Core Practical 13b: Using A Clock Reaction To Determine A Rate Equation

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Kawthar Hassan Completed: 14/03/24

Written: 17/03/24
Core Practical 13b: Using a clock reaction to determine a rate equation


To use a clock reaction to find the order of reaction with respect to iodide ions and with
respect to peroxodisulfate.


Independent The volume of sodium A range of concentrations is

peroxodisulfate and the used to help identify the
volume of potassium iodide effect that the different
used concentrations have on the
rate of reaction.

This will be done by

measuring out different
volumes using measuring

It does, however, have an

uncertainty of 0.1cm3

Dependent Time taken for the This is to allow us to

blue-black colour to appear calculate the rate of
reaction. The faster the
colour forms, the faster the
rate of reaction.

This will be done using a

stopwatch that is stopped
once the colour forms.

Control The volume of sodium This is to ensure that the

thiosulfate sodium thiosulfate is not
causing changes in the rate
of reaction. It is only there to
reduce the iodine back to

This will be controlled by

measuring out 5cm3 each
time using a 5cm3
measuring cylinder.
Kawthar Hassan Completed: 14/03/24
Written: 17/03/24
- 100cm3 of 0.2moldm-3 sodium peroxidisulfate solution (used to react with the iodide,
oxidising it to iodine)
- 100cm3 of 0.2moldm-3 potassium iodide solution (used to provide the iodide ions
needed for the reaction)
- 50cm3 of 0.05moldm-3 sodium thiosulfate solution (used to reduce iodine to iodide)
- 20cm3 of 1% starch solution (acts as an indicator for iodine, making the colour
change more obvious)
- Distilled water (used to make up the remaining volume, ensuring each mixture adds
up to 25cm3)
- White tile (to make the colour more visible)
- 4 100cm3 beaker (to hold the initial reaction mixture)
- 4 10cm3 measuring cylinders (to measure out the volumes of reactants that are
needed) (resolution of 0.1cm3 )
- Dropping pipettes (to transfer the starch solution)
- Stop clock (to time how long it takes for the blue-black colour to appear)

1. Measure 10.0cm3 of potassium iodide solution (provides the iodide ions for the
reaction) into a small beaker standing on a white tile (to make the colour change
more obvious)
2. Add 5.0cm3 of sodium thiosulfate solution to the potassium iodide solution (used to
reduce iodine to iodide)
3. Add 10 drops of starch solution to the mixture in the small beaker. Starch acts as the
indicator and must be used in each experiment (it makes to colour change more
obvious, showing a blue-black colour in the presence of iodine)
4. Measure out 10.0cm3 of the sodium peroxodisulfate solution. (oxidises iodide to
iodine) Pour this into the mixture prepared and start the stop clock (to time how long
it takes for the blue-black colour to form)
5. Stop the clock when a blue colour appears in the beaker and note the time taken
(this shows the rate of reaction)
6. Repeat these steps using different volumes of sodium peroxodisulfate and potassium
iodide solutions. (this is to identify the order of reaction with respect to iodide and
peroxodisulfate) Use distilled water to make up for the remaining volume, making it
add up to 25cm3

Risk Assessment
Risk Hazard Precaution

Glassware Broken glass Handle carefully and keep it

in the centre of the table

Sodium thiosulfate (low risk) Releases SO2 which is an Handle carefully and ensure
irritant the room is well-ventilated
(open windows, etc)

Sodium peroxodisulfate Irritant (NJ,2016) Handle carefully, wear

goggles throughout the
Kawthar Hassan Completed: 14/03/24
Written: 17/03/24

Mixture Conc. S2O82- Conc. I- Time (s) 1/t (∝ rate)/s-1

(moldm-3) (moldm-3)

a 0.080 0.080 196 0.0050

b 0.080 0.061 328 0.0030

c 0.080 0.039 391 0.0030

d 0.080 0.032 487 0.0020

e 0.080 0.013 1030 0.0010

f 0.061 0.080 245 0.0040

g 0.039 0.080 317 0.0030

h 0.032 0.080 574 0.0020

i 0.013 0.080 2423 0.0004


Both graphs are roughly presenting lines with a positive gradient. This indicates the order of
the reaction is first order with respect to both iodide and peroxodisulfate.

1. 0.2/10 x 100 = 2% uncertainty for a 10cm3 volume
0.2/2 x 100 = 10% uncertainty for a 2cm3 volume
2. Use a graduated pipette instead of a measuring cylinder to reduce uncertainty
3. Rate = k[S2O82-][I-]
4. Step 1. This is because step 1 contains both one iodide ion and one peroxodisulfate



Kawthar Hassan Completed: 14/03/24
Written: 17/03/24

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