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VinFast Robot Application Handling Standard

ABB Robot IRC5

1. Table of Contents

1. TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... 1

2. VERSION HISTORY................................................................................................. 2
3. DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 3
3.1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 3
4. SETUP ...................................................................................................................... 4
4.1. PROFINET ............................................................................................................ 4
4.1.1. Example 32 Inputs + Valve Island ............................................................ 7
4.1.2. Example 8 Outputs + 16 Inputs + Valve Island ........................................ 8
4.2. I/O CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................. 9
4.3. GRIPPERDATAMODULE ...................................................................................... 11
4.3.1. General ..................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2. Part Presents ........................................................................................... 13
4.3.3. Actuators .................................................................................................. 19
5. PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................. 30
5.1. GRPCHK............................................................................................................ 30
5.2. GRPSET ............................................................................................................ 32
5.3. GRPPARTCHECK ............................................................................................... 33
5.4. GRIPLOAD_CTRL.............................................................................................. 34
6. USE OF LOADDATA ............................................................................................. 35
7. DIAGNOSTICS ....................................................................................................... 36
7.1. FLEXPENDANT ERROR MESSAGE ........................................................................ 36
7.2. ROBOT I/O SIGNAL LABELS ................................................................................ 37
8. MANUAL FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................... 38
8.1. USER KEYS ........................................................................................................ 38
8.2. PROGRAM EXECUTION ........................................................................................ 40

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VinFast Robot Application Handling Standard
ABB Robot IRC5

2. Version History
Change Date Name
V1.0 Created 16/08/18 B. Thys
V1.1 PLC Part Data definition added. 29/08/18 B. Thys

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VinFast Robot Application Handling Standard
ABB Robot IRC5

3. Description

3.1. General

The handling software package was developed to control actuators (cylinders,

vacuum cups, etc) on grippers.
The software package is freely configurable and can be adapted to any type of


 Maximum 6 Grippers per Robot

 Maximum 16 Valves per Gripper
 Maximum 8 Cylinders per Valve
 Maximum 32 Part Presents per Gripper

The “GripDataModule.mod” is used to load the gripper configuration into the


During initial setup the I/O configuration is loaded into the robot and may not be
changed by the Robot programmer.

Festo CPX terminals are used to control the actuators of the gripper.

Manual operation is realised on the FlexPedant using the user keys.

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ABB Robot IRC5

4. Setup

4.1. Profinet

Following xml file has to be used to configure the Festo CPX terminal:


Add following item from the device catalogue to insert the CPX terminal in the
Profinet configuration:

From the module catalogue add the following items in the configuration:

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ABB Robot IRC5

In order to avoid unnecessary warnings or errors in the Robot event log,

diagnostic data has to be switched off for the CPX terminal.

Select slot 0 of the CPX terminal.

On the device details window, select the “Device parameters tab”

Set all diagnostic data to value Inactive.

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ABB Robot IRC5

4.1.1. Example 32 Inputs + Valve Island

1 2 3 4

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4.1.2. Example 8 Outputs + 16 Inputs + Valve Island

1 2 3 4

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ABB Robot IRC5

4.2. I/O Configuration

Refer to “VinFast_Robot_Standard_IO_xx.xls” for a detailed description of the IO


The I/O configuration is automatically set by the VinFast Robotstudio add-in. The
programmer should not make any changes to the I/O signals or device

 Start the installer and select the handling option.

 Select how many 16DI-D modules are fitted on the CPX terminal.

For the above configuration select 1

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For the above configuration select 2

 Select how many 8DO-H modules are fitted on the CPX terminal.

For the above configuration select 1

For the above configuration select 0

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ABB Robot IRC5

4.3. GripperDataModule

4.3.1. General

The gripper configuration of all gripper part presents and actuators has to be
done by declarations inside the “GripperDataModule”.

After each change in this module the Robot has to be restarted.

The ePlan for the gripper has to be available to configure the gripper.

The I/O allocation for part presents and actuators has to be taken from the
ePlan. The signals numbers from the ePlan are referred to the signal
numbers in the Robot.

Example outputs:

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Example inputs:

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4.3.2. Part Presents

A configuration of data type “grp_part” must be created for every part present
switch and saved in GripperDataModule.mod

The part present declaration needs to be in the following format:

Grp{Gripper number}_bg{Sensor number}




 GrpNumber:

The Number of the gripper the part present belongs to (1-6)

 PartCtrlNumber:

Logical number for the part present. For each gripper all present sensors
have to be logically numbered.

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 PartCtrlInput:

The signal name of the input where the part present sensor is connected.

 PartCtrlSymbol:

Symbolic name of the part present sensor. Has to be taken from the

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 PartMonitor:

Boolean flag to be set TRUE if the part present should be monitored

during Robot movement. If the sensor is lost, the Robot stops and an
error message is displayed.

If the PartMonitor flag is set to FALSE, the part present sensor is not
checked during robot movement.

As soon as a part present check instruction is called, the monitor function

is activated until an actuator is opened (clamps, vacuum off)

If Retry is pressed the state of the sensor is checked again.

If Skip is pressed, the robot continues the path with reduced speed until
the next part check instruction or actuators are opened.

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4.3.3. PLC Part Presents status

In some cases like handshakes between robots, where parts are transferred
between grippers of 2 Robot without the use of deposits or fixtures, the PLC
needs a status information if there is a part present in the gripper or not.

On the Robot-PLC I/O 8 outputs to the PLC are foreseen to send a status
information if parts are present in the gripper or not.

The status of 8 different parts can be send to the PLC.

Each part status if determined by the combination of maximum 10 part present

initiators from the gripper. If one of the part present sensors for the defined part
has a status ON, the status output is send to the PLC. If all part present sensors
for the selected part are OFF, the PLC status output is reset.

A configuration of data type “grp_part_plc” must be created for every single part
and saved in GripperDataModule.mod

The part present status declaration needs to be in the following format:

Grp{Gripper number}_Part{part number}_plc


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 PartNumber:

Number of the part and correspondent to the output number.

PartNumber 1  doPartdetect_Part_01
PartNumber 2  doPartdetect_Part_02

 PartPresent1-PartPresent10: datatype grp_part

Select here all part presents that belong to the defined part number.
Not used part present definitions has to be replaced by Grp0_bg00.

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In the above example the PLC output doPartdetect_Part_01 for Part 1 is set if
part present input diGR1_Input_113 OR diGR1_Input_115 are ON.

If both inputs diGR1_Input_113 AND diGR1_Input_115 are OFF, PLC output

doPartdetect_Part_01 is reset.

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ABB Robot IRC5

4.3.4. Actuators

A configuration of data type “grp_config” must be created for every actuator and
saved in GripperDataModule.mod

The actuator declaration needs to be in the following format:

Grp{Gripper number}_kk{Actuator number}


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 GrpNumber:

The number of the gripper the actuator belongs to (1-6)

 ValveNumber:

Logical number for the actuator. For each gripper all actuators have to be
logically numbered.

 ValveDesc:

Description of the function of the actuator.

Examples of descriptions to be used:
o Clamps
o Pincylinder
o Vacuum

 ValveSymbol:

Symbolic name of the actuator. Has to be taken from the ePlan.

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 ValveOutputPos1:

The signal name of the output for the valve position 1

Valve position 1 is defined as following states:

o Off
o Ret
o Bwd
o Opn
o Home
o VacOff

 ValveOutputPos2:

The signal name of the output for the valve position 2

Valve position 2 is defined as following states:

o On
o Adv
o Fwd
o Cls
o Work
o VacOn

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 ValveTypeStatic:

If TRUE the actuator outputs stay static on when running a gripper


If FALSE the actuator outputs are pulsed for a time of 0.3 seconds.

 Cyl01InputPos1Symbol - Cyl08InputPos1Symbol:

Symbolic name of the cylinder initiator of position 1

 Cyl01InputPos2Symbol - Cyl08InputPos2Symbol:

Symbolic name of the cylinder initiator of position 2

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 Cyl01InputPos1 - Cyl08InputPos1:

Input name of the cylinder initiator of position 1

 Cyl01InputPos2 - Cyl08InputPos2:

Input name of the cylinder initiator of position 2

 MaxCheckTime:

The maximum time waiting for the gripper initiators before an error
message is displayed.

The default waiting time is set to 3 sec. If required the waiting time can be

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 VacuumInput:

Input name of the vacuum pump “Vacuum OK” signal

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 VacuumInputSymbol:

Symbolic name of the “Vacuum OK” signal

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 VacuumOutput:

Output name of the vacuum pump “Vacuum OFF” signal

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 VacuumOutputSymbol:

Symbolic name of the “Vacuum OFF” output signal

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 VacuumMonitor:

Boolean flag to be set TRUE if the “Vacuum OK” signal should be

monitored during Robot movement. If the sensor is lost, the Robot stops
and an error message is displayed.

If the VacuumMonitor flag is set to FALSE, the “Vacuum OK” signal is not
checked during robot movement.

As soon as a vacuum on instruction is called, the monitor function is

activated until vacuum is switched off.

If Retry is pressed the state of the sensor is checked again.

If Skip is pressed, the robot continues the path with reduced speed until
the next vacuum check or vacuum on/off instruction.

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5. Program Instructions

5.1. GrpChk


Check if the selected actuators of the gripper are in the correct state. No
actuators are activated. If the gripper is checked with this instruction and the
actuators are in the wrong state, the program execution is stopped and an error
message is generated. The operator has to set the actuators manually in the
correct position to continue.



- pos Data type: grp_pos

Select the actuator position to check.

Following positions can be selected:
o Off
o On
o Ret
o Adv
o Bwd
o Fwd
o Opn
o Cls
o Home
o Work
o VacOff
o VacOn
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- Grp1-Grp5 Data type: grp_config

Select the actuators to be checked.

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5.2. GrpSet


Control the actuators on Grippers. The user has the option of activating up to 5
actuators at the same time with a single instruction.



- pos Data type: grp_pos

Select the actuator position to activate.

- Grp1-Grp5 Data type: grp_config

Select the actuators to be set.

- \Partload Data type: loaddata

Select the loaddata to activate after the actuator has been activated. If in
automatic mode Ghostrun is active, no partload will be set.

- \noGripChk optional

With this flag set, the actuators are activated without checking the
initiators status.

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5.3. GrpPartCheck

Check the status of the part present switches. If a part present is checked for
high, the background monitoring of the switch is activated when the PartMonitor
flag has been set to TRUE in the part present declaration.



- value Data type: dionum

Status to check high or low

- Part1-Part5 Data type: grp_part

Part present switches to be checked.

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5.4. GripLoad_CTRL

Activate the selected loaddata.



- \Normal_Run Data type: loaddata

Select the loaddata to activate in normal production.

- \Dry_Run Data type: loaddata

Select the loaddata to activate in Ghostrun.

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6. Use of Loaddata

The load data for each tool on the Robot needs to be defined using the ABB
LoadIdentify service routine.

If on the same tool different TCP are used, the load data has to be copied to all the

If a pedestal tool (robhold=false) is used, the load data of the gripper needs to be
copied to the pedestal tool.

If a pedestal tool (robhold=false) is used, but several grippers are used with different
loads, the load of the current active gripper needs to be copied to the pedestal tool
by the use of a Rapid instruction at the start of the program.

For example:

If the Robot is holding a part at the start of a routine the correct loaddata needs to be

This can be done by the use of the GripLoad_CTRL function or as an optional

argument on the GrpSet instruction.

If no load data is specified at the start of the routine, load0 is automatically selected.

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7. Diagnostics

7.1. FlexPendant Error Message

In case the Robot is waiting for an initiator input from the gripper, an error
message is displayed on the Robot Flexpendant and an error is send to the

The symbolic name of the actuator and initiator is displayed in the error

An entry in the Robot event log is also added in case of a handling error.

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7.2. Robot I/O Signal Labels

For all used handling robot signals, a label description is automatically added
after updating the “GripDataModule” and restarting the Robot controller.

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8. Manual Functions

8.1. User keys

Press user key 4 to select the gripper application.

Press user key 1 to call the gripper manual function menu.

From the menu, select the actuator to control and select the action from the bottom
to start.

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If any of the gripper part present switches are active, a warning message is
displayed before setting the actuator.

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8.2. Program execution

In manual mode on executing a GrpSet Home or Vacuum Off instruction from the, a
warning message is displayed when any of the part present initiators is active.

In manual mode only, part present or actuator initiator checks can be skipped.

After skip has been pressed, program execution is stopped.

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After restarting the program a warning message is displayed that sensor checks
have been skipped.

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