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International organizations for standardization, such as the ISO, exist to facilitate worldwide
trade. Consider if each country had its own rules for producing goods and conducting
commerce. It would be chaos! These organizations assist countries in reaching an agreement
on shared rules. This makes it easy for businesses to sell to other countries since they know
the rules will be consistent worldwide.
Why did we need these organizations? With so many countries and corporations trading
with one another, things can become confused. Different rules in different places can create
complications. So, by developing international standards, everyone knows what to
anticipate. For example, if a product satisfies ISO standards, consumers all across the world
can be confident that it is safe and of high quality.
These organizations also promote innovation. They provide suggestions for how to do things
better, such as making items more environmentally friendly or raising safety standards. This
allows companies to learn from one another and create better products for all.
In short, international organizations for standardization facilitate global trade by establishing
common regulations. They maintain product safety and quality while also encouraging
innovation through the sharing of best practices.

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