008), and the raft-associated adaptor proteins
ceramide, as well as those involved in generating metabolites reggie/flotillins are expressed in flies (Stuermer et al. 2001;
of and breaking down these sphingolipids, e.g. ceramide Hoehne et al. 2005). So-called ‘detergent resistant mem-
kinase and different ceramidases (CDase; Adachi-Yamada branes’ can be isolated from fly cell membranes, and the lipid

Serine-palmitoyl Dihydroceramide Dihydroceramide

transferase synthase desaturase
(spt1 and lace/spt2) (schlank) (Des-1)

Sphinganine Dihydroceramide Ceramide

Lauryl-CoA Fatty-acyl-CoA
(C12) (usually C20)

Gene Phenotype

Lace Imaginal disk apoptosis; MAPKK/MKK4, 7 MAPKK/MEK1/2

(hemipterous) (dSor1)
Rescues photoreceptor
Fig. 1 Ceramide biosynthesis in Drosoph- degenera on in arres n/PLC
ila. In each figure, enzyme names and the mutants;
corresponding fly homologs (in parenthe- Viability is rescuable by sply-
ses) are boxed in blue; physiological effects (basket) (rolled)
Schlank Failure of fat storage
of the given pathways are circled in purple.
Mutant phenotypes of the given genes and Des-1 Failure of spindle assembly
genetic interactions are listed in the tables and cytokinesis during Death
spermatocyte meiosis stress
at the bottom of the figures.

 2011 The Author

Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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766 | R. Kraut

content of these membranes roughly corresponds to what ceramide might be important somehow in anchoring cyto-
would be expected if as in mammals, these domains contain skeletal elements. This is reminiscent of the more recent
sphingolipids and sterol. Moreover, detergent resistant observations by Bieberich’s group that ceramides are present
membranes from fly membranes co-segregate with markers in and required for the formation of cytoskeleton-dependent
thought to associate with ordered sphingolipid-containing structures like cilia and tight junctions in epithelia (Wang
domains (Zhai et al. 2004; Hebbar et al. 2008). Sterol et al. 2009a,b).
depletion by methyl-b-cyclodextrin results in  50% reduc- Other sphingolipid biosynthetic and processing enzymes
tion in sterol levels in cultured Drosophila cells, and also have been identified in the fly, including ceramide transfer
changes the distribution of markers, such as flotillin and protein, which as in mammals is required to move ceramide
sphingolipid-binding domain peptide (SBD; Hebbar et al. from the site of its synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum to
2008; Steinert et al. 2008). Sterol was also required for the Golgi, where it is further processed to glycosphingolipids
translocation of the InaD-containing phototransduction and, in the case of flies, PE ceramide instead of phospho-
machinery in fly photoreceptors (Sanxaridis et al. 2007), choline-ceramide (sphingomyelin). Ceramide transfer protein
and certain neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels mutations in the fly, as might be expected given the
likewise appear to be activated by raft domains (Eroglu et al. membrane-gelling properties of ceramide, result in pheno-
2003; Gasque et al. 2005). Depletion of sterols or prevention types related to altered fluidity of membranes, including
of sphingolipid biosynthesis using the fungal antibiotic heightened sensitivity to oxidative stress and premature
Fumonisin B1 prevents recognition of fly neuronal cells by aging (Rao et al. 2007; Goñi and Alonso 2009). This
the SBD peptide, suggesting that Fumonisin B1 may be able outcome has interesting implications for the use of flies to
to inhibit production of sphingolipids in Drosophila in a study the role of ceramide in age-related diseases, such as
functionally analogous way to its inhibition of dihydrocera- neurodegeneration and type II diabetes.
mide synthase in mammalian cells (Merrill et al. 1996;
Hebbar et al. 2008).
Life, death, and sphingolipids
One of the first sphingolipid metabolic enzymes to be
Sphingolipid metabolizing enzymes in fly
described in Drosophila, and its loss of function phenotype
Even though flies appear to make negligible amounts of studied was serine palmitoyl transferase (spt), the enzyme
sphingomyelin, there are several orthologs of sphingomyelin that is responsible for the rate-limiting step in de novo
synthases (SMSs) in the fly genome (Huitema et al. 2004; sphingolipid biosynthesis. A mutant in the spt2 subunit,
Tafesse et al. 2006), that are candidate enzymes for the known as lace, was identified because it suppressed hyper-
synthesis of the much more abundant species, phosphoeth- activation in the growth-mediating mitogen-activated protein
anolamine ceramide (PE-ceramide). Sphingomyelin synthase kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)
candidate orthologs were identified in Drosophila by virtue pathway, achieved by over-expressing the fly MAPK and
of their domain similarity to yeast AUR1 which synthesizes MAPKK orthologs rolled and dSor1 (Adachi-Yamada et al.
the yeast equivalent of sphingomyelin, inositol-phosphoryl- 1999; Fig. 1). Spt2/lace mutants showed abnormal develop-
ceramide (Dickson 1998), and the presence of conserved ment and ectopic apoptosis in imaginal discs triggered by c-
domains found in lipid phosphate phosphatases (Huitema jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity (basket in flies), and
et al. 2004). A recent study determined that one of these these effects were rescued by increased signaling through the
synthases, SMSr (sphingomyelin synthase 1-related) can opposing MAPKK survival pathway. These interactions
synthesize PE-ceramide, but does not do this in vivo. In fact, imply that ceramide or its metabolites might suppress a
it functions in mammalian and fly cells as a sensor and suppressor of the MAPK/ERK survival pathway such that
regulator of ceramide homeostasis, which prevents accumu- removal of spt would reduce dSor1 and rolled hyperactiva-
lation of ceramide in the endoplasmic reticulum. In the tion. A candidate for this might be the transforming growth
absence of this protein, ceramide builds up and leads to factor b (TGFb)-activated kinase 1 homolog TAK1, which is
fragmentation of Golgi stacks (Vacaru et al. 2009). The more activated by ceramide and regulates both the JNK pathway in
likely candidate for the actual PE-ceramide generating flies (Takatsu et al. 2000) and the MAPK/ERK pathway
enzyme is evidently one of the other three SMS homologous (Sharma and Shi 1999; Zhang and Dong 2007). Alterna-
genes. tively, a sphingolipid metabolite might activate the presump-
A dihydroceramide desaturase was identified in flies, and tive ras/raf initiator of this pathway (Raabe 2000), such that
named Des-1 because of its degenerative spermatocyte removing spt would turn down signaling. Interestingly, the
phenotype (Basu and Li 1998). In spermatocytes, Des-1 lethality of lace was rescued by feeding sphingosine during
has a role in spindle assembly and meiosis, and seems to larval growth, but not by feeding sphingomyelin or ceramide,
associate strongly with mitochondria and with the contractile suggesting that sphingosine or an immediate metabolite may
ring during division, suggesting that the production of activate the MAP kinase kinase kinase fi MAPK/ERK

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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Roles of sphingolipids in Drosophila | 767

kinase (dSor1) fi Erk (rolled) survival pathway. A second 2010; Fig. 2). sply animals showed severely abnormal flight
MAPKKK upstream of death-mediating JNK, the mixed- muscles and excessive apoptosis in reproductive organs,
lineage kinase (dMLK) was found to be controlled by which could be suppressed by mutation in pro-apoptotic
ceramide in Drosophila S2 cells (Sathyanarayana et al. genes reaper and hid (Herr et al. 2003; Phan et al. 2007).
2002). Thus, the one product of sphingolipid metabolism, This suggested that although there is an overabundance of
sphingosine, or more likely its metabolite S1P, mediates sphingosine in mutants, the death knell in sply may be dealt
survival and prevents apoptosis, whereas the other, ceramide, ultimately by ceramide, since reaper expression can lead to
induces death (Spiegel and Milstien 2002; Fyrst and Saba the production of ceramide (Bose et al. 1998). Reduction in
2010). Presumably, since the activities of sphingosine and lace (spt2) strongly reduced sply sphingosine/S1P accumu-
S1P have extremely different consequences for cell survival lation, as well as its muscle phenotype. Conversely, sply
(Hannun and Obeid 2002), and the concentrations of these mutations also rescued viability in the lace mutants,
molecules differs greatly in the cell, the conversion by supporting the idea that lace apoptosis and lethality may be
sphingosine kinases must be highly regulated. Likewise the primarily brought about by a loss of sphingosine or S1P,
single CDase step that converts ceramide to sphingosine whereas sply defects presumably arise from excess sphingo-
must be tightly controlled. Indeed, other ceramide conversion sine or S1P. Mutations in sphingosine kinases, of which there
pathways also rescue cell survival, e.g. to glycosylated are two in Drosophila, Sphk1 and Sphk2, should clear up the
ceramides by the glucosylceramide synthase GlcT-1, and the ambiguity in the effects of these two metabolites, since they
N-acetylgalactosamine-transferase (GalNAc-T) a4GT1. should only accumulate sphingosine, but lack S1P. Sphk2
GlcT-1 over-expression prevents induction of apoptosis by mutants in fact impair flight and reduce fecundity, but do not
reaper and grim, and RNAi knockouts in GlcT-1 result in resemble sply mutants in which the ovaries and testes
widespread embryonic cell death (Kohyama-Koganeya et al. degenerate. Rather, Sphk2 mutants retain eggs (Herr et al.
2004). Likewise, a4GT1 was shown to be an inhibitor of 2004). Thus, it would appear that accumulation of sphingo-
apoptosis in the eye (Protzer et al. 2009). sine alone cannot explain the defects in sply.
Another case in which the balance of sphingolipid With regard to sorting out the roles of the phosphorylated
metabolites regulates cell growth versus death during and non-phosphorylated sphingoid base metabolites, it will
development was revealed by the loss of S1P-lyase in sply also be interesting to find out whether the lipid phosphate
mutants. Sply, unlike most other sphingolipid metabolic phosphatases wunen and wunen2 (Zhang et al. 1997; Starz-
enzymes, irreversibly removes sphingolipids from circulation Gaiano et al. 2001), among whose targets may be S1P and/or
by converting S1P to 2-dodecenal and PE, so mutants ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), exhibit similar growth or
accumulate huge excesses in both S1P and unphosphorylated apoptotic defects to the sply mutants described earlier, which
sphingoid base metabolites (Herr et al. 2003; Fyrst and Saba result in excesses of both sphingosine and S1P (Herr et al.

Sphingosine Growth, SREBP,

Sugar n-CDase
kinase survival fa y acid
response (slab)
(SphK1/2) synthesis
alk-CDase S1P lyase (sply)

Sphingosine S1P Phospho- Phospha dyl

+ fa y acid ethanolamine ethanolamine
+ 2-dodecenal
Ceramide Diacylglycerol
kinase Ceramide +
(dCerk) phosphoethanolamine
Sphingomyelin nSMase
synthase aSMase
(css1a/b) response

Gene Phenotype Gene Phenotype

dCerk Phototransduc on defect; alkCDase Increase in ceramide levels;

Fail to localize PLC-β; Increased resistance to oxida ve stress;
Effect on PIP2 distribu on Increased lifespan;
in photoreceptor membrane Defec ve mushroom and ellipsoid body.

Fig. 2 Biosynthetic pathways of ceramide nCDase Failure of synap c vesicle SphK1/2 Flight impairment;
fusion and synap c transmission; Reduced fecundity
metabolites sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P)
Overexpression rescues re nal
and phosphoethanolamine (PE)-ceramide, degenera on in arres n and PLC sply Increased sphingosine, S1P levels;
and sphingolipid catabolism via S1P lyase. mutants; Increased Δ4,6-sphingadienes;
Down-regulated upon sugar feeding Flight muscle degenera on;
SREBP, serum response element binding Apopto c ovaries and testes;
protein activation. Rescuable by muta on in lace

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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768 | R. Kraut

2003). So far, these genes, which are expressed in the which controls biosynthesis of fats and cholesterol in
nervous system, are known to affect migration of embryonic mammals (Scheek et al. 1997; Horton et al. 2002; Worgall
germ cells by controlling the release of a repellent; notably, 2008). Feeding rodents with saturated fat, as found in lard,
the expression of these genes can not only repel the germ or with pure palmitate supplemented in the food leads to
cells, but also kill them (Hanyu-Nakamura et al. 2004; Sano drastic changes in fat metabolism and insulin resistance,
et al. 2005). It is very likely that the wunen genes have other owing to conversion of the fatty acid to sphingolipid
functions in the nervous system, since they were also (Holland et al. 2007). The key metabolite doing the damage
identified in a screen for genes that when over-expressed in is thought to be ceramide, through its repressive effects on
the nervous system lead to altered patterns of neuromuscular protein kinase B/Akt and insulin downstream signaling,
connectivity (Kraut et al. 2001). This finding, along with a since these effects can be mitigated by blocking spt activity
subsequent report that S1P affects axon guidance in the with myriocin.
visual system of Xenopus (Strochlic et al. 2008), may point Starting in the 1970s, experiments were done with feeding
to S1P as being at least one target of the wunens. different high-fat diets, including palmitate, soy, and beef to
Recently, the same group as cited earlier (Fyrst et al. flies (Driver and Cosopodiotis 1979; Ye et al. 2007). The
2009) detected a novel species of sphingolipid that was high-palmitate diet led to shortened lifespan, suggesting
present during Drosophila development, namely sphing- possible involvement with insulin-like growth factor/
adienes having two double bonds (designated D4,6) instead phosphinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling that is known to
of the usual one (D4) in the sphingoid base. These were control longevity in flies (Britton et al. 2002). Since
also strongly over-expressed in sply mutants, and similarly palmitate in flies also feeds into the sphingolipid biosynthetic
to the previously characterized D4 monounsaturated sphing- pathway, whose immediate effects would be to increase
oid bases in sply, were brought back toward normal levels levels of ceramide, one might expect the PI3K signaling to be
by introduction of a lace (spt2) mutation (Fyrst et al. suppressed, as in the Summers model (Dobrosotskaya et al.
2008). Interestingly, sphingadienes were shown to be 2002; Holland and Summers 2008) where ceramide activates
powerful anti-growth agents and suppressors of tumor cell protein phosphatase 2A thereby dephosphorylating and
proliferation via their suppression of Akt kinase; con- down-regulating protein kinase B/Akt (Dobrowsky and
versely, they were inducers of apoptosis accompanied by Hannun 1992). It is clearly established that suppression of
caspase activation and poly ADP-ribose polymerase cleav- insulin-like growth factor/PI3K signaling extends lifespan
age. At the same time, sphingadienes localized with (Broughton and Partridge 2009), but it is possible that very
autophagosomal markers, and induced autophagy, which high doses of saturated fat and/or ceramide, as an acute stress
when dysregulated can also lead to cell death (Fyrst et al. and apoptotic signal, might also introduce other toxic or
2009; Pattingre et al. 2009b). Thus, it was postulated that senescence-promoting signals (like sphingosine) that tip the
the overabundance of D4,6sphingadienes and corresponding balance toward decrepitude rather than long life (Hannun and
D4,6ceramides were responsible for the muscle degeneration Obeid 2008). High saturated fat diets may also be inflam-
in the sply mutants; indeed these compounds were able to matory and result in oxidative stress in flies, since fat-
decrease cell proliferation when added to cultured wing induced shortening of lifespan in flies was suppressible by
disc cells, and were extremely enriched (28·) in mutants in the anti-oxidant Acai fruit (Sun et al. 2010). Acai not only
exactly the muscles that were most susceptible (Fyrst and increased transcription of stress-response detoxification
Saba 2008). genes, but in a fat-fed background, it also strongly lowered
the levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, the first
committed step in gluconeogenesis.
Ceramidase, sphingomyelinase, and nutrient
In flies, it is not known whether a sphingolipid-dependent
pathway similar to that identified in rodents interferes with
In mammals, sphingolipid balance has a central role in insulin signaling and could lead to a diabetic phenotype.
controlling nutrient utilization and growth (Unger 2003; However, it is intriguing that changes in sphingolipid
Holland et al. 2007). In particular, the breakdown of metabolic genes were part of the transcriptional response to
sphingomyelin at the plasma membrane by neutral and sugar feeding (but not starvation) of larvae in a study done by
acid sphingomyelinases (Bartke and Hannun 2009), which the Pankratz lab (Zinke et al. 2002). This microarray study
produces ceramide, has powerful effects on the storage identified an acid Sphingomyelinase (aSMase; CG15533)
versus export of cholesterol (Slotte and Bierman 1988; and a neutral CDase (nCDase/slab, CG1471) both as being
Ridgway 2000), on glucose uptake (Summers et al. 1998; down-regulated after sugar feeding, whereas fatty acid
Al-Makdissy et al. 2003; Liu et al. 2004), and on the synthesis was up-regulated. This result would imply that
storage of fats in the form of triacylglycerols (TAG; the products of SMase and CDase, namely ceramide and
Deevska et al. 2009). Sphingolipids are also activators of sphingosine, may have some role in down-regulating fatty
serum response element binding protein (SREBP) signaling, acid synthesis, and should be avoided if the desired

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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Roles of sphingolipids in Drosophila | 769

metabolic response is increased glucose and fatty acid 50% compared with wild type. In contrast to dCert mutants,
storage. which fail to transport ceramide to the plasma membrane
Along the same lines, several exciting new studies clearly (discussed earlier; Rao et al. 2007), loss of Dacer led to an
point to ceramide as playing a regulatory role in fat storage in increase in stress resistance. Interestingly, and similarly to
flies. A fly homolog of the longevity assurance genes, a yeast that are deficient in alkaline CDase, it also lengthened
family of six mammalian dihydroceramide synthases respon- lifespan substantially (Powers et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2010).
sible for the synthesis of the various chain-length ceramides The interpretation of this study is complex, since excess
(Pewzner-Jung et al. 2006), was identified by virtue of its ceramide is generally associated with increased apoptosis and
abnormally thin larval phenotype in mutants. This gene, deleterious effects, including shortened lifespan (see above;
schlank (meaning slender in German), seems to be the Kohyama-Koganeya et al. 2004; Hannun and Obeid 2008),
functional homolog of the lass genes in the fly, since only whereas in this case an increase appears to be beneficial.
one other homolog was found, and it does not rescue the Perhaps ceramide, as a stress-response coordinator and
schlank fat storage defect (Bauer et al. 2009). schlank activator in the MAP kinase kinase kinase fi JNK pathway
mutants fail to bulk up during larval development, because (Ruvolo 2003; Fig. 1), is acting to mobilize defenses against
of their suppression of fat storage in the form of triacylgly- acute stress (Hannun and Obeid 2002).
cerides (TAGs), of which they have strongly reduced levels. Although the relationships between sphingolipids and
This matched the up-regulation in schlank- animals of the nutrient storage, oxidative stress, and lifespan in flies are as
TAG lipase encoded by brummer (Grönke et al. 2005), yet far from clear, the ability to manipulate at will the genetic
which is turned on by starvation conditions, and the TAG background in these animals should allow one to determine
lipase3 gene, an indicator of the starvation response (Zinke definitively which sphingolipid metabolites are responsible
et al. 1999; Fuss et al. 2006). Thus, one of the normal for modulating these pathways.
functions of ceramide synthesis by schlank is to participate in
the accumulation of fat stores, and in keeping with this, over-
Ceramide metabolites and neuronal function
expression of schlank gives somewhat higher levels of
di- and triglycerides, fatty acids, and increased transcription A study carried out by Acharya et al. (2003) suggested that
of both SREBP and fatty acid synthase (Bauer et al. 2009). eliminating ceramide could be protective under certain
These results are perhaps consistent with the findings of circumstances, in this case in the background of arrestin
Zinke et al., where the response to sugar feeding would be to and phospholipase C b (PLC; norpA) mutations that lead to
decrease nCDase levels, if ceramides are required to convert photoreceptor degeneration in the fly eye (Acharya et al.
sugars into fats via fatty acid synthase and SREBP. 2003). Lowered ceramide levels were achieved by targeted
Interestingly, sply mutants in mice, similarly to schlank in over-expression of the nCDase in the eye, as well as by
flies, have reduced adiposity, although they show increased introducing the lace (spt2) mutation, which decreases de
lipid storage in the serum and liver, suggesting that the novo synthesis of ceramide (Adachi-Yamada et al. 1999). In
causative metabolite that leads to such a pathology could be both cases, the measured decrease in ceramide levels clearly
excess sphingosine or sphinganine (see Figs 1 and 2) rather rescued the degenerative phenotype, which is brought about
than strictly loss of ceramide (Bektas et al. 2010). However, by hyperstable arrestin–rhodopsin complexes and an accu-
a fat storage defect in sply flies was not noted. mulation of defective rhabdomeric membranes (Alloway
et al. 2000; Kiselev et al. 2000). Both of these genetic
backgrounds seemed to exert their effect through a dynamin-
Ceramide: death molecule or savior?
dependent process, suggesting that active endocytosis is
Interesting insight into the effects of ceramide on develop- particularly important in maintaining the health of neurons,
mental maturation as well as oxidative stress and lifespan especially photoreceptors. A later study using mutants in the
was provided by a recent paper that analyzed Drosophila same nCDase (Acharya et al. 2008), which themselves
alkaline CDase (Dacer) mutants (Yang et al. 2010). This showed photoreceptor apoptosis, came out with the surpris-
CDase was previously identified as brainwashing, which ing result that the effect of CDase on photoreceptor neurons
affects the mushroom and ellipsoid bodies in the brain is non-cell autonomous, and is able to act from as far away as
(Boquet et al. 2000). First, the current authors showed that the fat body.
Dacer does indeed have alkaline CDase activity, and that Possibly related to the findings above on the effects of
ceramide levels increase in mutants. Dacer mutants also CDase on membrane dynamics and turnover, the group of
significantly increased the activity of an enzyme that is Broadie et al. found that it is also important for synaptic
required for the production of juvenile hormone, an epoxide function of the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila
that is required for larval growth and prevention of (Rohrbough et al. 2004). Slab (slugabed) mutants in the
metamorphosis (Postlethwait 1974). Larval developmental same nCDase gene that was studied by Acharya et al.,
time in Dacer mutants was accordingly lengthened by about although they did not show increased apoptosis in the

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770 | R. Kraut

nervous system, had impaired pre-synaptic neuronal trans- glycosphingolipids are quite different from their mammalian
mission and faulty synaptic vesicle fusion, as well as a counterparts in that the core disaccharide consists of Manb1–4
shortage of fusion-ready vesicles. Glcb1-Cer, aka mactosyl-ceramide, instead of Galb1–4Glcb1-
The Broadie laboratory’s findings with slab corroborate Cer in mammals (Seppo and Tiemeyer 2000; Fig. 3). There
the reported role of sphingosine, the product of CDase, in are 12 major species of glycosphingolipid, none of which are
exocytic vesicle fusion events, as suggested initially by sialylated as in mammals, but many containing one or two
genetic studies in yeast, where mutants in the synaptobrevin PE-substituted-GlcNAc(Seppo et al. 2000). Glycosphingoli-
ortholog snc are rescuable by over-expressing the dihyd- pids can be very long in flies, the longest species having 10
rosphingosine phosphate lyase DPL1 (Grote et al. 2000), or sugar residues (GlcNAc, GalNAc, galactose, or a terminal
by combining with certain mutations in ELO genes that are glucuronic acid) in a linear chain.
responsible for the elongation of very long chain fatty acids The first evidence that glycosphingolipids have major
from which ceramides are synthesized (David et al. 1998). effects on well-known developmental pathways in flies came
Darios et al. (2009) recently demonstrated how this works from the identification of two mutants, called egghead and
using an in vitro system that identified sphingosine as the key brainiac, so named because they had embryonic neuronal
lipid: sphingosine allows the release of the v-SNARE hypertrophy phenotypes similar to Notch mutants (Goode
(vesicular-soluble n-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor attach- et al. 1992). In addition to Notch-like phenotypes, egghead
ment protein receptor) synaptobrevin from association with and brainiac led to identical defects in polarity and adhesion
phospholipids in the synaptic vesicular membrane such that of oocyte follicular epithelial cells, which was proposed to
SNARE fusion complexes can be formed with syntaxin/ arise from an interaction with epidermal growth factor
SNAP-25 (synaptosomal-associated protein 25) (reviewed in receptor (EGF-R), the receptor mediating a back-and-forth
Verhage and van Meer 2009). Ceramides probably affect signaling between the developing oocyte and the surrounding
synaptic growth and morphology as well, by dint of their follicle cells (Goode et al. 1996a,b; Nilson and Schupbach
activation of autophagy (Pattingre et al. 2009a). Autophagy 1999). Egghead and brainiac turned out to encode the
was reported to promote expansion of the larval neuromus- glycosyl transferases responsible for sequential addition of
cular junction, and this was mediated once again through the second and third sugar residues, mannose and GlcNAc,
MAPK pathway members wallenda (a fly MAPKKK) and that form the core of all Drosophila glycosphingolipids, and
basket (JNK; Collins et al. 2006; Shen and Ganetzky 2009). whose products in insect cells were determined by TLC,
Ceramide metabolites have further functions in photore- mass spectrometry, and NMR in vitro (Müller et al. 2002;
ceptors beyond maintaining membrane turnover and pre- Schwientek et al. 2002; Wandall et al. 2003) and in vivo
venting degeneration. Dasgupta et al. (2009) showed that the (Wandall et al. 2005). Interestingly, the blockage of the core
product of ceramide kinase, C1P, is involved in phototrans- mactosyl-ceramide and the resultant phenotype in egghead
duction by PLC activity, and alters the balance and animals could be fully rescued by introducing a transgene for
distribution of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate at the the human galactosyltransferase enzyme, which makes
membrane. Ceramide kinase (dcerk) mutants, which lack lactosyl ceramide (Wandall et al. 2005). Apparently, flies
C1P but have more ceramide, fail to localize PLC to can function perfectly well with the mammalian lactosyl core
membranes. PLC thus degrades, resulting in an excess of instead of their own mannose-containing core.
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) (Fig. 2). This Enzymes that catalyze further steps in more complex
work stands out in that it is one of the few that combines glycosphingolipids have also been identified, among them
genetic methods with biophysical tests – in this case, the b4-N-GalNAc transferases A and B, which in the case of
fluorescence image correlation spectroscopy on supported transferase A (GalNAc-T A) mutants alone, had neuromus-
lipid bilayers – to try to relate the behaviors of sphingolipids cular innervation and coordination defects (Haines and Irvine
in membranes with their physiological functions in a 2005; Haines and Stewart 2007). Unlike the egghead and
biological process like phototransduction. This is an brainiac deficiencies in core glycolipids, flies seem to be able
approach that will surely reap insight into the interplay to do without these GalNAc-ylated complex glycolipids for
between the interesting membrane properties of sphingoli- most essential functions, as the b4GalNAc-TA, B double
pids and their effects on signaling and developmental events. mutants are viable and fertile (Haines and Irvine 2005; Stolz
et al. 2008). The group of Cohen, however, not only
confirmed the results of Haines et al. that transferase A
Glycosphingolipids in development and the nervous
displays un-coordination and abnormal climbing behavior,
but that the other transferase mutant b4GalNAc-TB showed
Arthropod glycosphingolipids have been known for many ventralized ovarian follicles similar to egghead, brainiac,
years (Wiegandt 1992), but their composition specifically in and EGF-R knockouts (Chen et al. 2007), and moreover that
Drosophila was only determined recently by Seppo et al. both of these phenotypes interacted genetically with egghead
(2000) and Wandall et al. (2003, 2005) using TLC. Fly and brainiac. Further, it was shown that the transferase acts

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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Roles of sphingolipids in Drosophila | 771

Glc-cer synthase

glcβ1-ceramide N1

β4-mannosyl transferase

manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide N2

β3-N-Acetylglucosaminyl transferase

glcNAcβ1-3manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide N3

β4-N-Acetylgalactosaminyl transferases A, B

galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide N4

α4-N-Acetylgalactosaminyl transferase

galNAcα1-4galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide N5

PEtn PEtn
6 6
galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3galβ1-3-galNAcα1-4galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide Nz28

PEtn PEtn
6 6
glcAβ1-3galβ1-3galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3galβ1-3-galNAcα1-4galNAcβ1-4glcNAcβ1-3manβ1-4glcβ1-ceramide Az29

Gene Phenotype

GlcT-1 Apoptosis in embryo; overexpression suppresses

apoptosis induced by reaper and grim

Fig. 3 Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis in Egghead/ Notch-like neuronal hypertrophy;

brainiac Defec ve EGF-R signaling in oocyte
Drosophila. Notation with N = number of
(ventralized follicle cells)
sugar residues in the neutral core, and
z = number of phosphoethanolamine (PEtn) β4GalNacTA/B (A) Defec ve neuromuscular junc on innerva on
substituted N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and coordina on;
(B) Similar to egghead/brainiac defec ve oocyte
residues, is according to Seppo et al.
(2000). Shorter variants with fewer sugars α4GT1/2 Overexpression suppresses Mindbomb Notch-like phenotype
(colored) also exist, but are not shown. and inhibits apoptosis in eye disk (no phenotype alone)

in the oocyte, which produces TGFa-like ligand gurken and 2010). Here, Gal4-mediated over-expression of the
secretes it to the follicle cells, leading to the speculation that a1,4GalNAc-T gene was found to suppress the Notch-like
N4 or higher order glycosphingolipids might be involved in phenotype of loss of function in mindbomb (Mib1), an E3
the secretion or distribution of the TGFa-like signal, or ubiquitin ligase that functions in Notch endocytosis and
interact with its EGF-R receptor (Chen et al. 2007). In fact, a activation. The Notch ligand Serrate was also found to
follow-up study by the same group demonstrated that bind to glycosphingolipids, suggesting that glycosphingo-
glycosphingolipid is required for the distribution of the lipids act at multiple steps in the Notch signaling cascade.
gurken ligand gradient, but not for its secretion or for EGF-R Although the disruption of a1,4GalNAc-T by itself has no
activity per se (Pizette et al. 2009). detectable phenotype, the interaction of its glycosphingo-
An a1,4GalNAc-T in flies has also been identified lipid products with Notch possibly contribute to the more
(Protzer et al. 2009), in which a specific (but again, not severe phenotypes of egghead and brainiac, which disrupt
lethal) interaction was discovered with Notch signaling, in an earlier step in glycosphingolipid biosynthesis (Hamel
a recent study by the Schweisguth group (Hamel et al. et al. 2010).

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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772 | R. Kraut

On the subject of signaling receptors interacting with synthesis of saturated fatty acids. Although most SREBP
sphingolipid-rich domains, it is interesting to note that a pathway components are present in the fly, its activity is
study of olfactory receptor neurons in the moth Manduca was instead regulated by the glycerol lipid phosphatidylethanol-
able to detect what appeared to be cholesterol-dependent amine (PE), the major constituent of cell membranes in
membrane domains containing both glycosphingolipid, rec- Drosophila (Jones et al. 1992; Rawson 2003). Sphingolipids
ognized by fluorescent lectins, and various signaling recep- also play a regulatory role in SREBP cleavage by controlling
tors including EGF-R and the cell-adhesion molecules FasII the availability of PE, since the ethanolamine group on this
and neuroglian (Gibson et al. 2009). In humans and mice, lipid can be donated indirectly by S1P (Herr et al. 2003).
the EGF-receptor (Puri et al. 2005; Lajoie et al. 2007) and Notably, palmitate, but not sterols or other fatty acids, block
insulin receptors are thought to be able to translocate into cleavage of SREBP when added to Drosophila cultured cells,
sphingolipid-rich domains where they are regulated by and this blockage is dependent on cycling through sphingo-
particular gangliosides, in both cases GM3 (Rebbaa et al. lipids. Another possible source of PE would be cleavage of
1996; Yamashita et al. 2003; Kabayama et al. 2007). Taking PE-ceramide by a SMase (Fig. 2).
a cue from mammalian cells, where glycosphingolipids are
known in many cases to interact directly with cell surface
Niemann–Pick models in the fly
receptors and regulate their lateral organization and signaling
capability (Proia 2003; Lopez and Schnaar 2009), the above Fly models of diseases that arise from aberrant cholesterol
studies of fly glycosphingolipid biosynthesis mutants hint storage have come on the stage recently, with the analysis of
that the same is very likely to be true in Drosophila. As the mutants in the various orthologs of the genes responsible for
previous examples of different glycosphingolipid deficien- the neurodegenerative disease Niemann–Pick type C, NPC-1
cies show, flies provide an excellent system in which to and NPC-2. These are important in considering the potential
detect genetic interactions that will reveal the players validity of fly models of sphingolipid storage diseases and
involved. neurodegeneration, because of the established interdepen-
dence of sterol and sphingolipid trafficking, degradation, and
metabolism (Puri et al. 1999, 2003; Ridgway 2000) even in
Sphingolipids and cholesterol
eukaryotes much less advanced than Drosophila (Guan et al.
The usefulness of Drosophila as a model for metabolic 2009). In the first of these NPC models, one of two fly
processes and diseases that involve cholesterol has been homologs of NPC-1, dnpc1a, was mutated and this led to
questioned because flies regulate sterols – the single most accumulated sterol throughout the body and developmental
abundant structural component of mammalian membranes – arrest in first instar larvae. Dnpc1a mutants could be fully
completely differently from mammals. Flies are sterol rescued by feeding with the sterol precursors of the ecdysone
auxotrophs, meaning that they do not synthesize their own molting hormone, suggesting that the main problem was that
sterols, but rather absorb them (primarily ergosterol) from sterol was being sequestered in aberrant compartments and
their main food source, yeast. Fly membranes also contain unable to be released for ecdysone production (Huang et al.
considerably less sterol proportionately than mammalian 2005; Fluegel et al. 2006). Of the eight NPC-2 genes in
membranes, being only  18% versus  30% (Rietveld Drosophila, Dnpc2a was the most conserved with human
et al. 1999; Unexpectedly, Dro- NPC-2, and mutants looked similar to Dnpc1a in their
sophila cells in culture, like Schneider S2 cells, are able to aberrant punctate accumulation of sterol in some tissues,
survive and divide after sterol depletion (Gupta et al. 2009), including brain (Huang et al. 2007).
casting serious doubt on any critical function of sterol in their Since NPC in humans is severely neurodegenerative,
basic physiology. By extension, sphingolipid biosynthesis presumably owing to a backup of cholesterol in degradative
and storage, which is known to be closely coupled with compartments of neurons, and resultant malfunctioning of
cholesterol (Guan et al. 2009), would be expected to be endolysosomal trafficking (Vance et al. 2005), it was hoped
regulated differently from mammals, although very little is that NPC models in Drosophila would show parallels to the
known about this at present. disease, even though flies are sterol auxotrophs. In fact,
Although many of the critical lipid metabolic enzymes are alteration of cholesterol metabolism and storage was docu-
there, including hydroxymethylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reduc- mented in another neurodegenerative mutant called löchrig
tase, which synthesizes mevalonate, the precursor to choles- (German for full of holes, referring to the brain degeneration
terol biosynthesis, the SREBP pathway that regulates in mutants), which corresponds to the gamma subunit of
cholesterol and lipid biosynthesis in mammals is not AMP-kinase (Tschäpe et al. 2002). It is interesting that a
controlled by feedback through cholesterol concentration in degenerative phenotype was accompanied by these changes
the membrane (Dobrosotskaya et al. 2002). Moreover, and in fat metabolism, but the degeneration was not shown to be
somewhat surprisingly, SREBP does not control hydroxy- actually caused by the increase in free cholesterol. The first
methylglutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase, but rather the clear indication that sterols in the fly may indeed play a part

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Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778
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Roles of sphingolipids in Drosophila | 773

in the metabolic health of neurons, instead of being just a showed that increasing or decreasing the levels of sterols in
precursor to ecdysone hormone and a comparatively minor the cells altered the trafficking behavior of a fluorescently
structural component of membranes, was that certain mutant tagged glycosphingolipid (boron-dipyrromethene [BODIPY]-
combinations of Dnpc2 and mutants in Dnpc1a led to not lactosyl-ceramide; Hortsch et al. 2010) and a raft- and
only sterol accumulation but also to other defects, such as sphingolipid-interacting peptide, the SBD (Hebbar et al.
lipofuscin-like membrane whorls and axonal accumulations 2008; Steinert et al. 2008), in ways that would suggest that
of synaptotagmin, as well as shortened lifespan and cellular sterol content controls a toggle switch between
neurodegeneration, which was rescuable in a cell-autono- biosynthetic versus degradative pathways, as is the case in
mous way (Huang et al. 2007; Phillips et al. 2008). mammalian cells (Puri et al. 2001; Choudhury et al. 2004;
It was not established in these NPC models whether Zhang et al. 2009). These studies provide support for the
sphingolipid metabolism and trafficking were also affected, validity of fly models of lipid storage diseases that arise from
but this is certainly not far-fetched, given the situation in sphingolipid and/or sterol accumulation, such as NPC, the
yeast and humans (Puri et al. 1999; Simons and Gruenberg gangliosidoses, and the lipofuscinoses, since it appears that
2000; Guan et al. 2009). A convincing case has been made the trafficking and storage mechanisms of sphingolipids are
that the defect in NPC-1 disease in humans is traceable to a similar. More such cell biological analyses in primary cells
primary accumulation of sphingosine in acidic compart- from mutants and drug-fed or nutrient-controlled animals
ments, which depletes lysosomal calcium and as a result should enable a quite precise analysis of changes in sphingo-
ultimately leads to storage of other sphingolipids and lipid trafficking and accumulation under different conditions
cholesterol in endolysosomal compartments (Lloyd-Evans that might affect lipid metabolism. This type of study would be
et al. 2008). facilitated by the development and validation of more sphin-
The observation that Drosophila appear to recapitulate golipid-recognizing labels in fly cells as well as the application
neurodegenerative features of NPC disease, in spite of having of high resolution imaging methods.
a very different mode of sterol metabolism from humans,
makes one optimistic that flies could also present a viable
model for the numerous sphingolipid storage diseases that
share a common cell biology and pathology with NPC. That In Drosophila as much as in other systems, one of the major
sphingolipid misregulation can indeed lead to neurodegen- obstacles to analyzing the interplay between sphingolipids
erative defects in Drosophila was suggested by studies of the and the response to nutrients, or the response of sphingoli-
gene spinster, whose zebrafish ortholog Spns2 was deduced pids to pathological conditions like diabetes and neurode-
to be a S1P transporter, based on its phenocopying the defect generation, is the intrinsically self-correcting property of
of the S1P-receptor mutation in heart development (Kupper- metabolism. Feedback loops and compensatory mechanisms,
man et al. 2000; Kawahara et al. 2009). Although a S1P- often coming from multiple enzymes whose activity can
receptor has not been identified in flies, spinster mutants result in the same product (Merrill and Sandhoff 2010), may
accumulate multilamellar lipofuscin granules in the nervous obscure fluctuations in levels of sphingolipids such that at
system, and undergo some neuronal degeneration preceded steady state, they cannot be detected. Since the analysis of
by a defect in programmed cell death (Nakano et al. 2001; phenotypes and metabolites is generally done after extensive
Dermaut et al. 2005). Intriguingly, loss of the Spinster developmental time and averaged over many samples, it is
protein (also called Benchwarmer), which is a late endolys- difficult to determine the immediate responses to certain
osomal 12-pass transmembrane protein very distantly related conditions or treatments. This probably results in acute
to sugar transporters, also leads to enlargement of late changes in the representation of different sphingolipid
endolysosomal compartments at synaptic termini and in species being masked by compensatory responses in the
oocytes in Drosophila (Sweeney and Davis 2002; Dermaut animal’s physiology. In flies, this problem could be solved by
et al. 2005), where purportedly carbohydrate accumulation analyzing lipids in genetic backgrounds that may reduce
recognizable by the periodic acid Schiff stain occurs compensatory pathways (see, e.g., Breslow et al. 2010), and
(Dermaut et al. 2005). Given the link to sphingolipid in animals that over-express sphingolipid metabolic enzymes
transporters, and the lysosomal accumulation of lipofuscin- in a spatially and temporally controlled manner.
like material in spinster, the question that springs to mind is In spite of differences from humans in both the variety of
whether the carbohydrate accumulation seen in these animals sphingolipid species present in the fly, and its means of
may actually arise from non-degraded glycolipids. If this is regulating the sterol content of its membranes, it is obvious
the case, spinster mutants would serve as an excellent model that sphingolipids are just as critical to developmental and
for lysosomal sphingolipid storage diseases, such as the metabolic processes in the fly as they are in mammals. With
gangliosidoses (Kolter and Sandhoff 2005). the growing popularity of Drosophila as a model for
Of potential relevance to these models, recent studies metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes (Baker
using sphingolipid tracers in Drosophila cultured neurons and Thummel 2007; Al-Anzi et al. 2009), more studies have

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declares no conflict of interest in the foregoing.
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 2011 The Author

Journal of Neurochemistry  2011 International Society for Neurochemistry, J. Neurochem. (2011) 116, 764–778

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