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Lesson 5

Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids are large chains of biomolecules
made up of smaller units call nucleotides. The 2
natural types of nucleic acids are deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

one major function of nucleic acid is the

sequencing of amino acids to build particular
proteins during protein synthesis.
DNA is found in all organisms-from unicellular to
multicellular organisms. It contains the genetic
material found in the nucleus of a prokaryote enclosed
in a nuclear envelope. In prokaryotes, DNA is not
enclosed in a nuclear envelope. DNA is a double helix
structure like a twisted ladder.

RNA is mostly involved in protein synthesis. It is a
single-strand part of DNA
Basic Structure of DNA
As the building blocks of nucleic acids,
nucleotides combine to form the
polynucleotides DNA nad RNA. Both DNA and
RNA are made up three components: 1.
nitorgenous base, five-carbon sugar
(pentose), 3. phosphate group
1. Nitrogenous bases
Are organic molecules made up of carbon and
nitrogen. It has two classification: purines and
Purines- Adenine , guanine
Pyrimidines- cytosine, thymine and Uracil(RNA)
2. Pentose Sugar
The pentose sugar contains 5 carbon atoms where
each carbon is numbered 1',2',3',4', and 5'. The 5-carbon
sugar in DNA is called deoxyribose amd the sugar in RNA
is called ribose.
3. Phosphate group
The phosphate group of nucleic acids is attached
to to the 5-carbon sugar atoms to form the
backbone of DNA and RNA. These phosphate group
are very important in activating proteins to perform
their specific functions. The removal of the
phosphate deactivated the functions of particular ,
proteins. Phosphate is also an important buffer to
the cells keeping their pH level not too acidic or

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