IND 6994905 ScoreReport

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Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English

Score Report

Test Taker


Full Name Birthdate (mm/dd/yy)

9006994905 12/09/23
Registration Number Date of Test (mm/dd/yy)

Athens Greece
City Country


Section Score GRADE

General Information
• The purpose of the Examination for the Certificate of • A section score of X means the test taker was exempt from
Competency in English (ECCE) is to assess listening, that section. A section score of 0 means the test taker did
reading, writing, and speaking at the high-intermediate not attempt the section, or their answer was not on topic.
level in a variety of contexts.
• Test takers who achieve an average score on the four
• The ECCE is aimed at the B2 level of the Common sections of 650 or higher are awarded a Certificate of
European Framework of Reference (CEFR). See reverse for Competency. Those who achieve scores of 840 or higher
competencies expected of a B2-level test taker. in every section are awarded a Certificate of Competency
with Honors.
• A grade is a statement of the test taker’s performance on
a particular day and remains valid indefinitely. See reverse • Michigan Language Assessment reserves the right to
for a table of grades and scaled scores. update results or test taker information.

• Institutions may verify test results at:
The Common European Framework
The main purpose of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is to provide a common basis for the
elaboration of language syllabi, examinations, and textbooks. The CEFR describes language proficiency at six main

A1–A2 Basic User B1–B2 Independent User C1–C2 Proficient User

The Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE) is a test of general language proficiency and
is aimed at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching,
Assessment (Council of Europe, 2001) (CEFR). The CEFR covers six levels of language proficiency; B2 is achieved
by test takers with high-intermediate language proficiency.

ECCE test takers receive a scaled score for each section (0–1000) and a total score that is the average of their
section scores. The minimum pass mark for the ECCE is an average score of 650. Test takers who achieve a
minimum of 650 have demonstrated ability at CEFR level B2. The table below gives examples of typical general
language ability in each of the skill areas for test takers at CEFR level B2.

Skill Area Typical Ability of a B2 Level

They are able to sustain a face-to-face oral interaction quite intelligibly and grasp information delivered
to them at a normal pace. They are able to communicate their ideas and show involvement in a topic or
situation and discuss ideas or opinions without communication breakdowns.

They can organize and explicitly connect their ideas. They can give their opinion and develop their
Writing argument with supporting details. They can follow standard layout conventions and their spelling and
punctuation are reasonably accurate.

They can understand spoken English on a variety of topics, both conversational and more planned speech.
Listening With effort, they are able to understand spontaneous conversations but may need to ask for clarification
when speakers talk too quickly.

They read and understand prose and nonprose texts from a variety of popular and public sources using
Reading a range of effective reading strategies and skills, though they can be expected to need resources for
understanding texts with low frequency vocabulary, highly specialized terms, or low frequency idioms.

They have good grammatical accuracy. Errors are infrequent and, where these occur, they do not lead to
Use of
misunderstandings. Similarly, they have a good vocabulary for general topics as well as more specific but
familiar topics.

Grades and Scaled Scores

Scaled Score
Per Section

840 – 1000 Honors (H)

750 – 835 Pass (P)

650 – 745 Low Pass (LP)

610 – 645 Borderline Fail (BF)

0 –605 Fail (F)

For more information about ECCE scores, including verification of scores, visit
© Cambridge Michigan Language Assessment 2018

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